Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1953, p. 6

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MW3 1111 illXD Citzlilfctl VIOLIN by famous Europwn EMODERN NEW 110mg largcPOTAIOES 212 mitt va ynmw II ImukerI brilliant mneI in gaitII BUlCher Armstrong trauma and breakfast husk pk IgqII lie1 VIII 33 mme bow 53391313030 Realtors 1706A Avenue Rd Itzle bathroom oil lltftliflg 11 con515N110 Plfk NUT Ulk nglf Sold at carloud roles from our Bcnncti Heaths Cottage deala Idmmmt many 153 Hmwmhly triowas 10 biiizczz AS SA GRK 00 I10 35 53l WOMAN txglerIiIilltcn bleiIiI sittfi truck outsidc 111 store llutly to Beach Perkinstleld 73152l33 DUDIOP Bame Pk 5342 81 LFS lE dour ltIhL liAi tie 15 cw priced Apply Box 18 Barrie iIxi its3052 liOL blahlzhllili Hull HAMtill W7 Buys BILYCLL inch frame so 7W4 fr drum 111111 Hum unga YEARS OLD HRHNit MUIMH Imfcl itfIM II LEVHS TRADlNG good condition $18 Easy Spiiidryubaihrumn NO plumbing large lot 3T MARYS CHURCH and suiwiliI MISCELLANEOUS ISde PMHW IIiI Ilium IitAIcIii up liii=A llLrlllli Ntusc ivaiIizibicI33 0m phone 330 xfsllllig machine used Very litticyuiccly landscaped Any reasonable urea selectmn of sour it51mlch lIillo lliiiulI1gt III Il Lllcily people pitltilttl llezise 7W3133 1930 111111191 $150 Fletcherwn paymenl accepted Imd bummch $5 500 ln 1II IIIIllIlIII III lllmziix 71311 lldlliI till Thornton Phone ivy 2rl2r 30000 JI KI Marshall RC II I1 35 llu lI UIIOIUWTPHC IIIII IIIIIIIU ImEff 13 leitnliilllt CUUHS R033 for relit IUbi 95 12 31 km Si Him BI 44 FAN Rum AllBiiilib SH HvFV llINlH lMvmi 111 AillIlY JollIIl mllELL hittiieyshupcd chcster 13nd LhOlLe clay loam 237 15 21 TFNTOLFMAVFU$SCOT5 In lcx lltltl suite in rose and blue $500 per single cord IIII dmmg mm mm MMIBIUIU mum WWI an modI FOUR ROOM IIISIIIIIIIICI IIIIIII gPon ABLE illEltlfiEltAIORS GTIIE clinch EXAMINER mm mm ii 1953 POSITIONS WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE ivnorsarv FOR SALEl FRUITOVEGETABLES iilllrillilI Mildly ll rigrm Christian Couple NIGHT DELIVERED mics ma miles All mm iawnglcc buy Barrie TeniOAwnlng Co slozi basis lllI llllil pIrlls LxII1IAII IIIIILII Wmer HE III IIXCIIHIIIIII COIIdmonI Phone 30HIIImd ower gindo gmd UrchamI IIIICIIIII FIIIIIII IIIUIIISI IIIIIIIQ IIIDIII PIIIIIIII 43 III BIIyIIIeId IIIIN church hump my MhnanIl putL Fitz infoiiiislion critic 211 11ny ADM 11M lgI Harm MUIPHONE 801111 BARRIE 7813IIII Shade IIICEIIII also IIIOIIIII bIIIIIIIeIIII IIIII CUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII good IIIIII 563I IIIIIIIIdIII Ulslrllllllup 131 Brunt St Ulvll ngmgI unit31$ 750ui lam mum garage on proper II IIIII cool to prepare mulls or swim iiiPd IIIIII VIKAII IIIIi ioiiRII MASTEIiIl Feed dealeriucclcu jilst outside Barrie willClirljg533Ilf 235 YES VII0 IIIIIIII Maintenance M3 to do odd iobs irr Ct 0111 cf Lrlig unter se compete linei 11mm you are lookm or or II JII MAhE lOl cIsK llkc ltiSlllllZl as iercptliiiilst prei Uf Master Feeds Baler and Binderlhome and beautiin like IEhk hmm Bdrm 111 31 19dd milmll Al WM 111e1ics to huvertzsi Ly traiilj utternoon lelxl or evening Twine Frost Fence andGrahamlicc dont mm nm ROOM 812V Swim bm OROOFING OCABINEP WORK owner 51mm mlmcmllml pk hmh Ll lilichdltd tlwli tuli 15 17 llAllll Extiiiiii 12 If and meats DillltS to Start July 20 AiI11I III SIIllIilIIIII 5113 IIIDIIIIIIIIIIIII EIIIMILIUEI 115 Fm 51m Phone idlti Ialou close to both Rt and Put Fill 0f 111M11in or sooner it SLthbtr ti Liluzlittul Mail $1 1111 lllgtlliC Evcrymmg supplied ibtrmld 77i88l vc haw tifllHliii41tlzlilmmg ht xixiklgiiehfzit For Free Esunmtc 311 64 Phone Szioud 38114 iir sue 11 i13Pvl 134 Andrade 30115 lTYlEWRlTERS ofce machines ghy lb Dd hi NSF isca mil Marshall ltepresenta Rev FA Morris iiiiriiollzlirb El mm Ub IIIIII II II II STROUD IHONE 112514 SfgmaadmsneffcgsHcai El BRUCE REP BARRIE 6842i tlvu Coulis Real Estate IElrJLI COMEAUI III Refer1m mm mmm EPRllf ASSISIANI Srcwhnl lLtl liill 511 tlllljlSI ill Puller for 10103OSneyI 17 Frances Stu BaieI After hours can 2239 1km mel WVL plneI63IIII lgtigtlziri iullvrIiilv l=igtlilulc liw sole Apply Mr Fulton Bvllei Iphomi 4115I Box 37I 5mm Comm 16431 TARPAULINS jzicmzic iii iIVpAilIi i3 taxilithii lhit lg l1 iiiml re rescntative 780bFE SWITCHBOARD Electric Refrigerators 30 Mill illoiiwm 111m 10 Ncw UIIIII FOUNDIIIIIIIIII lt All ttlllllltlitt Stilt Apply 77 == e$lt3iUliLarize brick home ceii Estailzig tthtllLWCU zittxll qualilica pm luvk Ur my spam they gm lIYPEWRlTERS and Adding MaI ml lucntmnI dug to school and LsliIogfIIkglnthgliIIRIin Reliizils Oltepalrs tween Imam to ll Downhill print11ml sold from our truck it nrloiid chines lewIand fcmly TECOIndl pillli Large living room with tlrc 30550 bqnk birnhifwl Iyo5i Several good used tarps lt lljh mum MIN iiil llc Wilt SAl li square bolus Rum Riilllill $33900 11il$fIzIIIWCegIililzlcc dining room and kitcllcllwllolvinv ivcll Marshiill RCPVl rmwnublc prices ii 01111 $375100 llhree lariic beiroonis and den wu ltl II 13 53llililliiHl31llll inlliii 35vyzgunxfgguggmgagggdpitta with illCplCL lliozidloom on 111111 J5 gorge Tent C7 Awning uudewgmd up me lAi line illilliillltilllll to 153 156 124111 Stairs iind bedrooms Suiiioom 3377 1082 43H 31 Hayeld 193311 lESIUII 08 Nil it I1pv ms Izf A5365 OlIllI lo113 11th 33 olllii St PhUIlL 230 large verandnh car garage beaii 59W DOWN Id II boart manager or le 111 APIkIMII lll over cut on shares 73143 mi WHO my MM BO ee 111 lurid Ill lttllllltls iutc lltlll iill P0 tiful c1oiliidgt Good form phone comm Limlil Him llll bl 111 ban 1mm MH trod by cvllndor Continental vO 10v heal00mm Luge Yulg ZIHIOUII SMIIICIII IIIIIIIIIIIIJI bIngIIlul 11I pint liidulls duly Away Mr lagct Stlmld 11 and Oil hell conniltcd to 100 mIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII kImIenI IIIIICLI motor with marine transmission bank deposits supplying of opt2IlIiiIiIliuIoii tfrIiIlIIIIIIIIMit liIIlIIiI 1041 1082 11 OI shing IIIIII IIIIIIISIIIIIII IIISI gallon tank lllis lb out of thc bIIUII gaIIIIIIICI IICIIF school and ators Duties to commence Aug ti 111111 is GUUd CUIIllitiOIi Vel low ll better homes in Hallie Us lo boat trailer Boat may be seen it Mme IQPS lbltmd Free home vithI modern comon CarleyII BU Home 01 phone II III VII II dlStFlClILUlbtl220I 11 miles south PHONE FOR TRIAL IN YOUR ences hydro office llOIllC Sllp WM 1903 Wth J1N ill0 CW Ulmlml 3m 79 31w slIwm BIIIIMUI Ln LIt lam of Barrie full price $6000 Phone OWN HOME goow vl ligc cAemii Ve WANTED floor WW liloiil with ground at back 5W iii WllElLI appllIiIng state fight former 2106 lilvbllil 51d new COIIIIIIIOH puIIChiase yanCII bLI1IXUILl1 inpamI Vela IIIIaniIICIIIlz BUYI rum bLIII experience anyI ant ro pltlllCPS II algLI IlVlllg room lg Iva full baselnentI hot air heatIII HIGHEST PRICES FOR ipilxlsllro BEDROOM PlionItI IdIIIIl fiIiIitiIIIINIiIiIgcIclccicuIicI IIMIIIIIIIII Immgany pm IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIEII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIOIII IIISI For further particulars contact 55er In MetalIlidB 158 at po rS 011 5808 IIIWI lllA Beautiful kitchen With factoiy mice from Bayr19 Solomon of JOHN RIE Bauem RagslF6LTIIIIIIIIIIIIyI33 OIIIUII SIIICIII tlAtioAi pulchasc pllCL $289 salt made cupboardsI forced uh on other Country IIOIIICSI Apply III KI OUSE REPAIR SERVICE Applications Will be received by 5375112 3150 Apply Johnston 148 Blake II II SPCIUITMm WCmHgSI 15413 Admiral cuI it phone 62 782 heating This home must bl seen MarshallI RepresentdtlveI GENERAL CONTRACTOR 10 be upllieCliCd Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen phone Oro 1221 FURNISHED BEDROOM COMmII ALMOST Now we Size $250 ESSUI Street phone 2377 1682 Repairs and alterations to hon lltfll 010 5111110 pl 451 1532 Full width freezer chest freezer 3140003 100 1le lmbev large stores etc Rooflnv 17933p dmwen rmnoval hm shelvesI easy hit F25ILIIIIICIIILIII1ICIFOIgym livmg room with fireplace dining $8000NIICE NEW bungalow six cabinet wmkI Anytinq Ciarfpg Dunlop StI west Femdale FURNISHED ROOM CemmlI to 01mm SUM In carlmd rates from IIIII $35ISLIIIIIIII1 MIICIIIIIC III good room modern kitchen With tiled momgI Insulated hydmI waterI ingI Phone 811r31 or 6487 lllllll 3002 1582 our truck for lack of floor ace Sink and tiled 0011 F01 bed gaiaie 100 acres some bush im 340 im only $27500 Regular viiiue im 310 Sum pms 0f dmpm rooms modern bailliUOIil largo mediate possession $50007 room Electric Refrigerator in run zARAOh cntlul 13 TOlonto $3891 mm 0mm SGOI phone Norman suiilooin good garage on mil home house insulated 1n51de con N0 down Payment 0nm03t jobs Special High Prices Paid for PM 30 15 Zr LEVITS TRADING 12111heud42 Berton 78183 2311gggdbfgsieltisem Whom highlight eixldlm MIN giIiIiI Fasheiiicicni guaranteed servicc LIVE POULTRY FURNISHED Bedrooms Renson 33Colllci Si plume 2301 pp be mm mm I0 Collect Stroud $71150 98 Highest Prices Paid able Phone 23011 158182 78182 JOHNSON Outbmm new $13000Beautiiul bevelled siding last summer ust iecentl out of Personal Finance Co of Canada SCRAP IRON crate starts lllsl pull deyinoustra home bdoomsv 1mg llv kitchen basement builtin cup FURNISlgED Bedblmng 00m ing room very large kitchen and For Job Well Do 11 thid horsehair feathers 28 lion offered rst stupid offer it oar 5v water an by 19 gardge I16 Sn es Ab idincis them 316 30 gets III Dom blame me if dinette Modem attached garage VII acre MI county roadI Immedme PLEASANT newly decorated bed TOP SOIL too late can also offer you ICIi$sIIEggIgilgf possession $1000 buys 95 acres 11 Plo 6730 14 Nwton St ve loomed furnished summer cot gt some buhhi terms Apply 00 33 comer St Phone 2301 No L158082 Loaded Dam Gravel Pit me age at Big Bay Pomt for $2v800 make gOOd apartment wnh 56p Ponard Real Esmte Bmker New Apartment rent Phone Sing Monday Tuesday Wed Only $300 cash Would conSldcr 1mm erllrnse L009 0m 164185 tweet phone mus acceptSEEzsu ROOMS partly furnished hydro nesday 01 each week trading the 111 for 25 hp Apply could Cd payment ate possession $3000Terms blin galow insulated rooms summer Remodelling ORoofing in monlhs Phom 05 Pill 43 Am Sl DELIVERY ANYWHERE IHill Ownei Algonqunl r00 brlckIhougeI L1Vlng W452 Aw Big Bar Point 782 iccim 211333 room kitchen and FARMS FOR SALE Alterallms Cupboards MODERN OFFICES Borne Metal salvage Gyprocmg General Building HOUSEKEEPING Room Smmble bedroom on ground 0001 Good for WITH LATEST EQUIPMENT DEALERS IN rm businc gm viphom 5049 290 GI mice car garage on beautiful FzklgglSGIvrIogIrIrIiclsliIiiclIise ESTIMATES ON REQUEST SCRAP IRON METALSIFURS IlaI82 IIIIII7IIIIII IIIIIfjgf 25 acres oats my pagmm 5251112 day Self RIDES BAGS BATTERIES LARGE Unmmshed housekeeping ROOM AND BOARD for gcniic sogsooNew veroomipupsaloyv on Good Ibuildings GoodI wattrSUp Hours FEATHERS room Very central Phone 3275 New 1953 Model mam Phone 5048 1281412 Highway 90 Large livmg 100m ply Cose to Lake Simcoe Apply pAlNTING II II II II 13520 bEdIOIns and uuhty TrzaStel RR Stlogdjgigg $5000Beautiiul waterfront cot 1820 With four btdFOOmS SCFGCHEKT Interior and Exterior Prompt with we V1618 mu our trucks will can Highest FDRNISllLD Rooms Small child REFRIGERATORS Accommodahon wanted Fee ns In prices paid Special prices paid accepmble Apply 137 Ea Roadl Sold direct from our truCkI for An employee benets delivered 1082 lack of floor space at Carload Rates FURNISHED Apartment wanted Opportunities for advancement Regular $38900 now only $27500 suitable for infant Box 14 Barrie gelgnggg lgiglhargodltgggi Zilxssteeg an mqumes work Phone Barrie Stayner FURNISHED Rooms be Sitting Exammen 117982 Icr II sI REQUREMENTS 2983820r31 98129813 room and kitchen Central Phone LEVlTS TRADlNG tion rim Batrie 2802 1982 33 Collier StI phone 2301 HOUSE OR roomcd lower apart When interested in realc state Smgle 80 1724 were 3ng LARGE Furnished Modern House 8182 $133le by ldmbleliillriig selling or buying phone Phone 6777 lady liVing at home With pill AND COMPANY keeping room Suit Central NEW LUMBERI 1800 of inchI ems Yard and Office 156 Tlffin St We 232 1545 47 pieces 2x4 $125 Phone 811115 eISMALL Apartment ivantedTy GORDON STOUTT LTD Must be High School or Business 380150 HOUSEKEEPING Accommodation 782 man Wife small children Box 141 Collier St lN FIVE MINUTES 5178117 SEE Honest Joe WWW 11 5cm Graduae BMW for 811151 Further information FOLEY SAW Flicrnodei 61 one Represented by Cross Townn MOTors perlence Preferred LIVE POULTRY phone 6212 158082 APARTME year old Phone Stioud 37111 or other accommo Linoleu ms Must have typing some shori HI hest Prices Paid HOUSEKEEPING rooms Cen 742 $333 iviiigieihiiiicziiiglmsligi GEORGE WRIGHT 22 Bram 51 PhOIllgjfg Rubber and Asphaltrile hand and KnWledge OE book 11711 APPU 30 Maple Ave 01 COAL AND WOOD Kitchen range 150 Dunlop Sl 13 Bafe Plastic Wan Tile keeping Free Collection by our own truck phone 5702 153132 Chea OR R00 for quick sale Phone 3685 01188 01 apaitment us PHONES dM aterials Supplied and Installed Pleasing personality and attract DOUBLE Furnished bed or bed xglegngfgrngggi 38113380 A4 we appearance poultry DealersI Alliston Sitting 100m5 rBusmesi People 62 ELECTRIC Refrigerator Nesbitt 202 Camp Borden 118283 Apply in person Sh Phone Alliston 77W Mdple Avenue 1382 Refrigeration 234 DuCkworth St Elm 1682 ManagerPersonaLFinanceriotms 0710LARGRIICmmolIahli furnished 732 loo Eh FO to rent bgd OAT HOUSE lnost new East Canada Second Floor Public light howekee mi roofgif Ips Qn LkIMLGL11E rIr 491 70IIIIMIEI1LIAJLIIVIII Phone 5185 Utilities Building WAVTED Bl kg 1m IoI CEMENT SPECIAL Off the car at 3910 or 0916 Ground Observer lend BairieIPh0ne 4339 167982F 1952 Pontiac SIPassenge 17H5Mzn iiiililoiic itll rdIidii two Phone 4993 154283 pme Phone 31 Lemy Lumber corps Filter centm 13 Dumm 1951 Hiliman Sedan la Bayeld Street Bame so in HOUSEKEEPING Co 782 St East 113I183 lILOT 60 Ix 150 on Napier Stree I950 Ch II FOR RENT 14183 new Phone 3136 382 00m 11811 com IFor partlculaxs phone 4750I evroe an Ifortable Central AdultsI160 Coll APARTMENT Sized pianoI exceui ROOM ApartmentI du lex 153132 1949 Ford Tudor very clcdn NURSE Graduate 101 Undergrad SCOTCH IPINE Phlltmas Illees 18151 or phone 4098 158283 ent comm Phone 3490 after house wanted by Air Form couple 1947 MM D001 Who uate Night duty Phone 3317 wanmdfm dame DecembelIlgm hmg pm 782 with school age daughter Barrie USED CARS and WPeCkmg bUSI 1940 ChEVIOlet CoaCh I81I82 ICjorIiItIrIinIclSsI placed now Enqglllgo iIlctheOIlipvtIgIgserEggtl 52222113 SMALL II Angus or AllistonI Apply Box ness neiIiv bugialow hot anigold 80 yourHIogns ag Its easyI omes 1c IIe rigera or Barrie am water out acres an one ur new ig pee loor Sander RELIABLE PERSON wanted tori 3133751013 Phone4737 4531435 floor model Can be seIen any time 811r15 1682 TRUCKS does excellent work Low rates general housework Camp BordenlWANTED To HIRE horse demo Phone 3322 78283 LITTLE GIRL who will be at 1952 Ford Panel to Complete line of oor nish 1099W3 1823Crat and We for Cememllal 31ROQMED FuIEnIShEd aparlmm tending kindergarten and her mo CHARMING room house NIGSS 1951 Ford 3ton cab grid chassis materials paints varnishes sheul lpamde Contact LakeView Dairy With Sink and lungstie No child EVINRUDE Outboard Motor they need furnished house ure watyr hot and cold 3piece 1949 GMC lton Panel acs llers brushes etc We sar EXPERIENCED Hairdresser forgphone 3723 38284 10 Please Phone 4056 153234 hp Apply Coderre phone Cree apartment where she Iwm have bathroom telephone Vacant Sept 2949 Mercury 3ton Stake everything needed to make new Sign Dmlgtlilst lam ARESPONSIBLE party wishes LARGE BedSitting room dinette more 49r22 78283 Playmates Phonic DanielsonI 2564I IE Wilson Shanty Bay Ioors from on IIto rent four person tiIaIilcr rst kitchen and balcony Suit business BICYCLE manvs or bovaI in rst 11113182 II W51TEiscwantedfplygn per11 ve $14541 xlrllf gm Couple Absmmers Phone 533 82 clbaIss condiimEIhali around Reason ROOMED HOUSE with Cllal PAINT and sorr anns ee 15 es mg ox ea or price one 4818 78 hardwood oors hydro and one 11 hwa ALL HER Essa Road Open ekcept Wednes 37982F 10 acres land Half way BarriIcIicomer Steee No mg Free Estimates II 18082 19 Clapperton St Phone 5206 day 145332 UNFURNISHED Apartment CHESS COBN salve for Sure Fe and Camp Borden $1500 Terms sum mm 11 11553 Pics eggeniishiyidl 525 553 KIDS mg mg RR two82 138182 ssm tow Plumbing and Heating Limit ces paid Come in or phone 3111 Housing Shortage must way near Wasaga Beach Could feet condition Phone 3942 FURNISHED ed 84 Dunk 15182 16 MulcaSr St 79 84 rooms with kitchenetteusrifiegixi gDfjsIlfgglggggmPgge sell or kill be Wlmerlzel Permanent hme 1340 IltIIsIliotIIiy Riggelnand Adol light asnlgilopgsmggfgewas Phone 2389III 1532 phone 4824 7138 1349132 22000 miles Cash or terms Phone WALL WIAmmG private 24 same Examinccfs 133 Sendalong with price to Bennett 103 GIRLS to sharia Ptlmctiie SLIGHTLY Used viking 11 ContaCtN ANPRADEtl SONS 6398 134182 mlcial and indusiriil Heaths Getiage Cawaja 46391 furnished warmer will bus om Quebec Cook R32 STRQUD ONTARIO um modem kitchen and living 1940 PONTIAC Sedan Price reas FLOORS Cleaned waxedpol ggggAglgR waiteIIdI to pour Perkinseld 38182 ZglrllBagfengilmlcgtioril5 Stove Good condition 3th Concession Innisl room bedrooms bath illTurn IstTnabic ApplyI30 Remy St evcn shed to be compIeIggogrAug Xgngli Stroud 37r11 miles East of No 11 Highway IICekR9BdIdfT 7Ccgiogls mgs 1331432 Venetian Blinds FURNISHED BedSitting Room lNSTER 37 Ph 1014 cl W3 iii Hamil Thqmon Pitfalls CHICKS central also filmishod bedroom ngivbilalso Genereiigmeciric iiiiiel mi 98133 gill 253111322 hcarioiseiionaiiiceiii WHITEWASHIJNG AVMLABLE STILL are Bray With grill in Privatehome EVelY radio Sea Breeze revolving fan $4400 DOWN Benton house in Phone 6612 or 5430 1382 UNeedA W0 Washin WOMAN 25 Toni required to da Old st ted iii thing supplied Phone 5082 Phoneaizs 78283 PIGS WEEKS OLD Apply ltd ll 51 assist in kitchen Room and board ngmge bignmplshgjm 351150 158182 Ivan Orr Dalston phone 858M 503 lhenngna Malaya 1951 MERCURY 5ton dump truck Co Imus 25 per weEk Applylimrs Order 100 ASK US 01 full Dar APARTMENT rn 11 TELEVISXON SETV12W Phncol 982 heating heavy wiring largejvlot3mmem Wadiom Btice 32200 PM Howard D0 K935i 6729 II Naghmam Hiawatha IrrI Cam RR mam AgeInII LI RI CopelandI II III neuI is mahogany cabinet like new alsoI IFERI III and basementIIII126 Pfogect StI Phone Barrie 811rl4 I1382 Free Estimates ROI name Phone Stmud 26 RR Ph mode it conve ienc also cottage rose satm Chestereld excellent LF 417 months old 09 012 One Beeoni55r12 and lot for sale Apply Frank Ham condition Phone 5263 732 Apply 198 Essa Road after p111 PM 57 Beet 153035 1938 PONTIAC Coach motor in 54237 24 ill Phelpston Phone sElmvale good condition clean good tires II StI Vincent StreetsI 66mm serI Tram LoaderI Ph AI II FURNISHED CottagI moms wzghegevgnguggugned 03033 lanVIVIIgtIElsitrgfgIspgglylsggdsa icedIIbyI wateralindtsewerhclgse 40 NASH in goodconditiom IAIaIeII NACIIIII Czile 5082 5181 withpscreenedin verandiih Close ewm shad one Barrie 21 982 genera 079 and defroster also PL and PD an lmleys 93 to IBameI phone 2233 between 70 route $12 foot Apply owner Must be sold $45 Phone nu Phone 4333IC Robinson and ii Fiida 158182 FEED YOUR PIGS Master Credit 993 withhiler calf also PQH 403 163193c4P pm 101 Copy530 thin day preceding issue and contracts available until mair 163 APPU Jim Lalhwl RR 195 PONTAC Deluxe Coach air $3 ES Standing Gram 20 cent Sunday LARGE Furnished rI bedsitting keyed No immsi phone 5315 Barrie phone 5638 982 EELSCT30N6 Igomlglnvggg conditioning excellent condition 133 1533 Make offer Phons IOom ground oor kllChen prlv Stroud Hunters Poultry Farm or One owner Apply 122PeeliSt 58180 73 Hi StI be by sideI purebred young herd inspection Marshall Repre Iv 36 VIOId minimum orpgger 64351 1532 MCCLARYl Electric StoveI large fully accredited and vaccinated Sentative Coulis Real Es 1951 DODGE Sedan igadioIand air 15 gfew Biggermg Lundi whoring Consecutive Insertion 2ciiwordm1ntm APARTMENT II II III size in new condition Applypf 13 Jenner RI NO Barrie late Broker OWNStreet Phone conditioning 14500 miles New car 5581 rooms Binnendyk miles eastI II amt amt InferImIng Egragfllggmcegf aggfggd 1331 aggndale on Camp Boldegglfg REGISTERED Yorkshire gilts due BRICK HOME eight largerrtis ragged PM 5351 13 3183 uIgI Phone Barrie 2595 or Elmvale M05182 PAID mm oiiniiii Highway anabeimll PM Warm sem aii bm andkbaih iridium wm gill 195 PONTiAC Deluxe cm rs Haze Emma 58091 gt WW Mrs Heath 38rl3 Sroud 157911 EXTENSION Blower Pipe Slipon ese P185 were government ma 00 ex we pereci vcon ition Owner posted MIMEOGRAPIIIN mmmmgpuu directedth 011100250 extra Must be experienced ApplyBris 31355 Silver lamps etc Best pri 2997 1582 782 ROOMED COIIAGE on high LATE MODEL Meteor coachI per Small down payment Terms ar PART TIME Help wanted to care LOOK 1N that attic trunk for oldltor and new rangette Adults only Business Machines 66 Toronto Sli ran Bo 12 Barrie Examiner 50 VAUXHALL cylinder only on misled these are Goats 89 NEW BUNGALOW brick and armI 1582453 RUGSI 3mm up BUILDING LOTS in Queen and Reasonable IphpheIsmI 1H2 OADING AND Grading done by pm and 10 pm Wednesday and HOLSTEIN Cows purebred CFlookI227 st Vincent or phone 1382283 53035 41m MAYBEiELEPHONED T0 OFFICE Prion 2414 ilezes Suit business girl or nurse 77488 FRESH HOLSTEN Cm With and 11 give 138182 SIGNS Truck Lettering gold 3500 98283 2377 1682 condition $1650 Termsmay be FURNACEand Chimney Gleam typeI wamed Colony howeIIlovx inspectedfor th Barrie sale Reg Frame bungalow oil heat on bus overseas $1900 84thlSt Camp Stenography in II LARGE and bright uniumished 12 00 conde yen lstered 2yearold Holstein Heifer routeLarge Brick home excellent Borden phone 892J3 438234 Con 31 mm mum 31 igiiiiiuiiil iii 1233330210 sehvaiiiih mm mm Ckstwn glid iiiiiinzagedieiii cyhiidl 32logpntaildiryeiifyugid child PRIVATE Owner will sacrice hcc Phe3gg Toronto St hmiiiit Optipecutivejiisextmmac 310ng mimumqm 55121 78182 wood loom separateentiance Son phone Cookstown 26112 Realtors Barrie 1682 lngiIlanrggggt 536831 Excelleigi con WATER Welmmmng FMS ll If II IImTloN Phone 8457 pin to 10 ELEClIlIC Refrigerator in perfect 982 84 RUG BRICK Dwelling Inge living an over nance erauons our only wheng condith Excellent buy for apart Payments Phbn 3532 me erht and Son 833 an RN an HAYWOOD Farm otters young and dining room wtth fireplace I1 3283 111191113110 St 50 GOOD ROOMED Frame house 1331 giiceldmi ltgttttggglage 3212 registered Guernsey Cow due also den sun room and large kit Cn 3wd out Phone 31 lmytht claimed In 20 minutes north of Barrie by car 432 soon registered Guernsey 2month chen three airy bedrooms large 39 PLYMOUTH Coach $200 38 In mmvcm 4M Hydro gI od well garden lot good PM 388 old heifer Registered Yorkshire closets trimmed with gum wood Plymouth Coupe $100 36 Chev WE NOW OFFER services on an II bzsemin AtDleIlCEMI inustsagnclose ggPIbQULIIfY FIronts oil 132 iIIrIionths 31d Illtegtgtered IiItIorshiiIrIIe hgt wIater illllIlatlna1ioublese rm 1SIItIquitiargII 5cIoaiichiIidistill Ford upholstery work slip We and mum mmullllw araq er e8 mona per cc ers or our to Ioars an mm in enoI Ico 011 ane Oiss w1 power Worn arrqu ngowluililaiiiotiiiod month Appl Box 11 Bane Ex and we ables as lowyas 31 pef Inrovenbrood sows close to furrow tion oi oi er Similar homIes takeoffs Truck tires and parts illEeSThgmggggmgzehgg133m II Av aminer tor uit partlcutars month art1e Frosted Foods Goll in Seriuceable age boarPerry Coulis Real Estate Broker Owen West End Used Cars and Wreelh 211 Dunlap St West Phone ezozi 157983 ier St Barrie IlBlllz ams Barrie RR 983 Street Phone 237 1682 mgphone 811r15 1382 2021

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