Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Aug 1953, p. 10

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Theresmod for tboogbtin she has nds dayvebeenmmbginmciencsacmdpeaz mammgmougopme demmbeadmdfmcsss woman63mm Mmmbsmvediedomymm tow the calm face ye hes been not lazingexperts mm Tollwd man who lire inuenza menobuslepzloremm omammoeismondooz particularly urgent nose rim and ll seLTuueareohfemsccrhehmdsome hm mere 11 wrinkles around the eyes He lacks like mild menstrual man YetiNsmmmpmbably liriogwhen mmmmmoeylsom daMWMMhMpe comm bend in an ancient time hwumtlonglmmsfelMSdidbe laneammmyi The archaeologists have class The knot tlntcbeuoldpettbogswbichbavcspeciai Chaplet preserving qualies wen used as theburyinggoundwben tbeGodsnad to be with sacrifice When the settlement was dire peril when starvation of other disasters threaten ed the people they would sometimes make the supreme Wilmameg would sacrice me Chieftain himself miner be was sen appease the Gods or be willingly gave life because it was his duty to give for his people The Tollund man was no in any degrading fashion In tho izcas hanging was the sacrificial death 0st himself was hanged and the human offerings at the Mun Hone Kiss Amelia Webb lute returned home after present vial at the home of bet aunt Mrs France in Windsor WA and W118 The United WA and W545 will meet pen Wednesday afternoon Sept in the church schoolroon at oclock hip in Maritime back me frontiers mm II of 2cm century isprettyugttum sever seas have all been expand eon momadmitme the normand mailmannoun seer telephones ind radios am on too to mteaeomment Compared Tim the gracious an of We Frobistro of 030k and tunavet all Champlain and L3 Verencm the Mt has few 5212 was left on the up Meg ace not many pleas on the who at the earth where rcsiess man has at pet intl EliCC Lost at was and the daysof the begirdiing explorer appear over YeLZ from mice aspects wealth or explained 512 chaliezzges the adventurer summer aerial photonsplit punts have been ranging Camdds Salarctic so worm accustom GIVEN remaining blank spots on the country moi we rapids being ned TO THE BARRIE EXAMINER ON Farther aeld British made mm ago by SOUVENIR ISSUE morning for trip to the Maritimcs company her sister from Waterloo motoring to Halifax From there they will fly to St Johns New foundland visiting their brother who is superintendent of the ply wood plant in that city 01 Holidays Mrs Garfield Gordon has returh mr laxuh We IRe after visiting reiatives and friends here Mr and Mrs Irwin Neely To room are on holidays at Leonards Beach Ivan and Scottie Kell Garry Bean1311 and Irwin Neely Jr left last week on motor lrip to Sas kotcnewnn Visifs Relatives John McCraw has returned lo hs borne in New London Connecti cut after spending several weeks visiting reiaiivcs in Canada Mrs Frank Anderson Kirkland Lake visited her molher and sis ter Mrs Robert McDonald Mrs Anderson returned to her home at Shanty Bay Mrs Robert Brodie and boys North Bay spent couple of days with her mother Mrs Bowman Mrs Bowman and Miss Ritchie re turned to North Bay with Mrs Brodie for couple of days dwtquhekm barteth ukiugym nk Sn rth my rm do our tonight omenqoemble Mount Everest 1mm us es of atomic energy offer scope for Wales the weekl Cm newspaper field has ma may change we bves of an unkind 100 runs described an racers Despite the breazhfeking medical mimics of The town arname is among 93 in on in few years the world still awaits thethe 199 Annier nerl imam than mry book and liberall illustrated ezoeasatovnb la unfailing cure Io cancer and poliomyelrtiszfo 53m 95 amm pictures 01 past and present former and been disease Some day the researchers zm name has made steady T0 The Men Itself at part of may win litex more with these diseases asmmial developmemoveraceumryfggsoiiyi g0 Pym they have triumphed over so many other 500d by b91935 me cmemml ed munges in le one of the first towns in Ontario to bare the advantage of railway connection just 100 years ago Asione Yea No new worlds to conquer Why almostv1e mm mm of gimme game Ever important Ending raises fresh Gilesdais beenan important disoibuuonim same 330515 and pangs he 233 go unexplongd elds centre and in rhe last ten years Bowmanville Slatesman 019255231 J35 as am Yastres of canfe itmpgffi mdgries halvel 311 gitgem aflhBarrie block eown epouaEw ismonorto emo aga 3331353m3 beingdevewpedatgtim exceeds H000 and mngcucsaccurate put in strenuous add Katmai Magara and an Logan amazing to grow joyful week celebrating the 100th discoveries may be just ahead for Canadian The Barrie Examiner has pubEmvemfy 0f Barrie Handling the researchers in the new frontiers of science 311 min edion of 100 pages tsa WW Way back in 1853 ito mark the Centennial profusely From accoums It was Ire Owen Sound Sunnes DZQ yonsl Conference ln Toronto Nine Womens Institute mem bers of this district boarded Greer bus on Friday morning for Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto to ference of the Associated Country Women of the World meeting for the first time in Canada wel cometo representatives and re marks from official delegates from Mrs Simpkin lefl Saturday and Newfoundland She will aCI ed to her home in Pontiex $35 gt attend the seventh triennial con stullied in juvenile Bill Team Stroud juvcmles piayedsplendid lball on Saturday evening winning love Barrie by to It is hoped the boys win agam Tuesday night and earn the right to proceed in to the finals Nasty Accident Sorry lo report Keith Constable met with nasty Recent Visitors Mrs Kate Browning Churchill and Mrs Black Mr and Mrs William Meyer Welland Hood Mrs Ham er Bokcr Victoria 50 Mrs Dave White and Helen Barrie Mr and Mrs Bordon Kerr and Dorothy Rosemount were visitors of Dwight Nelsons Mr and Mrs Blll Mm Cow and Jane Peoria IlL at Reids and at his brother Douglas cottage at Leonards Beach Vacation School Display large crowd of parents and friends enjoyed the splendid dis play of work done and things learned by the 103 children at tending the Vacation School which was held on Friday afternoon with the display of ldork of the junior classes in the lelitd Church from 230 to pm lac1 there was the display of the scnlocclusses which accident to his finger which required 5km graft spent couple of weeks with Min Church with singingggg learned and repeating of saw as well as review of the istories learned Later 11 cookies were served to at folk with cold drinks and for thecbildren This comp =13lele IWO weeks school lllGllllE FACTORY AUTHORIZED suns scum For Barrie and District oomssuc and COMMERCIAL mmgnnnun RC Beltigemlion Co 118 Dunlap St Near uleasfer Phqn 2059 OPEN FRI TILL pm Crawford Co Est 1918 MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK KXCHANGI Government Municipal and Corporation Securith 91 Dunlop Street Barriu Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 skills 26 other countries in native dress an address ofivlcomc by the Hon Stuart Garson an address by the retiring president Mrs Raymond or thaliwna la Kmmm by mama of early and mendous successm every particular modern scenes and with weanlile the Pa appeal go dam The edition reim3t as an editor was fhe stu great pagan temples were hanged 208 This man was banged and the leacher ynoooemleftimundmsnecktoprovem tbthishonorabledeam It seems may clear illustralion mar sacrifice has always beenand will commas woe of mans nomad voices When anyone has offended me try take my soul so high that the offense can not reach me Rene Descarres HigherWages Higher Prices The Tomas Star newspaper friendly to organized labor recently headlined news story as follows Steel Hose Ton See Rise fouling mots The news storyicferred so the visited Slams where the steelwork rs union re cently settled wage demands for an of 81 cents an lunar Thepoint indng affection to the To onto Stars headline is that even publica tion as friendly as vmis one is to organized labor concedes that higher living costs mus result directly from organizad labors con tinuing push for higher pages This is point on which labor leaders are zonally eizber sil ent or argumentative Labor either organmed or unorganized mustsnare pro producedlds its of increases or the value of its output laborswages must rise vu is if segment or labor insistson wa inc out of proportion to an inc the of its output The inevitable result rice increases and inflation which reeia the buying pow er or real value of nes wage dollzu about onegfth of the Canadian 13 bar force is organized and only smanlpart of the organized group demand big wage in crems without concern for the public good tightly organized minority can easily force higherlivlng costs for all by selfish in slgence that their own wage increases must do outpace the gradual risein Canadian la income oi And better had they neer been born 1mm rend to doubt or read to scorn Scott fFrloners Still Beckon high school out said we in do he woman had lived durlng madly Elgar when Age or even sugar 00 years ago when developers still werepr mum tmvmmlwmomu some Mm 953 ommyaomrvcmm goremmeoz preliminary step was StandardObserver until WEIlarge some were allocated for so fellow albums you can never regain their respect and esteem It is goal pity that men and womenggeds me said developmg andgpendous and colossal to steal forget RBI foe have been children Par immplishmems ref Barrie and imlgmlle Pf 3311ich adjefiVCS ems are 110 citizens and is good stroke of 91 m0 The Barrie be we Wm 50 enterprise on the pan of The Ex It set new high for and daugbcrs George William Curtis Sayre with music by Kathleen Farmers choir made an enjoyable afternoon The History of Canada er amine venture in Canadian The cilizem of Owen Sound who with its 100 pggesOng will celebrate the mom anniversary Yf5$te town of itsincorporation asme three read 15 century mark And =years hence emitth wishes to ever7 9389 was crammed full of 2515 good neighbor for gnome mo news and events of historical signi Vears of even greater prom finance which related interesting reading the progress and growth Flue Souvenir Edition of this northern town situated on the shore of Lake Sirncoe We WW Every branch or departmerd of Marking the celebration of the the things that count in commun zowns centenary The Barrie Ex aminer lasidweek produced spe ity me were covered in human interest way which demanded 100 pages terrific reading Even for one who bad job in more ways than one never lived in Barrie or was not mm with and afda familiar with the goings on in 13 of interest and with an up and thriving town there was extremely generous advertising fascination to read page after page patronage ihe centenary issue of Then too this special edition Them an outstanding was lavish with photos pictures credit to the staff from publisher and portraits going away back to Ken Walls down the beginning of the town when Having 25years ago mm the white folks took it over or small part in producing 559333 away from the Indians There mm and conditions that we must have been lot of ferreting pm it my somewhat trying through family albums old trunks we have some idea of me work treasure drawers hope chests and the long mm the we and mi attics to bring to the light of day that went ne the preparath hunmeds of illustrations which priming 91 Bang pap on gave an added are of interest to 569632 ime unfairwe must now me my Stories 13 CANADIAN PRODUCTION Indian leaders compeny 1er two withbecoming modesty was We could write lot more about netyalue pmducmnv agri mid ammh Wm mjmcm its day and far quite few dayajhis superduper Centennial Edi culter the leading industry in food pmimcngs thymb the biggest pope ever rm but well just end our coni Prmce Ward Bland saSkakhe hem mush issued from aweeh office in this merits by offering sincere fraternal W3 and mgr the seven moaned gammy and by mailman commy but The Examiner hasleft and cordial congratulations to Edi 0th Wimsv manufacmrihg gramsjg mpmwmgme us forKenWallsJusJoyaLandfaifh lead9 mellow Secondly control of population grootbrvbas been made the subject of many Indians down through the years Coronation in pageant with splen did narration of the history com pletedd very splendid day for all who attended lndias Great Experiment Cherpopulation is one of the worst of Honor Newlyweds Thursday evening number of the members of Stroud Presbyter ian Church arid friends gathered at the home of rs Bruce Cowan to do honor to bert Cowan and his bride few appropriate words were Spoken by Rev Muir and an address was read by Robert Bayes Mr and Mrs Cowan were presented with beautiful mantel clock and bou quet of flowers by Reid and Mrs Mel Ayerst Robert ably thanked all for the gift to which Mrs Cowan added her apprecia tion of the clock and owers splendid contest was conducted by Mrs Nelson composed of bid den names of people present An enjoyable lunch and singsong completed the evening task or social and economic reconstruction maepublicofmdiaistaekllngitmmm The economic consequences of population pressure in India were emphasized by the partition which awompenied establishment 4321mm an the dominion of Pakistan as selfgoverning slates India itself has im ported about 3000000 tons of food annually itceni 39am The cost of these purchases has cut into the money available for education health services and other nationbuilding activities Foreign exchange which could havebeen in varied in capilal goods to boost industrial development Jhas had to be spent to feed the mime oscillation many problems facing India in her huge We would like however to fulstaff and outside contributors wam our old friends in Barrie including particularly Fred Grant 309 FACTS that two years from now The of stories and pictures for the Canada has mme than 131 will be 190 marvellous job they accomplished million miles of roads and high be pop tum ioventory provided by the lean old and we last might pro1 1951 953va 53197 duce micforever year of TheBarrie Examiner will be rized Ed 396mm Mme our 1212 to equal The Exammers and valued in many homes the in me W935 mmmoth accomplisbment We do district and will only take second New the gem his km not hope surpass it place as family heirloom and keep prehenme program of family planning as Deservaommendalion part of its rst Five Year 8131 phaslzesthat use need for family planning Pummgegegit 25 essenually based on considerations of the be 01 his mg have been 091 beaizn and neliareobthe family411a rm mugddgegzd monomer fly nandthespacing olebdrenare 935959 necessary and desirable in orderto assure mgmgfff 255 better health for mothers and better care oration of Battles centenary fl and upbringing for Wren it an achievement which is unml to town newspaper plant with For rheipeziod of the rst Five Year the verbal handled by the nice in staff The Examiner has fine ciai and technical research in family plan gygm ping and the provision of limited services in and cm seasonal wotkgmu Thus 83 summime spokesmen India is We mt my Mb MW the tackling overpopulation problem by taking Wk mm mm mm mm The Barrie Examiner info cocoons not only national necessities am at 44 dud Page For One 218mm but albindivldual Welfare more than 12 billion miles year TENYEAR The chairman of the CBC is ap passed on from generation to gen lice cration lOne Hundred Page One Hundred Years Fatigue NewsoRecmd Barrie as been celebratin the centennial this week it is angovet grown town with population of over 13000 and therefore liker to become city mo Situated at point of the long finger of lake Simone practically all gavel to Northern Ontario passes through andlsafine adv Marglue Yam many madame had countyjtovm panama new page not being gt mooted info the mmam Wonderful Achievement mm mm Walls Ewe Stat and staff The pictures arepart W11 numerous The Ezwnlmr isme Win mrmnrplantv in lilome special edition this The Nev9mm 13le utterest week as tribute to Barrie arm in Centennial editions this time of its fro put out paper willxbe 100 yets old in lm paper is an achievemem The 09 birthday of the heretofore unknown in weekly Newsaccord is Alumni19th 1t mm plant with the workall will be only few yemtiu Fer handled by the mumstaff to fork its zoom yeargs villac good old hammer has excelled gamma gm Wm on unlawful Effort at election minim Grovth Banner caste met mu The wealthy newspaper field can If you once forfelfgfheconfldeitee ofvyout Abraham Lincoln To all of them we extend since mom Wm Mason mommam mom imam Moon th modem NA we predict this special edition of Waysand Canadian motorists drive 365 Fare 1m 55 Stokes and Oxford County Junior was enacfedwfcomcmedimeiofrfhe Fouvn hiddentalent Discover moneys talent for opening opportunityk OPEN SAVINGS ACCOUNTAT leak to the family Bible as it is pointed to 10year term of of TONEMMMNMWMLMH Auvtgsr zedToSEPTEMBER12mlike sub idiregflnto andfrom the jgrounds The CanadiBank nLsAVslelokrof 3233 Round Chumnsmtes see van Agent 1115 on Bum

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