recovered from the sudden out burst Ted Bardeen with threerun homer and two double carried the torch tor the winum Doug Rot tle supplied triple to the cause and Doug Nehru and Al Shewchuk corded doubles Poth clicked for basesempty homer off starter lion Blrnie who gave up all three hits to the Fly en before Leo Labine tool over and red hitless relief ball Softball Standings Ladle mNIGHTJJGE at Miriam Angus at Fennells MONDAYoCGE at RCA Feunelle at hitherto Bond Need at Bradford mice TUESDAYEdzar at Barrie Queens Verprs Junior Edcnvale at Craighurst Anton Mills at Midhurst Ore Mens Guthrie Shanty Bay at East Oro BASEBALL North Slmcoe Barrie Newmarket JIbIJHwr Agr Park South Simone North Division TONIGIIIwBaIrie at Stroud Crccmore at Thornton SATURDAYNew Lowell at Bradford at Legion Queens TONIGHTMineslng at Grenlel MONDAYMitchell Square at TONIGHTMidland at Barrie T5 Fourth Win Edge Churchill Big Bill Elton rmivamore than he bargained for when be tackled Churchill at Agricultural Park Wednesday night Alch the mound ace scored his fourth win against no losses his mates had to rally for single counter in the bottom of the seventh before registering nar row 65 victory Official statistics are not avail able from the South Stmcoe base ball office but the victory should place Barrie Generals well in front of the north division pack They meet the most feared oppon ent Stroud Redmen Friday night in Stroud It was just stroke of fate that allowed Barrie to win this one Churchills inept fielding cost them 41 deficit in the second inning gave the Generals another run in the sixth and cost the visitors the winning run in the bottom of the seventh Unfortunate victim of this but terfingered masterpiece was Keith Sinclair who spun fourhitter in son amt brute tantrum work two walks and one error were thrown ln The visitors tied the count in the fifth on threerun sprint slack Constable Iranh Ken and Dams punched successive singles In the rally Eacn team ICDICQ run in the sixth and the game stood at 56 when the General soon the plate in me seventh bowarcts started and lived on an error Coulson collected his second single the game and Frank Rawns grounder to third was errea to allow the Winning marker to cross Tucaey ss airman lo rtell Davts it Jack an Ya matte cl Abrams rf Courts cf Wlowams cf Coulson Grant 11 Christie 2n Herd lb nobertson up Synnott rt Cain lllson Rawn if Lnurcnlll 0l0 03105 barrio 040 loll6 GREAT SHIP CANAL One of the worlds great ship canals the 16vmile canal from the North Sea to Ainsterdam was ap ened in 1876 Copeco opened the industrial Softball League Wednesday with 2547 victory over CO at Shear Park The group boasts eight teams with Barrie Tanning Lakevicwv Dairy Coop Harts Garage Jeans Lunch and Add joining Copaco and C62 Games are played every Monday and Wednesday at Shear Partr with the chiefpurpose of thei league to provide recreational WW outlet CALL no mo IRON an BOATS MOTORS OUTBOARD REPAIRS nd MARINE SUPPLIES Phone 30l8 or 6137 SPORTHAVEN 97A Dunlap St was DESIGN Wehnnthefoetuhwterwflmmhn ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER Now is the time of year to get your lllttlStlll Broom mm for year round use We also have in stock DOW WEED KILLER FREEMAN IfLIFT LOADERS HEAVY DUTY FARM WAGONS PICK SELFUnlotdlnx POWER BOXES FLINCHBOUGII WAGON UNLOADERS GATEMAN WINDROWERS GEM OAT ROLLERS ROIUOS For Cookxtowns mghta fashioned defeat Simone LOWE Leads The behind ini of ger run Whitmans the hits blanked when Reives Frank sacks ceeded home baseballcr cued llIM EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE Ph 30RZI Cookstown Churchill MONDAYStroud at Ivy Thornton at Cookstown South Division lONlGlIFAlliston at Newmarket Aurora at Palgrave MONDAYBecton at Aurora South Slmcoe Juvenile TONIGHTCooksmwn at Utopia SOCCER MONDAYRCA at Provosts LACROSSE TONlGlITBrooklin at Alliston 845 vain He performed more brilliant ly than Bill Elson on the mound but his support was very poor Elson was far below form Al though he got from under with fivehitter he struck four batters and walked five However he managed collection of 12 strike outs Churchill mustered single run in the second without benefit of hit as Elson walked one batter struck two and his team aided IIIIwmIIns Radiator Service Phone l245 llIiPillll mm BEBOIIIIIII Warranty Repair on United Motor Service as Draper Cousc motts when and New Cookstown Authorized OUTBOARD MARINE SERVICE SALES SERVICE SATISFACTION KEMIGLO Me most economical enamel KELI Highway 27 We are notmadeoiSlg IF NERVOUS TENSION is making you irriublcrundown 16110115 SATURDAYAlliston at Brooklin upset dontjustlong forrclicfr Maitlands at Bradford 900 get Dr Chases av CAPTAIN COOK The two main islands of New anland were visited and charted by Captain Cook in 1769 Nevmarket More Food Better Food If less llost YES ITS TRUE Better Consumer Foods Ltd FREEZER FOOD PLAN Can give you more food and better food at less cost by giving you QUALITY FOOD at QUANTITY PRICES We can keep your family constantly supplied with BEEF PORK 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