if arm MAWw HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST BARRIE WEDNESDAY Tiiiiiisniir riiiiiiu smiiiiiii PJ CONTINUOUS snow SATURDAY 230 pm MGM DOES MAIN iiiiunirii GREAT llll ngisiisbkv JULY if 95 Section 2Poges to 12 MORE OHPUCA ll STllJ MORE =I iTnY ANTXASHNET win so ii IrmwiigwwmHm BE iOl 1H iiitii ti 11 II II II lt It the Junior ClliiliilLLl iii for cc ltlllltlflit contw tar tiii ill lc ml Bil is min mi BJHlg in tiiic 31 rllllt how MOnlER GREAT II the moi NOVEL BROUGHT iiir rth riltii to llllilfl II II ILIIIHLIIi lll JUiy SPECTACLLARLY T0 Tut SCREEN 3y 310w VJW WWWWVVWM vI Palace lntrigues ln9l POlnT of WICked MINETS Conspimtorsl Property Owners Royal Romance of AWomannLove And Queen ToBe Miners loizi lliib tiiveii opnlir spot again this gtllllllflil tgtlCllllI The Lust since tiio warn tlllt and tie ra Ol Notorio kiddies liic lJLiIl Illjityllii tiic Henry Vlli billllillll 31 llils Lion nude suitor JEAN STEWART DEBORA fm tin minim slllce in The Valiant Armada mm CHARLES Barrie it iiriziinttvo lizis pmmd 13 II llu licacli That Became to ili gt11 iv AHHOICLIKIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III II II 159mm mm mm 115 MIND Bob Hunt his Band Kw my KATHLEEN CECIL mom SuuiPlxybY They bring down 300 Clllltlll 00315 by Bing Mayor KE IIIII IIMIIIICIIIIII III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIICII our tour YRON LLAWAY ARROLL illiiisniimiiiiiiiiwiiiims WEI week up to August by cinch Iimd pliizis ire under way or full FRII Itooperation with the Vliiicis Point Property Owners Associzition ilLllUSt tilSt meetin was held on Sun lzi Jul ll HOVARD Ivb IIII HJIr Iv pdfmnw 1m lmimm if mum hIImI Striinsmiin with Pitssiiiint Dr out Leaving Bayfield HUME PMZL Seymour lit the chair Street Duck Every 20 ioiiirtv con mitt lS WINNle NOW mm Minutes All Dance Nights ed to plan the work of pulling gull II Stafng COMES TO THE SCREEN park in condition for tlc balance RESERVATIONS of the summer Cllilllliian Fred RlTA MORENO KEITH MRS Pifiicr and members he Mosss PnONE 02 lathe apiumdiiion at OrmSlCm WllSUII arid KioLelicrl II with REGINALD DEINY MORRIS ANKRUM Members of ii committh to call AN ThaCchIed Wagon IV NED 1515 my CIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIII upon pxuspccnw or new members III II CAIRTOON are Trczisurcr Mrs Bobbctte ir ML Ruhmond and ML Rmmbmw II Several lOlllltlillls have been That 70 of last years auto deaths were caused SPEEDING LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY IGNORING RIGHT OF WAY II FLEMING Slllilllll Tllll ENTERTAINMENT glliiiilimiilfvil OF DOUBLE BILL INSURANCE AGENCY OTllIWGST Mlllllllell DUNLOP ST PHONE 3735 51 THURSDAY FRIDAY SAT RDAY NOTICE OF REVISION mm mm CONTINUIOUS snow SATURDAY 2136m or the Electoral 115mm 01 31mm norm STARTS EVENING SHOWS AT 645 pm Please note the hours for the sittings for the revision of the Preliminary lists for the Town of Barrie will be IIIIIIIIQ ICIIIIIIIIIIII held at the County Court Room County Building Barrie for the revision of the voters lists which Should read on CHARD ENEDK IIII III in EDWARD NORRlS your voters lists from seven to ten oclock pm standard 17 tim on Thursda Fri 21 nd atu 4th rdIy the 23rd ZI and 25th days Of lJuly 1923 tan Council recentl he felt reliefleach month in direct relief Ma or Relief costs Rise costs were getting out of hand HisiKerr suggested some of those on CULHAM statement precipitated considerablelrelief should be sent to Beeton as Rewrnmv Ofcer In discussion and set in motion anlltliey were not confined to bed and attempt to remedy the situation were able to get about by them Slmcoe North Mayor George Kerr toldPene where the town is paying over $800 lselves Stayner Ont If Iv KIDDIES DAYS immw EveryWedThu OBERISON AlollllWAllllER Hi III II II From lol THE SENSATIONAL TRUE storm II II WM or WOMAN DECLARED UNFIT TO BE MOTHER lnffCHAINDT CIRCUMSTANCES IV FofriIMiovig MurryGoillound Tune in CKBIB iEuchAernoonI at pm THE ONLY AMUSEMENTlMRKlN NORTHERN ONTARIO between highway Ilaand new fourlauer tiilc7of Canada in Simcoe County with the organization of ubranch Negotiationsbegm manila at Now that the authoriation has mCCtmg Of group or dmrm en come through thcommitte is tional meeting which will take RUTH News of the th vinton of Orillia At this meeting Frederic 01 the conditions laid down by the Further details will be announce SUITS no mm THE HORSE FOR AN ENJOYABLE TIME VISIT PLAYLANDPARKTNis WEEKEND wg ivde ai nL on td id 538955 gt 0mm amm mun ginecrs with the institutes eld making plans for the inaugura Branch 0fTIhe Engineering Insti Alport of Orillia was elected chair plat dUling thiearly PM Sp institute and if possible proceed edIlater INSTOCKREADY WHILEYouWAIT small in mi MODELS mum $4950 gm comm gt Main Street at BeaolIIMXttqllasaga1lm 19 tau VLocatedjusliisouth ot Dorrie on YConcosslon 1V4 secretarytreasurer secmam ColI ILI FI IGmtI in man of acommittee to investigate tember II murmur SWIM suns SPORT sumrs NEWS $295 $395 $395 34353535 lALttlell out SLACKS $995$ll95$1350gt See The Mmwww THEPERFIECT V1