Old tymc and modern dancing every Wednesday Friday and Sat urday at Club 39 Ladies soc Gentlemen 75c 54 Obtain your tickets for BDCI Band Concert Aug featuring Rafael Mendez fathom trumpet virtuoso Wcaymouths Book Store phonedtl Barrie 8088 South Simcoc Junior Farmers are reminded of the presentation night in honor of Mr and Mrs Bob Brown Churchill Community flail Wednesday July 131 pm Good program and dancing All Junior Farmers welcome Girls please bring lunch Sidewalk Signs To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir In the Wednesday issue of The Examiner it stated that Cotlys Clearich were refused permission to use sidewalk sign We were surprised to see any thing in the paper about this as we did not ask for permit to place sign on the sidewalk but oily how much permit costs to do so This we should think could have been answered by our Town Clerk without going to council However it is against the law and yet our own policemen coun cillors and pedestrians have walk ed around similar sign for the past three or four months and are doing so at the time of writing without anything having been done about it How could otir sign cause pre cedent Other signs are put out without any permission and no action taken by any of the town officials Who is to blame for such condition Heres for quick change Yours truly COTTY TRIBBLE OldTime Exhibits Cundles July 17 1953 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner DEAR SIR Two cents worth for the Centen nial Committee When the old time exhibits are being shown care should be taken to guard against bringing ridicule upon the old peo ple who have passed away Surely even the most limited mind must know that there is master plan for the universe and Barrie July 1953 lwith projecting fly for sunny 31 KXAMINEE MONDAY IULY 20 1953 The First Column Continued from page one When very small boy rc member the 01d tub chummy old dean the steamer Enterprise and one of the last trips made to the point when the wharf was lo cated on the southeast Side and passengers were able to walk from the wharf direct to the picnic grounds or recreation field pro bably intended for lacrosse in the first place and lying directly op posite the large white hotel faclt ing the park area and looking east with big iron pump in front of the building The wharf at that time had bc come the worse for wear and cast crn storms and landing was an adventure To me the most fascinating fea ture was the semi circle of tents large and small some plain others gaily colored in stripes and some weather These were placed all around under the treeshaded side west to east and occupants were mostly Barrie folk Not many of the middleaged at that time are still top side but the names have been recalled by Mr Grant and many of the family connections still spend their summers in the cottages which have replaced the tents and are located farther west on the Kempenfeldt side of the point and between Kyuoch first called Ccdarmont next to the old things come about in their own due time That being the case there could be no reason at any time for people to think themselves super smart Yours truly NASH INTERNATIONAL FIGURES SPEAK Ar GENEVA PARK Continued from page one omic consultant Mutual Security Administration Washington James Stovmrt President of the Canadian Bank of Commerce and Professor EA Knox of Queens University will discuss An Economic Program for Peace James Stewart will talk on Can adian Trade Position and Prospects on Thursday morning while the evening address Mlll be on The Attackcn Civil Liberties Those taking part in this discussion will be Arthur Schlesinger jr Pro fessor oxfhistory Harvard Univer sity Arthur Phelps formerly professor of English McGill Uni versity and JeanLouis Gagnon writer and broadcaster Montreal On the final day Friday Upderhill professor of history Un iivrsity of Toronto wil speak on Can Modern Man Be Free This will be followed by the annual meetiugnf the Canadian Institute on Public Affairs and in the even ing the themeWhere Does the fxinforence Lead Us thI be taken by Jil MoGeachy and Arthur Phelps and conference members Thoulnstitute is intended not merely for experts but forall men and woman interested in the topics undefifdiscuuion Those who have attendedin the past included lead homcstead of John Soulcs and the point proper From the east end some of the names were Devlin Jamicson Fae Sarjcant Otton Jackson Murchi son and later the Underhills Farther west the Dougals chose little cove ncXt to the Tyrers McNabbs and Hills Farthcr along Dr Wells and little later Alex Cowan located and still farther west Oliver Cameron and Harry Black few cottagers were on the south east side of the point and short distance from the wharf which later collapsed and new one was built about one mile from the point end on thcinorth side They were the Plaxtons Buttons Dyments and back in the woods near the Peninsular Park Hotel were the Huzletts and Levias Many Toronto folk gradually took up cottage sites and the Fred Gocch cottage was not far from the Peninsular Park Hotel but on the north shore The Peppalls were near the present wharf and the golf course was developed by them onfthe original Cook farm To small boy it was mostag gravating about leaving timer to see the signs of activity in the culinary sections of the tent row Coffee began to send out inviting odors bacon and eggs began to sizzle wonder who was the first guy way back to steal the eggs from poor old biddy the hen bet that Fred Grantwould know ers in business and professional life members of Parliament farmers la bor representatives teachers stud ants social and religious workers The Couchiching Conference init iated in 1932 by the National Coun cil of YMCAs of Canada has pro vided anhualy an open forum for discussion of Canadian social and economic problems in theirintri nationalswing The daily sessions are arranged so that the afternoons nreyleft free for relaxation and re creation At the Park there are facilities for swimming boating arts and crafts and musicilhere are golfing facilities nearby at Orillla For further Informatiomaupone interested should contact the seem return Canadian Institute of Public Affairs Sohool of Graduate Studs les University of Toronto 152 CHEV CLUB COUPE JUSI 1N new woman mmva DRIVEN 4000 MlleSiFftFE summon 1luy With Confidence At Murmlltlm tutrim Ideal um grufttmtr if Founders Day at Blue Mountain Camp for Farmer Seriously Injured by Tractor Goes Into Gulley William Patchctt West lwillinr bury farmer is patient in New markct Hospital suffering from very serious injuries sustained in trctor accident on his farm on Monday July 13 ibmlt 1030 21111 On the Patchett farm which is located on the Middleton sideroad north of the 11th concession there is steep gullcy Mr Patchctt was evidently at work with tractor dragging some large rocks off his land and dumping them into this gullcy when the accident occurred Just what happcned may never be known but when help arrived the tractor was some 30 feet downk the steep embankment upright and Mr Patchctt was lying badly in But it was surely tantalizing to ramble back to the old boat after all the grub had disappeared from the picnic basket and leave those oil stoves or lVOUtl fires with their appetizing smells There was picnic some years later on the 151eg an ensemble from the original steamer Orillin which vascut in two and new section inscrtcd making long and narrow hull and did she roll ort could have been the ltou abcc brought froth Pctcrbolo and the last large boat on the lake which finally landed on the bot tom besidothc present wharf af ter an explosion on board It was anLOL picnic and the writer who was certainly peri patctic pcrsevcring perspicacious and penetrating for once had the job of helping with booth han dledrby the ltllCEdWald Luck his boss When cilerything was back on the boat carried by manpower to great extent for the good half mile across to the present wharf at the last minute had to hike back to the booth to retrieve an ice creamscooperuppcr An clcc tticstorm was starting to boom and just as waslcaviug the park the boat whistle started to bldw My peripatetic progress was speed cd up to nothing flat but made it On the way home the time was passed very pleasantly in the good old custom of part singing some of the songs within harmony almost forgotten now Tom Pcarco good old scout who sang in the Essa Road Presbyterian Church choir started off as we were squatted around on the loweridcck Ed Luck later partner with Wisdom trade name noted by Ripley was born harmonizer with good tenorVoice and with that as leadthe rest of us managed to help out with the general vol time in Workin on dcrailroad In the evening by the Moonlight and other ditties as Little Puukin Colored Coon etc ers are both gone now but that singsong will still echo down the corridors of memory wBeforethe motor car and truck came into general use James Valv Barrie grocer started amotor boat delivery service to the point tough job on stormy days and fat er it was taken up by Luck and Wisdomlater Wisdom and C0 in cooperation withAlhm Marshall butcher but thats alt1 Moi other story mm The two sing jurcd about 25 feet down the bank In some manner the tractor went uvcr the bank and evidently pass td cvrr Mr Patchett There is not telephone at the farm and hpr had to be summon cd from the nearest neighbor Dr llanlcy and ambulance drivers George Allan and Ron Banncrman from Bradford went to the injur ed man but had to secure the as sistancgt of neighbors to bring him up the bank on stretcher It was terrible ordeal the injured man being conscious and in greatpain Build Addition to Banting Memorial School at Alliston Alliston Herald An extension is being built to Banting Memorial High School to contain four classrooms and sick bay The twostorey addition costing $64000 measures alxtlt The architect is Gordon Adam son Toronto who designed the original structure and the con struction is of reinforced concrete brick exterior backup wall of ce ment blocks Twentysix men are employed on the job the roof will be on by the cud of July and the whole contract finished up by the end of August Marsh Nicol is in charge of the work for Western Counties Estates Ontario Ltd general con tractors The school was biult three years ago to accommodate 420 pupils Avciagc attendance last year how ever was 488 The extra 68 stuv dcnts required two and frequent ly three classrooms classes some times having to be divided The library from the very first has been used as Classroom Quite often it has been made to hold two classes The cafeteria gallery of the gymnasium and two dressing rooms have been convert cd to class rooms till the extension is ready for use 1w Edgar Wedding Mr and Mrs Bentley and Elaineattended the BatesHutchin son Wedding at Edgar United Church on Saturday Julyll WAllear Two Young Ladies The WA met 11 the church base mem on July There was good attendance Mrs William Newton missionary converter had two young ladies who will be leaving for Egypt in August take the meet ing They are most enthusiastic workers and left the gathering with lots of good food for thought All wish them safe trip Sale At Alcona Beach gt The bake sale was quite suc cess at Alcona Beach on Wednes Announce Dates 195354Conceri lSeason in Barrie The dates of the 195354 series of Community Concerts being pre scntcd by the Barrie association have been confirmed and are an nounced by the local secretary Mrs Coxall The first concert of the year will he on the evening of Oct 29 when Samson Francois brilliant pianist who has risen to pre eminence among young French artists will appear in Barrie In the past five seasons this young musician has established in Amer ica new forms of brilliance and icon new norms of brilliance and poetry in pianoplaying according to the critics The next concert on Dec will present husband and yvifc team David and Maria Lloyd The fav orite tenor for the nations orches tras will give joint recital with his wife an accomplished violinist The Season will end on March 1954 with concert that will be entirely different from either of the other two presentations Ap pearing for the first time in Bar rie will be the Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus under the direction of Eduardo Caso The boys from the Southwest have sung in New York and other big cities and on dodio and television rIn concert dress or in cowboy jeans they are said to be beguiling in their pro gram of classics folk songs Mexi can novelties and Westerns sung with superb blend of fine young voices and spiced at the proper moments with little comedy CENTRE VESPRA Save Dobsmn Burn It was indeed fortunate affair that the barn of Dobson was saved last week when the straw stack at its sidewas burned due to unknown origin The best part was thatxthe tahk used by Pattersons for watering the tur keys was already loaded with Water and that along with the neighbors soon had the fire undr control Little Heather Hall of Thornhill is holidaying with her grandpar entsMr and Mrs John Wallwiu Home From Hospital Sid Money has returnte home after undergoing surgery in Toron to last week lllness In Community The flu has moved into the com munity and the measles are sun finding their victims Tells of Church Camp Rv dePencier Wrich of the yearly visit at Moorland Camp Beaverton where he has the opportunity to address about day m01ning The WBSDUtOfsunderprivileged children and baking fresh vegetablesgand eggs Visitor From Beeton Master Paul Coburn of Beeton is holidaying with Mr and Mrs Bentley andfamily Mr and Mrs Bentley and family visited on sunday with the formers par ents at ROwanwood Lodge Mus koka Mrs NelsonBercaved Sympathy is extendedto Mrs Nelson in the sudden death of her son my jun EXAMINER WANT no more new Civic wm AT maggotansq their mothers who are fOIClt ed to dive in crowded fur nished attics withlittle to despite theheat and who through the help from the Church ofEng land are given one weeks camp jug with all thEWfoodWey can eat and devotional period each even ing Mr Wright statesethat some of these children and their mothers are very pitiful to see with their sunken eyes and thin littlebodies It only makes us who think we aromln trouble and finding the hillshard to climbrea1ize just how fortunate we are with plenty BRITISH COLUMBlA ENTERS paypcomtmu OPENED um CANADADMDED amok tigncsr Four lasiiw tNTO FOUR Ju tAL LUNDY DISTRICTS to Crippled bear that Frank Ralph has return Children Georgian BOY Clearing Pleasant Summer Weather lNith light Breeze The past week was summery with high but not extreme tcm pcraturcs Harvest was in sigh lcft to right Examiner Photos by Fawn PEGGY VENNER Toronto assists two little girls with crcative work at Blue Mountain Camp for Cripple Childrm llONlet llacKlNNON PHILLIPS Ontario Minister of Health spdnds time with youngsters on slide at the Camp west of Collingwood HAL POPlIAM of Ottawa president Ontario Society for Crippled Children with Sharon Adams of Oakville left you ECarolyn Copp of Toronto Occasion was Founders Day Jaeimomei LEE Blue Mountain Camp and it was also Sharons 8th birthday making it humid and delaying grain cutting Saturdays tcm NEW OWELL Mum rm perature was very unusual Miss Audrcy Gilpin and girl 1353 with high of 75 and low 62 Weekend traffic was heavy 1953 friend are spending month in Quebec with cottagers getting away Mr and Mrs William Taylor Mr and Mrs Torrance and sont 32 Mrs Edwards and Judy Riddiouglii fall of Toronto called on Mrs Fred NNl from the cities Mumbcrson and other friends Temperatures were High Low 75 5t 80 52 82 53 83 54 83 56 85 57 15 80 50 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 July July July July July July July July Moves To Barrie Mrs Thomas Bates has moved to Barrie and sold her house to George Scott Mr and Mrs Andrew Skelton Detroit called on Mrs Fred Mum berson Delbert Mumbelson of Toronto spent his holidays with his mother here OLD HOME WEEK AUG ITO There is word front centennial headquarters to the effect that tlw Barrie milk distributors have lulul up solidly behind the centennial committee and now every bulllv of milk delivered in Barrie uni the surrounding area will have spccial Old Home Week bottle cap iThc Barrie milk distributors haw gone to considerable expensc lll putting out these bottle caps nu vcrtising Old Home Week Kiwanis to Have Scarboro Clubgwat Springwater Pllk Winncrs of the door prizes on the two nights of the Barrie Ki wanis Karnival Wednesday and Thursday were Llew Beaver 10 Donald $10 Mrs Lawson Lisle $10 Veina Richardson 175 Bayficld SL $5 Dtiniont Bar Victors From West uJamcs Laughlin attended thel Masonic Grand Lodge in Toronto on Wednesday Mr Pelleyand Mr Munroe of Chuuwack BC and Mr and Mrs WOlcmllmo with Howard Wilson of Toronto calledniul mmmjltlc by SPUHSllWi on Mr and Mrs James LaughlinlanppETS 1h Clown Who Wm in Home from Aug to it on Tuesday Abed an us an ics Vl tic lie RR $5 941 and Mrs Fmdmk and crowds in gales of lziiiulitctcllllii Gross proceeds of the annual af Flank Eale flowmov Spent th PETS will be spSCial fltllll fair were around $2500 it was an TERM Vlm Mr Md MIS Gemgtmf the children nounced Report will likely be Clark given at the dinner tonight AliLA Picnic It will be an intcrclub meeting numb 0f the LildiOS Auxil at Spiingwatci Park with Scarboro allended the Picnic on Thurs Kiwanis Club and their president day All had very enjovable Donald McQuarric is to be chair limo Ml mlMS Thomas Chaser of Halifax spent Sunday with Ml and Mrs John Lavender Mrs man The speaker will be Lush president of the Supreme Thomas Chase J12 returned to lo ronto with them after spending it Aluminum Industries Limited of Toronto on the subject Profit Sharing weeks vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs John Lavender group of Barrie merchant Make Presentation Neighbors in the communitv also of 2nd 3rd and 4th lines ccntly gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Alex Cameron near Mid hutst where they have been liv ing sincclcaving the service step tron Some very lovely and prac tical gifts had been chosen as re membrance for them namely chest of drawers an easy chair four chrome and leather chairs pair of beautiful wool blankets and two cushions also gifts for the three children An address was read by Ignatius OHalloran read ing in part how much they would be missed around here Alex and of space to runabout and our gar dens which niaily city child never has seen Therefore we should thank God our Heavenly Father for all these blessings given us Home From RV Little Nancy Ann Lewis was able to return home after spending wek in the RVH Barrie Suffers ip Injury Dobson suffered very pains ful hip injury after slipping in the barn last week and striking against centre post Weather Better The weather of this past weak has been much better for the farmers with haying yet to be done At Pcmwawa Camp Cpl Ross Lavender reported back to Toronto last week and is now stationed at Pctawawa Camp Elsie replied very nicely SUCiJl hour was enjoyed and as usual bountiful lunch was served Vacationing Here Mrs Philpott and children To ronto have been holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs Brail CALL THE EkAMlNER FOR PRINTING BBONE 241 ITS EASY to beautify To Sunnybrook Hospital We were indeed very sorryto ed to Sunnybrook hospital loion to for further treatment We wish him speedy recovery and may his stay there be short one Mr and Mrs Wallwin motored CANADAS rust RAILWAY com 005 1836 those old Floors tli CLARKE Flflllll Sli to Waterdown to spend Sunday with Mr and Mrs George Lawr rcnce EQUIPMENT You can do professional Eefinishing easytouse Clarke Rental Equipment Save time and money and give your floors new Beauty and lustre we furnishull equip ment materials and complete instructions job with our complete fo ileum Plan includes everything youneed EHQNEHYQUR RESERVATIONS PURcuAsEforaAN mun There are stillsome bargains leftg Call in and Save up to 50 on many articles WE AnnAUTHORIZED ISSUERSOF llUNTING FISHING AND GUN LICENSES ueun stockre WESW limit FOR Nil momma RIETOSTQ Humour not DunlapSt is gt pronoun WEDEUVER ONE awn or warm cumulus mssmro W3 To RECAll fOR CANADIANS IODAV soul or 1H INIERESIING wolfs 10 murmurs in our COUNIRYS Otoumn SIORV Merrily legion mllball 32