AN INULPISNNT NEWSPAPER MONDAY meESDAY Tears Are Idiotic Julian FerguSon Tells Meeting to so Serving TIIE TOWN OI BARBIE AND COINIY OF SIMCOE Since 1864 YeorAmNO Mauivim Second Class Int Ir Us Pot on Departman Muir BARR ONTARIW CANADA FRIDAY ELY to Oh Iiurrir Examinrr 53 iCOILiNGwooo POLICE CHIEF SUSPENDED BY MAYOR KOHL LACK OF PROTECTION CHARGE Foliowin the early firm $5000 stow the mtirriir polzcrmun or dirty Mayor Gray of isiarure at the tea held by the Barrie W0 mens Conservative Association the home of Mr and Mrs Craig yesterday afteri noon JULIAN II FERGUSON Progressive Con candidate in the riding of Simcoe with Mrs Ferguson left and Mrs Johnston of Minesing wife of the Centre mcmbcr in the Ontario 182 Martin Statements Ridiculous Julian FergusOn Progressive Conservative candidate for Simcoe North yesterday termed the Hon Paul Martins inI REV MFRASER old age pcnsionsa ridiculous untruth branch liriilllicl Emit School ference thab his party might reintroduce means test for rmmamwi moi Police Lewis Elliott under arents Council Retarded Children To be Organi zed lIarts ti ili if I7 It lurcn to b23171 on tb 1g proInge was caused Speakers HS iobcry Collmgwood in mm there WAS only one in Kohl has plsccd Clich rotor SIMCOE NORTH LIBERAL CANDIDATE Noam Snetgrovc l35t1ll Mrs wrl Lay sister 5f the laze Rt Hon Mac kcnzn King chat wzth ne Hon P1111 Mar the tin QC Minister of National Health and LHJA ma MR lunw mm and FRIDAY 5c single copy wEthILJZCI ciation at Tiwagesfi Sections Welfare at the garden pltty given by the North Simccc Liberal Ass Snelgrovc home here on Wednesday after noon the Photo by stcro wa panic1 on 2h Will schooi inspcc heads titc that xvii RUBBISH FIRE Barrio Firemen were called out rear of the CGE plant No dam =LLtltgtfT APPOINTED TO ghoulyr 3r nuxiizary eduo mark and GermanV lends 42of Liberal Candidate Ralph Sneigrove For aman in Martins posizion to shed crocodile tears and pretend to be worried about such ridicull ous question is idiotic No sans pzirfybe they Liberal CCF or Pro BVLZZJ his budge no suggestion of saving your money entrusted to them as taxpayer 3n SUDBURY CHARGE The Rcv Fraser who has has to save and watch cation fIz The Liberals have made Hunt Lo and Mrs priszoctz of tho Ontario the Baltic between the North Sea andl Drew says now that he does notaclieved intend to interfere with the Liberal Prime Minister St Laurent igovcrnments social security mea Fear that the abolition of the means test for old age pensions and family allowances might become the policy of the Progressive Conservative party was expressed here Wed wrrr nesday by Health Minister Paul Martin in an address at the TB 130d 5mm hell Der Simcoe North Liberal Association garden party at the home real public health Where lHealth MiniSter Martin Tolls liberal Supporters PCPolicy May See Abolition Me ans Test cperatzon witch would endear him to the pcopl of all Canada You have in this county very fine health unit the basis of any activity Do you realize that this any lhealth unit could not have been stablisncd without 3232000 grant While Opposition Leader Georgction with provincial governmentsxom mg federal government under the leaderSmP OIJII Martin 530 that he had re lccived this latter information from He recounted his meeting earlierizhe Ontario Minister of Health Dr EFAMOUS IRUM think of introducing the means test 011 Mariln lnhlS SPQCCRI at Bardwr again and returning tosuch an an 110 Spoke of the assistance that tiqumd idea ibis govcrnmen nad given to the Large Gawain viospria proiectBand hoartzit grill 2n iC pointed DIiCyVCbbV00d in Addressing the large garlitfiu at aim idofme aggseigauwngln SUdburY Pmeytcry he tea held yesmrday by the Bar ddncile rcmindcd the people tlrat On Friday July 31 ill REV 30h lie womens Consermiit 9539 lno Libcrzil government cabinet or Csuvesler 0f Um Palk be on the home Of Mr and MlSlmcnzbers parliament had given indUCIEd at 830 pm in 111 Angus Craig 55 Peel he 315de the money as gift They were only United Churcht the LIberabPany for 115 extrayagIremming to the peopze Barrie Minister of Healths slatcmciitsf mfg for merie igigoggnm lwith regard to federal assistanccipJJLmen mm Lf 2in health and welfare made the Eermfld Martin safemens hemoon here ridiculous The money forward lprevmm Md ed through the provmce to the He questioned the honesty trummmesq of many Ubgral INCL municipain belonged to he peopx lof Barrie and had only been en ers campaigning today up and down been the United Church minister at Angus for the past two years departed from the village on Fri day evcning accompanied by his wife to take overthe new pastoral charge to which he has been ap in the day With Premier Frost in Macxmnon Phillips Torcnto nvn Grant we had breakias logemel and Barrie had received federal despite the fact were in me mldSll grant of 8926000 for its fine new of an election campaign We didnl addcilll to the Royal Victoria Hos= even mention politics We talked pimp Cenmmed My Martin who about the creation of cancer clinics pointed out that 53000 hospital hld Mr Fmsrs government Em beds had been built in Canada dur in underway ling the last four and half years were gomg 70 a55i5t in the under the national health pro eszablishment of the pilot centre gram He 350 quoted assistance for research at Toronto Were to the General and Malme Hos going to make real dead onpml in Copingwocd slaugh on cancer We want to am proud to be abie to say provide for early diagnosis and as Minister of National Health and trealmenlH Welfare we have provided Isnt it important Mr Martin over 5400000 in this county for the asked that Mr Frost and he could pdrpose of improving the general talk so informally about matter health of the people of this area which was so important to the lives The national health program is lsures Mr Martin said that he hop ed he would not give in to other indications in his party Governments Tooperate Speaking on behalf of the Lib eral candidate in North Simcoe hthe Ministeriof National Health and Welfare said that the Liberai government of Prime Minister St Laurent had entered into coopera five enterprise with the provincial governments to Improve the gen eral health standards of the na tion Nothing better nasbeen done in the field of eifort by any federal government in any country of the world than thisi attack against disease think can say that ment is elected tality wouidknow full well anyparty that attempted to ieinlrlle by the introdudtion of suggestions REV AND MRS FRASER The manse of Itinlrasns new charge is located at Massey and the fieldicxtcnds about 50 miles on the SudburySoo Highway and pro vides seven preaching places Sun day services will be conducted at five of thcscg Webbwood Massey Lcc Valley Spanish and Walford while Wednesday night services are lipid at Nairn and High Falls Mr and Mrs Fraser motored to Massey on Friday evening staying overnight near Burks Falls Prior to their departure SEVBIBIZQIESEIL tatidns were smart The ladies of Utopia handed ove an attractive table laptpthrs Fraserfgggpfel ladies made presentation of beautiful Quilti made by Miss Jessie leaders to th overrimen for such this country making absurn state it occasion ments that the child bonus as it fh standstoday might be reduced or erV mu PSlouPleg cut off from vound mothers of mist man in Mr Martins posrtion and and country if Conservative governllf his experience Isnould tell such an untruth Not by Aperson with very time menl the greatest stretch of imagination When man in Mr Mar trodvueeameanstest or rectum tba llns osmon Wm Stoop $9 low as child bonus would not last in power to if and bring mel and Wonv past the term it was elected Whyi would party struggle to be chosen 1t dEsrace N0 selfrepeclln as government and cut its throat Pelsclld flOUld belle word ma no sai made by Martin and other Liberal Mr Fteguson saidtnat there had merit as the new Central Mortgage beenno attempt during the entire and Housing campaignby an Liberal speaking in Montreal built on 231 acres of anywherelin Canadavto date to ans er the Chinch 0f SIDES mismame 32500 springfilled dance floor merit and squandering of public Thishc panned out had been built funds levelled at the government when people were short of nOuSeS by the Conservative party No liberal has suggested that his partycould and would reduccl taxes The Liberals have forgotten Other Speakers Among the other speakers at the Progressive Conservative gathering that the taxation obtained by the government is the pboples moneyg If TOTO not the members of parliaments afternoon Downl of rain hot enough to keep the people in the open air Wednes day the attendance was just faircampalgnmg tOday with number of counter attrac education He went on to refer to such exI itraagziriccs of the Liberal governw yesterday was Mrs Downing nto federal organizer for the party and Mrs MacLean of Peel County chairman of the cent ral district vonieiis advisorv Mrs in her talk stressed the rm weather in DeifsctjiOF ani womegssagiersruse eictioscsm outdo Show this year at $1gnlpaign stating that women wore ref sponsible for the personal touch in feel that this election is going Howard and Sum ofumoney W35 tions in the district but about one to be one Of the mOSliimporlant in thatdid he believe what he said was to the minds of our senior citizens Corporation building land at cost of $824 an acre with Written into the history of an album ofphonograph records are the wordsttlithoutifanfare791113althQQLBafaLMgrmAIwmsicjHhis coummmsfm has truly earned the cooperative enterprise with all the provinces represents positive achievement in the field of health It demonstrates also the coopera Next Concert On Monday Night gln Queens Park It has bcen arranged between the Town Council and Barrie Citi 1zens Band that the band should play in the various parks one night each week for period of 10 weeks during the summer has beer started with concerts at SVin cent Park the past two Sundays There will not be concert this coming Sunday but rather on Mon day eveningf July 201 Qtieens Rark 830 oclock Purpose of Collections It may be noticed at intermisior take time that various bandsmen gout to pass the hat ilectibn someone might enquire Where docs this money go Well it takes about $15 to buy one complete score of only one piece Of this col of so many people rather thanithe greatest 50cia1 measure ever argue about politics lintroduccd by federal govern ment stated 111 Martin stating N0 Blckermg titat such measures protected our Hmere has been blderlng Orin3y of life against the Soviet Un needless squabbles between thejon In the two years the laden governmm ana various Liberal government has reduced provmcial governments regardlessitaxes by 500 millions of dollars he of their politics on sacral sqcurindamed and had reduced the Slated 319 health Emer Under national debt by two billions $v the leadership 01 the preser prizifcjmg tug960mg of Emma mm minister the government haucre donars in interest azed as never before spirit of co OthLiA Doctor fm PC CANDIDATE TheLost coium FOR SIMCZF FIRST THAT BOAT By soom mm Believe fuelif basically tmgh coming back to work at the begin ning of tth weekThere were two reasons for ceived qui the sun or into We try to maintain happy bal ance between security and free 0000 burningup Ironi secondly had slipped lethargic flame of hitherto unknownaspect ofCan adian life this First of all reM mind as resulccf discovering that purpose There are also such VIEWrefer to that wonderful idea they have over here of spending he weekend ai cottage You mayenote that have put the word in quotation marks The reason for this is that anything less likea cottage have yet to find This particular littleshackfwtiere Mrs Scotty andI wanderedb to was one of those long low rambling cottagetype blouses with mem rooms huge windows prid some thing havent seenfor long time stone firoplacerwliich act natty took up the biggest part oi one side if roomr right to thereof If you happen to tinniwa who has similar sort of bottagol going for reasonabteprice say around $30000 or 340000 dont botherlooking at meas prospec tive customer It was kindof like Old Him Week in way We hadnt All or Jenny or Glenda for about your came out from Dundee of yearsago and met this guy by the name of the moxthey live doom right to be called Th WorldsGreatest incidental expenses transfer 01 Trumpster chairs and large instruments to the park from the band room on Mul caster St Remember if you do nate to the collectors you may say that you are merely helpingithe band to keep supplied with new musicand pay expenses of truck ing etc On Sunday afterno July 19 the Junior Farmersof South Sim coe are holding their annual ser vice of worship at Midhurst Spring water Park and on thisoccasioii Barrie Citizens Bandwill again be donating their services to playtime hymns and brief musical pro gram Lfe was not an stralghtforward Members of the Barrie Band feel and easy to limb howgver Sleadl thev are renderinga reaI commun workmp billing at 1991931519 ityyservice from the townto the PW 115 Pm day rural folk in this manner swmgmg door smashed his mouth Contribute leaving his lipstorn and bleeding jamming is later receivd Everyone wasconvinced that the MCamdim Bank of Com comer of great trumpeter had Barge July 10 1953 handed over to Mr Fraser At Angus Elder Wood late ly returned frOm Korea spoke of lt the departure of Mr and Mrs Fra serand of how the good wishes of the congregation would accompany them Elders Wilkinson and Igwis then presented the minister with beautiful silver tea service Also cial halfhour followdv with freshrtients being served in the church basement During Mr Frasers twoyears atlAngus there were 18 names ad led to the roll 44 persons were baptized and he officiated at 12 weddings thousand dollars was Obtained number of years Worngn are Last night however the lot was particularly annoyed she said thronged from early evening to about the time of year the election midnight and every booth did b3111 hld WON and Campaign roaring business The main atl ing is being dong 111 the summer traction was the car draw at it time when most people want lobe oclock under the direction oflat their summer cottages Tony vDecarieThe wihner wasi Women she added are greatly MrsEdward Lewis of 150 Count interested in the eletciloll The expericnccjofj hearmgllalenf great political and social upheaval oez play will beavailable to Bar lMcndez finally emigrated to the ries citizens during the Old Home rUruted States to the home of ya Wek celebrations as herwilt be cousin in Gary Indiana taking pan ill come which has UnsucceMIil Onlyday in obtainp been arranged by the BarrieCol mg 0ko the Buick plant he legiale COME Band nae the wandered into nearby park superVlSio Of All FShver wherethe Buick factory band was arfrdg supported by the1 Lions Club giving concert His shy Tues new to play 5010 was grant as at This musical treat will false joke but as soon as the lfisegote layer in the BarrierArna on We perms bogrowed unmet 7m liesday Aug at 830 pm Othelthe summer air Ragaei waslan em artists taking part will be Reginald ployed musician Godden renowned Canadian pian ist and former resident of Barrie and Zena Cheevers of Toronto who will entertain with her distinctive dance stylings Rafael Mendez played with the Collegiate Band at the MidWest NationalBand Clinic in Chicago last December It is great honor DR PHILIPBEBNARDRYNAED wellknown Orillia doctor will contestjthe Simcoe East seat for the Progressive Conservative Par ty at the federal elections in Au gust Born 0113 farm at Udorah in North York56 years ago he never quite lost his agricultural back ground and six years ago he estab lished fine herd of Holsteins on his 100ltacre mm at Huronia Heights on Highway 12 1315 40 head of dairy cattle all ROP are now anfong the prize stock of North Simco and are cousmtnt at localfairs 37 Dr Wm has also long been active in the Lions Club and has served as president of the Orillia Club Depuwovmor District gt Governor in lost Canadian mevm member on the Lions of 1m $Sgm ternational Relating He has pragtised in with the Street Barrie and this was populpresent day high cost ofiliving and 131 being locat Mr and Mrsltheir natural interest in havmg to Lewis did not have car and they balance budget Both women speaj were to start holidays today kers urged women toget Out and The draw was made by itinyivote and to workxhard for their girrpicked at random from the candidate 77 crowd Winning ticket was sold by Mrs Downing stated that Mr For LiorielWinkworth infront of Zel gusons reelection was necessity lers store from the business viewpcriefis th it spea or The kiddies had me time wr no 131 05 an up rides on Bill McAtileysponiesqand or against as long as it is for his the circular boat attr ction vo riding 41 tiny onies drew lot of atten Atarge Crowd attended the tea on if held on the spacious lawn of the The bingo was the biggest show Craig home There was good re Last nigh gtihowlmlawl parking lot was pat wi poop young and 01 for the annual Kiwams Karnival and it is anticipated that of all Last night they werglined presentation ocf people from the UP all night for SGalS Charlie NorthSimcoe district who had an the net results for the clubs under privileged childrens work Will be Smith and Ernie Ryan were the opportunity to meet and chat with that he show come an the my quite satisfactory in VieS their candidate his There were several wheel games aggjllfecz C1333 eWith Jochairmen Wib Laking and Jack MacLaren had less than two endea Mendez spent two years search Eccles Secy1reas ing for teacher whocoum help BarrieCitizens Band him learn to play again and at last Dear Sir On behalf of the Can he found man his old friend who National Flood Relief Fund Lou Maggie who did teach him to we take pleasure in confusing re play again Success again came his ceipt for $15107 Your genemus over and under penny pitches ERROR CORRECTED the Collegiate 3am ringtheI latittle always busy All the re rt of the Epletts staff Ifbe story of this great musician did well except the latter game manic Whiappeamd in The Ex is Just as colorful as Is the history wmch lag mght ran Into an ex anther on Friday July 10 men Mexico where he was bornfifthof pert ringer of the red top bottle contribution frompmceeds of win tion was made bf 30foot boat and took them to the cleaners weeks to Organize theproject but they worked like trojans and club members pitched in to whip the was popular both nights booths and attractions into shape Pattcridens orchestra Wednesday Wednesday Iate Georgian Bay Islanders last night In few hours it Autism moans in Dancing modern and Old time as roule of Stroud belonging to George Kaderbeck Tom The picnic boat was the jomt pro petty of Mr Kaide and Thom LLNLALAAALAAQAAAAM Iii musical family of 15 Rafael was actually an accomplished trum peter at the age of five After living through early years when Mexico was in state of way withradio and contort work culminating in an appearance at the Hollywood Bowl as guest solo 151 and motion picture contract with MGM sincerely appreciated functions is IILBROOK Moons telr outdoor concert and other Acting Manag er the pasttttyearsnndisapostpmo idem of the Orillia Society an elder lathe United Church imam 32m Tinnitus