OlD HOME WEEK OFF TO GRAND STARTE COX When the extensive program to Centennial Week was set down in its final form on July 26 there is no doubt that not few Vtcwed it like an inventor who hasjustcom lmed some contrgvnncc and asks Imself if it will really work By Tuesday Aug what might be termed the trial run had been completed and the verdict was de cidedly favorable Committee Manager Earl ox was quite roady to admit to ms givings on the part of the commit lte 22$ zero hour approached on Saturday Aug Weekend lruf tic had multiplied It such an ex tent that Barrie Citizens recalled the days before the opening of Highway 400 and the qucstlon of Premier Frost arriving became matter for concern llow cvcr these and other fears were soon put at rest and the ceremony proceeded planned EARL COX Mr Cox expressed himself as pleased with the manner in which support for the various activities had been maintained mentioning that between five and six thousand were estimated to have been pres ent in the St Vincent area to watch the fireworks display on Saturday evening crowds had been on hand for the parades and services on Sundayand Monday while over five hundred enjoyed the Rotary barbecue on Monday The band festival and sports events were well attended too Cooperation which issso essen tial to such venture has proven of high order The entire cen tennial committee have worked hard and well both as group and as individuals Mr Cox said while the local effort which produced the Midway and Win Laws sports program have been of great value Mrs Butler Kiwanis ladies president who was in charge of ar ranging for hostesses at the cen tennial headquarters also came in for much praise She andher staff up to Tuesday noon had served over 5000 cups of tea and coffee gt Cheaper By 211 Dozen Perhaps two cant liv cheaper than one but two people on budget have better chance of coming out even than single per son without one At least thats what Paul Fisher manager of the localbranch of the Royal Bank saysand he ought to know For the past year or so Paul has been handing out copies of the banks WFarnily Budget Book to couples who wanvto keep their fin ances undercontrol He maintains that the book wont force you to save but it will help if the desire is there The trouble with most budget plans is that theyre inclined to be somewhat rigid The Royals on The other hand is exible enabl lug people to plan their budgets to suitithemselvesu Paul Fisher has copisbn hand if you feel like try ing the idea gt MAGNETIC STREAM MARSHYIHOPE NS CP This Antigonisn county community has the only known magnetic streamin Nova Sootia Anloptical illusion caused by sloping ground in the vicinity makes the stream appear tobe running uphill HURRYSf harms run Eon avatarj impress 36 camsm sr on time MAW 509 112 moo AND ISLE Misses Betty llarc and Grace Frarer recturucd homo on Sutur miay after sprinting weeks holl days at Wasaga Beach Harvey McGill Toronto is spend mg allioliday here with relutlvus Paul McGill and Miss Mary Hen derson Toronto visited over tlic vveckend with Mr and Mrs EMIlls Barrio and Davui Mr and Mrs Tom Denison viss Ited over the weekend with Mr leld Mrs BillDowllng and Doug 135 of Collingwoud Double Wedding Mr and Mrs Mills attend eti the double wedding on Mon day Aug in Crccmnrc for Mrs lMubel Hickling and John Dough gerty and Miss Etliclbert Hickling land Jack Daugherty Mdllicr duughtcr married father and son Mrs Mary Virture Alliston 11 iVisiting at Mr and Mrs Ernie Newells mutt Mr and Mrs Neil Hamilton 1151 Bob Irott Pcnctang visited Mr and Mrs Trott Mr and Mrs are visiting Mr parents Mr Barnes Mr and Mrs John Darling 11nd children of Allistnn spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Barnes Mr and Mrs Laurence and baby daughter of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Reg inald Kcight Mrs Anderson and grand daughter Vicky motorcd to London on Monday to spend few days with her son1nlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Stanley Nixon Pri vate Nixon has been posted to London in the army there Mrs Nixon and Vicky moved there re cently Mr and Mrs Stanley Bowen and Bill Fields Collingwood were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Isaac Black also Mr and Mrs Ken Hamilton Toronto Mrs Ham illon isremaining for holiday Sgt and Mrs Ron Parker Jim and Lynda left on Monday for Gimli Manitoba after spending months leave with his father Dad Parker and other relatives Mr and Mrs Bill Bovins re turned home on Saturday after spending their leave with Mrs Bevins parents and relatives in Prince Edward Island Congratulations lto Miss Dona Warren Detroit Warrens grand and Albert were married on Saturday Mr and Mrs Herbert Sawyers and Jill are spending weeks hol 1days at Kincardine on the shores of Lake Huron Bingo and Dance bingo and dance is to be held in Clougher Hall on Aug 14 in aid of the Lisle Building Fund Come unascome allarid enjoy yourself and go home happy by Winning yourself prize or two special door prize is being given to some lucky person Bilthills New York spent last week with his brdtherinlaw and Sister Mr and Mrs George Lee and family Mr and Mrs Arthur Tonge Car ol and Garry are holidaying at Terrence for week Miss Nancy Reid returned home on Sunday after vacation with her cousm in Toronto Miss Gail Morris is home after spendmg month or six weeks With friends at North Bay Fall Fair Datesin Simcoe Coonty Collingivood Barrie Beeton Coldwater Cookstown Elmvale Midland Orillia Oro As much woodis used for fuel wood in Canada as is harvested by the pulp and paper mills Sept 2426 Oct 13 Sept 2930 Sept 1415 Sept 1718 Sept 2123 sept 1012 Sept 16 School Boards nstitutionsl Householdercl WHY Bpwoiftmsn vmu scene TANK and OUTIIOUSE DUBLES Sui ohemloil product will climb offen sive odors liqqu in days Guaranteed to work swim lIeil Watson Hickerson and JohnWGilfoil renewmg acquaintances perwas enjoyed under the with l1 Sust 5111 Barrie Arena Grounds OTHER GAMES VEH ICLE PARADE KIDDIES PARADE Famous Virtuoso with Group of Admirers and Mr and Mrs Edward Leigh To William Mc 10 115 on Wednesday jCcntennial Band thrilled three thousand people held trumpet clinic RAFAEL MENDEZ whose trumpet selec evening Arena as featured artist with the Collegiate in Barrie just prior to leaving in the school KNOCK Recent Visitors Kenneth Allen Francis Mich is spending his summer holidays with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Allen Recent visitors were Mr and Mrs Allen and family Francis M1Ch Edna Allen Toronto and Morley Allen Clinton at A1 lens McDonald1Kitchencr at Shannons and Mr and Mrs Hogg Toronto at Hoggs Annual Reunion On Sunday Aug about 160 descendants of James Davis who settled in West Gwillimbury in 1822 gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Bowman Allen 9th con cession of Innisfil for their annual reunion Allcr an afternoon of sports and bounti maples onAtlie lawn Prizes were igiven to the oldest lady present Mrs Henry Timmons Creemore and to the oldest man Thomas Hamilton Toronto The youngest one at the reunion was Dwain E1 gin White son of Mr and Mrs Leonard White Hanover Mr and Mrs Craig Nairn Mon tieal1had come the farthest Officers for the coming year are President William Davis To man Edenvale secretarytreasur er Mrs Oscar Bowman Thornton sports committee Douglas Ross Cookstown Thomas Bowman of Thornton James Kavin Pickering and Herb Hounsome Bradford The reunion in 1954 is to be held at Midhurst Park nxrnnsrvr scour PORT ARTHUR CP Port Arthur baseball officials plan to take police action to prevent fans from keeping balls bit into the stands Action cameafter wom an fan clutched ball in her lap and refused personal appeals to give it up It was ladies1night Sept 1719 fol1 th WONDER how muchner you can get than the aluminum used in delicate apparatuswhich Trecords the earths heinous11 Drawn out almost to the vanishf ing point it is about onotwclfth the diameter of human hair One pound ofalumim1mu10uld make enough of this unbeliquably ne wire to stretch 10000 miles4 We know no more striking example of the way people make use of the lightness and Strength of aluminum for all sorts0fjobsu Our research and technical men an congantly tackling mom lions brought to their by Cams dian manufacturers who took to aluminum in developing new pro ducts or better preliqu or pro ducts that cost loss Aluminum Company cf Canada Ltd SEEING nounrn SANDY COVE NS mm Visilors to this Digby cmmly com1 YllllHll tilAl lllLV illC SLCIII dolll rs blc when they look at EugcncTRY AN Stantons bird house It is an ch PHONE 241 on Thursday morning attended by some 50 musicians MrnMendcz with group of ad mirers is seen on the steps by front entrance incl replica of Zion UllllLll Church 111111 behind ll further up the vm use WWW mom on EXAMINER WANT AD ELSIE THE BURDEN COW Miracle Hearing Device Reality Magic Transistors The Humble llthllilg devmc p11 ipncswd whm the timciopnlcrll of the magic transtslurs was first 111 nnunced 15 now reality Ac icon worlds rst and with5 rizuke if electrical hearing aids 3151 am bounced that it has produced uncaururmwtor hmrlng liltl that mcans 121L f1llllnunt of zlul 111 Hudson of the great prosmsvs Illltl plttllcllulls much for the 1111 ss1rs but all of its bum wonders BILZJUSL of 1311 transistor uncrm scopic me and new giant Sllltllt efficiency 15 couimrcd with 11 vzlcmmr tuiw both scientists and T1311 hard of hoarmg have lmskcl llitttl to thc hurrussing of its wonders 111 the form of tiny 11mm and powerful hearing tlcvtcv Stanley 5511111311 Chairman of the Board of Acnusticon Interna tional stated that pin hard of hearing have for yours sought illlil hoped for lllllLlllL hearing nut one which would these features but most important of all would supply item with thc closest thing 10 natural hearmg cvcr created by man A4530 represents revolu Acousticons hearing aid CH 001 Prescription positivcly rclicvcn raw red itch311561 by eczema rashcs scalp less itziinlcss 43c trial buillc must satisly or money back Ask your druum for DDD chasm more not only have 3t1ansistur Lionnry step in meeting thesc dc RELIEVED IN JIFFY mode rritation chalinrmtlur itch lmtblv Grease I953 VPLYMW THE BARR EXAMTREKHMONDAY AUGUST 18 1953 11111 operatuson atinypowcr of dune ttlrmg ptAMl drivers through the szlgluiLIIlu11cy of lilo transis Vltll is 111 L2 1111 11 11 llouk1 are almost at capacity to 111 entire season said Manager ll 111r15 We have the hr in ur of cmwnttons in our year and expect to have powerful that 231 starchy operate standard 111111 5tlltli The Ulitlltlllltflil Ll sitl llitltltllflg this weighs only 22 ounces and is so tiny ll our tucked 121 womans rim or behind the Lullill of 111115 juckct ulm hard 1tT lllpvlililll 111 all 11 its lv111g 15 tun fact how illixl 15 ricc1mipzm1eti by ll controlled specially 11111 our 1H zucnliy tumll Dunc ncmvurs Tins v111 variety of lamwl ItSllOllt limit purunlllc for this lllSllll 11111 tr LLUMIY amt 5tlllllllLlllj amid 111 parkland Rim of hear lllg tilinntncy of hard of lltlilllll 311151111 ItCtH 125 tlllil Jasper Lodge Reopens llliptl l1lt Lotion ltSDltlltltHll 1211 its l21l 11oiz1l mum 1112 season point to record yc 11111111121111uljy Iumm heart of 111 upe resort in 1953 concur TAGGART powerpill the best perhaps even re carton The Lodge was of opened by Somerville n11 general manager of Canad Lllfl Nominal hotels who hoisted the ndtlmn rut ensign up lu get the 50foot the season under Pulp and pzipcr operations gen of every eight dollars rlitlt In 7wm the income of all Canadians dw AY CASH Mowr Christmas Im SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE 15 1111011 or the 1S 35 111 l1wAlE indications for the iii1 the Canadian Rockies BALSAM ANY QUANTITY Phone 5894 or apply 174 Dunlop St Barrie rigsmsrm Signed on behalf of the van Fathers REV WWWMiain Congratulations Cookstown V11 We the Trustees of ookstowm would like to congratulate the Coohstotvn Womens llnsliutc on obtaining second prize for their float in the Centennial Parade in Barrie on Wednesday August LEWIS ronto vicepresident James Bow IllustroiedaChovrolet OnovFiy 400m Sedan for r4253 galw mad sirN WW 11111111511111 AND 150er 5111111111101 EXClUSIVEIII THE LOWEST PRICE FIELD Chevrolets new Powcrglidc optional at extra cost on the Bl Air andTWOlen Series is the newestinost advanced automatic transmission in its eld new automatic start ing and passing range gives you ashing getaway Born standing start or for passing in city driving Power Steer ngoptional ht extra cost with Powcrglidc lets you steer andpark with lingertip case and drive with greater safety everywhere YEAR AFTER YEAR and again in 531Chevrolet solos outstrip all competitionYes public preference continues to keep Chevrolet the undisputed leader BECAUSE MORE PEOPlE buy Chevrolet than any other car Chevrolet can maintain its traditionally high quality and lower prices more honesttooodness value for your money gt THE UNSURPASSED BEAUTY deepseated comfort economical oper alien and curlvuncerl features of the I953 Chevrolet have created public demand unparalleled in automotive history For thousands and thousands of Canadians no other car will do 11191151 IRADEIN VALUE or ALL Chevrolets great popularity and durability mean added value to you all they mean added you drive Cbevrol Che line They mean added value when you buy Chevfolct they mean added value when in because Chevrolet superiority is recognized Coast to Coast so that it consistently leads its entire field in high tradein allowance JZl along the alue when of and 53Chevrolet Yet w1t uurovuuo Eco VJJ ij all 9953 VALVE rhiycarshcvrlet gt you the most importantgain in economy in Ch entircdtlyycar history much farther oncvery gal1 85 ets it ton of regular at Pa1Yovsa+i rail its high featuresrChevrolctis still admin Mo its PI cu HwETv solar his 351