Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1953, p. 8

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swam roadshow do are new sxmmm mortuary tour 13 1953 mist Notes Making Hit on CBC lllflll Kiddies Enioy Swimming Pool 5593 Site Dale Correspondent RGS at Revie ETo Save Millions By 81le CORNWAIJ June It CllOlt mrio Hid mmwmm gm the St lAWZtIICL thorough cuztm had it mi Just as we circled past her theg lsun which ma been cicudcd broke Ulllmllllnn kLf ll through and iul her out in seat tzrttrd here role as hail gm dark Md Hm Kiwi in none down mm ettltul Lug Shy WM mum most Of us navel nr been lmtlflil sect only in plCtllrra When the txtzttl Irlxllfliltl 11 llltl ill iQtlttll msred her the sailors werei ml illtlitlJlgSullll Itll snows me Name and On the yard litrte th 11 if ztrms to take their duty salute it m2 mg leilhts alone was worth braving the iiti cl ltt tlt iwtmher to Sr RN33 Twine Sverdlov We passed just under the bow at lortslthe Russian cruiser This was one of the llltlSI busmessltke type of vessels of her class among the whole Show lluilt somewhat after the styl of Lt lzitn racing or pleasure craf Spithead Naval Ktvltw vt lent and tnIwr enough to be llpptrlttl ltlu pitsomm formidable lighting vessel she lotttlotl Eliltl Iltttlilllltl the appearance that if speed ailiitlllztlttl lllt only of ll not was needed to mukg time she had no to ltApllUllv and stood bytt and if guns l1 the answerf 14 that you tum typ there were plenty visible lilvilrll lili lbll The crew were doing some kind llllvllvll WU WM llitlllw of folk dance when we were pusE the tllt ut wanted lll answer Km Winnt tllitl tt In Stc lllta LLiILI at El pm when colorsg were taken down we heard UOIIIE them and French cruiser aClUivl the line first play their National flaggll sclenttnc gadgclo lam Her river so that tn flint it llydro has had men jus Writ of hen for tr year and now there lit at various shoreline Information gamed by the Itch ninetth on flow data pruft itth and other facts tvtll be to huge model of the stctut HI the International Rapids the St ilawreuce nozv altltlrl LUIIIIIIZI Win2t got tollMS Veruer which in name of the iltlltipml where llctilqtlttcrlt hlc Ilivdgil Luffzc tll bent on to the same place the lJJLl Nova Show Abe Queen ttzxpctt fltl Nay Engineers Workup on the stir veys have conducted experttztttt and their finding Vlll solve mum construction problems Some $4300 000 has been spent by Hydro fo Ills surveys The information will Ill Ho illt also be tmful to the Canadian Illll United States goverutucnu and tilt US power ugency which may on the New York Stst Iootlr Autltot ity Hydro hztirtnau Robert Sumo ders said recently he could ll power shovels working on the till tl tfl tlgtt llli Xllt SUNIIS et ill mt ill no ttl 11th ltitt bow Just Wt urro ubaut tlllll tlltr lltt ex tu pt through llxlgtltl tilt strutteic tlmz 13 Hit lA1 mm ttut ttlllllt tt it win been lie IIIUZIII ll in tte evcuatg added Iroizesstve ou b0 13 through Friday atn523 llm Wright brings minor leaguel our wt splits don ttll Sltlit Behind the Mike Yol Hill It ll tllSlL AS Hitch tenrd day 330 of lty Iii of fllllSlC ts lt vocal and ill vt uty Mary Ellen also ul the citzltircrt on Bar 30th Ntlfllx lcdntsly afternoon 333 llIolt 215 the afternoon filthY SPECIAL tl HALL Willi some gtittlt of lite nonm llttckctt 3th Dorsey Brothers Goodman llarry James ttttd the fabulous Krupa on drums Did You Know tlln CKBB reach untodate with round up of ies over 43000 radio homes and has happenings of ball in lhetnpproximately 150000 potential list tlllththn is asked each week otters officvrs on the phone sue limiting We would not ltttt It the Etuvs now us the It Ill lutl commenced lter lllSptt lioueyet from limit tower unis one Ulllll watch her its way around It tlt lut in ltt made ill lflt tu tft lllllitllll he told us uo boat going up among the Illll tfttr the inspection and ac tl lttl rcpresentalives uould be allowed puss loltiu no tune in securing this nude or the tower slowly and teamfully reaching the top itt time llo we lzte llllll vlttte yacht making ililt In come back lteinsidc ittv HES it the hunt for this and had to 111t HMS Verner but found not illi cofftc shop but also fish and chip shop Hunger will never kill one mu fmd plenty of well ctukcd fish and chips On Board Before Mail Wanted to be on time tlsdhe tutultcttders were known to leave only was on board before the llttli and when saw bags label lml IIMCS Magnificent knew ltztd chosen the right mail boat as there were five of them leaving Once out into the harbor we met hcztdwind and our little craft which was originally mine sweep or took into the waves instead of over them was loaned an oil slicker by one of the crew Soon we were to our first ship in the line this one we came alongside and passed the mail bags up and Pave Section at Back of CGE Plant ships received the outgoing mail in re turn Even the registers were signed for However this was the last craft to whichwe could hand mail the others were too large or had rows of lights strung around them which prevented our boat from coming alongside The navy craft sent out motordriven boats manned by four men to take off the mail At the Illustrious we put off with their mail that of the Canadian The small boat which came out rolled and fossedon the anes and when it got to the mother ship it was necessary to Climb long Eset of stairs hung on the side with Eropes which rather discouraged our llendcztvoring to make the trip know from later reports really Igmissedo very sociable evening but ithose on board there lso miSsed seeing many of the craft among including our little crew stood to attention Between the masts of Russias crtuser was hung large star mad up of lights as well as lights to outline the whole ltttll As we llongld that we might sec this lighted from close tumge us though gour mind could be read suddenly ithCy all glowed in light with red outlining the huge Star hanging lin the air between the masts Only ipart of minute presumed in itest these shone in front of us lbut it was Splendid sight to have seen so closely When we made our lust call llnviuc lltllt for It coffee went the Captain enquired it We wished to be put on board the Magnificent but we decided to see the rest of the Show from hill top on shore Fireworks and Lighting Display At 1030 on signal given by fir ing sky rocket showers of fire works were sent up from all the ships also the display of lighting was switched on From point on the shore to which had driven after returning on the mail boat saw mostthrilling display Vessels big and little took part and each broadcast was bet let than the previous one Crowds lined every Anthem then God Save the Queen while the whole ships companiest will be and thd take time vantage point and it would be safe to say that the number of people who saw many as watched the Coronation Parade The value of the oating craft taking part was beyond estimation Canada alone had two carriersthe Sydney and the Mag nificent Cruisers Quebec and On tario Destroyer mCSrrSioux and this Show would be half as Frigates La Hulloise and Swanseal USA heavy cruiser Baltimore Besides these 15 other countriesX were included on the list Besides the naval craft of many nations there were hundreds of privately llll ltElRll2 HAPPY SUMMER DAYS tre here again and the Borden kids are For Parents Only GAMES FOR THE FAMILY Lets all have gttmc after sup peri Junior says eagerly He knows from experience wind it good time llltl his brother have when mother and dud join with them itt at family game The time which playing together is never wasted Laughter and friendly competition form kind of invisible cement in The different the family circle members of the family get to know each otherand appreciate each other better In some homes where the fant ily unite on Saturday on spec ial work project such as house cletuting the cellar or attic or tidy ing up yard there is an under standing that in the evening there Gzttttcs Session Mother off to join in the good titnc because son and daughter httve shared willingly in the household tasks In other fam lllts right after the supper dishes are done there is short time when whoeVOr feels like playing game is free to do so third plan is to have Family Fun Time Fri aircraft day or Saturday evening There should be convenient owned yachts oceangoing cruisers and ocean liners Every type of ferry and fishing vessel was doing land office business taking sight seers up the lines of anchored naval vessels One such ferry which passed us similar to the huge Toronto Island ferrieswas packed so that not foot of space could be seen on the decks The marvellous part of the pleasure boat family spcntl scltool child or tossi games By Nancy Cleaver place in every home where games are stored ready for use This collection of games should be added to from time to time The oldfashioned games such as checkers dotttinoes tiddlywinks and parchesi may be enjoyed by an older person Crouuinolc ping pong and darts are three excellent skill games for teentigers Bean bags and ring can be played by smaller children wide variety of attractive gumcs help to pm the time when boys and glrls are con fitted to the house with cold or some minor ailment They are great help in the holiday season or when unexpected younger guests arrive eager for some fun During cold wet spell of weather young children are indoors more than when the weather is fine If they have games to play they are less likely to get into mischief or start to quarrel or cemlpain The person who takes the game out of the game cupboard should General Electric Hasr Orclteslra PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Pltoto by Sgt Mllllgun taking full advantage of the Ponte Corvo pool to escape the blistering heat BRITISH PROVINCE South Australia tlltuf the six states of the Australian Common wealth wos proclaimed British province in 1836 Apart from the official Gregor ian cztlendar India has about 30 calendars for religious and social purposes be responsible for putting it back set of rules for each mime shuttld be kept By referring to written instructions many heated arguments between players may be avoided If necessary give younger child definite advan tage at the start in order to mak skill game such as t0ing rub ber horseshocs more interesting The younger boy or girl could be allowed to stand two or three feet nearer the stake than the other players Stick to the rules once they are agreed on so that each child learns to play fair Good sports are not born but made through exper ience child must learn by ex ample and by encouragement to be good loser and generous win ner Hhclittlerchild of five or six hates to losebut he will learn to take it in his stride in time won 2511 ACCOUNTANTS ject this fall Resident engineer llick Rubim has one vurry hztt publicity li bring hundreds of transient work ers to the district this summer We dont need workers ht said and we wont need tin1 ttt route time The propct ultimately ploy some 15000 men will Ml SIIERIFF DERIVATIVE The title sheriff derich from tlu ancient shirereeves of England at the end of the llltlt century lit The Canadian Army Active Forceneedsmenwillingloservo anywhere in the world Heres your opportunityif you are between 17 and 40 trades men 45 and can meet army requirements Sn RECRUITING OFFICE Barrie Armoury Barrie Ontario THUR 16 JUL 53 1000 am to 12 noon on outage LEGAL Show was that there were no 30 its calls cidents on the water We have We passed dose by the Quebec read where some mishaps on the Pill FRONT PARKIhG lot at the Barrie Works of the Can also the Ontario both of which roads on the way home caused unian General Electric Co recently got new coat of tar and made Canadian prou of his loss of life asphalt At the back door on the west side of the plant the gpart in the show especia 1y when One of the sailors on the mine GYM bEIWGEIl the foundry and the shed to the incinerator was the sailors of the little minesweep sweeper 1801 on which we Were lc ermail boat went out of their way assengr has an uncle in the Ni ttrjppalcd In order to pate the sectton cm the back it wastto compliment these ships They ggara district by the name of mossary to grade the area so but anyratn water ormelttngwere Named in electric lights John Carter Perhaps one of the snow would drain off to the culvert behind the toolroom Extturn were lighted simultaneously papers in which this story will ap There has been much activity at the back of the plant re with all the otherSOn green51g pear will reach him His nephew cctttly trench ten feet in depth fromdhc water main was 31 at 130 pm Ernie Sends him greetings the for thesprinkler system and firehose which is situated Italian SuitingTtiiining Ship fwe deg tgfmllimemothe it me back of me plum by the banal00m 1001 to thenewt One sight which is almost we avy thing the ast was the Itauan generous courtesy shoWn in every tlfllblOIl new pipe Wlll be lard to extend the water mam sailinoocraf merico Vespuccio Way They went to endless trouble LO tt new building cgg newgcompetely rigged sailing cram see that every asststance was given to ussotthat wecould see and learn as much as possible lt Plan Tobacco Day AleDelhi Stali0n The 20th annual Fluecured To bacco Growers Field Day is being held on WedriesdayJuly722 at the Dominion Experimental Substation Delhi Dr Weybrew Re Search Professor Tobacco Agron omy Department North Carolina State College Raleigh will speak on Tobacq Research in North Carolina DrIBTC Matthews Soils Depart mentOAtc Guelph will present an address onSome Principles of Soil Fertility Maintenancer Bramhill Agricultural Represen tative of Norfolk County will adH dress the group on an interesting subject Our Tobacco Industry fsltort survey of the Tobacco Re search being conducted on the substation will be covered by Vickry dlceriincharge Inaddition there will be num ber of eld demonstrations cover ing new varieties fertilization irri gation ridge ventilators and rye frtllization This occasion is held annually for tobacco growers ahd the Ex perimentatt Tobacco Station invites Weryone to attend and enjoy an ASK YOUR lOCAt AGENT AHOUT tafternoons outlngg gt II HGHWAY TOURS TO Atlr uzsmmn LIGHINING or Ont CPX freak bolt of lightning struck herd of cattle on nearby farm killing it ms Three others in which our little mall boat made ARMSTRONG MaeLAREN CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANI 43 Collier SL Barrio 61 Youze st Toronto BARRIE PARTNER MacLABEN 300M 0A LICENSED TRUSTEE ucmsun MUNICIPAL mom BADGE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 38 Dunlap St East retention 4135 HERBERT amuse co Certlfled Public Accountants Toronto and Barrie Batrte Office Wilson Butldlug Post office Baum Telephone 3397 Rxsldou Partner NEEDHAH CPA ARTHUR POWELL cmnmm wooumm 20 Dunlap st East Iarril Tolnhm 52 ROSE HARRISON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS SAMUEL ROSE CA SAMUEL HARRISON CA 69 Collier greet Phone 4949 Music Lsssous BOYS SEAGRAM ROW Barrisbers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyanms Etc MONEY co LOAN Office 13 Owen Sh Barrio Brunch Olftce Elmvale OutIto BOYS 06 ROWE 01 SEAGRRM THE GE MELODY BOYS the Barrie Works of the Can adian General Electric Co has its own orchestra at social gatherings in the clubroom Left to right themusicians are A1 Kimball Bob MacDonald Jack Henson Elwood Wynes Peter Watson and Wally Kenndy At rearare Millie Stone and Sonny MncNamara COWAN COWAN Banishn Solicitors Nouriu connan Hours 10 an to Monday to Fr Ross Cowan COWAN BUILDING MONEY T0 LOAN Collar st Barrio Ont GLADSTONE CUBBIE 00 lggstr 46 Solicitor 97 Dunlop St East BarriliioAN Phone 311 DONALD LABEN itll Bummer solicitor Ito 7E Money to Lou Ummc Temple Building larch BEBE SMITH Successor So HUMOR MCCUAIO larmur Solicitor Ross libel Barrio Phonc 21 Barrie CGE News TBARRIE VHSOLIERS TRAIN AT PETAWAWAV Mwwmm JIEIERINARY mm or PIANO mama and D8 FLEMIN ttonfgylhplgmuvgm if cl Ema mm gym drum In Sonhia St alum phanum Modern Methods studio 21 31mm so mm WARREN MacLEAN mm ORGANIST PIANIST Central United Church Teacher of Plano Organ and Singing Telephone 4285 Res 183 linen st Ant Barrie OPTOMETRY MAURICE BARBE ruin OPIOMETRIBT Vlntnnoo tilde olDomlnm IraElinor mm om CHIROPRACTOR pm 409 duo anm ansmuc ms JOHNSTON 1r gtmmhnnwmu mow 113 bunmvs lhom 3190 ROBERT SMITH lo mam Rh 4w DR SPEARIN msn3 PHONE OSTEOPATHY VWIuou normmic Ann AIIIIIIII CLINIC III80H lulunun unt IN 3355 no nuance emuinocmino Bigleague baseball the Round Trip Fares races the shows and the nigh dubs we only some NEW YORK $2515 of the tamuiements that CHICAGO attract peop to the big cities Whenyou 90 travel BUFFALO by bus and slop over DETROIT $1485 whereVer you wishto arrange it 24 Dunlop st East Suit 12 Subject To cringe Tickets and Information at om me Ian at pm 30010 momma dam not Own strut x42 Hon sunmm In OPIOWV bunt up may may LIFE INSURANCE to Gotham 90 ms wvurrcn no 000103 CKIROPRACIEO Appointment mom 253 Eu load Alandlo tolltie flung enerclses on the ranges at the amount cube 45th AntiTnnk huge military base Left to right are Gun item out bravo completed the the herd Loss DANCING LESSONS annual Weeks training new Gordon Elliott Charles Crawford to owner 333 lmh was mm DANCING 11mm Alllston wattaceAlecotark and estimated at mgtszthauzoo Shycw mama mum Gordon Sanfordln the right backgmund NnT 3mm mfmm for mm Bat Bill Wielaon Am 03 com Ad magnum rum mildmam lt twuoidviilhnm WW4 nwmwqugnwAtmew My L1 Wrywxwwu

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