THE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 22 1953 had no pct Th 232323 wizzzisliizm ne car when he purchased Simmer wentth still com gllltn rnrinly arid lmd no Lilith mine but not so serious Md trtnies With high this suck I1 own EII Mai mmnx rcoyomc iyiiLsriii frlimflldlitti mi xiii iblr lhe rally morning as ll cooler today buthpmsrptflsarc II for hot nu iii up the My may hold out Showers are li To Dossmm paritid ito when 49 Trinperaturcs we July It 80 50 ilzlrlll twik ii 3t llll3l his fl 5515 PLATFORM My 30 id iii iilir tin viliii idiiti July ll 65 NEW MOTOR lrtitcniiu tii 194 will Jr inn iii Hills iiiii lllwilli Buy With Confident =Wheat Board May yd 4101 lichlyil poiicv damhid tin iii lziuilly iiiii MOIORS LTD II IIw pint 2ldllligtr lll ll ii gunleis Largest Duler II II VIE lm tiliiuliilct in lilx lpliliti1hii ll SED CAR hun pd pi my Minni min miiiivri 233 Bradford St iiui mi iwautwii lii itcoiddiito txitli It IIIII fIIIIII NIH In ummdvdi llilgt5ctl lutdnliiiOiDl ll its iiiiiuiilI nzccting the Ontario Wheat liUl duetr5 Association through lllli rials of the Canadian lotleratiuii oi Agriculturc in Ottawa are nowI discuSsing the possibility of lintmg mu mud mm 80am undamkci tho marketing of Ontario Winterl Wlicgit said Robrrt llcutlicriiigtoii of Milton President of tlic Assocuil II lloll iii recent intorvrew If Afcorlllllg to the best InlOIImllE Itioii we can gain from the VllCZIlI if Board and the Federal Trade iiidiI CUmmNw Department the 0pcra= tltills of the Board can be extcndedI Llllllll the Wliczit Board Act toI ended Friday July 17 after two weeks with Miss Grierson With Margaret Boeston andI1IIMYll Canada by Ordermfomh II Xlllbll 0f work MlSS Doris Glllrsml T01 Billblfl Halldlll and brisket Of Flowers cil UlltllllltllI Mr llcntherlilgtoni Rtlotions between the protiiccis was Char nth 10ml lublktanlh mldo by mum Eivulilnvr llioim by llthli trl to 3133l1s2th $3 llLVlZRHOUSE oini iiiniyisnu scrum in BEST BOTH llt certain that the lone will live 20 TM inundwe tliIiIliiivp ItjvIIIICIllIllIlIllI up to the respomibllmos again in ziiiii liii in this vonr llowcvcr unless the SPECIAL News Of Elmvale Olltl CUllllly lll l0 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL tit Cookstown See item in Cookstown news page 12 Above shows some improvement soon the an illolllllstollfiltlllllmISFHTCJYlllltli llfl Oiitiirio Wheat Producers Associii 21 02 JG II II liniswr Cooks II II II mllom Umtid Church limd VDRW my dmsm 1L FCCFPTIONAI VALUE GLENthl FANCY low RSSlSlS Wayne Daemon Chlsenmg lumbm Honor Bridetobe the lllilILt limits Only for tthIIdiIm culture to build and mm on Lilck Wop ol llic buggith tltri 1N1 MlI palhcrmgton said he could Ol 100 llantl of Mi Audit mL lust of UK llLlllll inu liiih 20 oz Tm ltllddloion githcrcd 01 Mondav lilllk mill 13 danmgcdnwc will build it if we are vise soc no reason for the pi cscnt low coni loiiiiig iii the Sunday hchool roiiiiiI Home From Marinmes iiinoiiph to 01th oui dillticiitcs lillLL loi Onldllo limit is PARAMOUNT FANCY RED Alum of St Johns Church which was Mn and 3115 Limd Copeland mid become Canadians iiist pared with current prices for cht nCDlY dCCOFiilLd in pink Md Vhld lltl loln lnrc returned from L1 4Slanlcad lQU Journal 01 Wholl 0f Nde mmV Nu Tm iade the tables were centred lll illrejgckg holiday the Man TTUT tritionnlly Ontario wheat cow in lbmqm PallSECS dellmmllm iizitc Provinces sis NY Mr and MIS Sidney Joneslttilnslcti iigiuszngfstsmiiiilily 521 CANDY FEATURE WILIARDS HUM and other summer llowers num MES Margaret Cumming and of RochesterI TL lber 0f ll glfl frlsnds gallkfti Miss Florence Manning are holi Mr and Mrs Paul Boardszill niidbhydrate Conlcnt Wiggltilghi 11b Cello Bog lroulld the Ola30 10 Sin 5330 diiyzng ii Prince Edward Island Elaine of Toronto spent the weekiton content made In songs accompanied by Mrs Black Nova Scotia end With Mr and Mrs Juniosiiioilllly will Zimiipls BISCUIT srucmu WINDSOR wimin erCIAL 11th Pianos 19 b7idt10blt 35 and Mrs George Drysdalc Benrdsall 1holl CSLCritd 10 the 593 St NWT Don Mrs Jack Tinncv and Mrs Mel Rowat Lolnnd and wcsmm feed helt hen xii 12 oz Cello Bog M25 Maurice Bell drossrd as were guests of friends at Barry spent few days willilpcmts Other forms 0f ammal captain in the Navy 6115 were Busy Lake gimme friends at La Cave ifecd Furthermore the top grades ore drawn in onIa miniature boat Sb Lame goalMam 10me week of Ontario WintLr wheat PRODUCTS ASSIIIIIboIneIH by lime Dada huh RICIIEIIIIS and family ended with his parentsI MrIm1diwtthout equal in the worldIIftlirI OUR OWN HIGH Ql ALITY 793m and Rick ThOTIPm AS ndin theirlrs Verne Beardsall WSW 0UP leTPOSSIIand anflalrzl Dominion Peanut Richmeno Sisting in unwrapping the gifts Miss Isabel Campbell Torontoi5mady $90 we dd dc ope vere Mrs Murray Thurlow with and Miss Ward Walters Falls 0f 15 fad 16 oz Jar 905 Ti Mrs Thompson reading the ac Mr Heatherington uiged 1310 Drysdale Toronto Visited are spending some time with Mrs 11 Iir Winter COmPFnFing g00d lShGS A5513 Blr and Mrs George Drysdale andS Campbell dimers not to Se Richmello ing in placing the gifts were Nancy lrgzmd Mrs Bunt on SailIi in and Mrs Earl DrysdaleJWhCat 00 qmclly Stated that mm dumped on the arid PatJ campbell Joan Be and than IHamilton spent the WCCKCtKl will mmh 919 11bpkg Muriel Ritchie Audrav expressed Mrs Bunny and Miss Ruth Webfin and Mrs Drysdalc market 0W WW me my ic her appreciation and asked all to stor Tillsonburg spent the weekw Wis the price to lvc mi come and see them with no special and with Mr and Mm Fred web Eddmg Anniversary exptllencsd M391 yea Richniello Orange lekoe Domino Soap imitation Refreshments were servstcn Congratulations to Dr and Mrsnadvocating this policy of cautious 3Cd and social hour CJOVCd Mr and Mrs Manley Tinncv Toi Harvic on the occasion of marketing he again Qmllhaslzed 121b Pk 31b Presentation Made mnto and Mrs William Tlnncylir 25th wedding anniversar that there was no reason for the III 53I iJulv 21 went wtde rice margin betwoen Pud hIII iplt On Wednesday afternoon St AniXSSeiIFQIIEEk SII Ontario wheat and Western feed in 774ml Mb drCWS PFCSbyerian Sunday Sclmoli Mrs EdMiller iindies visitor lwhcat and that he believed rust On Saturda afternoon spite lmom 35 the Scene elVi her mother Mrs Thomson the spleasam gathering when friends of first of Ihc week of the rain Trace conducted LAMB FBUNTS i290 lt iMrs Reynolds nee Grace AIrch ML and Mm Barbmm ChicagoI 5aflgeSL2332Z31daullirguifge Suryenl production estimates would Ieyi gathered to extend best Wishes are visiting MrI and MrSI Champq Mrs Alice Kerr who Is leavingimmune and presented her with many lovo ShawI iiy and useiui gins Grace William Rm Elmbjfjfl agd taking up TREES when PRIME Sm 490 our beSI IIWISheS go II ably replied thanking ail whoimsda1V with friends in Barrie II NO newspaper Iedltor CV ILX BONELEbb 11ng fAlVDdlglNliiA JENNETT twms exhlblt model church Image the ftergoon vary casmx With her in her new abode peas to run an Independent Im ma car oar tan or eauti gt 155 oro Iamieson on re mo Ne IalI is spending her vacation with Mn and Mrst A123 Healey partial newspaper and stlll please male anket lbI ht ver one Any fort rig ories djclgtlytilrggchnxlaesd served and Mr and Mrs Jamieson moved mm the new mom on Evinlgatumuy be resented by those LEAN PEAMEALED SOURCEIOEIREVENVE Imus Mg ORESTS BMIS Rowat fand lglrs MaiIiIh Houdcn Street last Week closely involved and an editIor Opened Pastry Shop Car $3 5139 ew ays Vl Miss Natalie Littler Halifax may often be very unpopu ai Provmcial and federal gincrn Thf future of the inditidual pulp II II II LND CUTS merits obtain directly or indiroctn and paper mills depends on the On Saturday William Kunkis Mrs Agnew and Mr nd Mrs Jde Visited last week Wiih Rev and person as he puisucs his attepted 1y revenues out of all proportion fmtSt management they DIOVide Iformerly of Toronto and Barrie MCNlece Gravenhlr MIPS MatSOn calling Starboro onl FRESH CHICKEN CUTS Mr and Mrs Ron Ritchie To to the sums they expend on thcThcy need wood in perpetuity from ppened pastry shop on the west forests of the Crown tncii forests ronto spent the weekend with rel ilElSBllEllSlS and did sellout busmess GuthrieIMiddleton Fire Hall By Flos Township Congratulations are extended to IThe Township of F105 is aiming MI and MIS Guthrlenee PICNIC SUGGESTIONS or building on the north side Of Audrey MiddletonlWh were m3 Queen Street East to serve as ried July 18 in St Johns United cummile mugs 1ACK township fire hall and office Ex Church cavation work for the walls aIEl Mrs Temple and Rosemary Cen Pk If lodging and root rot would make Li ucompleted and the men are busily Spent the week with relatives at llltlSlllS engaged in the walls which is to Meaford be 0f concrete bIDCk conStrumon KllySpigissiliilayriieo$l 15 MS CeIllo pilgI 256 Firemen Called Out Thursday to MONAILCII TASIY On Thursday afternoon around Guests with Burtis Graham dur tlglree oclock the fire siren sound ingrthe week were Mr and Mrs 02 pkgkzsc FOR USE ANYWHERE 531 ome ug tune goes lot an ci ren 0f res NAPBITE SERVIETTES superrksZiorilic monomunmno and Woan lielt Humid Rainbow II SperPIkg zlor 236 ii iii rm to ors teed gt pittaum Cosh II II oNitucio formalin iAsom ZIMUIHJNA YELLOW FLESH TlerlllRlA cruiirsriiiiis zmiewm llrooslono IHeopingiQiiortagc it You too can heal the Heal lightenup whole roomiwlth our gay Colorful huge was Jumbi Sim lzlswemh II villie mpg 17 I1 23 51255 OVAL 0R OBLONG your interiors Spark up corners hallways My mill MWMJM 23 In modem ondIIIGdIIIOIIoI dcsIgIISI II II II II II II Reversible Economical Brighten Up For Fall Barrie Ontario SERVICE Clilllllllls III II llAlillOltNlAIllttWN NIIXWI Fire Resisting Washable Long DorkeIaIrIdoysiore coming soiput more choor in Look cool and feel cool in yall wallpaper patterns in all the newest shades cleanodisummer clothes High St Barrie ARTST SUPPLIES PICTURES WWW BQMINION mm Linn 1i tAI Hug OH