Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1953, p. 14

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9vpumurvmvo to ma um wman Moms News of Thornton Returns Home lGeorgc uis GrimeMountAlbert1 linlllt Monday after weck wilt Mrs LONGEST NAME 2i Angirsea Wales is said to have Lleledlrpoibsogy ligugetchwy like lnngrst geographic name In the rrdrutwcllhandyEillcgogixha lowzi Drid contains 55 letters If LISlE Lemon Reunion The Lemon reunion which laid on Sunday July ii in Augcs Park was largely attended John Mills of Achlllig its lllc lililiblGig Ci who attended Little Wayne Eli ygmlmd son of Mr and Mrs James lilticrl JV of Lisle was the youngest iiil vcr dollur was presenth ouch of them bountiful supper new spread out for all and very eiz= loyablc afternoon was enioyed by young and old Mr und Mrs Keith Lunch and family of Liicdoniii ucrc amongst those from Ii for dis tzshce who attended Visltors at the hmnc If Mr and Mrs Lorne McCarty Ind fumilv on BOND HEAD Ir At Midland amp Mu four Clantl lhis vVE9l ml fill uttl Mi L5 spendni Sitilu Plvltlclj iuigan cf Toronto ifiliuhluml lonit neat pensc with thc Auguf muting ll The members wurc dcighled to lukc sure your chlldrerlhuvt have Mrs Grose Mount Al awundnml me camp this be pmsml summer Start them off with all thclr play logs cleaned Altai lllrrzc Brooks Clcultlblc Guthrze and Mrs Pcttar Willi Miss Rachel Brooks Ull funds Izc lug Mrs John Copeland Brampton this tuck Mr llcyriolls spent Friday wli liitlldj at Dirliasn FCC1 M1 llrl Trinity mus Trinity WMS met at Mrs Jf Boakcs on vcdncsdny uttcr noon with good attendance The theme for the day Over the waves was tukczi by scvrrul ldi dies Mrs lilsonlcu the liSpOnSite lulxtlllLK it was decidcd to hold an aficrnocn tea at thc parsonage on IedInsduy July 29 Roll cull was unswcrvd by giving Recent Visitors iiiiIzt visitors Includch Mr nndi ll Lungdon Clifford at Mrs McKenzie Mr and Mrs Sorry lLiJuI Mrs llcnrn sick rrrs and dimly of Ayr at luaptlul It Ieun New York Hopkins Mr and Mrs Hat uhczc slzc was llllllg Hon folwcll Miss Ethel Matthews ilouuito at Thompsons Mr ude Soul Mrs Armstrong Toronto zit Wildin were Mr and Mrs Bcll Will mmmmml MIS ArmstrimgS Mrs Watson Sawyer und lguuily uozlj on lulldinu lliS ucw llllVLISK On Fans at Alfred Spa ton and Mr and Mrs lzddy llmuu in if lzc glilltlldbtul 1mm flitllCtli ML and Mrs D3 SnmL Jlld lmllly Toronto limwn Llnl Vkfl of Julius billlthsmynvrv Mm Lulu Brooks and route and Mr in lll At Olcun NY rA sav Return From Manitoba Sgt und Mrs lion lzirkcr Jimmy and Lynda of Gimli Manitoba ac companied by Dad Parker and Butch Miinc who have bccn visit At Big Bay Point Mn and Mrs mdy McLean cn lRItulIicd the members of the W315 illltl Minion lurid at their sum Sunnidale Corners ltoy Killed Mnrrlld At xlenmorc Camp lhc community was shuckcd In El ing at $imll airivcd lust vcck to ipcnd months lczivi With Mr and Mrs Milnc and family and other relatives Mrs lithcl Linking ViSllfl few days lust wcck with hcr bruthcr nduw Zillfl sistcr Mr lilld Mrs mcr Cllliigt it Du Buy ioinl on Wrdnvsduy lnv Lidim illfl chill drcn trnvcllcd by bus to enjoy duy at tho lukc Work On New hurch Work is prourcssing my favor Ibly on tho Iicu Unihd huich uIigrutIIlzitions and Vcry best Islns lu Lconzird Verncr and Mrs Adclmc Norris nee Hood who vin Inzirricd July Lit Glonmorc limp llcavcrton by Rev lick Miss lluzcl Wright and Miss Lor Mondziy morning to Icurn thul Muuricc Moore Son of Mr and Mrs Nclson Moorc hud lilrli kIIl cd in front of his homc on Sunday cvcning by car The sympathy of the community goes out to thc bcrcavcd ones spitandpw by U5 They enjoy every sport and activ ity more when their outfits have that like new spurklc JOSH II 1131 of 01 Lilu sits in old Vtyibiidgc mill blOlll Fwd McNabe Rmmmum mm yummy hate been holl at Huroniu House Muscum in Midland and holds portabli flour mill once owned by thr grundfutiicr of Charles Robinson of Crown Hill This gllltlllli mcchuuism adjustable by set screw for whczit flour and corn was attached to piece of board with It hoppcr nuich ubovc it and box to catch the flour affixed bcluw Midland lwc Im13 lhoh stomvsf IIIEIEEGo oIIEI EIIEIIIE SAVES FUEL SAVES TIME ON MAINTENANCE SAVES MONEY ON RECONDITIONING Eon THE BEST SCHOOL BUS BUY SEE BARRIE MOTOR SALES Phone 5573 Barrie lint listen To Ralph rnelgrove Illtlilllll CANDIDATE Simon on aitheAirEli Wiek Dev 955 lttl 930 lint Represent in IIle cumin Return To Detroit Mr and Mrs Hamlet and son Richard of Dctroit rcturucd homr an Sunday aftcr spending two weeks with Mrs Hamlets purcnts Mr and Mrs Albcrt Barnes Mr ltlld Mrs William Dowling lllfl Douglas of Collingwood were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Iom Dcnison Mr and Mrs West and son luul of NiagaragtnthcLzrkc visit rcccntly with Mrs Thelma lncc Mr and Mrs Iiulph Iluntcr lllfl ioys of Alliston visitcd on Sun day with Mr and Mrs Andcr son Mrs Rodwell of Toronto is vis iting Mr and Mrs lsauc Black Return From lrip Jerry Lee and Lylc Bcgg rcturn cd home on Monday after vccks holiday52 They motored to Sud oury Suult Ste Muric and De troit and reported wonderful trip Miss Gloria Jamicson Toronto 15 visiting her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Nimcgcon and boys Birthday Visitors Recent visitors of Mrs Thomas Hood complimenting her on the observance of her 85th birthday vcre Mrs Holly Dyer and family of HamiltonMrsAlfscn and from ily of Markdalc and Mrs JOhn Porter Toronto Bus Tour To Oshawa Peter Dewar Arie Schcp and Ronald Stoltz were on bus tour to Oshawa recently sponsored by the 4H clubs in Simcoe County Mr and Mrs Fred Forrest and children of Weston are holidaying at the home of Mrs Forrests cnts Mr and Mrs Job Small Mr and Mrs George Jaffray DIII tlel Caught insurance Short It taken$120 to buy the same amount of house building ou could get only year ago for $100 It will pay you to telephone Tom Tutlersnll CLU PHONE 2931 24 larkside Drive Barrie Rt Hon James Gardiner par budding Mr and Mix Council and frumly VlSlUll also Mr and Mrs Edgar Whitwhim Allislnn visited Mr ilitl Mrs Alvin Smith on Sun luv loorgc Ilill Ind llriun ziic hol idaying at Wusuizu llcuch this vcck Mr and Mrs lck Ellis of the Canadian Wcst cullcd at tho home of Mr and Mrs llusscl Hood on Saturday Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs chnson md Sgt and Mrs Spiccr wcrc Mr and Mrs iinglc of Oshawa and Mrs llzivillc and Mrs Jack llzivillc Ilowmzuivillc Miss Itulli llururnvc If Jcrscy ville is holidaying with her sister Mrs Job Small Mr and Mrs Clifford Henry of Winnipcg and Miss Ishhcll Eccles of Montreal vcrc guests of Mr and Mrs chdirson few days last vcck Mrs Thomas Hood lsspcnding few days this work with Mrs Rus sel Ludlow in Allision laying with Mr lilill Mrs iluic and Eleanor Miss Marjorie Kirkpatrick spent tlu vcckcnd with Miss Joan Butch Lillic Jimmie Giffcn spent Sunr day at Mr and Mrs Mcl Batcs Baby Sister Arrives Congrutulutions to Mr and Mrs Moi Thompson on the arrival of thcir baby daughter sister for Donna BETHESDA At luncrul In Barrie Dun Rodgers Ind Mrs William opclund Itlcndcd the funeral of Mr RudgLIs aunt Mrs Sadie Cunningham Barrio on Monday Mr and Mrs Don Griffin Ennis killcn visited recently with MI und Mrs Gcorgc Squibb Larry and Carol Stone Orange villc arc spending week With Douglas Rodgers Douglas Smith Toronto spcnding the summer with Mr and Mrs Gcnrgc Squibb is EVERYONE WELCOME to the RIIIII SIEIERIIE Ellllllll RALLY STAYNER COMMUNITY HALL WednesdayJuly 22830 pm SHOW AND DANCE with BERT DIXON and the LAZY VALLEY RANCH BOYS GUEST 01 HONOUR RIGHI IIONOURABLE JAMES lililllllNEllMinister Olgriculture End Save Tie lilieOn IMPORTANT IIIEEIIIIE FEDERAL MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE and YOUR LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN DUEEERINSIM COE mwuum Bil IIIIFIIIIII Tuesday III 830 Everyone is invited to come OUlond hear these men who place your interests first DUEEERINSIMCOELIBERAL ASSOCIATION II 39 Dunlop St East BARRIE Phones 372i Let George Do It TELEVISION GeorEOItlTVMon Epirrrrnc 623 Its later than you think Coil us now We pickup and deliver PHONE 2471 NUSERVICE CLEANERS l4 High St Barrie PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE MEETING will be held in the interests of The Hon Earl llowe DU EFERINLSIMCOE WEI JILY 22 830 STouII COMMUNITY IIIIII SREllllEllS llillon Earl llowe George Johnston MPPV PUBLISHED BY DUFFERINSIMCOE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOC JIM LEONARD PRESIDENT MRS ALVIN WEBB SECRETARY GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Progressive Conservative Committee Booms NOW OPEN 1114 uIIIIEII ARE HEADQUARTERS AT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Gel iAchDIinlecl 5985 Sass 115937 5933 VOTE FERGUSON AUGUST 10

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