Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1953, p. 10

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graphinmumr lial AuxiliaiYMak Siplcmber Tag Day Millytho Womens Hospital eron spent the afternoon acquiring my the Royal Victoria WWW tar day in be held preparations es team captains and making tag day 599 39 were iii5 The continued need for ricth War the first monthly bust neg mating or the fall season in members to keep up the quota of work was stressed as the presli me mm me hUSPl dent Mrs Roy Christie wll corned the women back after thef hi on eld 3m Cameron comm summer holidays All members 01 33 day and Mrs were asked to coopcmtc in making hue mm W5 the tag day big success and Wlti 53 seam cf mwn Mrs CW reminded that all meetings nre inow being held each Tuesday illr Doris Browning Becomes Bride of Harradine The marriage of Miss Doris Carl icrnoon at two oclock Mrs Christie was nominated to ntund the annual Ontario Hospital lAuxiliaries convention in thei Royal York Hotel Toronto on Octl l26 27 and 28 She will be the auxE iliarys delegate for one day and will try to secure carload of oline Browning daughter of Mr members to accompany her Mrs and Mrs Nelson Browning of Churchill to John William Ilurrzi dine son of Mr and Mrs Joseph llurradinc of Barrie took place on attending lol the full convcntion gamma Aug 353 at three Mrs lublc sewing converter rc oclock in the afternoon in Churc hill United Church litv ll Sanders pcrformcd the ceremony in setting of pink rind Whllt glad ioli Wedding music was played by Mrs Robert Sinclair of Churchill who also accompanied the soloist William Day of Barrie in the slug ing of Through the Years and Love You Truly Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown of Ichiintilly lacc ovcr tnffctn styled with lace jacket with long point ed sleeves and tiny pointcd col lar and skirt of lace insets flow ing into nylon not white tuf feta cap headdress trimmed with lily of the valley held her finger tip veil of white nylon tulle Mm Ruth Browning of Churc hill who was her sisters maid of honor was gowned in green and the bridesmaid Miss Kathy Brown ing of Churchill cousin of the bride was in yellow Miss Jeannie Ilarrndinc of Barrie sister of the groom was junior bridesmaid gowncd in mauve Their pastel gowns were styled alike with full skirts of nylon not over taffeta and strapless bodices trimmcd with sequins worn under sleeveless jackets in matching lace The at tendants flowers were Elizabeth roses mauve gladioli and yellow gladioll Douglas Astrldge of Barrie was groomsman and the ushers were JOSeph Harradinc and Robert Brown of Barrie reception followed in Churchill Cohlmunity Hall where the mother of the bride received in powder blue crepe trimmed with lace wearing navy accessories and cor sagc of pink roses The grooms mother who also received was in navy blue shot taffeta trimmed with seed pearls and was wearing navy blue accessories and corszigc Iof pink roses Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to Haliburton the bride travelling in suit of navy blue gabardine with white collar and cuffs with navy blue hat trimmed with white orange blossom Her accessories were white linen and she was wearing corsage of red andwhitc roses On their return Mr and Mrs Harra dine will be making their home in Barrie at 160 Toronto St Outofutown guests at the wed ding werc from Orillia Toronto and Midhurst Excessive Worry Means Ill Health TORONTO CP Fortune tellcrs are still being asked to pro mnohunce on life and love but those who are worricdcan help them selves more by adoptigfa better ported that large supply of lin ens vctc nccdcd and asked for faithful utIcndunCc of members un til the group had caught up on the work She was rcqucsted to have for pinning and cutting in the nccdcd articles for the room The shortage of vases for use in the pnticnts words was discussed hospitnl supcrintcndcnt Mic llcl on Shannhnn up to $50 to buy practical and suitoblc vases for the hospital of the illness of former vice prcsidcnt Mrs Pitcher The meeting closed with social cup of ten 51 PIAULS Summer Visitors Summer visitors with Mr and Mrs James Flood were Mrs Kidgcr Donald Simard Mr and Mrs Russel Kidgcr and son ill of Montreal Here at Weekend Mr and Mrs Herbcr Prattzmd family were zit Joseph Pratts on Sunday Mrs Gordon Whipps Midhursl spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Kell Visitors at Rectory We seem to have had holiday from these news items and as the time comes when schools will rc opcn and normality take the place of holiday atmosphere we will report that visitors at the rectory were Mr and Mrs Marshall Moffat and Michael visiting from Elgin Manitoba Mnrshall was making brief holiday and while around had telephone call from home to say that he had better hurryynnd get home few hot days had scored his GOOacre crop Rev and Mrs Muxson now ofrand Valley Ont formerly of Alberta Rev Downer and family Tilbuiy Mi Downer preached in St Pauls Special Speaker On Aug 16 Rev Jaques dir ector of public education for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind preached at St Pauls Canon anucs lost his sight on the prairies course at Guelph Rev Crawshuw Hearst Ont attended the course for rural clergy at Guleph and has now bclt come rector of Bowncss Alta The rector and Mrs Rowe spent profitable week at OAC Dedication of Organ On Sunday Sept 13 Rt Rev Wilkinson CD Bishop of Toronto will be dedicating the organ in St Pauls Church and will preach at lCluyton Stewart who is on thex advisory board of the Ontario Hos lpltnl Auxrliury Association will bc suitable collapsible table made sowing room and to purchase some and the members moved to give the Courunwed to Wuts Mrs Slielswell for their program after which all adlourned to the basement to view the flower show While there were not as many en tries as usual Mr judge complimented the ladies on the quality of the flowers Congratulations to Walls who has been electedpruident of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association journal lion Rev and Mrs Martin have returned home from their Vaca lion At Grandmas Wedding Mrs McKenzie spent part of lut week in Toronto Whilethcre she attended the wedding of her grandson Gordon McKenzie to Miss Shirley Reid lslington Mr and Mrs Nan Maw and duuxhter Frances Anne also attend ed the McKenzieReid wedding in New Toronto on Saturday WI and Flower Show Although the evening was Very warm nearly 70 attended the W0 mens Institute last Thursday even ing and flowervshow in the Orange Hall with Mrs Spencer as hostess Roll call what likc about rural life was responded to by 27 of the Thornton members and goodly number of the Cooks town ladies Several thank you letters were received and letter of thanks was to be sent to Spencer for the use of his truck for the Centennial parade Several items of business were disposed of before the mceting was handed over to Mrs Paton the president of the Cookstown WI The Cookstown ladies put on very fine program consisting of solo by Mrs Monkman instrumental by Miss Irene McMastcr and an amusing Sewing EASY Ironing NONE reading Your wife is Like That if you make this sunscmblc of Ion Sllell tun beautfiull in that halter top and toss on bolero for Sunday drcssup Whip this up in jiffy thcn relax the rest of the summer Quick send now Pattern 4763 Childrens Sizes 68 10 Size dress yards 35inch bolero ill yard This pattern easy to use sim plc to sew is tested for fit Has complete illustrated instructions Scnd THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35c in coins stamps cannot be accept ed for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS cnrc of The Barrie Examiner Pat tern Dept 60 Front St West To ronto Ont rcncc Edward Oakley son of Frank andDorothy Oakley Returned Home Arthur Rowe has returned from summer work on Imperial Coiling wood by Mrs Paton Keith McRuer then The auxiliguy lcnrnen wnn regret washundwcar seersucker or ny showed number of Slides taken while on tour to some of the large farms in the States Mr Mc Ruer and the Cookstown ladies were thanked by Mrs Carr and my AN Examunn WANT AID Harris the The following were the prize1 winners zirmiu Mrs 1me 9an Mrs Spencer five asters Mrs Black Mrs Fletcher three glad ioli Mrs Fletcher and Mrs McQuoy best collection of flowers Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Smith dining Mrs Fletcher and living room bouquet Mrs Fletcher and Mrs McQuay artistic Mrs Maw and Mrs Smith novelty Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Gun ningham miniature Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Smith room bouquet Mrs Maw dainty lunch was rented by Mrs Van Eden Mrs Altman Mrs Mrs Beatty Black Mrs Spencer Mrs Cunning ham and Mrs West Banting Mrs Visit Friends Mrs West visited friends in Bee ton on Friday and called on Miss were on their way home WALLBOARD 56 Ellen St Whiting who now residing at Simcoe Manor sonar Witon Mr and Mn Herb Wallace and Mr and Mm Harold Wallace amt son Ross of Strand were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Boakc 0n Holiday Miss Shirley McKenzie is about da mi week with her grand mo her Mrs McKenzie Extreme Hut The extreme heat of thk last week or more is getting some of our citizens down and has ruined the flowers New Home Mr and Mrs Westman and fam ily have moved into Mrs Jon netts house on Beanie Street and Mr and Mrs Stonehouse and fam ily Barrie into Miss Brooks house on Robert St numb museum NIAGARA FALLS Ont CP Mr and Mrs Richard Scppala of Helsinki Finland wrote to the chamber of commerce here recently asking for one of the Niagara Falls honeymoon certificatos They were here last June but didnt hear about the certificates until they 515 is condent his ven lwewill iore than repay oil the fd be put into Now Foods Cattle Vi To to Sandy impov TRY AN 2333113111 WARN Em soil can be reclaimed PHONE 2414 McDormott of Goodwood hasl taken 450 acres of such son near Uxbridge and now it is supporting 80 head Shorthom breeding stock McDonnotts venture started in 1941 when he tint planed down the eroded sandy knolls with bulldmer Manure was borrowed into the remain of the grass roots and Icrtiliter added Rye was sown and then plowed in as well groslm green manure crop Then the land was sown with alfalfa and bronie grass Now he grows several alfalfa Phone crops your and corn for feeding Next year be Is going into grass $50 To 200 II Mmfwdwnpym bdndngproolofownetlhipion Wuhannounqu approval gutsh 01m admpcymtonnhomo youhopyour ctr WWW Phonoarcmlnthnyu Nwmmmthatcuhu mammoth mm Indimply Loom lilo on liartun or It anltuoeo mlm mmusmuum hrrnltwoctm hi FL Public Utilities Bid 15 BAYFIELD ST BARR whimDom QMYESMANm OPEN BMW YO HANNAY TO IIInibmlahdlllnmlm Pinon IllaCnde rain Baptismal Service Baptized at St Pauls was Law mental attitude towards their pro blems Thats the advice of Dr John Griffen director of the Canadian Mental Health Association He says life and love are matters of vital importance to the mental health and adjustment of the in dividual Many persons of course take their troubles to their clergy man or doctor but some put their trust in the crystalgazers Dr Griffen said everyone lives with certain amount of worry tenslon and frustration Up to point all three stimulate the in dividual to greater efforts But when they start interfering with IlllIIllllllllHllll glecp rippetlge and general chI eing he tme has come to sit 7d9wn and start thinking things out guide mental health he onlyonotq belhleaderlo maa Iirecommendm IILISII an the fruStmt II II an the favonel mg worrisome things about your gt one cor can be the mostIsoughlrm95tbought curin Canada That cur you cangivethem II 215 athng 13 18er yggsgunygg yearin yearbut is Chowblet In the rstsix months of 1953 ucfoid magi ringito the lututlolllcial regionalism gures ICunIadiuns bought 41660 overu are which II 30 said Ittips to clear up lot of II II 3112 13401 can Ihgn were so by mum ewe as lorr rumn ic too Cum mnythngs are goud 10 both munch as FOHIInUIW Preference for ipliyslcal and emotional health Top IIIIIIII II of the list are restglichand ex ercise alloyed by occupation and wide profgtgim otiactlvitles gt sense umor an im ortant unificationrhe sald Worries Win fliotremondgug popularity 95 Chevrolet means lower production costs It Teunshlgsavings thctorg prison on to you And because Chevrolet vu up lusts thorouleextrdTddllois on if II yo when no trade in $833dein Kilo can laugl toolwmyomm Chevrolet for ChoVrolorrhomimntl hi your II with others and blown XS dm Matthew II anymincqmddlnalQIOQEIOfghbdvqlugisyklothyofchgha WWI fut II in min hyahyIhm Ildns wm every Yearwith every groatChdvrolgtWo build Although other groiovuilublo thousunclaIIof cnnudlans are wallI ing patiently to get their Chevrolet Nb other cur will dolI proof bf Chevrolets topogicrity hearts of Qunqdlqn m6tikliII 5Wclyfthi is Ewimlthllensed PlucoI lit the Willi hnny atr xv akin up ism 2xYourChovroletrOklsmoblle II jsl VII II

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