one crushed concrete stone For solo or pita delivered no Ar minim ourmo BROS modulo BARRIE III4606 bi lemming Service Wu Llne on White Block Line on White Sepia or Blueprint nuAvoumornuIan some rum $13 WWDY Phone 2922 JIM LEMMON Rhone 4127 nocxweamm sac coDDINoToN or is the answer to uneXpecled hospital expense ONTARIO HOSPITAI ASSOCIAIION l1 nan ladeyerythmg under the sun to tlve you comfort in the sun oiIWArnI summer days 295 1495 SWIM mm briefs and boxer style wonderful selection 295 to 395 TSHIRTBTT shown is just one of the many styles featured in our 53395 0750 pm and fnneys many styl wonderful color ache$011 IIVALKING SHORTS youll wear these shorts day in and day 995 up TROUSERS light Welght well imudc wonderful selection all um cosine manure cool coriitortable dressnprloolrtor hot comma Weather humanize and his Hepionu Reunion idly at Spring WMSportrben at pun your basket 7224 It cubn mm we 54 Miami Alum reunion will be held on Saturday June at Sun set Point Colllngwood Basket picnic 330 pm 74 liked mm over many Ind Saturday night3t Pine Curt Ad mission we Emit by Mac Jones 41W The WilsonGibson Reunion will be held in Springwater Park Area Saturday June 21 pm Please bring picnic basket Burrie Womens 7374 Institute will hold an executive meeting In St Vincents Park Tuesday July at 230 pm Allmembcrs are to uttend and bring picnic basket 74 Special Holiday Dance at Pine Crest Tuesday June 30 Dancing tron l0 pm to am Admission 75c Dancing every Friday and Saturday as usual Music by the Hcptones 7475 BRITISH ROAD GIADSBS 111 face of stiff worldwide comv petition hoovy duty road gradersl mode by UK tlrm have beenl bought by the US Technical Co operative Adminmtrntive Agency on behalf of the US government They are to be used in India on the Hirakud Dam project which will rescue wide tracks of barren land in the State of Orisso from in undation and erosion and harness the Muhanadi River to generate 350000 kilowatts of electricity CHECK The Value at the 968 on loot GllsoN Rchigeiulors Inspect these two wonderful models today youll nur gt vel atlthe value you receive CHECK the famous Gllson fully automatic burner apart ment size eIEctrlc range 1LIBEIAE room TIME ANDSON 12 Baynua St Barrie Phone 3003 Lo Dull no Wilhjoaiblo Showers To Come gt curl out at in week In plum but not extremely mu Smart Irish so moatgrout 421 the curly min and not night mvy ruin fell before row will It mm for meno flora ind mum deva can This morning is warer and wllh threat of more elem Temperatures were ligh Low June zl 84 59 June 22 75 52 June 23 SI 48 June 24 74 12 June 25 75 51 NUCLEAR RADIATION klcksorter developed by government nuclear research sclen um and the research department of Canadian Marconi Company automatically counts and classies pulses of nuclear radiation and has been sold around the world THE ROAM BEAR The Australian koala bear is soft bundle of fur up to 28 inches in length Iwhen fully grown 6114495 SERRIE M0705 CASES TN TROUBLE arm HUSIIAND wHo moans HORSE ALL DAY IS THAT ALL ME WANTS To Do venmos IS HIT THE See These Buys 1951 Kaiser Sedan 1949 Kaiser Deluxe Sedan 1949 Kaiser Special Sedan 1937 Chevrolet coach TRUCKS 1951 Ford Ton Com bination Dump 1951 Dodge Ton 12 Holst and Racks Ba ClanOld Est 1919 Tannin mmRoNTo srocx nominal Government llunlcloll Ind Dunlap Street Borrio Telephone 2443 GOOdijO drudgery for me My new clapfreeze wishing machine and electric range will make lifew lot more picasant All your long thanks to Afarmiupmvetucnt Lounv Corporation Securities Evening 2388 IuiInITIIrII tom Household my ihlon AIm luitoooo lt gt run horwhh Tiler Aldo no Handlth onrafmu lm provmat nubmmhvumkr beamed lambda IM wit II Tim Imam thorn Iomiymorm mnuuoomuwum Mr and Mrs Cozoyxxmd Miss Jackie Lon Corby leave to city on motor trip to Western Douala They expect to travel at least as for as Regina and willbc visiting with Mr and Mn low Soan in Yorkwn Sack Hotor ihg west through Canada they will return by the United States and expect to be gone for three or four weeks Mr and Mrs bowls and daughters Sitilo and Rossland of Birmingham Eoglud visited on Tuesday wlih Mrs Gales 58 Toronto St Mrs Nightingale nee Mir iam Whitehead Taronto attended the WCTU convention in Col ier St United Church Guests of Mrs Elhol Cherry Gollier St during the threeday provincial convention of the W0 ipons Christian Temperance Union held in Barrie this week were Mrs lllllockloronio worlds recording secretary Miss Dorothy Staunton president of Englands British Womens Total Abslain once Club who is one of the main convention speakers Mrs Agnes Sharp also of England and Mrs Cowle of Toronto Mrs The Difference in our better Sonilone Dry loaning Il AIl Dirt Our Spurs Gone clots and Patterns Laok like New Again Arcs Laundry Dry Cleaners Limited ER 99Iarrert9ri8t1=rone 3952 cox371133 Toronto edorofthe Chadian publication WWn Tldinp was othvandnazm mm of turner resident of Harrie Hui lingo White will he pleaded to learn that The is slowly recovering from two serious oper adorn in St Josephs Hospitaii London magi CALL murmur l0 HUNTING IRONS m4 BITE sTINos hirer wither1 SCRATCH mm Dr Chase3 Ointment Somlm as heals Antiseptic and Inch rated 09c Economy in times as much $223 35 Dir comes Anthem 0W seamen to tweak mww WEAPON wig weapons maul ml and federal government In 75 years ago have been found in 1951 they paidxrwrc than 33739 excavations in South DAkoia mom her AN mu um AD ECREASLNG TAXES mo In 939 Canadian paid legs Inazi $32231 ELEVATOR and FEED Mill PHONE 4351 II 1m Mann AVENUE Phone Stroud 52 Collect or Barrie 681 2271 FREE DEIIVEIIT Plannow for Winter Evenings SUMMER TV SPECIALS l7 Admiral IIIIIIe Model $24900 I7 General Electric IIIlIle Model $28900 Complete 40 Aerial Installation Installed Money Saving Summer Offer Consult usrearding type ofaerial Installation suitable for your area Take advuntagelof Coops special summer prices OVER 40 MODELS 10 CHOOSE FROM chogor Phone 2429 mm atMl EQUIP YOUR CAR wer NEW SAFE Firestone TIRES DONT MISS THlS gm