Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1953, p. 1

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mum Saving T33 TOWN 35 AND COUNTY 813008 Since 1864 MONDAY WEDNESDAY and IDA tingle copy Simcoe ngnty 87in YearNo I02 Manufacturing Works In Town Washing CUb Appoints laweme hammbw can fire Affected By Heat Wave Week But Nothing Serious Say Firms 93653110 the intense heat of the past week production in arrie manufacturing works was not so seriously affected as itwns believed it would be originally although there was dcfmltc curtailment Generally it appears that Wod ncsday was the worst so for as most local plants were concerned The majority of businesses in town had the advantagc of the half holiday but numer of those which norm ally work during the afternoon cithcr cloged down completely or an hour or two earlier MIIChIIlSUIl works manager at CGE Barrie Works told The Ex aminer We have pretty wcll pull cd through all right Everything was fine until Wednesday afternoon what the heat bccnmc unbearable Between 60 and 70 per cent of the workers finished at noon Others finished at pm and the balance finished work around oclock It was simply matter of not being able to keep the plant gainfully 0c cupicd during the afternoon think the temperature reached its peak then We were up around the 100 degree mark by that time Perhaps the plant most affected by the heat wave was Underhills Shoes Ltd An official of the firm stated that the heat particularly on top floor was oppressive forc the plant to suspend work Tucs ny andchdncsday afternoons Bert Cook superintendent at Bar rie Tanning Limited summed up the situation at the plant as not too uncomfortable There was no stoppage of work there he added Fortunately we manage to get any breeze that is demand which put the consumption on hlcsday up to 1500000 gallons for the day instead of the usual 000000 gallons It simply meant that little 1more pumping had 10 be done but there Is plcnty of reserve power Im going due to our location and thisiused as yet he added certainly helped great dca George Fricke gcncral manager Clarke and Clarke Leathers report cd that Wednesday was the only day on which their plant had been affected and this was only in one room There is some drying equip ment installed in that particular part of the works and it created an abnormal heat he explained 50 faras the rest of the factory was concerned it was quite comfort able The refrigeration equipment over at Copaco allowed no interruption in work pointed out Jim Simpson general manager Due to the refrigeration proces ses we use in our work we have fairly balanced temperature all the year round he added couple of the departments were slightly affected by the heat but it was not critical enough to interfere with our schedule Water Supply One other point which was raised with the mounting heat was how is the town watcr supply holding out check with Stan Lambert who is in charge of the pumping station at Mary Street brought the rcas Barrie Collegiate Band Awarded Second Prize lop CNE Section Competing for the first time in section one of the Canadian Na tional Exhibition competition Bar rie Collegiate Band placed second yesterday This was commend able showing First place went to the 424th Squadron RCAF Reserve Band of Hamilton conducted by F0 George Houslnnder The Ham ilton RCAF Bandwas awarded 249 points BDCI Band directed by Allen Fisher BA obtained 245 Third place went to the 57th Light AntiAircraft Regimental Band of Welland conducted by Lt Mark Fairchiid with 22412 points while fourth prize was obtained by Owen Sound City Band direct by JpA Cowie Last year the Barrie Collegiate Band competed in section two of the annual CNE compefitions and won first place In the top group much more dificulf Bandmaster Fisher felt the local musicians did very well to come within five points of winning against senior players who have the opportunity during the summer of regular re hearsals The test piece was the overture The Barber of Seville by Russiiu In addition each band played an opening Chorale Mighty For tressJ by Martin Luther arranged by Charles ONeill This was scor ed by the judges also buttdld not affect the final competition Ham iilton received 06 points Barriei 65 Welland 61 and Owen Scum 59172 Welland was the winner of the Presidents Trophy and $400 in cash For taking second prize the BDCIBand got $300 in cash Third and fourth prizes were worth There are seven sections in the CNE band contests which are an ranged by the Canadian Bandmas ters Amciation The adjudicators this year were Capt Atkins Toronto Flying OfficerAC Hunt of RCAF Central Command and Allan of Windsor Section one is the top bracket and is open so that the best 06 musicians are available although not professional Number is limit ed to 42 In his comments prior to an nouncing the final awards forrsec lion one Capt Atkins stated This was good class this year and there was very fine playing The Iestpiece was quite difficult for nonprofessional or reserve force bands Canadians should realize more that they have excellent musicians right under their noses and dont know it They should give them more encouragement and their bands will be as good as any in the world The adjudicator then talked tech nically to the leaders and music fans going over thescore in some detail He pointed out some faults here and there generally indicat ing how the test piece should be played gt One of his comments was that in too many bands the first cornetisl and first clarinetisf took over fond submerged other sections Let them have chance to be heard loo Capt Atkins remarked In the Chorale number each of the bands showed fine tonal qual ity but it was the general opinion that the Barrie Collegiate Band was $225 and $150 in cash respectively xcellent irsf Diviion curl Sitting sitting of the First Division Court of Simcoe County was held Kiwanis President on Tuesday Sept 1with His Ham orJudge Harvie presiding Thererwere 16 contested suits having to do with damages and claims Six were adjourned until the next court session to be held on Oct One was transferred to the Fifth Division Court at Thun der Bay Two directions to lgarnishee were ordered paid and one application Trust for consolidation otdebtaWas ad journed Thirtyone were on thecourtsiist Twowho failed to appear Were committed to jail for 10 days for contempt of court and the remainder received variousorders of payments Police Checking Breakin Theft From Storkiishop Pollce were busy yesterdlv in estigating an overnight theft of tweenmm and $200 from the fork Shop Owen St Apparently the person or per sons entered the premiseaby forc ing someWIoden boarding which was placed over window frame atthe real thlze Once inside Iheyj reclaced this telnra WW to or our creedtho judgment debtors we newpresident during the past year nomadic roosvuln gtDleigates Intending the 38th an nualccnvenlion of KiWanis Inter national atNow York New York recently elected prominent editor and publisher room CathageIll fuels to head the organization in the yeacahead His name is Don ald TForsythe who publishes The Carthage Journal Carthage Ill inois He succeeds Walter Ray Detroit Michigan as prest dent of Kiwanis International which is how comprised of over 4600 Elm throughout the United Stnlcnfmda Alonzo Hawaii and tbeYukon Territory Procientelect Forsythe is im president of the Illinois1m om Jinn atria lite mammal IIWNOIID alveme pa qieumaodcoal The allIDInaticaIlycontrollcd elec tricpowered pumps at the Mary Street station and wells pump 750 and 1300 gallons cucil minutc 10 I211 of 2060 gallons In addition there is at reserve gasolinepowered pump for emergency use such as hydro power breakdown which can lift 2000 gallons minute At tile Bayvlcw pumping station and wells are two electric pumps each pumping 40001 gallons hourly lons each inutc sure There has been no restriction placed on the use of hoses for gar world The reserve power was called up on cnrllcr In the year when one surancc that the supply and presllightning flash put the power out sure have not been troubled by the of commission at Bayview No Edition of eBarrie Examiner OI labor Day As Monday Sept is Labor Day statutory holiday there will be no issue of The Exam lner published and the plant will be closed all day to re open Tuesdaymomfng The nextmuhredltionoty The Examiner will be on Wed nesday Sept again on Fri any Sept 11 while Monday publication resumes on tri weekly schedule Sept 14 Saturday Sept The Exam iner office will be open from am to 530 pm to receive subscriptions and for payment of accounfs and other business Arrested Orillia FiveYearOld Boy Admits to Thefts Some hairraising tales of thefts from stores and cars were told to Orillia police by fiveyearold boy after he had been captured there on Tuesday This cleared up the mystery of many unsolved pet ty thefts which have occurred re cently The youngster told how he had broken into at least four auto mobiles from which he stole lunches groceries and other at ticles He gave the police four sets of car keys be had taken Such was his audacity that at one store he put on velvet jacket which be had taken from coun ter and walked out wearing it while in another he walked out with beach ball as large as him self He would not say what he had done with the articles he had tak en but solean owned the police that be hadput them all in red car that Was going to California The boys mother told police that he had several times stayed away from home all night professional journalistic fraternity In May 1949 hewas elected first presidentbfthe Greater Weeklies Associates Inc an organization comprised of more than 250 week ly newspapers He was reelecbed to that office in 1950and chairman 0f thegbgardm of directors in 1951 He is now member of the board elected at the April convention in Neinork City He is director of the Marine Company dfiirGarthage member of the Board of Carthage College and was active in organ izing department of journalism at the school gt Kiwanian for 27 years th served as treasurer of Kiwanis In ternational He had previously been an Internationaltrustee and governor of the IllinoisiEasIeIn Iowa District Delegates to the New York con vention which drew an adult at tendance exceeding 11000 men and women from all sections of Canada and the United States also elected two vicepresidents treasurer and six trustees Vicepresidents are Ralph Steele Chatham Ontario an at torney and John Wright Lake land Florida realtor Don IE Engdam Spokane Washingtom mafacturet was elected trims urer on the organization In 1962 Canada produced more than hundred millian dollars nickeb Comanche Twoth 01 30111 ARRIE ONTA I0 CANADA FIIIDAY SEPTEMBER I953 New Instrucfress re Causes Damage I0 total of 90000 gallons The re servc unit here is ll dieselpowered pump capable of pumping 1800 gal All of the output of the wells is pumped to the reservoir on Jam cs Street to supply the town prcs mand from heatbeaten victims The Barrie Skating Club has dens and Iavm and the drinking been succcsslul III securing the scr fountains III the mom business scc vices of Miss Margaret Ann Nick on conan to meet Steady do as instructlcss for the coming sca son The announcement of her ap All of the water pumped is con pointmcnt was made by the club stantly under cover and rcccntdircctors yesterday afternoon after test gave it the highest possibch the signing of llcf agreement standard of purity anywhere in the Miss Nicld is an able successor to the former club instructrcss Mrs Muriel Whyte whose services were not available this year for the en tire season The club owes Mrs Whytc great deal for her out standing skill as teacher and for her invaluable assistance In organ izing the group The directors feel that the solid foundation which she has built for figure skating in Bnr ric ensures continuing interest in this activity in the town The new 21yearold lnstructrcss comes to Barrie with the finest rc commcndation from the prominent Canadian figure skater Sheldon Galbraith who has instructed her for the past five summers at Schumachcr summer school He considered her one of the finest In strugtresaes available gh Qualifications She WIII be able to instruct skat ers as far as the top Gold test Her qualifications are among the high est possessed by figure skating in structors across the country She has passed her seventh test and has WorkOn Sichec WellAheadSays County EngineeI Despite$75000 Expenditure Cut 5Miss MARGARET MIN NIELD New Club Professional bccn working for two years on her GIIII Medal for which there are eight lusts She also possckscs tllc silvcr mcdnl lllfl hashad cxpcr lcncc in the past year in teaching at Guelph and Paris figure skutcr since she was eight yours old Margaret Ann Nicki began to take her profession very seriously when she was about 12 years of ago Since that time gshc has concentrated on skating almost every summer and outside of her school and working hours Her first instructor at the Hamil ton Skating Club was former Minlo Club skater In addition to her five summers in Schumachcr she was at St Ca llarlncs summer school for two years strenuous skating program along with her continuous winter skating with the Hamilton club and those in surrounding centres Adept in figures dancing and free skating she has appeared every year in carnival productions in her native city and has done 010 work for number of years lie of hermain activitieslater our in the season with the Barrie club will be the launching of plans for the annual local carnival With seven tests passed she is considered tops by the Barrie club directors who feel that they have been very fortunate in sc Wlth Simcoe County COuncll having their budget estimate of $575000 for road work cut down to $500000 due to the direction of the provincial authorities it became necessary to revise the program which was drawn up for construction and maintenance and alsothe purchaseof new machinery and equipment Issuing this general statement on the work now being carried out by his department County Engin eer Ted Jones said We have tried to do the best we possib ly could with the money available The mods have to be kept in safe condition An idea of the restriction of work necessitated by the Province only approving an expenditure of $500 000 can be seen from the fact that new equipment purchased during the year amounted to $20000 con sisting of grader oneton truck and threeton truck to replace old equipment It had been estimated on the original budget figure to spend about $15000 on new equip ment Two Main Projects There have been Irwo main pro jects onwhich the engineers de partment haLJIgen working the widenlg to sthdard road width KIWANIS CLUB DONATE 5200 CITIZENS BAND assistance came quickly to the Barrie Citi ens Band followlnsgttlle for help by McCamll chair man of the bond committee though the press and radio Mr Mcouroll Informed The Examiner yesterday morning have just received word from the Kiwanis Club of Bar rie matthey are giving Ilsa cheque for $0003 When Mr McCainoil appear ed before town council recently he Normal them Whollan ln debt to mull Implant gof $900 Councilmen fumble 00ka smxrtnkvhholpthe band so the chairman made an appeal In Won to excellent donation halite Glam halve aim been the other by numeralpeople omm normal help no I4 gt and laying granular base for distance of 35 miles from Allistcn to Bums Church and for two miles between Stayner and Cashtown The work on the AllistomBurns Church road will cost in the neigh borhood of $40000 and about $33 000 on the other The width of the Alliston road was about 18 feet in some places With the work which is now going ahead it will be widened to around 30 feet and in places to 38 feet The right of way has been widened to an average width of 86 feet This work will mean the moving of 40000 cubic yards of earth Similar work on the Stayner Sashtown road was actually start ed lastyear This work was let by contract to the Miller Paving Co Toronto but the work on the Allis fon road is being carried out with county eQuipment with the addi fiori of two hired machines Work on both is likely to be finished sometime during the fall Dangerous Crossin Considerable discussion hasgone on Within County Counbil in the past regarding the dangerous CPR railcrossing about threeanda half miles south of Alliston onthe AllistonIBeeton road Purchases of land have been made for road diversion which will eventually eli minate wao dangerous curves on the road on the approach to thehcross ing There is steep grade on either side of the track Whenthis work is finally completed there will be 300foot level strip Crossing the line Roughly 75 per cent of the land requiredto carry out thisWork has been purchased and negofiat ions arebeing carried out for the rmaining 25 per cent This work will not line Started this year though am hoping however said Mr Jones that we will have the land purchased and the fences mov backond the hydro poles re19at led out of our way this year We ore youth hoping to stort the gradfngnext ed $4000 from now until hp iacri Extortion lamb cm QWHA And ludlt lama mm Elderly Couples Pages Two House As gIhey Sal in Nearby Park Mr and Mrs William Shaughnessy both of whom are over 30 were in the practise of sitting on the frontStep of their curing an instrucllcss of her cull brc This is Miss Niclds first full year at teaching but she is an all round skater herself and has al waysaimcd at teaching curccl The attractive young skater will will be giving Bamcs figure skul 01s 10 and half hours of instruc tion czlch week throughout the coming season turncd professional year ago and taught for while lash fall in Guelph Later in the season she instructed on weekends in Paris She is looking forward to working with skaters of all ages this winter and is experienced both in group instruction and giv Ing private lessons She has assured the directors that she will continue the clubs policy of mass instruction and will be present at all practice periods to give private and small group in struction Hamilton is Miss Nields home town She attended Central Col lcgiaLc there graduating in 1950 concentrating throughout her school years on her future career asxasskatingcinstructrcss She will move to Home later in the fall before the skating season openson Tuesday Oct 13 Mem berships are now renewable until Sept 26 when the membership will be made open to the public if thcgquota is not filled cunty Roads Considerable Road Work In addition to these major pro jects considerable other road work has been going on Last night the men completed paving with hot mix asphalt of 65 miles of county road connectihg link 011 Robert Street in Penefang The old paving had fractured and disintegrated to point where it was thought it could notebe repaired To correct thefrostheaving con ditions that have existed there we put on 2500 cubic yards of granu lar aggregate over the old paving and voiced tilt11113d from eight in ches to three feet and then paved on top of that Mr Jones said it was also in tended to pave 22 miles of road from Orillia towards Uhloff with hot mix asphalt this is from Orii lia town limits to the outdoor thea tre on county road 18 at an ap proximate cost of from 614000 to $16000 this year Surface Treatment Next week they will start work on 10 miles of road surface treat ment with tar and stone chips This will consist of five miles from Shanty Bay to Oro Station 26 mil es from Stayner towards Cashtown 12 miles at the Pcrkinsfield infer section in Tiny Township miles through the village of Wyevale 6miles on the road tohgliazfontaf on the outskirts of Fencing This work incidentally will cost about $1400 mile Altogether the countyhas dope approximately 80 miles of prime asphalt surface at cost in the region of $70500 Tough Summer Mr Jones said that it had been tough summer so far as the gra veI roads were concerned and they had been forced toouse more calk cium than usual The lack ofsnowlast winter however helped to compensatedor some ofjthpse costs he added The reduction inrplowing certainly help ed mln cppnecfion with snowplowing it was estimated that it mightrrun to around $15000 thisyearfrom December 121952 to December 12 1953 So far about 311000 1183815 ready been spentonlthis for last winter leaving behaveofanound iddDecelft fiveromp house at 30 Kempcnf elf Drive during the evening but last Izrvht they decided to go along to Bayview Park and as they sat looking over Kempcnfclt Bay fire swept through their home gifting the kitchen and causing considerable damage by scorching to the other rooms The elderly couple have llvch there since 1045 After describing the events lead ing up to the fire to an Examiner reporter Mrs Shaughncssy was Isistcd by neighbors into nearby 110th to rest Just when the fire broke out is not certain but call was put through by neighbor to the Fin Department around 945 pm AboutlI one hour later firemen were clearI ing the debris and making sure zml my nnoldering In the roof section of the house was finally out Mrs Shaghncssy told The ExamI Innr Before we dECIded to go out put plcce of meat in the cooker liluughl no more about It Usually my husband and sit Tells Gunman Not Fooling He Wasnt Im not fooling either shouted George Law 39 form or OPP officer and now pro prietor of servicektatfonin Elmvalc when he lashed out with his fist at gunman who held him up last night around 915 oclock When the driver of the car pulled the gun on Mr Law he said This is stickup Im not fooling After making swing at him Mr Law ran about 30 yards away from the station at the same time trying unsuccessfully to get the license number of the car After looking around for few moments the gun man drove away 1111 Law who has been oper ating his service station in Elm vale since he came out of the BOAF at dreamt of mm said that just after pmr there was no one else around the place when car pulled in with one man in it He was headed north at that time He asked for some gas and after put it in the car be handed me bill When gave him his change he asked if he was on the right road to Oril Ila He gave me the mines sion be was on the wrong road and did not think anything particularly about it Just then another car drove up This man in the car who would be about 30 asked me if had mop then he told me to go and service the other car left him there attended to the other car and then walked back on the drivers side He started talking aboutdfa motions again and than he pulled gun out and stuck it in my chest He said it was stickup and he wash fooling shouted Im not fool ing either and took quick swipe at him then jug ran Mr Law was able to give an accurate description of the gun man to the police who are checking Soil Crop Assoc Makes Tour Farms In Simcoe Today Directors and members of the North Simcoe Soil and Crop Im provement Association are on tour today of soil and crop pro jects in North Simcoe Other in terested people have been invited to join the tour which started at the Forage Crop Plots Barrie Fair Grou at 10 am Til ir itinerary includes visits to farms in Oro Vasey Midland Penetang and Wyevale The tour is being conducted by the agricul tural representatives wig Profes sor losscll of the old Hus bandry Department and repre sentzitive of the Soils Department OAC who will be there for the day to lead in discussions of the various projects Plofessor Tossell is in charge of forage cropwork at the TAG and will disauss the adaptability of many new grasses and fclovers most of which Will be found in the plots inspected The four had beendelayed until today In the hope that the harvest would be cOmpleted andall infiel ested would be freeto attend There are some exceptional pro jecls this year and each director out ill the front step of the house these cvcmngs but we decided we 0116 12m walk along to the park tonight for change Wt tclt along around 830 pm and we were still sitting there when heard the fire truck gOIng by suddenly remembered the meat had 1ch in the cooker and turn cd to my husband and said cant remember if turned the cooker off or not We got up right away and made our way home as fast as we could We still could not realize it wits our house until we were right up to it Ea licr in the lay their son Perc 23 of Toronto had arrived to visit them He was due to start work for his Toronto firm in Elm vale and had called in on his way through After supper he had gone to movie in town and when he arrived backat the house the firemen were just preparing to leave Crowds soon gathe to watch as firemen stripped to the waist fought the blaze at the rear of the house where the kitchen was located One of the first Intima tions that there was anything wrong came when the fire broke through the roof of the house As the flames shot upwards there wall loud bang Mrs Shaughnessys statement that she might have left the meat in the cooker substantiated In port by Fire efR Ii Irwin who after an inspection at the house said that the on ed to have started nearthecmkm Fortunately the flames who go right through the 110003000 heatinside was so intense woodwork on the doors bedrOOms and even the front was completely scorched Damage is likely to be Weekend Miscellany must say was intrigued tll other evening to hear dicaI authority tell in radio broa est howlo keep cool Said the gentle man In question Just slow um just dont seem to be am to figure thatone out Ive been stationary this week and Im still boll Finally have found outhow to getrich quick Mrs Scotty has devised wonderful and effective way for keeping women cool in this weatherii think she should polan her idea It does not involve silent Ing any large amount of money All that women have to do is get husband Then make him pick up iargesize magazine and waive if over his wife Its very effective Just ask my wife She just hasnt figured out yet how to keephus bands from literally drippingwlth perspiration or wrenching their arms out of their sockets while per forming this duty but she probably will when the temperature drops and she can think more clearly Some people have all thelllck Whenever receive bill from am one it always states just the prec amount owe Aldellmaanb Bibby dropped in to see me yesterday with big grin all over his face He handed me an envelope and said Look at that It was hill from local heating and plumbing firm all correctly made out Ill Bibby There was onlyonesthlng omitted any description of the wofk done or the amount due 8011 grin did not last too long though Rather wistfully he said You bet ter give it back to me Ill have to go round and get this squared up couldnt tell whether it was per spiration or tears thatwere as he walked away in abjectfsot row What crllshingexperlenc getting something like that nd knowulg you cant getawuywitlf It Still think you should hallo tried Thought for theweek be nice to walk into ugh onevof these daysandfind amend doom have sciwelt allc Ivortild cover Sex titWomen 123594000 Report Disreerhunlzrf for buying up the malls you thinkm was asked b60018 the four to See Ithat that carioad from dlgtgict went along year his men tout cubic yards of within and gravel this 01 inthe comm Asamatheroflnletettt 13 will refundio the villages the her rough oversize figuredor this Weikin protons yearswas about 955000903310 Mr Touchdown aim Was telling

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