is cabin cruiser which Mel Wy ley built in his spar tlme last win ter By LOBNE WY Sonics eld for my Rev Ross Coming of Cold wcter United Church conducted graveside service at Coldwatcr Cemetery Monday afternoon July for John David William OLeary twowcekscld baby Son of Mr and Mrs Gerald OLcary who paused away at Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto on Sunday of heart ailment Bun Softball Playoffs This week Wainilnster and Cold water replay disputed game to decide the winner of top poshlon in the East Simcoe rural softball league Sturgeon Bay and Moon stone finished the schedule in third and fourth place rcspcctivcy Last Friday night at Sturgeon Bay Coldwatcr won 1211 vic tory by obtaining two deciding runs in the bottom half of the last inning Playoffs will be three out of five with flist and third teams playing Thursdays and Mondays and sec ond and fourth team playing Fri days and Tucsdays Wins Art Contest Marie Oliver llyczttold daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Stan Olivcr of MatchLdash Imvnship has been informed by The Toronto Daily Star that she is winner in con test Painting Crown The local girls art work was in com petition with 75000 others 15 and under She was not advised in what position she placed but is to receive prize Decoration Service Many residents of Goldwater and district and large number of former residean attended the De coration Service at Coldwatcr Cemetery last Sunday afternoon Warm sunny weather helped SWcll attendance The service got under way after parade from the Cenotaph led by the Oddfcllows Brass Band from Orillla The Legion Legion Auxiliary Council Orangcmcn and others marched Rev Ross Cumming who gave the address said the occasion aroused sad memories but these were softened by the gospel message Assisting with the service was Rev Charles Carter Millard chairman of the Cemetery Board explained that proceeds of the collection were for improvements to the grounds Fur ther revenue for this purpose was derived from interest on funds in perpetual carc account Mr Mil lard urged those who have not adopted the perpetual care plan to do so sponsible for the splendid appear zmce of the cemetery with special commendation being paid to the caretaker Norman Durnford The band under Harry Peacock was congratulated for having won first place for the second cott sccutivc year in the band competi tion at Waterloo Following the completion of the order of service graves were de Simpson Employees Here corated busload of Simpsons employ ccs from Toronto stopped off in Coldwatcr Saturday noon on their way to chcrn Falls The party had dinner at the Dcnison Hotel and shopped in some of the stores They will likely be seeing con sidcrablc fColdwatcr in the fu ture as the group known as Simp sons Rod and Gun Club have pur chased number of lots at Severn Falls They plan to build lodge and use it as recreation site for their 200 members 40 per cent of whom are women The group plans to carry on some conserva tion work as well as fish and en gage in other outdoor activities Head of the fishing party last weekend was Mrs Ida Trouli and her husband Johnwho was at the wheel of the Simpson bus used for the trip Miss Elizabeth Kramarab is chairman of the zone five con servation group The party was to stay at Waubic Inn Fair Prize Lists Committees of the fall fair or ganizations have almost completed their work and it is expected the printing of the prize list for this years 60th jubilee show will start soon Up to last week well over $100 had been received from form clfcrsidents claims pursedor freeforall race to be sopnsored Tby Coldwater old boys 5m Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Charles Robinson of Goldwater quietly their 55th wedding anniversary on Juno28 Regarding Foot Bridge In reference to report about the new foot bridge Reeve An drew Duntop points out that at no time was there any definite prom ise that tile bridge would be in that the need studied It had been stated that the highways minister promised delcgatlon of council the job would be done There has been much favorable comment on the new pedestrian bridge attached to the Highway 12 bridge Wins Bingo Jackpot Mrs Joseph Jellifo Victoria Har given Lions $155 Enjoys Northem Trip Mcrvyn Walker retired CPR tel cgraphcr accompanied by his grandson Keith Robinson cnfoyed bingo jackpot amount to Marie Layoff In EdgariWork Completion of work at the Ed gar RCAF Station has resulted in layoff of former employees In omn LOdge Chum eluding Ken Ferguson who was COIdwaler orange LOdge parPd statesman The station is the vital ed to St Andrews Presbyterian centre of the Ground Observer Chum 135 sunday afternoon Corpsjn this district which open George WScott passed away re whe they heard $95 by ates through Barrie filter station ReVCharle Carter The minister said what we are is more import Play Rural Playoffs ant than what we get and stressed the importance 01 blinding determine first place in East Sim Christlike character rather than coe Rural softball League was served as CPR agent at Bala Cold becoming engrosrefi Wilh material playedJuly resulting in 55 things MTS William lele sang tie between Warminsterand Cold 35 5010 The Garden 01 Prayer water Warminster held top place by onepoint Ohtcr teams in or Panda l2 tier are ColdwaterSturgeon Bay Comwmer Orangean Wm cc and Moonstone Playoffs are to brat the 12th July on Saturday be three out of five starting with at Penemnwhene Warminster and Sturgeon Bay wwwqddmon meeting Thursdays and Mondays William Wylie is the latest addi Goldwater and Moonstone Fridays tion to Goldwater yacht club and Tuesdays gt He has purchased an outboard mo torboat and motor and keepshis craft moored opposite his residence Con theColdwater River MrWy lie who has more leisure since leasing his taxi business has land scapcd and beautified the river bank near where his boat is dock ed large imbiber of local residents maintain boats which are tied up at variouspoints between the CPR bridge and the main dock The most pretentious craft in the club TllttEIIPS llllMEll loll Former Resident Dies EMMMW Shecant get out today but she observed rs stalled but assurances had been family of Long Branch visited at would be Eldon and Leighton Adams hour was the lucky winner of the hlllSl CGCh TUCSdY trip to sudbury and SW Ste and Historical Research commit Thc final and deciding game to May Bower They took up former resident of Goldwater future services by telephone Add up the dollars your telephone savcslubargains you pick up Think of the hours and effort it saves too how you can even golplnces without leaving the house Your telephone toms you so many ways no price can measure Ills usefulnessa Inimed on 24 Jun 53 The follow These Linus Willi undergo inter mg Cadet personnel wall shortly be are training durum the period 12 presented with Cclllltcalcji Cdt to 13 July under the watchful eye Capt Carr Cdt 12 Rabcrtlbnd guidance of menu rs of Se Fv Aod tn32m Cdt Sgt Glenn Lavergne vice and Protost Cerps instruction Cut Sgt Justin Frescod dt Cpilul staff St urse Robert winds cm Cpl Davlof Saltrday licluly 11 gantcv iin unlpplaco in Followln weeks of classes TQLMW and add Paintl amumumu L1 Her lltuberl Danahy Raymond Dufflcld mg 101 lac do 2185 Pmfml member Of camp mrdenlgnnuh mummy Alfred Macmglglrom the Reserve Force butts at Cadet Corps successfully qualifiedald WEI23m pawn Rb pee Toronto Hamilton Londonand 01 for John Ambulance Certificates Alfred Robbins Rayburn Holtz tam Vanni at moved their period Prellmmafy Firgt1 Aid l0 mu hatter Thornas Knight James hie701 15313193 Camp 133 pmmd 70 Corkell Earl OHara he Cadetsb bfntfkldl and mitrjjurii lugderwav or are to be congratulated on the high P435 by rBaifwfmy $5acschnf standard of marks obtained The 18 RCAMC neer VFW my tm an Lccturcr for the course was Col ElkU031 3m Rome for me Bay on Sunday when Mrs Hold2ngA KC Commanding Ofcer of pmmd 19 yuly Aug and it is lfllclldcd that this camp will opened the grounds of her summerm RCAMC hm we mum home to me ower lovers and Tm Exagumn replace all Command RCAMC Re serve Force Camps with the ex gavc them very cordial wcloisgltlgfgowci come The delphinlum of alli AW W35 berm shades were at their best andDSO 855151031 381 Cfy anti Cn Wefjgroifngingonif there were hundreds of them Thepl Brown of the HCAMC RcjLCVlggdmlm 31mg up roses spacious lawns terracedSchooL guano 4P croisc Buffaxi Prorn The Cunt Borden CltlLeLt Borden Cadets Pass St John down to the lake shrubbery and Fcr 12 Camp Burden Citizen landscaping delighted all who rvv went out to we them and uite 1RF Camp 12 Jul To 18 Jul number from our soctety attended Sunday 12 July 53 Will rnurk the curry into Camp Burden of itgblidmm LIMP vnd the following Reserve Force Units 3p mg on null 01 Toronto Armoured Division Horticultur Picnic The horticultu al picnic was held at Becton ommunity Park on Wednesday July me Sister forJoy RCASC Column Provost Com Bernice Frallck and Barbaragpmy LUCk have posmons P0 531 Hamilton 19 Transport Coup icy for the summer months pan RCASC MFS Leilihton Adams and her London Division RCASC 10111911 Mrs JOSCDh Frlle and Column Provost Company SLSlCIS Mrs McNabb and Mrs ouhwa Corps Troops Col Colin Stewart motored UK umn RCASC ll ProvostCompany bridge Marilyn Crawford who has secretarial position in Toronto was home for the weekend her song and dance routines for the men Left to right Miss Reddick Pte Douglas Menzic Trenton Ont Pte Donald Gngnon Norandd PQ an Edgar Fontaine Wind sor Ont and Pie Arthur Nicholson Hal lfax MISS MARILYN REDDICK of Agin court Ontario Mlss Canada of 1952 paid PM 35 Wndld 1050 visit recently to the British Military Hos Pltonc Dark 217 cumummwhm pitlil in Hannovcr Germany where she en tertained Canadian and British servicemen Here fotir Canadian servicemen present her with rose after completing some of FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE Nutionul Defence Photo BDCI Grads Take Positions work of tliclwlicrc he is stationed at PIPSWL Minesing students at BDCI and cussed fully the Mr and Mrs Eldon ounty Council spcaklng floln 1111 paltnts Mlmsmg pubhc school made CONSULT County Councillor5glaliriliotllt In Adams took them to Palmerston good showing in examination re Patsy Parker is holidaying with dealt with each IllitJOl expenditure by cal sulm Two BDCI graduatcs Dor Noel Stephenson RO OPTOM ETRI ST at STEPIIENSONTS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRISTS FOR APPOINTMENT DUNLOP STREET PIIONE 3338 BARRIE ONTARIO and had the expenditures of last year on blackboard It was very interesting and enlightening giving an insight to the great var iety and importance of the work We live in highly organized age We know what is going on all over the world in matter of minutes othy Downey and Barbara Orch ard are attending summer school in Toronto and will enter the teaching profession in September Two other graduates of the com mercial course at BDCI Helen Downcy and Meryl Grant have relatives in Toronto Hose Mary Two Nights Library will be closed for the next two Saturday nights July 11 and 18 Scott Muir is enjoying few days with friends at Sudbury Dianne and Charles Thompson Enjoy Motor Trip Szllsbury Mr and Young Mr and Mrs Eldon Adams and Mrs George Dusto cnjoycd trip to Guelph Elora Rocks and Shand Dam near Miss 9ch cm vavvv Fridly Wonan hch vote and exercise Hamilton hnvc returned home ligtloilzrghe Parliament Butld 01 at Jim crawl0m awed great inilucncc He urged thcml it 91 home of then cousin Wanda to accept their responsibilities Arcl we living in pleasure loving age His talk was humorousand much enjoyed by all plcscilttiliIts gor Muir gave sp entl rca mg oil the topic of iommlllnity himxtxfglxiligeiElwinliwcivlsv vemcnts and What 111$ conic girlie in other centres Mrs Scott 1Unt Swim Muir then asked the IadicsloMiHmy and IL 1r write on paper three ways to im prove the rural life in the home and community Tcau hostesses were Mrs Harvey Mchan and Mrs George Johnston Next meeting will take the form of picnic at Queens Park Barrie on July 23 at 430 after visit to the Quilt and Rug Fair Each member bring friend Sympathy t0 MrsJiin Crawford whose sister Mrs Gallagher pass cd away last week Mr and Mrs Art Adams and Muir Wanda went with them for short vacation Phyllis Bowen ls with friends in Toronto for week Womens Institute On Thursday July Womens Institute met at Mrs Dustos After the usual opening exercises the minutes were read and roll was answered with one way we can improve our community During the business period $15 was voted to the swimming classes at Mid and Friday during Jllly at pm The rst class was on July About 70 children have cnlolled discus sion took place about Barrie Cen tennial and the ladies decided to enter float in the parade on Aug with the Community Activities Extend Congratulations We extend best wishes to Rev and Mrs Clements who celebrated their golden wedding at their home in Allandale on Saturday July Matty of their friends from Mincsing went in to pcrsonzilly congratulate them and we hope they will enjoy many more anniversaries with their fam ily and friends Enjoy Visit To Iarklands Members of Vespra Horticultural Society were pleased to be invited Leave For Ippcrwash Mrs Blake Shaw and the boys left to spend the summer with Sgt Shaw at Ippcrwash Camp Plkfoltmlvci atWWW tees to take charge of arrange ments Mrs Scott Muir was con vcncr of the pFogrbHiiandWMiss Mary McLean gave fine talk on the motto TeenAgors need mod els not critics Thaspcaker was Reeve Hickling and he dis Bllllllll llll ENll Friday July 17 830 plml SPECIAL cently at Bobcaygeon in his 72nd year He was born near orange ville and in 1909 married Elizabeth Scott idence in Coldwater Mr Bobcaygeon Orillia and Galt He retired in Bobcaygeon in 1946 He was member of the United Church and Mason Services At Port Severn Summer church services for Pro testants are being held at Port Severn Rcv Cumming 13 in charge on July 12 and on July 19 Rev Charles Carter will conduct the service Ministers holidaying in the area will be in charge of water ll to WMm sseej is taking advantage of the sale ensounr amcwulncpwz Aumlsslou Extra Including First turd Cards nus sum for special swoon lune SPONSORED BY uAniuli Lotion 10m ORDER or moosn