malt EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY it 1953 thIOIOII Maior Worry Rs Junior Council Admits IIiiiiiiltoii As expected after many months of pondering the subject Ken Soblc and his Hamilton entr was allowed into thei Jean Lunch Cop classy Ontario Hockey Association junior series yestcrI lIOneSided Triumph day by the jnnlor council There were no dissenters until Hop Emms of Barrie Flyers brought up about Soble being closely connected with television interests in Hamilton mid he might powny telc cast the junior games it tlils be the case Emms was against the transfer of the Windsor Spitfire franchise to llaniiiton because it would hurt other junior teams In the immediate 54 vicinity and also hurt the pool at the end of the season Jeans Lunch got home run sup 1port tiotn McArtiLit and Ihtirlow Wedncsdi high to record siiieii 254i Victory over Copaco inl llotli homers come in the llllld itlltl llltl gave pitcher Joe Whelaii trial comfortable cushion for which the win He con lii Ilia tlIv Emmis suggestion got minds rolli lug and it was almost till hour IN unbridled it fore Father Faiiglit of St Mtchkclshaiiiilui your pIIWvd I1 Wm on 1m BIIIII IIIIIIIIII III HIIIIIIIIIIII III tmns Lotion scored in ever books that as itciitd lie mothqu III In Tm LN frame tiuIt the lust and sixth and mumhm Mum winmm VIII III nu III INIII thitr incurs output in the aine mm UVl WI IT when Ilaiiiilioti Stalins failed to 1m rm mm f5d submit to any iitiiiation passed by 1mm Rm ll Alf il lllim 01mm lttI in tho first tuning the council and iiitititd to tho NIP OIIA in regards to tehxisioii tl any mmr MD Mcmml 0mm mui II IIII lfzvniian 2b laugh Ihnrlow 3h II him IIl Whelui Giant ss ilurnie Drake suggestions on the tour iogaitiing VIM Kriqw Motitoiial tirp playtiuwiis that will voukx IiIId th undoubtedly grow the months II IIII II II MI II II Lottison lb iie Smullan ii it IIIIII Ml II III itltt 3b totes tl ribbons iiiti ii 1t tannin Ani INIVI MNIII rhIIIIIIISIIII CM llotki Association Pl Fttlll said you shouldnt haw to lini Iiiioi Iizi Any cliit has brew co IJTKIV rentatoti tiit ocinpctos lil lose iimizev will scat fipproiitily obihl and IN ii is moo 4300 iti Soolc cpunvii he is the sole owner of the rockt tlltl and only carries mic st Ittll lIc sup posted Illfil Itltiilt ll tistil ill telligcntiy could be means helping hockey agreed to kvtit the tininter of the iiiti Solilc the iciliknown radiotri ibttH teaknuto wlo Itiiiltasiii tfi Windsor franchise tiorn 110 it Io lock and sttll inanilauzixi the lo tron Itrii operate two clubs 11 Iia 1tit sohioi and illgttl wither that Ilalion Street ss ate ltv iltlrtislil1 and sportsmanship ill the youth of the town of Barrie toaiii outside this leagues IttllIsiIicIliIl will be allowed to coin pilc for this tiophv This trophy donated on the stipulation tiiat the league viii craves tianu plate designating llltl Cl11lijlllllp team and the yeail Trophy to be presented to til lilllIIlttln at Itittt and Share considered most suitable the executive ti The llitilll teams coach or suggestion init ilii tiltiiltttS ippzoiai lie ioiiii Cup tiils picd 11 the Im tie year be split in ltgtIlllllllt and play the lust three or tour games til the Rs and then moic for the reinainner of the StlltS llti Iliiil llit to Stl tS OI lie repeated his suggestion made Ill Jnnc too that tho OIIA vniizer be taken over by the iltltllil which would pay expenses plus captain to be responsible for this set fee to the club through the trophy playottv Red SM vs Stayncr loiit the Red Sox will no to vnvr to meet the Stavner leeWees who have won threc and lost one to the Rdttlt entries John Tobin and Ron Barron are the probable starting battery for thel Barine team 5H PAINTS AND CHISELS coiniiiitteo was formed with IIIltitl Oshawa tiuolph St hitch ly jourC aels and lltllltS represented to iiivesircaie the fziiancia aspect of the CAIIA playdowns make roc tllltlitlliltllltltlS to the conned who Evitl place it before the OII an Eon to the CAIIA The OIIA ninior council are iin menus the Barrze Juveniles added li llit ressive the South T318 IO lltilitit rtuigezixenis the Quebec idel Quebec Association tend 1s scttleii CAIIA wont accept QLIt is Iincluded iIIt Montreal heads wan Inothin to do wzth Frank Byrnc Eur Ihil Watson It as npomible lfor Itlllllll to be finnlired nntz ithe August deadline The Que Alng SPECIAL SEDKItC Sttliillt2l must make its 1tt lcl peace with the CAHAby that tune ANS Two to choose from Barrie one is two tone blue thel other anchor grey 1951 HENRY 1949 KAISER SEDAN II lllltS wzth Glenn Me the route for the los I111 tnient Lucky Draw Spikes And say gang do no forget our Red SM is DodgerS weekly contest Inir of ILast night in the Peenee Din25mm The quest ESIOII 3t GIUIIH Street Park the Give one IRed Sox defeated the Dodgers by 53 score of 235 The Red Sox TRUCKS lected 33 hits while the Don 1951 Dodge Platform Iloist inianagen to produce live Clarence I951 Ford IOIIIOmb DumPoWhnemore led the lilltiti for th 1949 R80 Ton Chassis Cab Rec Sex with home run whit Don nerson am John Fergiisn Ibaekea him up with Anderson bat Itin for and Ferguson baiting 21 for The most spectacular play for that game weeks contest Monday uly til McGibNns defeated the PeeWecs by was very clase for the evening was made by thegami All he 33 131 59 Baffle lDodgers Pete Simpson who conivtmrV leing has 5119 me pleted running stabbing and5l3ner Crew managed 10 For 159 1C3l3hlll1 play which robbed RichBarrielbers there were nine men Iard Agnew of poxsible home run base and our 9305 made 33nd for the Stayner PeeWees there Indians vs Pirates were 11 men left on with onlv Meanwhile at Arena Park theithree errors being committed IndiIsnsIand the Pirares battled togwinning pitcher Tor the Red Sex Cal tie PHONE 5573 that be used It native wareht space tonszdered dead IDIrys Triumph It was close ganieiwas John Tobin who went seven At Powassan Home one WIIIT MOISSEAU Centre for Barrie Flycrs in 194647 and llHT 48 who is at his home in Poivaxsiin alter successful season of hockey in Scotland he has on offer to play for Norandii opper Kings next season and that Ietc lalangio of North Buy Black Hawks has also asked him to try out Norandn may be coached by Les Douglas former pro who star red with Montreal Royals of the QSIII last winter 1Pori McNicoll Assessed High Reeve Claims illlidiand Free Irexs iteraldi Although the CPR assessinejit tic couiitcd for only d56i th tottil Iort MeNitoll tax bill last year Reeve Albert Calvert still believes counter to the opinion of county issexsor Erzc Simpson the elevator is being ISISSKKI too high rill relation to the county levy Mr Simpson is trying to put the CPR elevator here on the same basis of assessment is the elevators at the head of the takes the Port Roce contended in stateiiienl to this newspaper jIIThat is wrong Thzs is mere ly an overflow elevator Every thtn has to go through Port Ar thur and For Iiilim but the Port McNicoll eievator doesnt have to rely provides aith Yr illt charged to The county happened in local re ceived word to the bi CPR Port eevaor could happen avgszn to force it co ivis trying he it to top value to happen through over 23x3 on t1K Ct plained Mr Calvert W313 we are Port IIcXicoll essed for chin de our new is head cipaiities zed for Emms Tmns ThreerHiIter as Dry Korea chinemarbine Fine relief pitching from Ken Glenn and tworun error in the bottom of the seventh and final inning with two out gave Minesing 75 victory over Canadian General Electric Wednesday night at Queens Park The Will marked Miiiesliigs second in ions plunge that sent them soaring to the bottom of thei row litters Barrie district senior softball standings For CGE the less could be the turntng poitit of tnetr drive to catch Barrie Legion for lust place litty dropped two liil games of the pacei With only our games left to play The Electrictzins were nnzius live ttulrt$ in Bob Ilzitt Larry Curr peau Miiiruy Iticliartipon Cum inns and lziek Itiinbuil and hit the field Willi bare minimum rl nine players Righthander Bob Stalinn milk mi his second start of tin tnisoti confined Mirroring to Just five hits tlltl walked only three but Costly afield prevented him from recording tlllfltttl triumph Wen Downey snarled for tho wru neis but after giving up single run in the scciid frame iizd four ililb Whit revealed that In tlu third was relieved by Glenn in tin touith who allowed only one hit double to Iiill Rwycruft in his four scoiiless innings of work Glenns pitching pttltltl Illino szii the opportunity to batlle lioiii Iieninti 33 deficit tworiin er ror in the filth With two out knotA ted the count it and then they tted the winning pair in the sev chili on an error in the outfield Iiiiesuit took it list lead in the second when Sltltllts from lieu Glenn Bill Admits and Wm Down ov with walk mixed in opened ho scoring with three runs CGE not one run back in the bot thc frame and struck for torn of feur iii the third as Dmviicv Iiluw TONIGHT Churchill at and allowed four singles and issued three walks Glen iianisnitid Ken Glenn vith CGI stalwart to collut pair ofITONIGHT Al htts IIINITSING Cill Campbell IItitCLtlnson 3b Intuition lb Rayciaft ss orcy cl lcrrney rI Boo Minestng 030 029 Oil SOFTBALL Mens Senior TONIGHT Iennells at Queensl CG lit mtilorti Bond lived at Mincsiiig Ladies MONDAY Edgar at him ro Ladies TONIGHT Shanty Bay Wonder Vtilley it Dalston csprti Junior TONIGHT Anton Mills Eticnvale Lil Mincsing Craighurst at Mitihiiist BASEBALL North Simcue SATURDAY llariic at South Simcoe North Division Ivy at Now Lowell Stroud at Cookstow iSAlUItDAY Barrie at Churchill two stories each paced MinesingsiMONDAY Thonmm at Ivy offenszve lion Walsh was the Ione South Division Ialgravc at Beeton WNWl ll Ad MONDAY Allistoti Ill Pa lf Adth Glen Sb South Simcoe Juvenile ll my Cf TONIGHT Alliston at Utopia Wen Dow MW LII Senior Armorr But we dont wantl GEORGE MICKEY IAGUIRE who starred at centre with the Arrnoured Corps during Camp Bor den hockey matches of the war days recently got in the news from The Ottawa soldier with rank Warrant Officer is the Canadan infantry brigades senior armorer in Korea and conducted tests with the new Patchett ma W0 Maguire re ported in recent CP despatch At 30 yards it can fire Piginch groups which is as good as ser vice rifle can do Ive been riddl ing tin cans regularly with it at 150 yards The effectiverange for most ninemillimetre is 125 yards loioivmv Provost at RCAF 3h wm howlv MONDAY Slioud III Alliston SOCCER LACROSSE 1mm of Nowma rkct The 122 VALIABLE HST twl is ainrzblc Itsli the thrift Lust is till t5 lated to Toiienliam Ladies magpiTop Bowlers In Tournament Here Tell rinks from Barrie Touchi ham and Allandaie competed in the second iadics tournament of thel season at the Blithe Lawn BowlI mg Club yesterday afternoon and evening The three games were played under exceptionally tine weather conditions and the visitors enI joyed ten served by the hostessi club the club house during the afternoon First in the tournament Willi three wins Were Mrs dillllltllltli and Mrs Palmer of Tottenham Mrs Frank Goring and Mrs MaudI Seminem of Allandzile were first with two wins and Mrs Frankie Sutherland and Mrs Gallo way of Barrie were first with one win First for spider was Mrs Dick Steele of Barrie nan 2b 752 565 egion BIG QUARRY Tin lurgcst limestone quarry in Europe is in the English county of Derbyshire vale at Edgar Gllllfkl Per capila value of Canadian mincrtil production climbed from $223 in 1886 to $88 in 1951 Ilic Atlgulx cod nm Wi MANY have told us the same thing It is natural for people to hclp their friends in such it grievous hour by giving them the benet of their cxI pericncc r14 nounx FUNERAL HOME WGISIII IILANEIIOI NONE Slial low Lake Thornton Modern eguipment to grave 17 Mulcaster St handle any of your requirements MACHINES BUILT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS BIIIIIIIE WELDING Ii MACHINE I30 Dial 3744 Tim AN EXAMINER WANT FRIDAY Brooklin at Allislon SATURDAY Allistoii at Biooklin Maitlands at Bradford GOLF TODAY Rees Cup final Fully Automatic Controlled IIILSO ELECTRIC RANGE Iburner heavy duty with automatic clock and light SEE the complete range of Gil son Refrigerators Freezers Washing Machines LIBERAL TRADEl corron BLOUSES for Women IIT JACKSONS regular $295 $I98 SILK CAMISOLES for women regular $100 49c WOMENS NYLONS first quality pair 89c DRESS PANTS for men regular $895 $249 SUEDENE JACKETS for men and boys $298 range JERSEYTSHIRTS for men and boys reg $198 750 timer ILASTIC REMNANTS up to 40 SHEETS unbleached cotton 80 90 HANDKERCHIEFS colored large size reg 25c10c pair $235 wide yard 15c Deep REMNANT MATERIALS regular to $150 yd yard 490 Satisfaction or Cash Money delimited Cash Your Baby Bonus Cheques at Jacksons till the way with the Pirates lead innings to produce seven strikeouts going into the final inningiand two walks For the losers the The Indians then explowlbaftery was Hood pitcjing and five run effort in theirlBanneman giving In the hit cored Don CouLson on fielders The fourth was opened with suc JNIIIIIIEI iyouwum vas the forgive your puL let $335683 Growing Moth or Pellets From now on they need this grand builds upyotur protsby building of the 7th inning to give Iihem 109 lead Smile too But the Pirates could not be kept down as Billy aw brought across the tying runl the last minutes of the game shortstop Dicki completed double play ca ching line drive and then doubled Meyers off rst base gt and Wiles pitched for the with Mason and Scott sar ngcating duties Rob Roy Mac went the ronle for the with Meyers doing the re feed III PeeWee Division Red Sox Indians Dodges Well boys ais the standings3 rock and neck for the top plosi ioris in the PeeWe League you will be linterestedto know about the Bradley Trophy which will ting department Jack Tsz led the Barrie team with two hits threebagger and ingle while Don Anderson was close behind ilh l5519ll35l95 As an added attraction on Yedlt nestiay Aug during Centennial Week the Barrie PeeWees will ini rite the Stayner PeeWees to take part in the preliminary portion of program which will see thel Barrie Oldtimers play the South Simcoe Oldtimers in an ibiilx game All proceeds from thes games will be given to ftirther the Minor Baseball program In Barriei run double most 133135133 blow Baseballfans will onceragain see such greats as HermanJennett and Elwood Jenneti Juvenile Thursday night the Juvenile en try in the South Simcoe Baseball League held practice at Agricul tural Park On Saturdaernly 18 the locals journey to Cookstown tc play previously rainedout game pesentedttrrheivinningteamviththeeookstown squad Jlihe This trophy is To be presented annually to hechampionsliip team of Barries Minor Baseball League Peeweei DisvEiorii To encourage and stimulatei Barrie boys trill be trying for an other victory to add to their im pressive record in this league CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 14de immune may bones hm pollen forffumre ng And my uctunll9 rennin led feedwhui feduo new Mosh of PedalsCall liund learn morc cbqntiiisvreatmymaker gillY0 5w units emu spree tcn under ll lcessive singles Irom COUISOII Johr Feltis and Miscampbell to load the bases and set the stage for Hagans at two va1 games ahead of Oril Terriers for fourth and last Gard Dyment who had given up onlysix hits to the 935 in four took over from Mandryk in be second and must have won dwhat had come over the Drys They pted for hits and five runs in the four lsame with Bill Hagans three The biglremenvas the tonic for Emms whoblanked the Indians unit the eighth when he was the victim of an unstained run Emms didnt walk batter and kept the three hits well scattered The Drys opened the scoring in the second when Ron Miscampbell Dave Frid Dari Mac baSCcelaring double followidwjth single IDomid and Emms both grounder fielders choice balls with Hagar scorng on one and then Al Ruth erofrd completed thoutburst witr artRBI single real rulioarb threatened ii this inning when Midlands Ted Brady objecxdvs to the Way Dor Coulson slid into third base Brady Jumped on the diminutive in infielder and both were banished from the game for fighting Johnny Feltis Ron Miscampbell and Dave Frid each supplied two hits to Barries lOhit attack Solmes Quilty antrBrady collect edMidnds safeties off Emms Barrie 010500 0006 10 Midland 000 000 0191 12 BAYFIELD SIT PHONE 3003 $9 DUNLQP ST ITHONE 4348 Jacksonsllept Stores onrHEJoB Your bird starting my be caused by weak magneto Spciuliiilil Magneto Shivice Can take care of the needed repairs ouR TESTING EQUIPMENII Will show up the 133 spots OUR MECHANICS With imanyyeaisof experience will give you rapid and efficient service Brennans Auto Electric Service sig 33 Bcyfieldv BARRIE 101162464 Ibis SmollMouthed Black Bass my boobsin distinguished frdirihIIsldrgwmmd 0605 In congfo tho IaitersImIouth readies Well past the eye ARLING ll CARIIIIIGIRIWIOIIS lIMITlO WATERIOOMONTREAtTORONTOTEFOMSEH