iisuimii rosr on curt Examiner JUNIOR IUMIIIE JULY 5CD HES hcws of lnzcrcs to Junior farmers iiiiioii JAMLS IIANtUI 1150 in WIMWWWWoxonoi i2 iiig ii1i ti pug Lip inst zi th llll niriy ir lion in llli git tiozi it lyix of lttiitl tli iD lZlil 2v clzicrziii Iariam or 5i Tlic Witt Ililitiilttl my tai aii tzicii lllll i1iiti it iif Junior Farmer Camp Finiii Shittic ltlilli iwill llilili chkciii la ii1 iiit Full Camp Enrolment viv all Tllt Yarn loys any at liars Lake Hio Park from July 31 to Lil tillcri ti candidly Looking ill the list of prosn=cttc camp Illltialliiflmiiiiuj mmt iltiILSSLS from Suiilci New Low1 Hm tll OIO Urzllia iiizliii Iillfl JUU gtflillc VlrifiWJItI llliiiialc Vici Midland iiii Lafniitaizic icizltiiral toiiiiiiittci of atom biitiiiay cwn Junior Fain and oici arc clgiblc at Hogs Tail Is Hazard ln Cemmercial Raising Ilic Barrio Rotary Lluhisgmn sored Twin lll Swni Club held its July iiiccting at tiic farm of Chailcs Nisriii Sli ity Following jiidgiiizz practzcc the boys wcic frivorcil With talks by two very practical in prodiic cis Harold Drury who opciatcs lllSURAllCE AGE NCY CchOP sir mam DIAL 4427 408 5b ci out the Illilci important points to bc obscivcd in tEic carc and maiiagciiicnt of tlic brood sow and hcr litter Cleanliness and sauna tion were strcsscd by Mr Drury llc recommended heat lamps for the young pigs during chilly wca CRUISES BLUEWATER Every evening 730 from Hayfield Street D0ck Minets Point Big Bay Point Hotel Round trip Adults 75c Chil dren 40c DANCE TO BOB IIUNTERS ORCHESTRA MINEPS POINT Every Dance night boat leaves Bayficld St Dock every 20 minutes 55c return trip lilljv with two classes of Mr Nexisniis ults pi hatchery at Crown Hill poiiit Medonte Council Oppose Charge of Warning Signal Bond 33 141$ lc lamina Tangany that suosta tziii Lit iullirll tiazisltip is diii5lllg tiic taut the Stiggtfbltii tlltll Ly llcrlriiitc plOilllJIILVK 315 of the safety dcyiicc incl my the gradc cross find and the CPR CUllliCll IIS on that they should ham iiurli cvinsuitcii before installations Zl in if tiivy wort to be ask nd re costs tis had been done and coun LilllllSLtI of whut it would lic to contribiitc on the barns firti tzivy would have statedg cpl wvrc beyond the town slilpo capacity and would have Clllikllilvtl that traffic ill illL fllliilflf iocsiit warrant an instal lation of such an elaborate nature it hlciliiiitc had pay share it iiIll have to be deducted from iiiadcijiiatc to incct rcquiieiiicnts ltlic road budget which is already Total installation cost of thc thlillllit signal at siilcroad at 310 it Con 10 was SLIOO It was proposed that this be paid as fol lions Gradc Crossing Fund $440 Mcdoiitc Township $330 CPR $330 Total vcarly maintenance c055 were 5c at $400 of which Mcdontc was to pay $1100 The township council is particularly opposed to paying $200 per ycar for servicing tiic ticvice in perpetuity when they were not consulted beforehand about apportionment of costs PM thcr emphasizing the need for adcquatc precautions against the sow knocking the light He strongly recommended creep feeding the piglets with good pig starter as soon as they would eat Mr Ncwson the secondspcaker pointed out some of the pitfalls of commercial production Asa pro ducer of twelve hundred pigs an nually he could speak with auth ority Iii buying weanling pigs he told the boys to select those that had been creep fed before weaning He has found that when the pigs are put in large pens on self feeders those accustomed to eating pig starter will soon grow who have not jaway from those ihad an opportunity for creep feed ing while on the sow In his years of experience the Special Centennial Feature hie AND unitiinniiiiiii NEWST with SUNDAY Aueiisr BARRIE ARENA Do You Remember Barrie Diamond Jubilee Parade cross in th also son fnc greatqu loss 221 bztiiig Usually only one in lll bc truth blcsomc but viicn sisAlookl out It just goes from me pig tol the other biting oft tails causing loss of blood izitcction sometimes scts in which proves fatal The program was arranged byl Club Lcadcr Alastair Crawford President Don Campbell expressed appreciation to Mr Nevson and Mr Druiy on behalf of the club Oriillia 4H Calf Club Met At Dr Rynurds By JEAN ANN riouxii thinhV which has caultltl Nowl csittcs The July incctingi of the Orilliat 4H Cali Club was llcld at the farm of Dr Rynard Orillia on Wednesday evening July 8f with 13 members present Four of Dr Rynards Holstein cows were judged and each meritI ber gave reasons for his placingsu During the business part of the meeting which was held in the barn Mr Hancock conducted an impromptu quiz ontlic rules and regulations of Calf Club Alcx Gowanlock the Club Prcs in ident moved vote of thanks to Dr Rynard for permitting the club to judge his Holsteins After Ilium Brought toyBerriein Clooperation with the CBC The Barrie Examiner and by the Barrie CentennialOld HomeWeek Committeec ADMISSION use csc SALUTEJTQ BARRIE and NEIGIIBOURLY NEWSM With DONFAIRBAIRN and numFonsm SUNDAYAUG I953 BARRIE ARENA 945 am Ticket Holders Must Be In Their seats By 930 Oi One of These New5poper gt Coupons Tickets are available at the Barrie Examiner Office Chamber of Commerce Lo cal Sports Agencies and Barrie Arena COME But Miisr HAYE ATICKEIH EARLY the meeting the club was invited into the home where Mrs Rynard served delicious Lunch ZEth club is very grateful for the hospid taliiy of Dr and Mrs Rynardag Matchedagh Sets Tax Rate at 365 Matchedash Council at its Julyl meeting at North River appointed Kitchen as tax collector at $200 for the current year plus ex eiises for stationerym and postage 31x bills are toxbe out by Aug 23 Tli firefighting agreement witni Coldwat was approved for our year By tho arrangemeiitholdi water briggdwlii battle fires mi Matchedash The bylaw fixing tliajax rate at 365 mills was passed Meeting adjourned to Aug l7 it 730 oclock in the council chitin er Bob Hunter his Band Vocals by Bing Mayor WED Fill SAT Boat Leaving Bsyficld Street Deck Every 20 Minutes All Dance Nights RESERVATION PHONE 4702 Open Improved Section Highway ll Wllh Mass of Braceliridge Town North Bay Nugget Designed to relieve one of the UIS tourist aicatraffic bottle necks in Ontario lit miles sec tion of Highway II from point labour three miles south of Brace lbridizc to paint 11 miles south oil wnhcpemng of me Briccbiidc Huntsville entirely new will be opened for traffic this weekend The old scction passed through the heart of BiaCebridge and was constant cause of traffic conges tion in summer due to narrowncss of road and right of way and the many winding curves and grades The rebuilt section of the high way will have rightofway 15 feet With at the maximum Road rsurface will be 24 feet wide and curves and grades have been re duced to provide maximum vision as requrred for modern high stand is 1000 BMW amninzns BAND BINGO Thursday July 2311 015 pm UDIIFEIIOWS iiiiii coiiuii STREET ard highways The new section thus been given hard surface mulch top Traffic and zone paint ling on the section nov coinplctcd conforms to the best modern praci liticc on this continent lbypass this weekend all of Highl way 11 from the chcrri Bridge 10 Huntsville will have been rcbuiii to meet exacting rcquircnicnts of high standard highway construc tion This section some 35 miles in length takes traffic from South lern Ontario into the heart of the Muskoka Lakes district one of Canadas most popular vacation lareas The Braeebridge bypass will have two bridges separately cross Ling the south and north branches of the Muskoka River It will pass GOOD CASH PRIZES Name of winner of $1000 draw to be announced at approximately 10pmEntire Proceeds Jor purchased new instruments for YOIR bandme tickets may be purchased at the Bingo ADMISSION soc cards CIENIEIINIIIIEONCEIIT Featuring llllllllil Native of Barrie MENDEZ in person sheriff Wprld FamouVTrumpctWVirtuoso REGINALD eoooEn Renowned Canadian Pianist ZENATCHIEEVERS Distinctive Dance Stylings iiiiiiiiiri contour criiriiiiiiiiii iiifiiiii WEDNESDAYIIIIG5 830 lllll BARRIE ARENA Reserved seats $125 $100 Unreserved on the floor $100 Available from rAllandale Drug Col Weaymouths Book Storellacksons Grill Dixies Smoke Shop and from members of the Band At Camp Borden from the Bank of Commerce Ulti TO JUNIOR FAfLilEE AND 4H CLUBS ll HiANh SIUNE that bad Th British Young Farmers in more but in Church Service July l9 take placc the annual service July Midhurst pm Siruud is to is one event Jziziioz Farmers iiiiris look for 1Willi Illll 0F illlSllRFille Cor tltilil expectti arr You were right Professor fella does need INSUR ANCE when travelling in foreign country Foreign Travel Insurance doesnt cost very much as an endorsement on your Auto Insurance but you should have it before you take trip Illllll Holding Special Event in Centennial Week Consult us for complete details on rain it1mism Itlctl in 4H Club Meetings on ML 31 lllijctlll Ccoksi min oi July l1cldinan Ontario of Agriculture was in the iiiiport Liticc of at ciy iii cpcrating tzziCtois and lilllll machinery In re LICCKlLlliS that had happen llll farm machinery nearly every inciitbcr present knew of Iuskuka Fails terminus the Peterson road built from the Ottawa River westward towards Gco lian Bay and designed to aid 301 men of wide area of Upe per Canada Uiil SCIILBER SYMPHONIES In 1815 Franz Schubert produced his second and third symphonies two masses five operas number of piano and chamber music pieces and 146 songs RIDDANCE 0F DANDELIONS Only sure way to get rid of dan delions iii lawn is to apply weed killer Pulling or cutting will not kill them unless the enl tire root is removed 170 iiiuiroi $10000 BINGO ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE Monday July 20 lli Proceeds for the Cancer Polio and tuberculoslniiund Cards 350 Stevenson co FIRE AUTO AND OTHER CASUALTY INSURANCE 95 DUNLOP ST EAST Phone 5201 5Special Games at $10 per game hethen highway 11 anduew four 13116 if Vltltllttlllii sin my RANDOLPH scoTr NEWS iiiuii tors iiiu 20m rouow nirsuu GLENNFORDLANNE BAXTER WITNESS TROUBLE mommy snows Ni gonadal just south of am on Concession is 1a