Agriculmre There will be indec ship given in $0ci3l recreation physical education dranigtlcx mu 3K and moral living Quite bad storm here last Eri Conadmn Nahonal Ex day struck tree at Joc Vernons blew tunes out and put the phone By Chick Young To UNIOR FARMER ized Juno program ed to the ground lt gt AND 4H CLUB FM any on Sew and 31 mm Yum amokj ithe Homemaking Club program Visitors in his neighborhood re whlch lncludrs Judging and de ccntly were Mr and 313 Fred Agm m3 year if he 7mm and mm Sou gimme entered his mm three weeks vim Toronto with Ontario counties lhvrc has been Und Evermv epetluon This is gym one of me her grandparenu Mr and Mrs mgmed for me Juno Farmers can on exccllem nppor nlerestlug featucrs each year and William Vernon 25132 camp TEE camp is bemg 1Jrgt0filunl0 Farmers to Spend lcts hope that South Simcoe is Mr arid Mrs Jack Porrltt and from Aug to Aug 31 at Summer can labl Child Sued Mr and Wil Camp Ahshunyoong Duclos Point wh mommy would never has basebgelltfl33u31hkgojd Srvk till133m Carr last Weekwhile 1obn hol 52v Lake Simcoe UPDOFtunity otherwise stal use DJ idav from Thistletown Exggcgjfl AND GM if South Simcoe miiy send up to llfillliflflnlcuaflgss =10 spedme AChevemenf Days Wilma Here can OF Mb FOQMEJ 3de delegates However it seems impoye KAREN VlrllLE WEQE WHEN EH Miss Ruth Shov from cc no Eh Roy Brmkt St camarmv any AWAYONWQ is mother Mrs Brooks 25 microns us of the South Slm an 993le EA HCw Dag WELLCtJ JUST 16313 Fin ITHEY UMB 353 ALEXANDEQ To RleE True AND TAKE TC CAMP Mi gt THENl PLEA THE yrur d3 badmint ckme out of order for time It ails 906 NEWS OF INTEREST tildes an exxnalte and wellorgan struck Bill Clarkes bgm and burn um 3h monstrattons rVemun and Mrs William Oil our CF00 the weekd elb 191 amend for On Sept the Junior Farmers TWOMQ alld Mm 3032911 Helm Bollv Chgwhmfcfc Eire and 411 7133 jugmg comma Vernons Miss Joan Vernon re qm Show HughesChre 015 are 31211 The are 18 from turned to he nome here after Literal District Junior Farmer Camp mu Jim Whitesidm Newton Holmium 339 Garden 1155 AChitVLmGn were callers 21 Mr and Mrs wn D335 Which Will be held in the jliam Carrs also Mr and Mrs Ross near future IMatthews mm TllLlttletown rl The Clover Local and CrecmOrc Weddln Anal Clubs Achievemens Day will be Mr and Mrs Aubrxrigis andi the Orang Hun Smyner on family amended the Myer weddmz Saturday Sept 12 The Bond Hch and Gifford Clubs Achievement gglvuenggywf niggsminigg in gt Buy will be held at the Depart me in rmron 0n ment of Agriculture Alliston on nigh Saturday Sept Both of these at At wctkmd events mu mu 930 mm MI and Ralph smith 31 At these events the girls will Weston visited Mr and Mrs Roy have an exhibit of their vegetables Smith Saturday night record books and flowers Mrs Bowdcn spent couple Wall It Ian swim coma coon CARTAGE AND STORAGE LIMITED The 4H Clubs on having meet RCIJHVCS WORLD MOVES SO 00 WE BARBIE 5511 lugs and these include the Cooks Amsxey Whileewas in arm own Dairy and Beef can tlton on Sunday vlsrtrng his bro Club which met at the form ther and SISIETiUIaW M11 and BIG 12 oz BOTTLE RmER aunt BIGGER gummy in of Ivan Wright Monday evening Abg 24 Tho South Simcoe 4H Clubs are having their meeting on Wednes day cvcning Aug 26 at the farms of Murray FHIIS Cookstown Bradfordf and Mrs Norva Whitesldcs Mr and Mrs vorval Young Downsvlcw visited Mr and Mrs Hounsome Mr and Mrs Maurice Lchoux Toronto are at Mr and Mrs Hurry Whltcsides Gordon Brothct Tottcnham The Nottawasagu 4H Bcef Calf Club will meet at the farm of Bob Crecmore evening Aug 27 while the Notio and Dairy Calf Clubs will meet at Donald Gibsons Stayner on Tuesday evening Sept Walker Thursday wasaga Grain THE WILSON BUILDING Post Office Sq BARBIE Phone 464 THORNTON With Relatives Mr and Mrs Vernon Grosc and children Christina and Bernard visited relatives here one dav last week Renews Acquaintance Mrs Duncan Woodvillc has been Mrs Bonkes guest for the last week during which time she renewed acquaintance withsevcral friends She is leav ing in few days for further short vacation with friends at Port Dalnousie Recent Visitors Recent visitors at Angus Camp bells were Mr and Mrs Keith Whiteside Alliston Gordon Bugley Brantford Dr Angus Campbell Toronto Mr and Mrs Wal rath and Ronald McKeesport Penn Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs Jack Garbutt Mal ton were here with Mrs Scythes on Sunday leaving later to vislt Mr and Mrs CTR Fendley Barrie WA Meeting lplnity Church Womans As socl tion will meet on Wednesday Sept at Mrs Thompsons Visiting Here Mr and Mrs Albert Dawson Barrie visited recently at Frank Hindles also Jim Kindle Camp Borden Leaving Here Miss Brooks who has rented her house is leaving to reside with her sister in Barrie Purchased New Home Tom Cousins who purchased Forbes Sprou es house on the cor ner of Robert treet says he can not make muc progress with its fixing up as hel is not available and he himself expected to assist in harvesting Unique Celebration Mr and Mrs Elvin Pear$n had very happy and unique silver wedding anniversary just recently Mrs Pearsons sister undhusband celebrated with them having been married on the same day On Holidays Miss Shirley Brittairl Toronto has spent her holidays with Joan FLIM FLAM AN 57 me rum ANFLoasmnv IDLE P060 HERE LoulANA PERCHE aour you HAD evolu actress max revmm Atep HEANI BEEN TAIKINBGII THE Loll DONT WET HAVE AWE WITH 85me TN AMONG AFTER Ll ll GRANDMA BEEN SWIMMING warm wULL ONLY 9111mm Au AW N6 AND AFTERNOON by is IT ALL near IF SKIP Ml BATH TODAY 561 ALL THE SAND OFF 804 ml Finch Mnand Mrs ElmM1and Mrsrt Jennett Mr and Mrs who In Switzez and iamlly werlvisitlng ggem James DANG licking =f son vault cw miss OILOTIRE Minimumothroizoccliol