CF Sports Camera May Get Big Sho Specially Writtch For The Barrie Examiner By GERRY LOIGHEED 3me Press Staff Writer it as rote ti st ltlc fellow Wth Dt fereme Earl Walls Canadas hclvyweignt aniflg ihzmipion could be excused these In if he thought ip pnrodyr iiong the line What lffvrv Makes few wetks ago few Conaimns could havg INA you the tiiii of our lititfl2l not Prob 12in still fewer pe is lit the Liit ited States trie hotbed of le szonul boiling ever heard him Things Lilt tiiffoxn now W315 hardpunching singer from Vindsor 0111 who now lt5 in Edmonton hadnt had real bout sauce he lifted the duo from To rontos Vern IIscoe List year He was strictly an unknown quantity in the World box horizon IIc was matched With Rex Layne from Salt Lake City Utah and in rted seventh among the ranks of world Contenders for the title of champmn Rocky Marciano The IgiyneWalls bout took place couple of weeks ago ii the Al licita Capital and Walls logical underdog in the betting lifted ti lot of eyebrows when he knocked out the American after 53 seconds of the first round back To Meet Again Ihercll be rematch in Stilt Lake City some time in August or early September If Willis makes another good impressioneven in losinghell probably be in line for more topflignl bouts Despite his potentialities good or bad the Canadian arrived among the upper brackets of the heavyweight division with bang The topvweight group lacks new WYEBRIDGE Rev Hesiip of Madoc called on several old acquaintances in the village on Monday May Fagan list returned to Barl rte after two weeks vacatzon also her brother John and Keith re turned to their work in Toronto after three weeks holiday with their parents McGiliivray and sons Ken of Barrie and George of New Low ell and Corbett and Bates of New Lowell called on Mr and Mrs Rawn Saturday Armstrong Collingwood and Mr and Mrs Norman Armstrong andl daughter Joan visited them Suri iziy also at Rawns Several from here attended the Orange Celebration in Penetang uishene Saturday Roy Eakley Toronto spent the weekend with his wife and fam ilv Mr and Mrs Albert Hounsome Port Daihousie visited the form ers parents over the weekend Mr and Mrs Earl Salisbury Io ronto spent Sunday with Mr andi Mrs Salisbury Mr and Mrs EFeltham Tor onto and Albert Feltham spent the weekend with the formers mother ed over night years ago Mrs start Walls Canadian Champion lat Marciano faces and Watts cerlmnly til the bill there If his kiioCirout of Layne wasnt bit of llukeazid after the bout Layne sax he hadnt been hit so hard beforeWalk WJI be in tief rnnnd by heavyweighthungry box ing promoters One firmer world hurting cham pion even figures Walls has the makings of another Joe Loud Thats probably or sicptiziig the mark on Walls past rd but it shows how hu reputdth lid soon Henry Armstrong holder few of three world titles simultaneously said he wanted Walls to head charity btxing Show he is putting on in California later this year He even saw iris3 ions of Walls meetzng Marciano fort the world Chdlllpltllhhlp it may be that some of Armg strongs rave notices about the Canadian lighter were designed to publicrze iris charity show Butt then maybe we have had real boxing diamond in the rough inl this country ill the time UTOPIA Mrs Bell Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Allen Mill er NIISES June Briinskiil and Erma McKinley are on holidays With relatives in Chatham Mrs Couttts is sister at Midhurst visiting her At Permian for 12th number from here celebrated July 12 with the Orange Order at Pcnctzing Work on Hay Crop With the hot dry weather the farmers have been waiting for the extra heavy hay crop is moving in to the barns in hurry this week With buck rakes balch and the outdated arm power pressed intc service to speed the work they are getting ready for wheat which is ripening rapidly Vbit in New York State Mr and Mrs Dick Ellis Mcrcn g0 $05K and Mr and Mrs George Ellis spent few days last week with sisters in Syracuse NY Mrs Fred McConn spent few days last week with her daughter in Coldwater St Georges WA The regular monthly meeting was held on Tuesday evening July 14 at Mrs Arnall Muirs There was good attendance including three newly joined members The president Mrs Frank Higginson opened theImeeting by all Joining in singing the WA hymn followed by prayers for missionaries and members prayer in unison The Bible reading was read by Mrs Bishop also several cards of thanks for fruit received during recent illnemes Very favorable financial reports were given from all departments In the discussion period we reviewed the work of repairing and redecorating the church which we undertookthis spring We now have fine base ment and the interior of the church nicely painted with the addition of new pews for the choir We held our reoperiing services on Sun day June 21 In the morning Rev Thomas Dew of Mimico one of our ministers of number of years ago delivered an inspiring ad dress white the rector Rev Howard had charge of the even News of rottenmm Returns Home Mrs John Henderson has turned to her ticini l1 ing visitcti friends in Ottawa NorwoodTt mnto and Port lcNicol At Midland Mr and Mrs Walter Huroert Mr and Mrs Stewart Cairns Mr and Mrs Fred Kant Mrs Bert Bishop and Mr and Mrs Herb Kzim spent Sunday Lit Midland Here With Friend Rutledge Wilson and friend spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ber Crowley At Springwuter Park Mr and Mrs lien Mitchell and daughters and Mr and Mrs Bor rnan and family spent Sunday at Springwater Park Visitors are Visitors the home of Mr and Mrs Rhodes are Miss Helen Sprouie Toronto Mum and Wayne Rhodes Kingston IT WAS REDLETTER dnyot the 0f tice following champion Earl Waits first bound knockout victory of the worlds sev nthrankiniz heavyweight contender Rex Layne at Edmonton Our WKWI was over joycd with his cousins performance Lllld guy happy boxingr circles MH WIS Meeting The VlIS of Itittcnhnni tinned Church field their monthly meet ing the home of Is Wilma Hayes The speaker Mrs Huh per of Fairlawn United Church Toronto chose for her topics My Mothers Influence On My Life and The Spiritual Influence of My Trip to California At the close lunch was served by the hostess Community Sympathy Sympathy of the commnnzty is extended to Arthur Thompson on the puSSZIIg of his xer Mrs Rcicig in the Royal Victoria Hospital last wcck Bowling Match The Mons Bowling Club held at twilight game in Monday evening last hc prizes going to Ted Mor row and Bill IStephcnson ishiph high for three wins second Mni Cobornc and William Nodwell ofI Beeton high for one win William Campbell and William Cranston The greens were in excellent shape MINESING St Peters WA St Peters Womans Auxiliary heldtheir meeting on July at the home of former member Mrs Lloyd Johnson Stnyncr with 19 present Mrs Foyston preI Sided Opening hymn Jesus Calls Ls was followed by repeating the Apostles Creed Litariy and members prayer Rev Stubbs led in sponsive reading from St Jo I14 Roll call wasI answered with favorite SCI ipture verse Afterla business period motion was made to cancel the7 August meeting Mrs Dusio convener of program spoke on heri trip to Washington and New York and showed pictures of the piacesl of interest tour of Washingtonj Mount Vernon White House etc ful Thanksgiving Mrs Stan Fral lick also gave poem The Faith5 Few and Mr Stubbs gave very ne address on Faithful has now predicted win over Rocky CldliO in tt worlds itie bout Jiis keep and play Earl gave tremendous boos to six along Neverthe EDENVALE Bible Society Speiker TlfllldlAi of the Brain 51 IIIl Flint int sort ice here buy and Mr and Brenda vI Sunday IL Young viszted friends here Quebec Visitor Cameron AICNIZIMJ olxi John of Helen Ve Toronto are holidaying with parents out Cdlltlfliill 113 he floored Layne xvnl powerful right hand drier 63 seco Bert Ii Rev and Mrs AR IE EXI Fall Fair Dates in Monsignor Caste 50 CHEV DELLXE SEDAN ism ACILAL virus one OWNER iiiit confirmatich SIDTLESS nu mm Confidence At Dangerfielde Ltd Lurics Largest my LHLI CAR DIVISION 333 Bradford St Dill 981 11 lTrld lll 15 Construction Starts lmproved Road Allision to Camp YOU SAVE WITH GOOD PAINT 36 BAYFIIELD ST FIVE POINTS Dial 3874 BETTER JOB can be yours if you will be trained IN TELEVISION Hundreds of new jobs are opening up for aiert men 17 to 40 in TV Research Designing Manufactiring Testing Inspecting ServicingIII are short of trained men all pay REAL MONEY Radio College of Canada is Training School you can be proud to enrol in because for 25 years RCC graduates have been in demand by employers in Govern ment and Industry Competent Instructors guide your every step our efcient Placement Dept helps you nd weilpaid congenial work after you graduate For full details mail this Coupon TODAY her iit Mrs Wttk Here From Alberta Richardson Consort visited 171$ ncce Mrs last zwek Succesfui Students to both our high school pupils in their ex RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA 86 Bathurst Street Toronto 28 Send without obligation to me FREE IOPAGE BOOK telling me IIOI on prepare for good job in Television NAME AGE STREET PHONENO CITY EDUCATION successful MIDSUMMER SELLING OUT ness Be ye faithful unto death and will gitQ you croxvn of life Live day at time DontI dwelltoo much on the speculate too much on the Faith and belief in Chi stronghold for the Christian After closing prayer and hymnO Mas ter Let me Walk with Thee the meeting closed Mrs Johnson serv ed delicious lunch past or gt3 Toronto Visitors Misses Beryl Parke Meryl Grant Barbara Orchard Dorothy and Helen Downey all of Toronto spent the weekend at their homes here Trip To Niagara NY Mr and Mrs Percy Muir ancill Susan spent Sunday with Mrs REGULAR VALUE $995 GABARDINESLACKS MEN here is trouser value value that can only be found at Browns Muirs bmtherinlaw and sister1f ing service The junior choir with Miss Irma McKinley at the organ supplied the music at both ser bo Ir ar und Manhattan visit ip MII and MISI Thomson HammonII to Radio City television United Nations Building etc and MI Wanda returned home after week churches Visiteda MrSI EI CI Chang with her cousin and enjoyed trip liien sang1ri TheGardenff IrenettU Niagara 113 NY While She Quality made trousers of crease resistant Rayon Gabardine in wonderful choice of plain shades Smartly styled with drop CLEANI vices The following Wednesday we held our strawberry festival whmiwas well attended Follow ing the supper New Lowell and Ivy played baseball and musical CARS wiiiirrii son and his Lazy Valley Ranch Boys We appreciate verymuch the fine cooperation we received from thecomniunity in this big undertaking Further business was discused and offerings receivedI Plans were made for an outing for the Sunday School to be held ini program was putIobyBerL Dickrnohn MornISrdf Stroud andLefroyt the near future The August meet trig will be held at the home of Mrs Jack Ellis The meetingi closed with prayer and lunch was served onth At Wedding In Quebec Mrs Sherman Todd and Ison Frank left by car on Friday last to attend the WarnicaNess wed TOPPRCES ding at Hmick Quebec returningt Song of Davis read apoem service on Sunday afternoon at ISprmgwater Park Midhnrst Rein will be the speaker Miss Bertha Gibbons Mics Jean Robinson and Mr and Loui Nilly Sr visited in Singhalnpton and Eugenia Falls Thursday last wasaway Mr and Mrs Founder son and1 daughter hIlS Fournier Sr and Mrs Flanagan Toronto were Sunl uav visztors at Durnfords Mrs Bert Beilby and Mrs Utenii Beilby are spending the week in Toronto LEaves For Saskatchewan Rnth McLean left on Monday 309th THIS BIG 96 cu it urtuxg HEEHIIEEZE makers of the Worlds nest Home szert SAVE on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ross Ferguson and family of Acton were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Lou NeilLy Jr Mesdames Lou Neilly Sr and Jr with Scott and Louise visited friends in Coiiingwooii on Monday West of Mqry PHONE 360d Junior partner Service Support the CbilliWilli Junior Farmers by attendingtheir church paid my fuel bill with an HR loan So quicklSo convenient Thousands pay bills this modern businesslike way So can ypu todaleLoans for any good reason 350 to $1000 on your own signgturo No bankubIe security needed upiqu months to repay uniyum in at 28 Dunlop SLWMI neond floor phonl 5529 IARRII 0N1 outrun nsz intannuch so no mom ONLY Doepfreqzo Refriger for has The Door that Stores More IIGBSIOlIieepungiicndr protects limit from bmkage IOIIIISTOI holds toll quart bmtogoond nilhbotilul tiriiirrs 139 printer Sheet East onivooopmexeiiemgeu ELECTRIC Ont mounts rutouoiiom Mses TeSHIRTS Ii at has Gervino Dupfruxo From Com podium Stores more than so tbsp frozen food Ind uniIr keeps ice 315 but Sepuue freezer slieiffor cube my and dessert my Eth width Ema Statue Duvet Barrie Phone 372T TrSHlRTS REGULArtszss Many Istyls sizes wonderful selection 54 DUNLOIP ST Boys JSiiiiimer Wear full range color 4Ibeltr lemmsppemosyrgi represent t0p savings Hundreds of Sport Shirts price Ireduc ed for this great MidSummer Selling Out Sgle plains cheoks fancy patterns long and shortsleeve styles theyre all incIiIided in the group Rico LAR$495 REGOLEARI $495 to $695 95 ALL REDUCED SWIM riiuiiKin TROUSERS snonrs Io Scotti snmrs ilLAYSHIoiirs if misusecons ALLSUMMERCLQTHING TO SWIM monks OSTRAW HATS JACKETS ALL AruRAsricREDucriousv WI II cfigttlFrngumuons STOCK oeIMENSAND BOYS WEAR minimmgec