mason sou so 195V WI Flower Show Townuneiof GreattSuccess at Continua from tags feel on this entire matter which Dance at Thornton Orange Hell Wy AW 1130 mm Beat tyl 0mm Adm 50c Lunch counter Sponsored by L01 No 16 93 EXAMINER WRITER AT CONFERENCE TO STUDY TALKS Ccmttnuod from page one done by modern machinery We told him of having been at large weekly newspaper plant in Englmd where there was on aux ilisry press which the government kept available in tth Midland County so that any newspaper bombed out might svnil themselves of its use until their plant was re plhoed After the war this huge press was sold to India crew was sent to remove it They dis mantled it entirely taking every bolt and nut and part separate However before they did so they photogrsphed every part and its relation to its partner so that It would go back together without hitch We had been told that it was now doing so ice for big daily newspaper in ndin rifts Exmllency expressed keen interest in the weekly newspapers and their place in the homes of the millions of people and felt they could offer splendid contributions on public omits to their readers which would be carefully read and remerrbered VV Writing Book Mrs Bannerman the wife of Glen Bannermnn was keenly in terested in having some of her ar ticles on Mai life published She is at pmeut in the midst of writ ing book which she hopes to have ready for her publishers this year 350000 Enquiries Col George Ellis gave an in teresting item on his work During the present year his department has answered over 350000 enquir ies from all parts of the world and from the enquiries they have re ceived me 10 per cent replies It is intended that after the tour lst season is over that another on quity will be sent to all those per sons whose are on the list asking thannggthelr holiday if they did come to Canada and if so where how they were receiv ed and for anyodmments or criv ticisrns they huge to offer We send these comments and various associations or groups re sponsible for the parties involved and if the complaint is personal one withsome firm or individual it is dealt with direct Besides this hundreds personal and tele phone calls are made throughout the year We are getting big por tion of the dollafs spent outside of the United States by the American visitors abroad he said Asked if he had many complaints of tourists claiming they were be ing mad he said that this had been prevalent in past yearsbut the forming of associations among mimy of the businesses catering to the tourists Was having splendid effect Many of those catering to the tourist industry in this country haveth little or no training or on the horns of dil sum The mutter was raised on Monday nigld by letter from Hcilwnln building inspector ask in for ruling from council on whet action he should take hike from Dr Berry Of the Department of Health approv ing the proposed extenson to the town sewage disposal plant received Ind filed It we tuned lOoomply with request from the 100 Home that in extra fire hydrant be installed near the property as recommended by the fire marshsl accordance with recommen was Stroud Last Week Continued from page one Prise Us cuiss Astcrt collectidu lst Mrs Jetn Hand 2nd Mrs Campbell Calendule eight blooms Hrs Ear Vice in Lamb Petunia single mileetion Mrs Lowery Mrs Cam ll ermias collection in one ialner Mrs Block Mrs Campbell Zinnia lent eight blooms Mrs Small Mrs Flegel COSmos 10 blooms Black Mrs Eur Wico Phlox annual collection in one Mrs ction from the fire and light com container Mrs Marquis Mm Earl Fire Chief If Irwin to attend the Csnedtan Association of Fire Chiefs at Toronto Sept 13 to 18 Approve was given to clause in the traffic committee report that all parking on Market Square be for four hours llmit only mittee permission was granted toi slons were followed at 11 am by another address byxH VanNodc and Scott of McGliI Univer sity on Effective Programs of Assistance to Underdevcloped Countries At pm four lead ing speakers took part in dis cussion on An Economic Program for Peace This was handled yb the Rt Hon Hugh Gaitskcll Rich ard Blsscll James Stewart and Professor Knox Thursday the morning subject was Canadian Trade Position and Prospects by James Stewart president of the Canadian Bank of Commerce Friday the final day It 11 am Underhill Professor of His tory University of Toronto gave talk on Can Modern Men be Free In the afternoon there was the annual meeting with sum mary at pm on the whole con ference by Mchachy Arthur Philps and conference members When we see the subjects dealt with and the personnel that handled them we can appreciate the value of being in attendance for the whole conference There was en tertainmept besides listening to the speeches Fishing and dancing were available together with golf and other tournaments The total cost meals included was less than an average holiday at any tourist re sort Geneva Park is the home of one of the YMCA units and is located on athe east side of Lake Couchi ching about mlle north of the Roma Reserve The camp is spread along the lake front for about mile and can be reached directly by car The name Couchiching Conference will one day be as famous as some of the conferences now mentioned in presentday his tory II The forests are the source of third Of all Canadian exports University of Illinois farm economist said that most of the beef price drop was caused by the marketing of 25 per cent more cattle the first three months of this year than last year DESTROY STEEL Purple sea urchins destroy steel 0n the Pacific Coast steel beams long in the water have been found pitted by urchins which scrape away rust and leave bare metalex posed to the action or sea water Wice Phlox One container Mrs Dietrich Snapdragon eight spikes Mrs Earl Wice Mrs Campbell Sweet Peas with foliage in one container Mrs McDonald Mrs Campbell Collection of six garden flowers in separate containers Mrs Mar quis Mrs Black MrsSmall Mrs Campbell Gladioli basket and embellish ment Mrs Campbell Mrs Jean Hand Gladioii collectionof six varie ties in one container Mrs Jean Hand Mrs Dietrich Pansles 12 blooms Mrs it Black Mrs Earl WICC perennial collection in Mrs Mchnuld Dining table bouquet Mrs Jcanl Hand Mrs Campbell CLASS Petunias double eight blooms Mrs Campbell Mrs Black Snupdragon collection Ayerst Mrs EarlWice Gladioli specimen spike Jean Hand Mrs0 Black Gludioli three sipkes all differ ent Mrs Jean Hand Mrs Black Basket of cut flowers Mrs Bill Sutherland Mrs Morris The most unusual plant may be house plant annual or perennial Mrs Elmer Pratt Mrs Bill Suth erland Collection of cut flowers not in general list Mrs Earl Wicc Mrs Campbell Collection of African Violets four varieties Mrs Lucas Mrs Earl Wice Best collection of vegetables Mrs Campbell Mrs Earl Wice Mrs Block SCHOOL CHILDRENS CLASS Asters six stems Beverly Ay erst Dorothy Fox Zinnias six spikes Brian Mc Donald Beveriy Ayersl Cosmos 12 blooms Beverly Ay erst Craig Hunter Best collection of wild flowers or Weeds Joan Small Linda Smalll Mrs Mrs fn farm ugh VEGETABLES Carrots six Mrs Black Mrs 11 Beets six Mrs Black Mrs Ayerst Potatoes six Mrs Camp bell Corn six ears Mrs Mel Ayerst Tomatoes ripe six Mrs Mel Ay erst Mrs Campbell Cucumbers collection Mrs Campbell Mrs Mel Ayerst Cabbage one head Mrs Campbell Brian McDonald Onions at leastVthree varieties Mrs Campbell MrsuMel Ayerst Mrs Small gt masses to hate Mrs Ade lackluster spout the weekgnd with Miss Bar McMuter were Mr and Mrs Jim Withrowe Toronto Hr did In games Leighton and children Kol Mrs William Coeplsnd Mrs Don Rodgers Domino and Doobrah Sarah and Delton Slight Cools town visited Mr and Mrs Charles mom Orlnawhle on Sunday It soCarol Scone wboiseputieutla the Oramville win We in after so appendix operation Mr and Ilrs Bob Rey Phildol phin Penn visited several days tut week with Kr and Mrs Joseph Toreb Miss Yvonne is in this week with her uncle and aunt Kr and Mrs Hermon Mc Master Reroute up Bush During the severe electrics storm on Friday afternoon one of the chimney on Joesph Miltons home was struck by lightning It was so badly damaged thst whet wulefthadtoberemoved incsse someone might be injured leesCW Kb Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Forbes Coutts were Mrs Lowery and daughters Toronto Mr and Mrs Owe Sutherland and Isobel Bradford Miss Nellie find Theresa Bon ser Lefroy are visiting Mrand Mrs Forbes Coulis for several days In Pinkerton Mr and Mrs Carman Hindell and Mrs Ida Hindel visited Mr and Mrs Mel Law Pinkerton on Sunday With WM Grace and Gloria Hindell are on holidays with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Morris Left0y Here on Selby Mr and Mrs George Dodds Orr angeville visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Marlins Lorne Dodds returned home after months vis it with his aunt and uncle Downs Dodds stayed on for two weeks holidays Weekend Here Mrs Irene Brown and Mr and Mrs Fred Cooper and family Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Murry STEELES CORNERS At Conference Those from here attendingthe Federated Womens Triennial Con ference in Maple Leaf Gardens Aug 21 were Mrs Ernie Bell Mrs Ernest Dales Mrs Leonard Sto vold Mrs Earl Dales and Miss Ai leen Gordon Mrs Ernest Dales TOWN COUNCIL PARADE ROUTE Continued from page one rt to Agricultural Grounds dur ing those two months The mutter arose when the re quest from theuiocal branch of the Canadian Legion asking to hand parade on Sept 16 was submitted This was mowed but Deputy Reeve Greer said he felt it was time screeching was done to ma annotations submit forms mplkstlom when they intended staging such events It wss pointed out that this matI tor hut been dealt with by the traffic committee in its report Alderman Harris said he HEADACHE iFACES Showery Today Prospect Warm WIIII HumIdIty cal weather has psevsllcl spin this week with moderate temperatures can hwy have and moonlit nights Show Jenamlutnlthtudanln this morning and my continue with uidity ad but Bigh elt thh month was Au fl with 84 but Mly 10 gave 86 and July 11 had 85 but June MM Temperatures were Low 55 54 felt that the section dealing with vino that the committee might make an exception when the oc casionarose Many such parades and demonstrstions such lli those which marked the return of the Barrie Flyers hockey team last year were spontaneous and it would be impossible to give 30 days notice Alderman Girdwood said he thought there might be some difficulty in laying down the route ELEEI by the VOOmmittee ink if we ban these parades we will miss lot of colorful events in the town remarked Alderman Kinzie do feel that we should control these parades but dont think we should go so far as to say we cannot have parade on Dunlap Street Reeve Haber Smith said he did not think it was possible tobave parade in Barrie without some dis ruption to traffic There were only two streets between Barrie and A1 landaie and if one of that was blocked off there was congestion on the other hope that some day we will get third street between Barrie and Allandole he added Alderman Williams chair man of the traffic committee have nothing against parades pro vided we are given notice of them in advance Alderman II Paddison who claimed that traffic had been tied up as far as 22 miles outside of the town during the Old Home Week parade said that whenever par ade was held in the centre of the town it blocked all the highways south and north While dont say this report is perfect think something should be done to allow traffic to move through the town Nature unaided raises for more trees than can be planted remained in thecity for the wVeek 3V end and was accompaniodhomem Sunday by Mr and Mrs Dales and Mrs George Dales Recent Visitors Visitors with Mrs Porrittand boyslast week were Mr and Mrs Al Liberty and family Barrie and Mr and Mrs Jack Porritt and fam ily Thistlctown Patsy Wright Guelph who is visiting at the Gardner home en tertained some little friends last Wednesday Spruce trees grow in swamps Mechanization has helped to bet ter forest management the time limit should carry proAnm Of Mimis Point Cottagen Assoc The annual meeting of the Mincts Pblnt Property Owners Associa tion was held onSunday August 23 at noon at the home of the secretary Mrs Edythe Doel report was given by the sec retary regarding the cost of pro posed diving tower for the Point and committee was formed to raise funds for that purpose Mem bets are Mrs Doel Mrs Christensen Mrs Kroker Mr Rot enberg and Mr Richmond Losing no time members prmnt started the ball rolling with donations amounting to It is also planned by the associ ation to purchase equipment for the game of volley ball The annual election of officers was held with Dr Seymour reelected by acclamation as Presid ent VicePresident is Samuel Rot euberg Secretary Mrs Doel also acclamation Treasurer Mrs Mary ODonnell Members of the executive com mittee are Ormstein Mrs Kroker Doel Bobbette and RBoobette Mrs Ballantync Mrs Fold Mr Fetis and Mr Richmond Members of the sick committee are For Toronto residents Mrs Fetis and for Minets Point Mrs Christensen The cottagers held dance in the pavilion on Friday night Aug ust 21 which was huge success Proprietor Stransman very kind ly allowed special rate with view to helping out on the fund for the proposed diving tower final round up of the summer activities will take the form of wiener andcorn roast at the home of Mrs Doe tA Mr and Mrs Fred Miles Shanty lBay Road Mr and Mrs Fred Webb Sophla Street returned home after motor trip by Sudbury Monitoulin IslandSault Ste Marie lreturning by Straits of Mackinac Alpenz Bay City Flint Port HurE loo Mich Sarnia Mr and Mrs Alex Kelly and family oflrSudbury and Mr and Mrs Leach and family of Hag ersville have returned to their homes after weeks holiday With their parents Mr and Mrs Kelly Owen Street Miss Helen Thompson is visiting in Vancouver the guest of Lieuten ant and Mrs Lamb Returning from Camp Kitchike wana on Beausoletl Islandttoday are ShellrRodgers Joan and Jill Smith Gail Andcrton Leslie Scott Julie and Jeanne McKenzie and Mary Morrcn Mr and Mrs Emerson Creed and their daughter Marilyn Ann of London are visiting with Mr Creeds parents Mr and Mrs Creed Drury Lane for few days Mr and Mrs Cripps Burks Falls visited with Hopkins Barrie RR during Centennial Week Mrs Cripps is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital at the pres ent time visitor at The Examiner ofl flee this week was former Big Bay Point resident and Barrie Col legiate institute student Gordon Webb now of Nelson 80 Mr Webb who is board of ducation employee is visiting with his parents Mr and Mrs Alfred Webb in Toronto this week and will be leaving tomorrow to Injuries Sustained By Orillia Woman Finally Prove Fatal When her humand was teaching her to drive Mrs Lester hiberth Orillia lost control of the car an it ran into the rear of bus My Roberts received injuries were not thought to be serious as she was treated at Soldiers Mam orial Hospital until Sunday Later that day she was rushei to Toronto by ambulance wmrt she died later that evening Polite had charged Mrs Roberts with driving without license ani her husband was summonsch fI permitting someone to drive In car without license Their llllm year old son was also hurt 11 his head struck the windshield Wilson enjoyed trip to Six Mile Lake in the Muskoka District the camp of the Barrie hunt elm towhich Bill belongs Fishin was good and in addition to firm catches of pickerel and other fish they brought back six bass which totalled 20 pounds in weight Miss Sheila Stevens Shirley St Barrie spent the month of Auut with her cousin Rita Marie SUM lett Prescott ENGAGEMENTSN Mr and Mrs Leo Gibbons of Stroud wish to announce the en gagement of their eldest daughter Florence Kathleen tKayI to Don aid Frederick Alan Wice sun 01 Mrs Earl Wice of Stroud and flu late Mr Wicc the marriage to take place in St James United Church Stroud on September 19 at three oclock 91 drive new school bus back to the West It was about 10 or 12 years since he had visited in Barrie and was sorry to have missed the earlier Centennial celebrations However he brought Doug all photograph of the town into the office Dated 1895 it had been taken for The Barrie Advances Christmas supplement of that year Mr Webb went west in 1944 follow ing his demobilization from the armed forces Master Greg Little left by TCA from Malton to visit in Seven Is lands Quebec with hs uncle Little formerly of Barrie Centennial visitors in town were Mr Vand Mrs Albert Garner and their daughter Ann of Detroit MIch who left for home on Mon day While here Mr Garner and his brother William and George IL ItsBack to School time again Time to freshen up your fall wardrobe Stores for styles and assortment at Prices you can afford to pay GIRLS BLOUSES At Walkersyoujll find grand assort cIIIIIIIIIIIIISIIIIII IIIIuVoIIEIIVs Make Walkers your head quarters for all sweatermeeds Beautifully tailored all wool ment of cotton Swiss blouse CLOSED For Holidays HIIGIIST 31 REOPENiNG runs sun II LUNCH AT ICE CREAM CANDY 22 DUNLOP STREET WEST PHONE 4562 Shop Walker nylon and dotted for girlsSizes 514 yrs I98to398 mums 73313335 experience and have gone into the buslnm without knowledge of its wrmvirmnu soothe tact needed to make VisitOrs satisfied Menace Routine The conference which begonon Saturday Aug 15 and lasted throuzhto Friday Aug 21 form of morning and evening addreuu tiven by international authorities and then during the period the speakers were not being roundtome disco islons heldin groupsof 20 will Miller with the sweets under W0f= the genuine the lectures gerecbeltd over the Canadian cam Emu New Went to World Set Vemedh wVfmer Devin news analyst Austrian Broadcasting 00 in omitted on by my mutate Editor of The following his ed at 11 am he service took now Clearance of Summer Dresse5 at mxsum basses To HAN FvovRioeroRrvNIer1o rINIsII relw cardigans and pullOvers in pleasith varietyOf colours Priced from Size 1420 Alwgyso fine selection in plains plaids andpleats at WalkerStores Sizes 1220 Priced from 54 veteens snd Dainty school dresses spurts vele ligliiildines pleasing variety to choose from Sizes 5114 298 to 995 PlilSTlClllllliflllls Sturdy plastic coats for girls Or boys Assorted colours and sizes 198 15279 cannons wonI skun For school 01 Plaids Siz is LE PiiIcE AT Low PRICE Styled Smitty in thepopuIai red and riavy shades Sizes icon VIO95 end 95 sumv5 Choose from the large selec tion of sll and Vrayons in an array of tternsmrlced from Daintyf nylon and Cotton blouses smartly tailored in long fiftd short sleeves Sizes 1230 299 535 IWALKERSrz Exam SUITS Niceu tailored from fine duality choIIIn the popqu royal blugshade lite low price Sizes 1029 yrs 23an Eldon find socks waiting for you at pretty wool skirts es514 ams aV wide range of school WIAIIKEE merms School tunicsmade from fine quality gsbardine blended with nylon for longer wear 1298 398 HIRE align ml at one Pretty cottons loin Sizesto =14 the little