AROUND TOWN By JAMIE Bowls of white and olue corniiow to abies in the home of SIICCI alt Itd I25 The Difference in our better Sanitone my Cleaning gill Dirt Out Spots Gone Colors and Patterns teak like New Again WRGGS Laundry Dry Cleaners Limited 18 Clapperton St Phone 3952 ll nl native lion During itu musical trio orig rid Joe McNeiIIle Gill oclock Among the iltngiiieri winw in in the province will Welt pres Ill for ll of EllIUD were Mrs ll Dlwtlizl llll UijU ri llrs lorl the pronr Mitiiritte of fell of tins Assucloiwzzi Mnclman of DIXA prisiderl central district ulllimns IIl oiy coniliilttcc Allan of York IIlIlIllII rid lifltl Mrs izvc borzie worn president the Ti ronto cl titlzi lssitcizilwiz for Presiding at the ten shits Mrs George Johnston Mr Moniugu Leeds Mrs hit tick Mercer Illiitllilli itid Mrs Richard Crossltg The lawn of the home of Llindw ilitc Ralph Societyye zit Lil Theresa Street lllIltl iie st tlng for the garden party uteri by the Slincoe North Liberal Associa on Vtlllt$ll afternoon the afternoon about 470 constituents Itllll the riding in cluding distinguished visLtors in the persons of the lion iuul Mur tin QC Minister of Htollh for Canada and William Robinson candidate for Sluicoe Ii were guests at ten Several hall rlivcilcli from Stuyncr and Elmtllle for the event itecviving were Mrs Btll of Georgetown Sister of Mr Snclx grove and Mrs II Snelqrove Presiding lit the ten table on the terracn were Mrs i21ysistcr CL Nud money for down payment or repair on on auto repIn or down payment on homo or other worthy putposse Now yod can get that Cllh on your auto mptly and Iimply at Drivo it to elite umnmmnnnnmmn HE oMMllr uhi CIT $0 TO SING cl ll FINANCE CO bringing proof of ownership approval got cuh 01 mum you Irep your cu Phone or come In today for loan on your auto Loam Illo on algatun or fumituro Loon $50 to $1200 on Slgnatun Furnan or Inn 2nd FL Public Utilities Bldg 15 BAYFIELD ST HARRIS Phone 5931 Donald FERN MAN OPEN DAILY TO HAWRDAYS TO loan do to mldcnti at all muting Mm Personal Flame mp1 of loll of daisies and delphinitlm Thornton and Belleville Churches are SIGNING THE REGISTER following their recent weddingr in St ll wedding tr couple are ma ltlg their home in Bellevillc of lu llllc iriiitc Ester Mackenzie ng Ir Siltlp son widow of the former Ontario Viistei of Elilicutmn Mrs ii Currie and The tell table was centred with an arrangement flowers roses sillisili Dr James Veitch played the or gan throughout the afternoon and ed to the enjoyment of the guests As the movement gets undch Partnts Council for Retarded Children in Barrie we read in Toronto newspaper till article that should be of particular interest to the zealous group of parents who are trying to establish school with special auxiliary chimes here for their children Last evening at proorganizational meeting in the Library Hall film was shown on the Wiiicocks Street school that has been founded in Toronto through the organization of par ents and is now partially support ed by the government This is one of two attempts being made in that city to help children with an IQ below 50 statesvthe article The wisdom of special types of teaching adapted to the slow learner is preached by psycholog ists They say that long hours of drilling homework does not help Parents must understand the ling its of mind that cannot be push ed too hard You can find out what special help is available throw away your preconceived prejudices about the rue cmsrtmsr muss WITH THEDEEP DEEP ruwon The freshfromtheoven aroma that greets you the moment you open package of Kelloggs Corn Flakes is almost as much of trademark as the familiar signature of KKellogg It sa that the original corn flakes are truly frcs It says that our radiant ovens have toast ended the distinctive avors of Mr Kelloggs stillsecret recipe It says Arent you glad you remembered to get package of Kelloggs CorriFlakes today LONDON lo wonder vain Kaltazgs Corn Flakes llmhyour table so oran lvosh and crisp Theyre located trash duly incur plant at london Dumbtwit hm in Canada and antiseptic Dr Chases Ointment brings quick relief safe home treat ment for over 50 BR years 69c Large size times as much $223 DR CHASES 55 culng 500 mg Antiseptic OINTMENI council Child 11 the picnicrccuited gift visitor the Wllm Julv wen her cmle nbout the organization her hosts given gifts ltlti mcin way to organize a1 branch of the mUCh hm mm ctl liotn hv mentally retarded and Child of these childs happiness thzl counts hi ipr not yulr pruic ne local woman who is 11 rcfsted in the plr us that she went to Orliiiuo centre who has been ii ltlllll and although trying she was merely it to find out more insisted ziZso be presents that her children The small nutgd by girls club ill loczill gwo away because of the clubs kindness in some towns have completely service clubs taken over the projectto gel itstarled andin 81 most all instances it has been found that citizens other than parl cuts of retarded children IUIlffylilLw best executive group for hc coonl Aconcagua an extinct volcano in the Andes is the highest vol canic peak in the western hernia sphere It has an altitude of 222 834 feet ll iillske of flower rlrnl and the parents hlid plenty Slaw Tm ii pm Set lTTING Vespra Society AT Horticultural til ll io iii zcelcct of Bacon of lzlllli or fl lle dzstllc on 11 scilooisnwert contest in id tray given to be left asked to by lr Biltflil which in tile schooi The pit 21s ItlilllLlll the flow were Carol Oisel and Ann Fer who were congratulat ed on bringing honors both to their MILBURN YOUR LOCAL FURRIEB 299 Dunlop St lh SIerZ Opposite Cloverleaf Repairs Remodelling Storage and Cleaning Relining Small repairs while you wait VITAMIN VlTAMlN ltlilSMEil tantrum SOAP BOX DERBY TUESDAY llucusr 1953 CLASS ENTERING Detroit Custom NAME or DRIVER tings for Early Summer Weddinc THEIR WEDDING CAKE honias Anglican Church Belleville are Mr and Mrsf rizigc in Trinity United Church Thornton are Mr tlld Mrs Edward Clive Fonger The bride is the former Marlene Dorinda Wilbert Kenneth Mills The bride is the former Eleanor Lil Eilis daughter Of Mr and Mrs Frederick Ellis of Barrie liar Cunningham laughter of Mr and Mrs Meldrin Culi and the groot is the son OlMrnnd Mrs Leon Fongcr After ninuham of Thornton and the groom is the son of Sidney to Niagara Falls and New York State the Mills of Barrie After wedding trip to the United States the young couple are making their home in Barrie Ii LAnnual in Beeion oi the iffltSllllLl LIIICIUOOR LI CltISC xi iFairvalley Ang 1ft the mspct sizliillshcd GUiIEl lIiIlltl on display are gliitl to lie Camilla They urc llllfl followilry ilcir rrzir The snuff box father after Waterloo Napoleons Photo Ill ll If IIlltIh ml the Vcsplu sliczety Mulesln Station tool was sec onli Llllti was given it book ls an am The pupils l1llill1 this nor to their school were 55 iilpclc iv McGirlnis Tm 11 gt it to Beeton won fourth tCl Stllyzier lgtI fszii liie plilil slowcti their interest ilortzcu contest and the fol great JltiC in lr efforts picnic slipper brought the in acnei OA It is common in Mexico in the preparation of tortillas to soak the corn in lime solution thus put ting ctilcium into the diet Withthe HUDSONJH you can outnerfcmi any lican lChoreh Plans For 20ft An Iersary on ll Ili Gltll Two of tire itsins to or placed unique in ll liar woes Ethic was 11 the THE BARK EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 17 1953 ll expresszlgg appreciation lot during the printed List Queen Eliz cueslly priceless the script be making in In ancient refers to them Lg Agrees INDIANS leaves itilS living sslppi are in Qualia his ilitlly wi if lilzlsl urn box ZlSCl by Napoleon Itllll Breeches BIIJIC was turned over to John Dririszitcrs great grandE defeat at Accompanying ll wits note ill the Emperors own hund and carbohydrates cats dliily And howcats that fresh wolc fish out ECONOMKAL NEW or CARI All IT CHALLENGE IF YOU WANT TOBUT ITS FACT Wedont ask you to take our word for what this compact new kind of car willdo Because on any road street hillor highway you select well outperform and Standard nor IF SPONSORED NAME SPONSOR hereby give pcrmiSsion forkthe aboveapplicantto build Soap Box Racer understand that every driver is covered by proper Insurance Parent or Guardian Clip this entry form and deliver or mail it to Jackman Electric 9r Lewes Furniture for registration and to receive your car number REQUIREMENTS No car may exceed 70 inch wheelbase Wheels may not be over must be equipped with safe and reliable brakes Car must have steering wheel for control WEIGHT Class up to 220 lbs Class 2131 up to 190 lbs These weightsinclude the driver Age of driver must be from 10 to 14 years by June 1953 All entries must be in by July 31 For Iurtllerliiltirmution Phone 6739 4235 12 inches in diameter Car specications and accessories subject to change Without uotme Because its wonderfullygcqmpad its delightto handledove and iqu intoduystraffic sand there ample room for six tr last food prepared sspccialiy for cats and kittens Puss Boots supplies the proteins minerals vitamins need go for 3H3 punFeet food cm Maui 11 tr of car in the lowepriCe eld Whatsmore this compact com aanion of the fabulous Hudson Hornet will do it with less gas oil tire wear and maintenance than oftheml You thats potverful statement Youre right But the Hudson Jet is themost pewerful perfor met youve feverseeril in durability on action woolly compuniou frolic HUDSON iron to IDISTRIBUTORT mm SMITH M01035 aaynoa St Pia Box 191 MISTER DEALER so Victoria st coon DRIVERS mews stirs CARS canon THOMPSON my MOTOR Barrie Mm