CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING PHONE 241i LISLE All Work and BELLE EWART II with whae accessories and cord M3313 muggy wwxgspAy JULY 23 1953 tlict assisted in light blue sheer saw NHL or mm Miss Margaret Ottawu bridesmaid wore do ngn of blue They Bride and Groom Make Home lwnle crownlcss hats and smrx lowers In William Baldwin brother of the lbride was groomsman and lice ven Archdmcon LightWain Kennedy ushered bourn uncle of the bride officiated The ltciviimi WAS held in thi atthe marriage in St Thomas AngllWlUl Slmllli 1N llvlllt Ul llWI can Chum Sim 33 brides uncle Mr and Mrs Me Miss Katherine Elilbzll BaldwinMlllim Will ill Bll Blthl daughter 01 Mr and Mrs Warren llUlSC Baldwin of Ottawa to lil uni Bruce McMillan of Hi Beaverl House Ontario son of Mrs John Orillia Churcl l2a7iiltif ififfNisJZil Is Setting For aternoon The bride given lll marriage by her father wore an Elizabethan style gown of lace over satin St Pauls United Church at Or satin cap studded with pearls hold illia was decorated with baskets of her short veil and sht carried zil white carnations lilies and del wliite priiyer book covertl withplnnium on Saturday July 1933 whitegardenias and white stream for the marrikt 01 Miss Diluiiu ers of stephanotis Marie Beardsall formerly of Bar hiiss Nora Witsin of l3rliltillililst daughter of Mr and Mrs was maid of honor ttiil llernel Beardsall of Orillia and ballerina gown of pzizl lace overzSydney Donald Baker son of Mr and Mrs Baker of Toronto flormerly of Orillia Iedding music was played by Tandy of saii wore carried satin The bride given in marriage by ALL MiliIIIiIAIS of pink demure sweetheart roses of talisman roses and swectpeas newest with the brides mother receiving her father chose white silk or tephauotis and sweetpeas and her headdress was halo of PHONE 2566 in rosewood crepe dress with ganka gown with low neckline Mrs Ross Bennett of Toronto 95 flame sweetpeas matching lace She wore navy lllllltl bodice and full boufiant the matron of honor and only sis AND MORE The groomsmnn was David accessories and corsagc of pink Miss Gertrude lunnbert and the skirt ending in train Her finger tip eil of white tulle illusion was ter of the bride wore turquoise Sllk organdy gown fashioned on the Sizes 28 to 14 shades for Spring Stanton of Orillia and the ushers were Ross Bennett of Toronto anti Gerald Smith of Toronto Ik+ briarcliffe roses The grooms mo sage of gardenias sage of red briarchlte roses The couple left on wedding trip to Lake of Bays Muskoka with the bride Wearing red dot ted swiss dress and red linen duster with white accessories and cor On their return liar Couple wil ICSltlt in Toronto Guests were present at the wed dig from Windsor Toronto Bar rie Motfatt Mutton Erechin and Woodville Womens Institutes Barrie WI Holds Annual Picnic at St Vincent Park Barrie Womens Institute held its annual picnic this year at St Vin cent Park There were about 10 members and 10 children in at tendance and the children cur joyed program of races and games bean guessing contest was won by Mrs Rogers and gift was given to the oldest member Mrs Jacobs After short executive meeting the picnic came to close with delicious supper Cains Corners Audrey MJls Linda and Sandra Toronto are Visitazg Mr and Mrs Mills VISITSPITCH Mr and Mrs Jan Holt and Dougias of Stirlhg spent tlx we nit wtth Mrs liolts parents ir il Mrs VulJieti Mills Mrs llolt and Douglas are icniainan for holiday Mr and Mrs llzLell Gray lorE onto ware Weekend vurtors with Mr and Mrs Tzolt At Oakriew Beach Mrs Ethel Liking Mrs Hcrb latloti Clccltiult and Mrs Mci Nabb Hostmom spent few days last week at bkriew Beach William Mills lltgtltill is on holiday with gun oiitiidzuv andi daughter Mr and Mrs George Leei onvalcscing Now Mr and Mrs Iaude McGill Barrie visited itr and Mrs DletIi McGill over the weekend Claude is convalescing after undergoing an operation in Toronto hospital last week Mr and Mrs Donald Beattyand children Lefroy were Sunday VH itors with Mr amt Mrs Art Turn and family Mr and Mrs with Mr and Mrs Herbert Saw yers Mr and Mrs Val Jones Valerie and Ronny visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bill Jones at Lake Simcoe MT and Mrs Jack Jones of Co per Cliff visited last week with Mr and Mrs Jones and Mt Margaret Juries Branch Makes Plans for Summer Cains Corners Womens Institute branch has decided to hold few hobo teas during the months of July and August trip is also being discussed and will be held in September although the place and the details will not be planned until August The historical research Convener Mrs Giffen was in charge of the monthly mceitng program on July 16 She gave reading The Good Old Days and Mrs Presser presented paper on current events The topic The History of the Associated Country Women of the World was dealt with by Mrs Duncan An auction sale of miscellaneous articles was an amusing and pro fitablepart of the meeting Mrs Elwood Gordon was July hostess to the Institute members The meeting opened in the usual EGBFRT Mr and Mrs Garvin Burns and family spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs James Orr Graven hurst Mrs Thomas Workman is spendi ing week with Mranl Mrsl Edgar Nevils Aldershot Miss Nora Broiley Ls spending some holidays with Mr and Mrs James Leighton Barrie Mr and Mrs Thomas Faser re turned home Monday having spent the weekend in North Bay Progressing Favorany Picasgd to report Mrs John Church is progressing favorably having undergone an operation in Royal Victoria Hospital Fridav morning last Mrand Mrs Arnold Rogers vis ited Mr and Mrs Wilfred Brollcy Sunday evening Mr Watson and Esther Downer spent Sunday at Wasaga Beach George Burns spent last week with Mr and Mrs Chris Burns Mr and Mrs Thomas Hill and manner with the president in the chair Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary Mrs Fleming and were approved Roll call was Local snaps for the Twecdsmuir History and was an swered by 12 members and two family Hamilton are vacationing With Mr and Mrs Ernest Hancock branch Mrs Lightlieart Mrs Gordon and Mrs Jamiesonas The ice cream for the supper and the two children Sandra agenda at this latest reunion Ohittmrg Requiem thss Celebrated In New Brunswick For Requiem high mass was ceiehra led on Monday July 13 1953 at eight oclock in the morning in St Francis Xavier Church Sus sex NB for Airs William Mel Campbell lllOLllil of Mrs Juries of Barrie Wife of widely known Sussex businessman she died at her home late Thursday night July after short illness The late Mrs Campbell had not been in the best of health for some time and became suddenly ill few days Dcfore her death She died one day after she and Mr Campbell had been married 57 years Mrs Campbell was born iii Saint John and was daughter of the late Bernard and Martha tNicholi McKeever Following their mar riage on July 1896 she and her husband lived for few years in Vancouver and for almost 50 years they had been residents of Sussex where both have made many friends Besides her husband she is Sur vived by three sons Edward Norton Bernard andGcorge IN THE MIDST OF one of the most strenuous campaigns in political history Progressive Conservative Leader George Drew W3 Alhkimins and takes few hours off to indulge in his favourite form of re umuy Tlmmu Smut laxation good oldfashioned family picnic with Mrs Drew games and dip in the swimmjn hole were on the family Moth er of Barrie Woman No Play stalled in his home and Edward basket lunch and their back to Holly south of Barrie Since joining the Provincial Police 33 years ago he has resided at number of places including Kitchener Hamilton Renfrew Brockvillc Peterborough and most recently Englehart Before joining the Oll he had spent some of his time as sailor on the Great Lakes Left to mourn his loss besides this wtfe are one daughter and two sons Betty of Lindsay Robert and William at home two brothers Jack of llornepaync and Bert of Ottawa and two sisters Mrs Arnot of London and MrsW Jos lin of Toronto cousin Mrs OBrien of 119 Coldwater Road also survives The funeral which was attended by over 30 Provincial Police of ficers las held from the Doolittle Bros Funeral home to St Andrews Cemetery for burial Officiating at the services was the Rev Roy ll Webster The pallbearers all Provincial Police officers were Sgt Lewis of Barrie Sgt Harris of Barrie Corporal Gray ling of Bancroft Corporal Wright of Orillia Corporal ing faintly Wharton pcnl the week end with his parents end with his parcnb Sarvis of Bracebridge and Consta ble Evans Among those attending were Dis trict Inspector Clark of Barrie Peterborough and Commissioner for Police in Ontario Mac Neii 3w rumours WHEEL Pamela Stlcox Toronto is pttl few weeks wrta her EILJHL Alis Paikurst Mr and Mrs Lloyd lttiffett and William Buffet his hat TV in ltiii Tromble azii Lri and Mrs Toronto to ircn Home From Hospltai Miss Florie Edwards came humi Fildhl Twin RJ Vitlulil How pilal gerai Wetks there Bizlilt spending gtt BODY Britain WHEEL BALANCING BRAKE SERVICE OOIIBY MOTORS LTD MARKET so BARRIE Novelty Jack Fewer has or apple in his garden with itplllrs bloswnzs an the same lzmh Joan llzldon and friends Tu onto spent the weekend llltll cottage trrv and Successful Legion Carnival On Friday night July 27 tho Legion held the first Carnival on the vacant lot apposrte the post office in Belle Ewart The bingol was the biggest attraction There were several wheel games ring the bottle and other attractions Dancing modern and old timol was popular with music by Bert Dixons orchestra The draw was made for the Mixmznter the Iuckv winner being Mrs Dalton Ferric The weather was ideal and good crowd was on hand WORKER HONORED EDMONTON CP Members of the provincial department of municipal affairs have honored Florence May Wood on her corri pletion of 40 years in provincial government service Miss Wood native of Alliston Ont began her government Service asa stenogru pher in the railways and tele phones department TRIM MOULDING 555 ieiorjcio 56 Elle Street PHONE 25I7 Barrio ATTENTION Camp Borden Contractors for your work in Camp Borden requiring Washed Concrete Aggregates we havetinew washing crushing and screening plant in was kindly donated by the mer vrsttors The treasurers repbrtlchams of New Lowe Duff W215 given Mumbers project for the Collingwood on md Gtorgc RUE both of Sussex two daughters Mrs Jones Jean Barrie and Mrs Frank MacDonald Kath ryn MOHtLOlt one brother Will MIDHURST sell Mrs Bert Huddleston visited ceremony was performed by ller lle VellSILl ALI STYLES ALT COLORS held in place by han of 1in of the valley and she carried cluster same lines as the gown worn by the bride She carried bouquet Following the veddinga recep 15 Dunlop Sf tion was held at the Orillia House PILLOW CASES 22 26 Unbleached cotton pr93c BEDSHEETS app 80 90 unbleached cotton pr $235 SWIM IRUNKS for boys satin $169 NYLONBLOUSES for women regular $295 $159 OVERALLS for children washable cotton and designed 49c BLANKETS all wool hpproximateiy 90 54 regular $395 $198 sockiiss STOCKINGS regular up to 98c pr 16c FISHING CAPS for men regular 98c 25c DRESS sox for men pair $100 Satisfaction or Cash Money Aetumled Cash Your Baby Bonus Cheques at Jacksons Jacksoifs Dept Stores 59 DUNLOP sT PHONE 4348 of New Lowell Womens Institute Throne fair exhibit was discussed Refreshments consisted of ice cream cookies and iced tea served by the hostesses Mrs Gordon Mrs Calder and Mrs Giffen The next meeting of the branch is to be held at the home of Mrs Calder Highlights of Newlowell WI 50th Anniversary Mrs Laughlin 2nd vicepres ident presented Mrs Web ster of Creemore Institute founder with corsage of mauve orchids at the 50th anniversary gathering in New Lowell United Church on Saturday afternoon 5010 sung by Mrs Clarence McQuay was Pals of the Little Red School with an encore School Days and Mrs McQuay and Mrs Booth joined in two vocal duets By The Way of The and Dream of Para dise accompanied at the piano by Mrs Longmire The Ode and Abide With Me were played by the assistant pian ist Mrs Allenby The anniversary cake cut by two of the pioneer members was made by three members of the ISIIII I10 other 9Gingr Ale with Economy When you buy two IOoz bottles at WILSONS Ginger Motor 35cyou have the utmostin delicious Wings at the very bottom pfico for whichit can did and debuted FAMILY SIZE IO OUNCES reason usizs 12 codes 162 Richardson Clan iam LeR McKeever Halifax and six grandchildren The body rested at her late res idence until Sunday Jilly 12 when prayers were conducted by libv Holds Annual Reunion Here On Wednesday July 16 the 30th annual reunion of the Richardson family was held at St Vincent Park Barrie with about 50 particis pating After social visit bountiful supper was served The business meeting was con ducted by the secretary Mabel Richardson Minutes of the last reunion were read and adopted Officers for 195354 were elected as follows President Janet Rich ardson Elmvale vice4prcsideiit Alice Dougall Midland secretary Mabel Richardson Craighurst The sports committee is made up of Earle Reid Jack and Robert Richardson Marion Dunn Rose marie Richardson Alice Dougall and Alma Caston It was voted to have the reun ion at Midhurst Park in 1954 the for Church at 230 pm Walker in St Francis Xav Interment was in Kirk Hill Cemetery Provincial Police At Funeral In Orillia For Cpl Keeler of Englehart Orillia Packet and Times The first Provincial Police fun eral parade ever to be held in Orillia took place on Monday of ternoon July 13 when officers from Ottawa London Toronto Renfrew Brockville Peterborough Englehart and Barrie gathered for the funeral Of Conporal Leland Keeler of Englehart who died sud denly on Thursday July Cpl Keeler was born near Ra mona in 1904 and was the son of the late Mr and Mrs William Keeler Shortly after the family moved to Ardtrea and then to the Monck Road Following hifmarr last week with Miss Mabel Wattie Mrs George Spence Stroud is visiting Mrs James Spence Lt and Mrs Don Dingle have returned to Kingston after spend ing furlough with Mr and Mrs Smith Warden To Speak Dont forget the annual church service for Minesing charge at Springwater Park at 11 am Sun day July 26 Speaker willbe His Worship Wilbur Reed of Ard trea Warden of the County of Simcoc Mr Veals Returns Aug On Aug the regular church service at Midhurst will be at 730 pan Rev Veals will be home from holidays No Sunday School There will be no Sunday School on July 26 due to the church ser vice in the park SEAGOING DEER GLACE BAY NS CP Nova Scotia deer are almost as fond of the ocean as they are of the woods Fisherman Bill Ford roped swimming animal far offshoreand hauled it to dry land to be re leased Earlier New Waterford sherman ran down deer two date to be chosen by the execu riage he moved to Saskatchewanlmilesat sea BuyInReIiigetalotst IlIIS are 926 cu DELUXE tive committee minutes silencewas observed in memory of the late Mrs Richardson Midhurst The young est Richardson present was the baby daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Richardson Port McNicoll rousing game of baseball was enjoyed by the sports enthusiasts Owing to illness the president Janet Richardson and the vice president Olive Maw were unable to be present Cards are being sent to Agnes Richardson and Olive Maw who are ill Mrs Tena Rowatna member of the Richardson clan was present after very enjoyable tour of the continent She arrived home that day in time to be at the picnic Let Life Insured Pay the Bills The debts amarilcavesbeh1nd him when he dies hospital doctor funeral taxes can often wipe OOI entirely his wig dows slender cash resources wellbalanced lLife Insur Ivan IBfrigamniibii Renance unuv makers of theworlds finestHome Freezer ance program provides litimeI dtate cash to satisfy these first claims against your estate Let me show4 you our special Se curity Graph service which will helptyou estimate how much should be provided for this purpose George Livingston LU 70A Dunlop St 121 Bar let Phone5594 Representtng TNI MANUFACTURERS aims COHEN ONLY beepfreqxo Refrigeu vb Screltoutpi clay and milk bOIIIOII tact them from blookogol JAOIIIIIIIN zoowgn St otor has Tho Doortbat common mu toll quart 53w IGGSTOI hops eggshundy pro Balri After Hours Phong 852 mi ONLY Doopfroqzo Refriger ator hos PhQQONUInO lbupfroozo Freezer Com parfmomt Store more than 50 lbs of frozen food ind cctunllv keeps Ice creim bard Seprtrate freezer shelf for ico who my and dessert tray Full width Frozen StorageDuier stalled in our pit and our location at New Lowell near Camp Bordenenables us to give the most reasonable prices for this material We also contract or rent machinery for construction work Harold Marlin Construction Ltd PHONES CREEMORE 17213 BARBIE ZA84254 I7Zl82 BRADFORD STREET PHONE 5355 BARRIE 1952 CHRYSLER Sarat0ga Sedan 180 HP Motor Power Steering Povver Brakesvvery lowmileage 1952 PLYMOUTH Cambridge Sedan 1952 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Club Coupe 1951 DODGE Regent Sedan 1951 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1951 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Sedan 1951 PREFECT sedan 1951 VANGUARD Sedan 1951 CONSUL Sedan 1950 METEORrCoach overdrive 1950 PLYMOUTH Special Club Coupe 1950 PLYMOUTH Special Sedan 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan radio 1950 CHEVROLET Sedan 1949 PLYMOUTH Special Sedan 1948 PLYMOUTH Special Sedan 1947 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan 1947 MONARCH Sedan 1947 DODGE Sedan 1947 PLYMOUTH SpecialSedan 1941 CHEVROLET Gone 1940 BUICK Sedan 1940 CHRYSLER COACH 1931 PLYMOUTH Sedan usEDTtwcx BOYS 1950 Dodge Express ton 1948Fargo Panel Vs ton 1948 DodgeiStihdoIBus 48 passenger capacity In exeel Wit cobaltlon finished in schoolbus colors 1947 Fargo Express ton 1947 Ford Panel ltoti 1946 International Cab and Chassis insane Electrical Plumbing Heating Contractors Phone 4810