gt shower wu held in we cum 3331 in honor of our VVlo my mum were and Both in and mini Gun NE 2439 pug mciizum an and ha Mablefvening was then spent in $242 mil lost all boy lt 171 in Ingwo mm and Marine WW Willi Radium er and Mrs Gordon Riches and family Sudbury Ware on holidays with relatives in the village and Schouldays Good old Golden Rule days are right surrounding district Mrs George Hails Toronto rc VV around the corner That means new outfits for newed acquaintance with friends in the village last week Vi VV Girls and Boys Om head we at Prices that Goods Mr and Mrs Anderson and Helen visited relatives at Orr Lake mind the budget So here are clothes that get full SATISFAQ on Sunday Mr and Mrs Gibson Bellamy marks for smortness practicality and Values TORY you Ralph and Lillian spent the week 21 end with Mrs Bollamys parents Money Mr and Mrs Tom Dcnison Ralph and Lillian remained for weeks returncd Clay vi on sum Hill 1111 Miss Judy Leslie Orillia is on lllllllSlilllllllMlss family are spcnding few days with friends at Beaverton Mrs Herb Laiimcr Toronto rc turncd home on Sunday after ndn wee wi icr sis or ii DREssEs IFWURE Mrs Grant Vlsltlng Here Mr and Mrs Wells Sit Mr and Mrs Wells Jr Toronto and Mr and Mrs Jack Garner Barrie also Mr and Mrs Albert Garner and VV smart for Seniors NYLON PULLOVER lamily Detroit visited on Thurs with soft Cashmerelike day with Mr and Mrs Glad Two Attractive variety II nish Style as showh comes in grey lilac aqua IO Priced for Savings pink flamingo Outstandlt Visit Slstcr in Value at my 5238 Mr and Mrs Clarkson To 0er 5W ronto visited their sister Mrs 1029 lieonard Gibbons for week Miss Eummm MCKinnon new PLM SKIRT gracefully BCelglia gilgiinsolaslivefifnd gracefully with pullover 0r favourite Skie1ydddaughm SIZES 12 10 20 in the lot b1095 Riyfmawml of Mr and Mrs Edmund Gibbons Sum To 34Nwtylt them tam Lefroy called to see her grand The Draws are 00193 chhfilllnbwlllsl 12 to 18 Feature value at mmher MS Gmns willch lllrllmsv mile Popular style pried forblhc Only $298 Sunday last Thrifty Mi dM Wht fabl In gararrilisccd on M1211 1M 55 31 0202 July ASK ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT LAYawn PLAN Boycs and Miss Reba and Elmer Rothwell on Sunday ers 39m alpinwclom smartly III III SEE NEW FALL APPAREL ARRIVING DAILY With Aunt styled as shown and available VMr and Mrs Calder and children had weeks vadaiion in navy grey black Green calms aum Mixika Brown SIZES24 TO 34 Welltailor Gusts are ed 513ka of aIgoodwedringIIz MrsV Allen Bennett Winnipeg my gabardme Boxer leat front styles Poe and son Graham Ottawa were Sat an urday guests of Mr and Mrs kcls Cuffed bottoms Popu Jack Nesbiit took trip to the city by train on Friday morning III then out to Multan in the evening Mlsses Schooltimo George Nesbiit lar colours Priced for the to see the planes landing and tin my Weekend Trlp ally home by motor on Shimday Blouses morning From Colllnswood SANFORIZED corvron BROADCLOTH Mrs Art Foster Colllngwood visited her brother Lou Neilly on 1n taIlloredI short sleqve Styli esarmgt Monday evening going withMr the reliable ShipNShore Cah e1 rfnar II II and Lou Neilly Sr Mrs Lou with tunics jumpers skirts oose tom Nelllyi Jr SIcoItt and Louise to Mr allwhite or white trimmed with pink and Mrs Wham News collage blue or red Sizes 12 to 18 ZellerThrifl at Windemere Muskolia on Tues day for short visit Priced VV Church Service The church service sponsored by in or focus and Younger guislake peopleIand Rev GPer First Quality Full fashioned was wonderful aair throughout The churchwas bulg 259 30 dc om GIsses 5V ing at the seams with seats up the oves aiSles Every family at the beach wuh leg attering dark was represented Rev Perkins seamsNew F3 Shadcs preached wonderful sermon and SMART SLIPONS f0 Campus Queen II iI Green read the lesson Mr SEES Of durable suedcfinish fabric in sizesIIIIG LeaIdley and son JIohn song th0 49 to Black broom navy grey green deggmguem It DI to 11 aI rIrIiwhneII Priced tIo go easy on I3 313 ESefyogeopeslis Vfiuobeet Cottonknit in military rib Schoolgoers budget Practical andgvodJ yearly cervice gt Madewwith flailock seams for looking with everyday andbesl out elm moll Smalll fits P13110111 dium large Sizes White Zel Isabelle Nemy lemon Friday by lerThrmPriced plane or two wedks visit with In erIsis or arrie in onton II Ig II II Undies Smm Sizes 814 In Toronto Mr and Mrs Harry Smith spent and Practlcal Elaine Elizabeth and Keith King Sunday vam Featuring Powder blue wine have Snug elastic at Wilsl and knees Mr and Mrs Arthur SwiltVand brow beige Easy to WaSh Priced rigIlI1tIIIIf9r the Famill Budget II SheersI ill hillsold gt 79c liiizihftfitilililiifiiifidiei uiedVSt has short sleeves casgngcgmyggveem will 31 AV 1amilyroronto and Cpl and Mrs Peat fitting with song Las rylnnelv Camp 30m were sun ex vpps day vrsrtors WIth Mr and Mrs Al lanNewton Miss Pearl Newton Allistori spent the weekend with ERETTY PLAID DRESSES sizes 8to14 of goodwearing spun Ray them reaturea at the modest price crisis As thehead 9f the crass weekend ather home here in and Mrs Garvin Bucmvls Style Shown fashion with Small corcluloy trim button Midland Snug shir lteIIltIMrt Iago graham 0riIvGrIa venimsl ay or on turn 353m3gipemfg1li lmportedl SMARTSUSPENDEltSKIRTSinuoasytosmotchIGry Flannel hour magmas II IV redwdhtlColourggariety toohoose from mauled tor his holldays ggdsImsyAlex Hood cookitown II ID apnea and good looking Styled With snug elastic atI waist and II II three fashiohr1ght pleats 1th mdwi or symmmnmw the cured darts inzeIIs 1t 14 We wish to extend our deepest VigilglleSLgvgs 313030 At $398 Van ltVeIrIn that surely hastop marks for Valuer VV nipathy torelatlves and moods II in lateMrs Lorne Chantal IV Wearilg belasuele gt Whorledlrom her home With dainty full In II gt GrandValuel iMfj gt SENWW mwsslimovrnsi stzrs no I2 498 gffslmicVagracgggz PINK missiegi Lingysleeved $53511 II beam SmaNIme styles white and pastels Prettily fash Li toned with eyelettrimmed round gt We to new M159 High STE collar manner ribbon bow selfioloSeanl land 50 $3 elastic atcutts buy ment or eolourslIII Zeller II If II at It grmmIPme Ihrittvllicedl mGQSY nowovonsiormissiesr yellowed legrsey with pretty IIaleeres novelty 91mm Willi Axiuaded Imtxtum II II III II illSizeoallglx