is Am RA 11 lt lim 12113 11 lAaaxi EXAM BK UNI JUL 1953 WNW IIII Rgmmk Moomtonr oldunter Hit 11 at 113 Rugs 11 allcllxidlg 13 Joni KC 16 lrf cn 131 $1531 mmviiiiai Flown 71 ka U15 11116 Wmlillcl 1485 Qoanx Grdce hm Tommy ot Lm aggregations 51 for sou 2hr limit we Sohoail ZKhKUClElic State to enter Shel In Toronto fcago prlJr to bthei ticgoarmrc 111111 Moo on 112131 2U CuLd ltulllcil Mr C3122th Andreas has return Now From NPR prcsmicd Mp A1i5 mm II Milt 11116ch 13 lo ddm up ndihu v1 11111 ottcr pmtlzng ten at may MW Curvy 55M money Mr Xftfii vn LAM Rem Jun1 LUWliW 3L Grill lm Tzlm btr ts horn iron 1er hopita much If brittv 1011 QC ordinate in Smicor has f4 mpio 1121 glau to 1c 12 II 5111 By LDRNE LETKLRBX lljtbtlF llcrtdil lvliilvi it EU Ur Mr nd Mrs Omibo EA JAM MI byway 2131141 itchL le from Mrfj L1 Lire VsL mm Commune Ij II 36 Am glow of ltosetnount 131 tlli Hm main 113 llltfltlr hud SzJIyi Amt quorm as obtunxd 1L 1sz Among form 51 and is head of It Mr VX 311 ha rt Birthday ear Vial difculty so the ltltllllg Sltnvmikvrs 10tle union 111 MM mifbpcndmg Sunday owning Mrs Clark lit 1EZlornmbimirf We mpenalTObGCCO mu macaw sunscrms 36 in th lwi tl 11 MN lthn Victor am tzxrcziCt lxvom L1L Vi Company Of Canada Ll ll Yum 11211 vr Elis been ml Coldwater hiriniugol lcmiilen II lelteot Baptism 151w taut1 home 11 Azl pmty in Rimmoid Bmwn as ubuc service 33m on Julth 2ttldnnlludwl IA III ItAic Io 1111311 naalvpeifirxnz Arm Hun 03 01 WI rims CH Bluc 111 Lake ill Jltxllufd ll xviickend Archiving 041 altxl lit3 litFlint LhUELJ ml 1ftizleu 0f hll Lilel luff lltLEK 33 mwmnm ml ml 501 July 12 03 Rat hurles L11A b15k hth been tisning rum your left vacant by lllt rogrzinozi 11 kchcfxl ntmlridm unliision MCIHI IiIi AH II 12A11 John Strutt BLiH 1c It IhmIttr or Mltlll Leslze 111am 2111 of the former 9111111121 1M 11111211 11 in Coulter Mr Millard fuilllci IV Axikiiddjat AzmhjllllilunlH all AlJan 1ii Mn ii1t not nmmrmignn 11211 nA with Tm Guod shim om no gt Mt llrv will AWN WM who have raule Returns Home Tnv WA or on onstu Clauwh MmWHYS When the ttlllll1r1illti 111142 VI 1mg wk Cmdwnm Rh Sud MMIMWW Md smwismi blequiIIIrI gm 193 mu 4PP1L lial itttllllIV Vtlc Victor Tumor Ai 111 11111 lionn oflrr 11311113 titnl on tho church grounil lildl WEEK lY lNFORM AHON 55 RV C5 mm Nesting mm moo bir Turner Warm lellmna 21 mi in Kinds 1111 Who rlSlgrd HUMAN ank Wilmnts Fr ink lnll ll Commlssioner Juist Kitclmi wuvm 95 hurt MORlltIIAl Did you know tlizit lrt5 wonder 11 lt xx 1r vw t1 litl llttl to Host 11 John Wylie 11w Azinw vlo lliv beet adj Wuiazyzrmvurugt 1mm lIiImU in 1337 you llnmf 51 Av noonv drug mnntcr llllAtll 1511131 Com cting Ch1irn1AiiA Ln 2311111 hymn U1 who In 1311A Il arms with Iio 31 mt lli llVlJllIl is 11w hrt lgsvrmn Cl1 on lml bnll dillll will li Willim BUlltk tltm arnru or 1A nuillv niw n1lrilion for cullla unl tlliiltlt vi sum 830 llf Ill m3 ll ilnigltm Ntildl of Toronto our 91 NlllX Inn In itcuil no win to Person roicili LWI Iml American Visltors 51mm mi wwkmd mm 31 In work 33 11111111ozknill1 nioiv gt111lv 111111 All th Ill 11 lt1 K1111 gt1t11 2h Hm 1m rm All Milltlllm Alltll035 Ur LONE Slliihl Minx Jonh Bonitlsnll Ollnr lrmlil rlllllllf You llJnI 1vv been Humid mnmimy HN UL and soninluw Robert 0tlllllll vh tlimn dll nvri lll lm 1oli it ort Mr lll1 3115 Milton SHUWHLHA waging Wm wlx duff4140M 11l IM All Sum Island visited Mr and mm Mum WM Fri from uniluliuzlii to no why lolm 111111 lrltllvlrlll tut gt1 Elm AA 1r gt 111Ai oit11 ugh Ammms On my 1mm Mr and Hum INK lust iimw in to gt11 1111111 1111 not 11 mt It loin lt1ll1r ilouwsttr lool otlxXtN ml Wm salully US$98 BM il lih Snowniin tlk on llun my Hughr 1M my NUMJN 11 AI Jttillcn vxzst in tho vttn llivnt uin iloiitvstci linrl oltugtvixa As mm 15 lllm MW win to Loinivrspotl lriiii1 hw lgjtitliitlltlil 11111ltllll reign t1 1to bk 2111111 lot 111 ttmlod ho1 HM mm mm Jaw mudmn Mounted police when L15 mm my rm Jpr rompian hind 11 11 ton iltlfit lntUs Your Money Hatk II II rulis 5th 111 lliwr shutout Visits Aunt Bands at OTTAWA int and MM Inn 111 of tln LL1ton wrll ln hold Spent tlw vvckond with lltl llllll Wu kl YIN Huts on Aug 131 Coillltlt oi Mr and Miss Winnir Montcith 19 11 111v 11 They must be good of WWI Hm Mmmmul Weekend sttlng not hit on 111 Alm Snxmmhnc Clarinet it lrttit 1111 swiaw lll limit FOINF lull WY 10 no 111w 11 Wm 1H 111111 rim wt 11 371 lllblli ll 3900 bc pettin llut with llRlO your 51lAulstli 11 spoiling them hixtgmo Mmmxig Io 15 who itgnxtiictt it itllllltlll ill Illt minorll1uiu ll 11 1111 11151 1vttogvtlnr of tho lingo llzlllll OlllAltIO mu rlm nullm Hm MIR HI Ibctwicn lllt 111114 of 11 and Ill yours inwtin to make hulls jtll proiwzly nun ttlllt uIv tlltl your ll ll 111311 to takes only 111 tlm tuuo ol tlio 11111111 11111 vonilinos tho lively mm ommrio lqt lounil unilor the 1111111 of Ull tlonn ErllllS 111 tlAv mlmh vonfw 130 1111 on Ann Amino lllxtl MrsI Mime BrollmI Burma ST REGINA saw smmmrv dmn HM haul onltlilztzlnlions to 1311 111ml funmm MUM no Mhummn Mo LAthu mmthmhl 1111 1111 to It lutrnml loin It It gt IIIr IS My MVHHN IIIIIIMI mer ram Reunion Mr and Mrs llcilrnm spout wrc ltlllllllxl Saturday in Kt 11 mm 111111111 11 1111 nlm 11111 lilll MW 11 Inlnri of oltloultl lIIV oftnn lllt tlif lllllLillll1 PHONE 4351 onz nt1 lily rlll in and Mr and Mrs Wilton lllllltl lllhllllCI Rh thibENlAl V12 Umh um Flu fllllltt Sonic llllll 11113 for vi niinotul Iltl 1111111 Son 111 Miilluntl t1t nnonIi V1 lm lgl HMf 511 CJlml 1R1 11 PIN N1 im 10 lritli int io 5111ltl ilirltgt1ng llmtl 60 llMlll MFVUF 11 H11 loin comm121w litll wlllnizumd lnlk IvtLntllt It was ii llulllrnl tinil urtin in conwn II tilm ImIN 1wqll 15 Iqliw coiliiittio1 11nd it was tlttltltd to ltl llilltlt 3233 Alllllicunts must ln single 121111 1111 finL Ii IguWhM 11114 HM 1m lwlml for llllltllillllll llllttlS inil lltlltl 1111 111 sum1111 to V1111lo 1111 81113111 With rto you nvml only onu lVlllllill llivlv lllll Saliid Collininviiotl Hood of the family II lppucit1ons Slltlllltl ln sent lotct mum full mm ML it mtting 1111 only ilislting Ive is Mrs lurnvrs lllt1lltll molh Mrs SH Flllll Slllllv torinvi longboil llllllltlll You not Mum of OHM Iil1lting mm the who lgtt1ll for tho ittlllltlll The bnnnixsilomr to on mm 1m My EM smootlmoxs of nuiyonntiimn Its mm lllWWd tho 51mm amount ot tinit lllllt 111 mu Nn 11 vonr lllllttl 111w Mrs lllll wox the form RM Polict lino wondrttul rtiiiws in llt lmok or Sarah Morirson of Dinitroon NetswN for tho onn 111111 only lirucloa bottle 01 Cortn Vllllllltlt by Ixrtitz Softball ltesu ts 3mm oldwzitvr suttcrvtl their second Islrnlizht loss in the softball playoff Nomifinals to Moonstone July by score of 1612 It the locals loso July 17 they are not of 1111 suns 11nd Moonstom be in the finals with the winner of tho WurmiiistorSturgoon Bay series In the latter games the teams were tied 11 Letter From Korea Call Mrs Rodney Gill received lct ttr July 15 from ller husband sergeant with the Canadian forces in Korea He had taken brief courso behind the lines but had returned to the front Ho intimatw ed 110 notild likely have to remain Ell Six months if WC gt 712 were silznvrl Mary Street Barrie Catches Fine Bass Bliss of Shelby Ohio fish ing in Gloucester P001 01 the SO IV you nd the famed F26 FllCbll Engmc redestgned to pr0v1de record 77 horsepower and compression for this budgetpriced Buick series But all this ashfast getaway this new quietythis steppedup efciency this more spirited performane can be judged only from the drivrs seat of Golden Anniversary Buick with Twinu iTurbine Dynaow lt VI 917 ll w111y611stopbyaddWongwgh our compliments II smdmonRoadwayopximtaifm mt Iliis you ivill discoverzi Beyond this theres now Powor that may 7Anrakouhcjmiromngoopmformancel No other ater gets mm from standMg II 1131 1111 moreIclectrifying start with be combiner quickness quiet ONLY and smootbnesl of 1953 Buick will InVY1953 BillckSUlER and BOAD eep reeze engera or as teIGenuino tA Deepfreezefreezer Compartment umbrmbme Dymow Dual MASHR mu W0 dsvnllm advanced VS Enginethe rsthre ballV148 Inrevry1953 Bald CUSTOM Stom approximately sou ol frozonlood and actually Room co mom hurl Separato freezeuholl tor MEW miyu and damn tray Withltwol turbines instead ofonlel hand withIIcngincering adxlancsv all fun Dd 699 Ithrough this niiraclvczuitomatic trans stnWWWWoi or brewMax with mor silencevnzd Wnftlmn Refriggrotof has MlInDaoplreezeReltigorotors Homo Freezers Ranges ion leper before 4tl5gtdn AGeneml Moioisvou It WHENaEmR AUTOMOBILES ARE 301111me win nuuo THEM Blllll WW ozokefrigeratori Home Freozors Ranges mum Bowler CorneriBradtord 8rlohn8ts BARRIE vPhonef2449