byeTrinity Junior Guild item so vanes AGO but June 1953 Trinity Junior Guild rviewed the happenings of the past 100 years musically swung at their closing party and dinner this week the prtram committee presenting musical highlights of the eras from 1853 to 1953 The Charleston Line left to right is made up of Mrs Jean Leyland Mrs John Malcolm Mrs Juseph dePencler Wright Mrs James Sinclair Mrs Green Mrs Wolfenden Mrs Parker and Mrs James Glenn Left Mrs John Malcolm appears in the costume of unmarlier era in the Junior Gullds Gay Nilletispro auction Trilliin Junior Gliild Closing Party Given CentennialmFlovOr Revie Hit Tunes of 100 Yearsl Members of Trinity Junior Guild were taken back 100 years music ally speaking at their closing party in Trinity Parish Hall this year The program committee under the Convenership of Mrs Wolfen den and Mrs Parker arrang 9d musical review of the hit tunes of the past 100 years for the annual dinner of the association in honor of Barrics Centennial year cast of members of the guild were in costume for each song singing the tunes of different eras in the styles of the years when theywere popular Stephen Fos ter melodies tunes of the gay nineties songs of the First World War the Charleston era of the twcnties the swing music of the thirties and the popular numbers of World War II and the last de grade were given productions in musical comedy manner The resulting evenings enter tainment was highlight of the year forthe Junior Guild and the program committee was highly prafSed for its fine work Centennial Flavor To Show real colrte nial flavor the program started back in the era around 1853witll Gibson girl costumes and med ley of Stephen Foster melodies highlighting Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair That same year Yuletide favorite was com posed that is still sung today by and another old song Take Me Out to the Ball Game Other 50385 of the decade before World Warl that recalled that particular period were Pulon Your Old Grey Bonnet won der Whos vKissing Her Nowl Come Josephine in My Flying Machine Cecelia Peg My Heart When Youre Long Long Way from Home and By the Sea the latter production calling for oldfashioned bathing suits The famousfbld war songs of 191418 Pack Up Your Troubles Tipperary and All the Nice Girls were followed by group of JAI Jolsoh medleys that became p6pular In the early twentie The early Charleston era was recalled with theRudy Vallee favorites The Stein Song and Betty Co ed and the Guild presented its Charleston line in typical cos tumes of the period Mrs Jean Leyland Mrs John Malcolm Mrs Joseph dePencier Wright Mrs James Sinclair Mrs EGreen Mrs Wolfenden Mrs an Parker and Mrs James Glenn gt Sentimental Twenties Thesentimental numbers of the late twenties My Blue Heaven Girl of My Dreams Ill Get By and In Little Spanish Town and the depression tunes Beyond the Blue Horizon Em braceable You Dancing with young and old alike Jingle Bells providing the second number on the centennial program The audience was then taken back to the CivilWar period in the United States when the songs sweeping the country were The Old Qaken Bucket Old Black Joe and Dixie Mrs dePen Cier Wright and Mrs Wolfen den provided an hilarious moment iii the show with their rendition Tears in My Eyes Stormy Wea ther Annie Doesnt Live Here Any More Brother Can You Spare Dime and Eddie Cantors Potatoes are Cheaper were fol lowed by the World War II favor ites Dont Sit Under the Apple Tree Ive Got Sixpence and Praise the Lord and Pass the Am munition The songs of the last 13 years The Man On the Flying Trap from the same period WA pppular hit of the late 1870s avs Carrie JacobsBonds song ust Avwearyin for You and amiss Melillustrated with Parker appearing in WMwedding gown using uet holder that be bong Ignged to Brymners in marital other Mrs Parker was al kvaByeBaby pro ductlml witha lilOyearold baby belonging to Mrs George resales Turn of Century 350115 of the turn of the century ere KJSKKatjl wall Til sun Nellie When ou gWere Sweet Sixteen and In Merry Clumobile Moving lip to1908 the dinner guestswerq defrauded of George MCohans nderful music with Im nkee Doodle Dandy Marys nd OldName andfliarriganf 2mm SPCIAL low can mars Km in Home lTHE PHWARAOHS STEElES CORNERS COLDWMER two CANAL Sun Canal saluted Ill the tlme of Bummer ll of Egypt 30 BC mi WWW mall Terry and Miss Alice Kirkpatrick centuries earlier according to offii all Toronto cials of the Royal Ontario Mow um Later kings who cleared and deepened it were Hectic 600594 BCI Darius 522485 BC and lPtolcmy ll ass247 BCl them terminus of this canal of the Pharaohs was it point on the cut lernmoot branch of the Nile about sixty miles from the mouth Its southern terminus was close to lmodern But at the northwestern tip of the Red Sea Although Med iterranean ships could reach it the chief our of the ancient canal was to nnect the Nile Valley and its great cities with lthe Red Sea so that trading ex pedltlom to the east coast of Africa could be undertaken with out transoshipmont Such an ex pedition lphlcally described on the walls of Queen Hotshcpauts great temple at Ihebea labout 1500 BC As might be expected it was not until Egypt was rmly ruled by an empire centred outside the Nile Valley that canal terminat ing directly on the Mediterranean Sea was pmpooed The iPersian caliph Benin alJtashid MD 7356 tom of Arabian Nights fame con idered it and decided against it on account of the danger of open ing the Red Sea to his rivals the Wit were from the big musical comedy hits of recent years Brigadoon Kiss Me Kate Guys and Dolls South Pacific and Oklahoma As finale the cast picked at random from the top songs of the new generation up to 1953 All the Things You Are Sc timental Journey Shes Too Fat for Me Blue Tango Wheel of Fortune Byuntine emperors Napoleon or dered survey for such canal but the modern canal was not be gun until 1859 and owed Its ex istence chiefly to the intervention of Western European countries The nor Btu Saturday Due to the more electrical atom sneaky afternoon the power was off on the east side of Goldwater from to pm The moms mauled by squall hit Midland Little Lake Purl at the momsoi the Simcoe Federation of Agriculture families were about to have supper Previously cond tlons had been ideal for the fedelzo atloo picnic outing with many from this district attending nvmmnwmu LOST BUSINESSES M8 tonne LO Hi mm to NIGER 0F TIA Fathers Day visitors with Eru est Dales were timer Data the William Hunter Mr and Italian old Dales John and Ronnie Mr and Mrs Sam Fletcher Barry and Mrs Bellies Barrie spent several days last week with Mrs Ernest Bell The Gardener family were Sun day guests at the home of their brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs liarvcy Brdford Thornton and attended Churchill United Church anniversary services Mr and Mrs Archie Gauthrie of Vancouver spent Several days last week with their nephew and niece Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales number of young people from here took part in the Junior Farm ers activities in Guelph on Saturol day Mrs Porritt Harold Fred Mr and Mrs Dales Mr and Mrs Earl Dales and family ottend ed the Porritt reunion on Sunday at thehome Of Mr and Mrs How ard Anderson Sutton Mr and Mrs Albert Saunders Mimico and son Ernest who has just returned from two years in the Arctic and William Griffiths Bradford were Thursday visitors last week with Mr and Mrs Thomas Griffiths Ebeneacr WMS will meet at the home of Mrs Doug Kneeshaw Jilly VI mm Enquiries solicited seminal mama 1mm SAFE WORKS front It Tonto ONIRIAL WINNIFII VANCOL TOOK TWO YEARS The Lewis and Clark expedition from the Mississippi to the Pacific and back took from 1804 to 1806 and That Doggie in the Window Program Committee Convener of the program of en tertainment was Mrs Wol fendcn and Mrs Parker as coconvener Mrs Green was commentator and Mrs John Payne rovided piano music throughout lhe evening Mrs Norbert Moran was wardrobe mistress while hardworking members of the com mittbe and cast were Mrs Jean Leyland Mrs James Sinclair Mrs John Malcolm Mrs Jack lteele Mrs Wolfenden Mrs dePcncier Wright and Mrs James Glenn Turkey dinner was catered to by the East End Anglican Group NATIONAL INCOME Between 1938 and 1950 Canadas national income inhrcased times while total endowments of Canadian universities increased only slightly more than twicc Canadas population includes more thanlBSDOO Indians and early 10000 Eskimos FREE STORAGE ON YOUR FURS If alterations exceed $2500 cleaning repairs refining remodelling MILBUB 299 Dunlop St P11 811122 uam See them at lStrAndnws Presbyterian Shamans ll nunMORNING WORSHIP pmEVENING WORSHIP w4 lIselI cursr 15 BRADFORD STREET PHONE 6351 Polls tlllll Service lo ROSSzSTREET mung135 gt With expenses 80 high howlmig couldsmy family like on The insurance Ive III einltlrllftltl lensesrm provided2 How lung would the money lastthem t3 evenon much mbre modostliving locale than wecujoy today And then whatWould theyhav to give up our home Would myrwifc havejo look for some kind of work she could do Would my boy and girl have to quit school withtheir education from complete As Life insurunceis too impeltaut to buy without splint should get sound advice On the amount should haveatakinggmy familysng and myeamingoj intoaowuntif or MAN istzoriesrand something Im mgke llemmmmmmmtwm exam strmo monocular Pelicansncston manyiwn mmmemumm lands in Prairie lakes and are oc lotion on its arts in about 23 hours mionally found in other localities 56 minutes Slam1n cm JUNE 25 JULY GOhEandHBAR EVANGELIST DR COUCHENOUR of Meyersdale Pa and MR and MRS ARNOLD SHIRRICK of South Bend Indiana SINGERS and MUSICIANS Hearty Welcome To All REV GHLERMAN Chairman Essa Rood Presbyterian Church REV MUIB BA Minister MB FRANK DUTCH Organist SAINT GEORGES COURCH OF ENGLAND AMANDALB HECTOR Rev NewtonSmith BA 800 InaHOLY COMMUNION ll LinMORNING PRAYER NO EVENING SERVICE You are welcome SUNDAY JUNE 28 l953 lo amCHUKCH sollool mumNURSERY CLASSES ll rimThe Rev Sinclair 22 BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH Minister REV EUGENE BEECH 11A MR HAROLD DEMZPSEY Organist Central United Collier Street United UNION SERVICES sunday June 28 in CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev Lewis Minister in Charge Warren MacLean Organist and Choirmaster ll amMORNING SERVICE SUNDAY JUNE 28 1953 945 tumSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 amBEGINNERSDEPART MENT ll amCOMMUNION SERVICE 11 amMORNING WORSHIP SUBJECT Now therefore give me this momhm Holly Communion Service 950 Holly Sunday SchoonMS tun Everyone invited to worship with us Glory ye in His holy name lei the heart of them rejoice that Visitors cordially invited seek the Lord BRADCASIQKBB TRINITY CHURCH Rev chENCIEn WEIGHT Rector Mrs Roberts Choir Director Church Owen and Worsley Sis REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister MR ANGUS ROSS giganist andJChoirmaster LinaHOLY comomon 11 amM0RN1NG PRAYER Klng Tutt Living Sacrice SUNDAY JUN 23 1953 pmEVENSONG St John Ambulance Brlgad Will parade Preacher THE REGION ALL WARMLY WELCOME The Minister at both services 11 amTHE CHURCH SCHOOL All Departments FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 myfield Sl modSunday School 1130 and 730rPREACHING REV Bright REV LUCK BA an Minister MISS emporium Organist SUNDAY JUNE 28 195i WELCOME Sunday School 950 am mMNlNG owlm pmEVENING wortan The Salvation Ahoy FIRSTRAITISTCHIIRCll The Flush DLY Cmmi fort Preacher MR FLEMING so COLLIERgmm flhe Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR ms CommandingOfficer LT WOOD Assistant mm Hall hunch SUNDAYJUNE 28 1953 Erfliltllmn Pastor ti mnonmass MEETING lmSALVATION MEETING Monthly Broadcast Service EVERYONEWELCOME if was glad when they said unto me let us go Into the house of the or 138 1221 SudoySohootzpm WSIervlcoisnm PASTOR IWTQHINSON Wednesday July mm Devotlonal Service over OKBI Independent iirellowship Mosh 33 345WERPator ll am+ffA all loivqgggjnng= 7RnLWHERE DIDC oETHls BOlSendGirisDaily valuation settle to July 93041130 9111 Prizes Illustrated lIJ we um mm dualism Immmsmooseenmvwn APOSTOLIC FAITH SUNDAY JUNE 281953 COLLIERSIQBAPTSTill