Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1953, p. 4

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aq THE HARRIS IXAMIN IIELP WANTED MARRIED WOMEN FOR WAITRESSES Good starting salary Employee btlitlli Apply Lnlled Cigar Store Dunlop Street East Barrie IIl SALESMEN Fastgrowing Canadian Company requires several salesmen tar Barrie and district Bellcl than ell Frie Training Unlllllited llllliillllliillts PHONE 3482 IV tIlIEIl full Age 213313 Iililllllcill EXPERIENCED part tillle Apply valtI 33 Jill tllk III 711311 LADIES SIM IIW Loaded at Davis Gravel Pit Minct tlmc Just Sell iii boxes lZveryday Greeting Cards For contact Mr llawkes 12 AI bert St Barrie 7751011 WOMAN 25 TO 30 leIpIiild assist ill kitchen Room and board plus $33 per Week Apply fills Nashmaii Hiawatha Jr Can RR No Illillit Phone Stroud Iirlii Ito13 WANTED lnlmetiiately Man lil terested in larger than average 111 come to manage rural Watkllls Dealership Training bliplillttl investment Ilittsfliy If you are ambitious between 25 and 55 and have car write today for infor mation to Dept Il5A The Watkins Cu 350St llolll 51 Montreal l77ltiltl POSITIONS WANTED COOK GENERAL orllousekeeper for home iii Barric Adults Apply Box 15 Barrie Examiner 2tltlttl WANTED HIGHEST PRICES FOR 32er Iron Metal Batteriel QRags INDUSTRIAL IRON METAL Dunlap St West Femdale Phone 811r3l or 6487 340 Special High Prices Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid SCRAP IRON hides raw fur horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 323tf Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS 1N SCRAP IRON METALS FURS HIDEs BAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS lt LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Hi prices paid delivered Phone Barrie Stayner 2983 820ml 0812 9813 MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 150 Tifiin St 33230 LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid Free Collectibn by our own truck MCLAUGHLIN Poultry Dallas Alliston Phone Alliston 77W 307108 SCOTCH PINE Christmas trees wanted for delivery December 1953 Contractspljced now Enquire 71 Donald 38092 THE LITTLE Antique Shop will buy antique china ornaments glass Silver lamps etc Best pri ces paid Come in or phone 3141 7710 Muleaster St 37084 FRUIT VEGETABLES BEETS PEAS Onions Rhubarb Gathered when you call 200 Bay eld SI 207900 POTATOES Pens Beets Onions 50c Bqt Red Currants Goose berries pick your own 20c quart gtlowerc 50c bunch ghest Special prices paid 2080402ME illltltiiilllllllil It N01 200 Bayticld ERMONDAY JULY 13 195 FOR SALE Mixed Stovewoad $500 per single cord DELIVERED PHONE 80Ir11 LINCOLN ARC WELDING EQUIPMENT OEVeryllling Stillllltttl Andrade Sons STROUI PHONE IUrll 10 JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR itll Illivllti pet lIc lli Iorltpllti ltil Link $25000 Phone 3600 GRAVELEGWFILL TOP SOIL llolvl siilg Monday Tuesday Wed nesday of each week DELIVER NYWHERE DENNIS MORAN Phone 2907 IFRIIHIIAIIIE UIJIWAIJL liltVJ $230 leolgtc Robinson llax Ilel 77910 ItJUANIIIY edar fence posts also row potato duster Phone 5031 77tIllI lieillsus BICYCLES in good con Iditiolt Reasonable Apply 19 Men Strect 77tl8l KING Fulh complEte IIRE swithglutomatic SIUkCI and con 77901 trols Phone 3000 DINING ROOM Suite and white enamel ice box hold 75111 Sell vely cheaply Phone 5102 CHESS CALLOUS Salve relieves quickly Your Dluggist sells Cress Corn Salve for sure relief too 780 SPRINGFILLED Mattress for single bed ill very good clean con dition Also garage for rent Plume 4578 77981 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 00 Toronto St phone 4824 7136t1 RUBBER Drivebelt ply 75 long endless good as new Price $40 Apply Grenville Hughes Gil ford or phone Lefroy 20M 77800 BUGS Broadloom Save up to 50 New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Newext shades Phone Barrie 2706 7458 FEED YOUR PIGS Master Credit and contracts available until mar ketcd No interest Phone 531 Strand Hunters Poultry Farm 77488 18 FT INBOARD Boat4 cylinder marine engine Bargain at $300 11 miles west of Big Bay Point 14th Concession Cecil Webb red mail boxl 77901 BARREL 750tf 770103 Barrie 740 likeI 77980 BUILDING TRADES SUMMER COTTAGES PROMPT Service on new Exterior Stucco and Iteoaiis Concrete twill Black izlyalg Exterior House Iilg etc lllIue lne Contrac llilein 53 daily 730 ni 33765l AUTOMOBILES CASH is CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Matars 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 131011 LATE MODEL Meteor Touch Per fix IIIlilimli lIIIIIe JIIIEL Ill IILS FURL SEDAN low titulal dormant linailclng al Ilt llox 11$ iarilu Fixautlnel 111 705 PROPERTY FOR SALE 1101251 AND LOT on 1132 Queen St Angus Iior palticlllals apply next IUIII lloll lltCzca Angus 10 73110 tlltlltli BUILDING Lots close to school church and transportation Cook and Nicr Streets Apply lll Napier or phone 3337 107711111 ROOMEII HOUSE with cellar hardwood floors hydro and phone 10 acres land Half way llarrlc and Tallle Borden $1500 Terms McLean RR Utopia IiiIiUill ROOMEI COTTAGE on high way near Wasaga Beach Could he winterized for permanent home Small dowll IIaymcnt Terms ar ranged Box 12 Ilarrie Examiner 167902 VERY CLOSE IN real good brick home four bedrooms living room dining room and kitchen sun porch galage Excellent condition Contact Henry and Elrick Real tors 1680 NEW COITAGII rooms and bath on Highway 00 near Essa Station 130i COIL Vespra second house $2500 down balance monthly pay ments Apply Ken Gough RR Utopia 167981 MODERN NEW Home large rooms and breakfast nook piece tile bathroom oil heating air con ditioned many extras Reasonably priced Apply Box Ill Barrie Ex aminer 1690112 COTIAGE FOR ll Ilion Well and heated P3logt iCABlZJ TRAILER fl Ri Lake Sililtlt frigerator oil heater Adults only Phone uecrric LI frin SL 1Mth OITAIEIZ for relt Wasng Belch l1ilhel roan IAiallazlle Jail and lil Iln innan Sophia St lliIlac 3274 AccommOdqtion Wanted IIillAtii ROOM 11 Id 111 31532 iUltNlF suztable for Infant lion rlxanaruIz TI Ii II ROOM House Ilarrle or Allandalc lrovlnvlal lollce SMALL villdlltlliIll eidcl 5ctrllzl Ill Altildllrl waItT ll llalll 7tilL lloy Hubert II 7911 ultcd 00 IILIIIZC llxalnluci E1 DEIIIA LADY Lotti ii aIt room and build Will pa for Slilldlll place Givl le1 amaler ROOM Apartment duplex or housc wanted by All 1ozvc couple with school age daughter Barrie Angus or Allistozl Apply 130x Barrie Examiner 1178421 WANTED Rent or 11in turn lltLI or unfurnished house III or near liarlic with bath IItdloolzl large living room kitchen gar age alld it or more rooms Apply Etlrs Scllultxe Vasagta Illil Wasaya Reach 1179111 MISCELLANEOUS CAMPING EQUIPMENT for rent TENTS CAMP COTS COLEMAN SIOVES PORIABLE RICIRIGERAIORS Barrie Tent AWning C0 Plume 4314 34 Ilaytleld Si 508107 YES We DO OROOFING OCABINEI WORK OAII Types of Carpentry For Free Estimates Call 0401 COMEAU $4400 DOWN Bceton house ill sulnted insul brick large rooms modern kitchen and bathroom all heating llcavy wiring large lot and basement 126 Prospect St Phone 57 Bccton 160085 FOUR ROOM Home all hardwood oil heated large lot $11000 Four rooms very modern air condition ing $0200 Four rooms all con veniences garage choico location $0000 Reasonable terms and pass ession can be had to stilt purchaser on above See Henry and Elrick Realtors Barrie 1080 PROPERTY FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Room Apply 00 Maple Avenue 1580 FURNISHED Bedroom Centrally located Phone 1316 157980 TABLE AND Chairs almost new $8 Felt Mattress $5 Trunk $3 Ladys gabardine suit new $15 Black suit $4 Clothing cheap Phone 0690 780 YOUR MASTER Feed dealer Craig Hunter sells complete line of Master Feeds Baler and Binder Twine Frost Fence and Graham Ilows For service phone 53r5 Stroud 77480 TYPEWRIIERS and Adding Ma chines new and factory recondi tloned Service by factory trained mechanics Special student rental rates CD11 Remington Rand Lim Ited 70 Dunlop St Barrie PhOne I756 724tfl DOGS am STOCK BABY HAMSTERSIldeal childrenis pets Easy to keep house and feed $1 each Can be seen at 99 Donald St Phone 6358 30601 AGENTS WANTED VENDING IS BIG BUSINESS new popular machine Exclusive franchise available have the following qualifications initiative to make own decisions Il few hours week thllt time can start Immediately and have It minimum capital of$000 For prompt personal interview include address nndphonc number Box Dorrie Examiner Deadline lbicpyIIao except MAY BE TELEPHONED TO omen word minimum 75 pm day precedilllll Sunday raoummlv following Consecutive insertions 2c wordminimum 500 CASH RATE 2c word minimum 50 following Consecutive Insertions1m word minimum 300 29 MUST BE PAID Wlljll ORDER oucpltecdirectcdtoftiwmcmuxtrne cumsloclus 40 wormrminilpuin um comecuttvunierttons 3c word milltlnum 750 CARD or mimics Taiyuannon 36 minimum 7508NGAGEMENT NOTICES 3100 woqu elmltlcdl Iiino tour within department moontutti In any error III honor arm III iv union IIOIIIM Start on parttime basls with Preference will be given those who 43031 EAST END rooms unfurnish ed and bath Phone 5856 157980 PLEASANT newly decoratcd bcd room Phone 6730 14 Newton St 150002 FURNISHED Bedroom Suit gen tleman Central Phone 2895 158001 BEDSITTING Room one block frombtls Milli preferred Phone $326 1579th FUltNISlIIII Housekeeping room also bedroom Down town Phone 5211 157900 LARGE Furnished Modern House keeping room Suit Central Phone 2320 1575tf HOUSEKEEPING Accommodation for girls Further information phone 0212 158082 FURNISHED Room lncw home east end doors front bus stop Phone 5343 157081 ROOMED Flat no objection to children $05 monthly Apply 127 lnnisfll St 158002 FURNISHED Apartment 2roolns and kitchenette in Allandnlc Adults only Phone 2309 1500 NICE qurnishcd Rooms Reu sonablc rcnt Abstalners 274 Brad ford St or phone 5783 157000 GARAGES minutes walk tom main street Phone 6702 Al ply 50 Maple Ave 1570110 LARGE BEDSitting room furn lShLtI lol hotisekcepingwith hot plate Business section Phone 3443 FURNISHED Room in modern home east end at buSSipp Kitch en privileges if desired Phone 4737 157980 SELFCONTAINED UniIIrnislield apartmciltuz large rooms piece both in Allulldalc Adultsnpply iZBlBurton Ave 15700 FURNISHED Rooms mile from highway Low roanMt per month Writo Mrs chiillulou RH No Cookstown 1580 UPSTAIRS FLAT rooms and kitchen but and cold water hurd wood oors Available Aug MI mlnuteto bus Adults onl liMJiImryjtLeeeftl10 APARTMENT rooms and bath ill conveniences attached hentod garage South of Barrio No 11 Highway Available Aug Phone Mas Heath 30113 Stroud 15791 00115 ROOMED Frame house minutes north of Barrie by car Hydro good well Harden lot good busemcntunpplicnnt must enclose cllllLElli testimonial $30 or month Appl Box ll Barne glitterintoran ulL pnrtlctrlurseu 4579411 TARPAULINS ONcw Used Ochtals ORepairS Several good used tarps at reasonable prices Barrie Tent Awning CO Public 4314 34 Buyflcldgm 545m USED FLOOR POLISHERS Good Condition Very low prices PHONE FOR TRIAL IN YOUR OWN HOME BARRIE 3482 58082 HOUSE REPAIR SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Repairs and alterations to houses stores etc Roofing carpentry cabinet work Anything in build ing BUDGET TERMS No downpayment on most jobs Fast effluent guaranteed service Phone Collect Stroud 47113 50098 PAINTING DECORATING Interior and service to all guaranteed ARNOTT WALTON Phone 0777 141 Collicr St 1378417 FLOOR COVERING Linoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Prompt Work Exterior Inquiries Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 70 Maple Ave FOR RENT your does excellent work 10 7000 floors from old j4BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperfon St Phone 4333 Robinson and 50080 IlAv BALING Cutting utldrRtiltiiItt done Apply it King Lott033 gold Lund 55812 FURNACE and Chillincy Clean In Phone Barrie 2505 or Ellnvnle 50001 Orr phone 15r22 SIGNS Truck Lettering lcat window lettering sledphone 70482 10 r5 ilnzcn Dllnkle MIMEOGRAPHING on Stenouraphy Elmto College 00 Toronto Phone 4824 erutions our onl OnlPllone318Me 13H 2379le beard want lfluzn ll 11011 wanted man wife small children But 11th llrlJII Phone 5185 505142 FLOOR SANDERS own floors Its easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander Low rates Complete line of floor ilnlshing materials paints varnishes shell acs fillers brushes etc We sell everything needed to make new Phone 5206 591 Public Barium St Bump 111801 WATER WellDrilling Fora zen ustneas bur wn lit and Son liuronturto St POULTRY QTESEIEERELS 50 Apply Mr Fallon Bellc 147981 700M BOARD ROOMS Axo BOARD for gen tilnlell Phone 2300 Ill7980 AND ROOM for men or Could do light housekeep Ill 1l1nlsl21 Streeti izaru 0790 128031 PlEOPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT 101121 HOUSE hot and cold upstairs and down Oak nzinutc to bus Immediate Dont mind one child 124 Henry St 197951 TROPERTY WANTED IIllLllN WANTS to purchase unzIer VLA IIIoom house on Initi Imunl of acres All conveniences low to lliliiit $6000 cash Write Gooolland Markham Ont 337981 LOST FOUND LOSI Ufl Illghway 400 south of lllrie port coat suit and suede let hinder kindly notify Ilr tcstwood co John Mullctt Dwight Ont 1780 LOST At Queens Park on Tues iajs lidlt green shorts and white LlL with blue front panels and Ill ltednesday medium blue Uzlnhed wool sweater coat Finder phone 170 after ti 1700111 PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH Edgcllill Drive Barrie Body Conditioning Arthritic IIcatmcnt remedial exercises gt Scientific reducing Licensed Graduate Masseur 10 um till 10 pm daily Private Appointments Only Phone illirll 1101118 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YOUNG SOW Will Innis 80112 LLIAlll Defamer lil litmlr EiIISi illzt Apply Francis 980 Apply CALI FOR VEALING Apply Rus scll Stewart Churchill 980 PIGS WEEKS OLD Con Lot near Edgar Crittcnden 980 SOWS WITH 11 Pigs each weeks old Apply Gilbert McMns icr Utopia Phone 61 Ivy 98081 35 HORSESVMI city broken Our Iarm is on Dufferin south of No Illigllway at Concord Coulter Iarlll 98031 Busmess Oppounltles SUMMER COTTAGE for sale in village of lluwkcstonc on Lake Simcoc rooms insulated base ment well 162 ft frontage clcc tricity ApplyH Bica 123 ECIIIIIC Drive Toronto 13 phone AM 12025 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE PROTECTS INVESTMENT GIVING YOUR SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITY International concern seeks rc sponsiblc party to operate route of sensational new type automatic merchandisers Dcvoting only few hours should not up to $80 weekly spare time full time more No selling or soliciting as our ex perts set up route Requires $900 Working capital which is secured by inventory and protccted by 100 iron clad money back guar antee Liberal company financial assistance aids expansion 11 you have to hours spare time week ly and can furnish references write about yourself fouprompt inter vicwc include naniegaddrcss and phone number to Box Barrie Examiner 2900 FARM EQUIPMENT USED COCKSHUTT SPIOP COMBINE Priced to Sell apply NORMAN KNUFF Cockshutt Dealer COLLINGWOOD 398085 RECONDITIONED MILKER IUNITS All makes available exception iil values These milker units are In At condition andznew parts replaced when needed You must 51cc these bargains to appreciate tlcm BARRIE FARM SUPPLY Phone 2982 3060107 BUCK RAKEto ilt Campbellton Manure Louder Apply King chroy phone 15122 3980 IARM WAGON complete with Market Square FURNACE ilnd Chimneys cleaned Apply Scott Muir Minesing phone 11 39808200 tic origin Liv laym13alel cod condltlom 1115 several re ullt Binders App Donald McVIttle MasseyHarris dealer phone 18W Allistoll 397980 2ROW CHAMPION Potato DI gcr on rubber MasseyHarrlsvSuF ky Rake good as new 1020 Mc Cormi Dccring Tractor San Slnton John Deere Sales and Service Cralghurst Pliocelltliirliuor Moonstone Stile ail77m size nuts EVery Thursday at 130 Elmvale Community Sales Arena Phone vale Whltton 102 Elm 297779 rack and 600x16 tires steel wheels USED NEWillolland No 16 twine on luh IW Thu SATURDAY JULY 11 Business was early on tile SatI urd morning nlzilket and new ScaSonabIc pzoduce will quickly New potatoes were ill good dei mand and small supply at 503 baket Old potatoes were 231 tor the and also sold out First Beans Beans which have been slow in growth thLs spring shouted up for the rst time and went quickly It lie to 20 quart Peas were fairly plentiful and sold well at 75c and title basket or 30c pint shelled Spinach and Swiss chard were 25c basket First Raspberries few choice raspberries went for 30c pint and the last of the strawberries at 25c quart box Cherries vcrc 25c box Goose berries pllt iii an appearance rhu barb beets carrots lettuce onions were plentiful Roasting Chickens Young roasting chickcm of good were 58c lb and capons of large size at 00c Egg prices went higher with range from 00c to 78C Home Baking The supply of home baked dain lics was as usual of good variety and reasonable ill price including pies tarts cakes candy dough cup cakes fruit cake etc also honey Flower Plants fairly good assortment of ow er plants included pctunias Snap dragon cosmos candytuft tuber ous begonias Cut flowers were attractlve too Canterbury bells puppies and other varieties from 15C up CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 2414 SEED FEED RES HAY for Cu 1108 Phone 2634 sale cheap 108081 AUCTION SALES pm 59th CliAlPELAE tar Royal Vicioxa limpztal Barrie or July 10 to Mr and N111 Jan lixppeh l7 Grove 52 West daughter ILInLlu Mariel COCHRANE 1A1 tile Royal CI ric 21 JACKSONAt or Royal Victoria Hospaai Barrie on Jui it lid to Mr and Mrs ralgliurst son lEBLANDEAt the Royal toiza Hospital Barrie on 11 1933 to Mr and Mrs Martin LLBlande 88 Cumberland Barrie ltlllLlfilil MAIISDENAt the Royal Victoral Hospital Barrie on Jilly 11 1953 to Tpr and Mrs hiamicn Crimp Borden son IDanllyI PROSZEKAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on July 10 1953 to Mr and Mrs John Plllszck Angus Sun Iliddlel Vic Jul one who enl lire cards Barr seal Memorial Hospital Scaforth VIC loilil Hospital Barrie oil Jillygt3w I2 1953 to Mr and Airs Johny 130 fixation 5t Bar11 Ollll Robert Jdckso IN APPRECIATION lziurcly we to than every letters and xviale was patted 41 IIJ Cl 7215 blchlaoter 30 to express our Sincere null and thank to neigh friends for their kindness gitcll in saving our barn from tire when the Straw burned Welhngin DobsIlii Elmer and so OIJIEST CITIZEN DIES yiilals oldest milieu Mrs Alina White who was 100 last Nov 24 died on Monday July ti 1953 Slit earn to Canada after the 11 world war and settled at Shari Bay with he son Frank then mov id to rillla tew years later She wzls married in England in 1574 llcr husband died In 1915 mum REID At the Royal Victoria Hos pita Barrie on July 11 1953 to Mr and Mrs Earl Reid 1v it 51111 MD DIED CUNNINGHAMA the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Friday July 10 1933 Sadie Viola Gibson in her 60th year beloved wife of the late Wilfred Cunning ham and dear mother of Jeffrey Barrie and Ralph Calgary Alta sister of Jean Gibson Barrie Mrs Harry Thilrlow IOlich Elm vale and Mrs Robert Rodgers ILIIIIraI Thornton Resting at Lloyd and Stecklcy Funeral HomciBarrie for service Mon day July 13 at 230 pm Inter ment Thornton Union Cemetery HAREAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on Friday Jilly 10 1933 Edith Irene Bey Bowen beloved wife of William Hare and dear mother of Karen Anne in her 361D year Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie Funeral service Monday July 13 at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery MOORESuddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sunday Jilly 12 1953 Maurice Ronald Moore in his eighth year son of Mr and Mrs Nelson Moore Thornton Resting at the home of his parents Thornton for service on Wednesday July 15 at 230 pm Interment Thorn ton Union Cemetery MARKET PRICES llIY l3 noos CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Cooperatlve Packers of Ontario Barrie Market Unsettlcd EGGS Large Medium Small Cf CHICKENS Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade Cams 20 over the above prim FOWL 38 37 62 60 41 20 18 35 34 Grade Over lbs to lbs SIILIISIIIEIIIILEIIIIII Phone TENNIS PlltI Stroud 25R41 Special Centennial Feature THE Ich SALUTE It In AND ith IuE 1116111100313 NEWS DON FAIRBAIRN and REID FORSEE UNDAYIAUGUS BARRIE ARENA 945am 015 Brought to Barriein Compaction With theCBC The Barrie EnumlnerDnd by the Barrie CentendiaIOId Home Welek Committee ADMISSION FREE Or OF Thesd Newspaper Coupons Tickets are available at tbs Barrie Examiner Office Chamber of Commerce Lo col Sports Agencies land Barrie Arena Fall You MUST HAVE TICKET CBC SALUTE T0 BARRIE Weimru 9NEIGHBOIIRLY news wuh non FAIRBAIRN and naturalian SUNDAY AUG I953 BARR ARENA 945am rickemoldm Must be In Their Seats Dy 930 COME EARLY

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