in Jasmin an met frcslma it brings to the heart the seeing tuning of mar tldugx tlzcdelights of beholding new cities the meeting of when friends the learning of high manners MWritten by Saudi in the 13th Century Allocation time is approaching and many familics are making plans to go on trip Parents realize the In recent you number of familiar have taken advantage of between weekend and off season Mar plane rates 10 families it long trip is being considered plane trip can be ncveMobc forgotten experience for boy or girl 30 can train trip Such large number of families own cars that many children of the present generation have never known the thrill of living on train eating in diner and going Voyage to New Home it HQ Two You of Pain Suspome Better For Bradford Girl Bradford Witness On March l95l mu Adelaide Kearney of The Canadhn Bank of Commerce staff Bradford suffer ed very serious injury in motor accident just north of here on Highway It Her injuries included bothglegs broken and these breaks resulted in complications whlch demanded several operations and bone grafting Finally the bone in one 19g knit and Miss Keane had periods out of hospital with only the worst break in cm On her last trip back to hospital some weeks ago it was hoped that the bone would have knit and that the cast would This Funny World educational values of travel some deep hem The nexpen of which arc mentioned in the show quotation written so long ago Adventurng in far places has cast its magic spell over people in every generation Robert Louis Stevenson once said For my part travel not to go anywhere but to go travel for travels sake Journcying for the individual is much simpler than travel for group mpecially for group which includes small child run But ncvcr before in the his tory of mankind have so many tauulics had the leisure the money and the facilities for voyages of IllCOcly on land and sea Careful plusla buma removes may of the Mlcul tics of family travel is fun to look forward to holiday good times as well the afterwards with picsure Plans should be exible cough that they can he changed if uncutcud wants occur It is Very important to remember not to travel too far any one day or thlau too long trip it any mcmbcr of the group becomes ex haustcd oxtrcmc fatigue almost always shows itself in irritability or lowered resistance to illness The too vcltry traveller is miscr able41nd John Buchan once wisely rcmurkcdMiscry knows no man ncrs On trip the members of the family soc more of each other than thcy do on ordinary days at home wluu father goes to work and the childrcu attend school It takes little extra effort to continue to be courteous and cdhsiderato throughout the whole day on trip Mark Twain once observed have found that there aint no surcr way to nd out whether you like people or hate them than to lravclwith them To provont individuals in the family from getting on web others ncrvcs it is wise to split up into small groups of mother and laugh ters or father and sons in the lat ter part of the day If the family are motoring and father is doing thcldriving while mother has ma jor responsibility for keeping the children happy and occupied in the car perhaps after supper at tourist camp dad will offer to lulu the children on walk while mothorrhas the chance to relax all by herself Then during the child rcus bedtime hour dad can do us he wishes No carcful parents would take their children on trip in car which had not been carefully checked by reliable mechanic Many of the accid ents on our highways however can be traced to defectlvc mekcs or ed engine but to thcdriver being crowded or his attention being distracted fat critical moment Whether mother or dad is driving there should be strict ruchhht the driver must have plenty of room The drivers complete attention must be on his job Heavy traffic frequently dc wands quick and wise dcchioiis 75 13955307 Th3 resencc of vast tonal ironorg gignits to find methods being achievcdx loomile railwc It by the Iron Ore on day from the Vets family nt seeded at sive fares of thc large bus comp attics do attract many families who must budget very carefully If dad is commercial traveller or must do good deal of driving in con nection with his work it 15 worth while giving careful thought to the advantage of famly trip by plane train or bus Sun bum poison ivy and am untested water are all carefully avoided by expert cnccd trlppcn Clothes for travel should above all be com fortable In the but wcuthcr the small fry can wear sun suits combined with cotton Jer seys when Mary cooler days musket at conduroy olvmlls for My Ms are prac cal large thermos bottle with drinking water and plastic cups different color for each member of the family is good idea So are dump clean wash rags in plastic bag and small bath towel to wipe off sticky fingers and faces number of simplcgames are MUST Look up some new ones in library book before you got out Whatever are your vacation plans Good Luck to you and Happy Landing Copyright County Health Unit Finishes Immunization Measles and mumps appear to be the diseases in greatest evidence in Simcoe County During May 97 cases of measles were reported to the county health unit and 65 cases of mumps Other communicable diseases re ported in tho county during the month were chickenpox 46 cases German measles 23 cases whoop ing cough six cases encephelitis one case meningitis one case and tuberculosis one case The num ber of cases reported was less than in previous months During May the health unit fin ished its immunization program but there wcrcjtill few schools to be done during the month of June However the unit director Dr Scott reports that al though thc total assessment of his staffs work is encouraging there are some instances where he would like to see better returns for their efforts Tho total cost per inocula tion is rising which is causing the unit some concern During May preschool registra lion in the schools commenced The health unit has expanded the various forms for use in this ac tivity School teachers school in spectors and school boards but particularly school teachers aid have been enlisted In the larger schools of the county where there is registration the units work is more direct with the parents acnt Mrs Just one of many thousands of Europeans who have emigrated to Canada for rtesettlement in the postwarxycars is Alexander K012 but he was also the 30000th cleared through the Canadian Christian Council for Resettlement of Refu gccs He is shown hone top photo with his wife and five children just after disembarking from the Canadian Pacics 9000ton immi grant vessel Beavcrbrae at Quebec City following transatlantic voy age from Germany The Holz familywhomade the trip with about 800 other immi grants then boarded special Can adian Pacic train which is shown arriving at Lcthbridgc Alta almost the last stopon their long voyage to their new home at Coaldale On the transCanada trip there was happy meeting in Winnipeg Man as Mr 11012 was East Simcoe Institutes Choose Hawkestone Woman President The Womens Institutcsof East Simcoe reviewed on active year at their 43rd district annual meeting in Edgar United Church and made plans for another busy years pro grams Directing the district activities during 195354 will be Mrs Victor OBrien of Hawkcstonc who was elected to the office of district president during the convention to succeed the retiring president Miss Joyce Hunter of Shanty Bay Mrs Grant MacArthur of Wash ago was elected to the office of Isl vicepresident for the coming year and Mrs McKcnney of Orillia is new 2nd vicepresi gt Hovard Forsytllc of Washago was rcelccted secretary tleasurer Convcncrs of standing commit tees are Mrs McPherson of Orlllia historical research and current events Mrs Dalton Tes kcy RR Coldwater citizenship and education Mrs Bernard Mitch cl RR Severn Bridge agricul ture and Canadian industries Mrs Howard Campbell RR Shanty VastMineral Wealth uncovered Bay community activities and public relations Mrs Staff of Severn Bridge home econom ics and health Miss Joyce Hunter of Shanty Bay resolutions Mrs Strakcr and Mrs Harvey of Washago auditors Mrs Harvey of Wushago MrsHoward Cam bcll of Shanty Bay and Mrs Wi red Johnston of Hawkestone nom inations Reports presented at the annual sessions showed the districtsinsti lute with its 17 branches had just finished successful year of activities under the leadership of Miss Hunter and Mrs OBrieu asked the some assistance and co operation Thcrcwcre well over 100 delegates at the district an anal Institutes in the territory in clude Clowcs which was the host for the district annual Crown Hill Dalston Guthrie Harvie Set tlement Hawkestone Lake St George Washago Mitchell Square Orillia Pine Grove Prices Cor ners Rugby Severn Bridge Shan ty Bay Sparrow Lake and Edgar The retiring president Miss Hunter presided while reports were presented and businessand correspondence dealt with In her address she thanked her colleagues and the delegates for the good co operation given her during hot term of offico and said with the same help she was certainthe next year would see progress Rev Russell Pike of EdgarlUni ted Church welcomed thedclcgatcs and Mrs Grant MacArthur of Washago ably replied Speakers included Mrs Fraser of Glen cairn who gavc her report as fedr crated director Miss Ethel Chap man of theextonsion services for the HomemakerLToronto and Miss Louise Colley and MissRuthShaver of Barrie MrsD Lane of Coldwnter brought greetings from the North Simcoe Womens Insti tutes Mrs ELDunn of Alllvtoh did the same for South Simcoe rm NEMWNPJ and Mrs Goodfelldw of Eden valo for her district skit by Hawkestone cust Mail Order Hat pleasedgthe Riel egalesA The players included Mrs Jack Pugsley Mrs Harry Slessor Mrs Roy Gray Mrs Victor OBrien Mrs Morris Shelswell and Mrs Victor Hart Two singers from Dalston Esthr and Jean Watson sang duet which was well rcceived Among dclegatcs preSent ivere Dora Forsythe Mrs Montgom Elizabcth Eek who was the 10000th immigrant to come to Canada under Miss Eck who arrived in Canada introduced to Mr Holz by Rev Monk of Win nipeg executive secretary of Can adian Lutheran World Relief The the auspices of the CCCRR 1949 was bercmoved lywls most discour aging to discover that this was not the case She was sent back home for one more try with her leg still in cast Mlsskxeaney had been wonder fully eerful and optimistic unti that discourang visit to hospital While continuing to be her cheer ful self the past few weeks have been spent in part in adjustlxu hersclf to the idea that the bone could not be expected to knit after more than two years and she re turned to hospital last week he lieving that her leg would be am putated But the almost unlioped for has happened Xrays showed that at long last the bone is completely wilted Miss Keaneycame home on Saturday with only cast below We vmgnmhomduwrl 5583 am Central Comd ll Bands lo 25 June the results are guarantced to be pleasing cordial invitation is extended to all residents of Borden and their friends to attend this Massed Band Concert DIVERS MAXIMUM the knee and expects to go back in Under normal diving conditions July to have that removed en diver seldom worksat greater It has been long and painfu depth than 300 feet trail but it seems to be nearing very satisfactory end Deer and Moose Open Season Ihe confirmed nevermisseda season deer hunter will be highly interested to learn that the Ontaric introduced to Evans lhrcc principals in this little drama are shown in the picture at lower right CNR Personnel Attend Staff Training Course Fifty supervisory officers of the CNR are presently taking six week Staff Training Courscwat the University of Western Ontario It is the first time that Canadian university has provided formal business administration course shaped to particularly benefit group of officers from one com pany Squires and Mrs Hastings of Guthrie Mrs Moffatt Mrs Tes kcy and Mrs Lightfoot of Prices Corners Mrs Shear down Mrs Slrachan Mrs Johnston and Mrs Mary Shelswell of Edgar Mrs Scott Mrs James Leigh and Mrs Clarke CrawfordmofHawkcstone Mrs Robert Campbell of Guthrie Mrs Harry Kendall and Mrs Victor Bell of Hawkestone Mrs Roy Ilcwitt Mrs Watson Mrs Paterson Mrs Davey and Mrs Roy Hawke of Lake St George Mrs Laura Roe Mrs Pugsley Mrs ll Pro pliet of Hawkeston Mrs Switzer Mrs Atkinsdn and Mrs Dunsmore of Crown Hill Mrs Bernard Mitchell of Severn Bridge Mrs Thomson Mrs Newell and Mrs Evans of Spar row Lake Mrs Cameron of Guthrie Mrs Scott Mrs McKay Mrs McKay and Mrs Strachan of Mitchell Square Mrs Ward GOodfcllow of Eden vale Mrs Dunn of Alliston Mrs Gray of Alliston Hilda Bidwell Rae Lauder Mrs Fraser of Glcncairn Mrs Nora Cuppage Mrs Ernest Home Mrs Thomas Rusllng Mrs Edgar Johnston Mrs Frank Cole of Har ie Settlement Mrs Walter McDougall of Hawkestone Ethel Chapman of Toronto Mrs McArthur of Mitchell Square and Mrs Lane of Goldwater Members of the host Clowes Womens Institute assisting be sides Miss Joyce Hunter were Mrs Evans Mrs Partridge Mrs Lavender Mrs Dickie Mrs Maddn Mrs McLean Mrs Lees Mrs Benham Mrs Arthur Benham MrsLaw sfm and Mrs Bidwell COSTLY COLLISION DEEP RIVER out to Mr andMrs EChennettewere injuredand $600 damage was done to their car when it collided with usbull mooseon the highway in this Pembroke district ery MlssS Wallace WilmaMc4 mineral wealth in Labradottlltigavh hasbeen known for fty yearsllut it remained for of conveying the rich are across bond as of miles of his Miamis urgent demands for more stcel is panoramic hows how tbeQOO million dollarproject representing Canadian Wum called Gmnpany of comic mines at Knob Lake to the ab lug Fm bggumsportation flag to be ibulltbi orthAmerlca features $400000 communication system the Quebec North Shore and By 1954it Will start carrying oint otchon on ofauadlan Westinghousc Couipany Limited will make 096mm thy remote control as well as communication lg communities along the tigbtaofway Someidca oftlic KndlilLakc Orewa ale halfway Paint on the cits flu fact that each station will count in tcutelcpb patching singlealderbartdwz full In addition to die at its is 90 up Cann Kay Preston and Velma Benson ofSevem Bridge Amie MacArthur and Lillian Straker of Washago Mrs JTrask IrenelMc Pharaoh Luella Craig Christena Claude Mildred Brown Mrs EHeels Beth Duke of Orillia Eunice Hogan of Prices Corners Mrs Boozer of Rugby Mrs ilillfman Mrs George fl Street Mrs Oatway Mrs McKauney Mrs McClel lland Mrs Harding or Ctrlllia Mrs Crother Mia Harry Bum Mrs James Stanton Mrs Jamieson M188 allebmann of =waGrovcz Mrs Dunn Mrs 1N Holt Mrs William McKee and Mrs Bell of Prices Corners Mrs Mary Watson and Mrs trothero Dalston Mrs Hick at gun at JCampbeu war 4almvct ShantyBar Mm Marion Mrs Albert Mavens Mrs John Lemma sllearsanan Hawaii Harvey Hazel Clarke Frankie Nov 16 to Nov of Edgar townships of Murray and Seymour of the Department of Lands and Forests has issued the 1953 dates set for open seasons on deer and moose The season over all for both deer and moose is born Oct closing for deer on Nov 17 and for moose on Dec 15 according to the various areas Deer hunting season is asfola lows Oct to Nov 25 north of the northermost line of the Canf adian National Railways and south of the hinterland arealknot Pa tricia district where travel is for hidden Oct 15 to Nov 25 south of and north of the line as de fined and running ina general3 westerly direction from the south east angle of Brethpur Township to the southwest tangle of township 28 Range 15 and excluding the Rainy River District Nov to Nov 25 south of and north of Georgian Bay nd north Channel and including Cocldburn Island Great Cloche and Little Cloche and Philip Edward Islands and the islands in McGregg or Bay arid Bay of Islands and the district of Rainy Riven St Just eph Island and all insular portions of Manitoulin district except the islands inaluded in 14 Nov to Nov 14 the dis tricts of Parry Sound Muskoka except Medora and Wood Town ships and Nipissing south of the Mattawa River the townships of Longford Dalton and Somerville and thatpart of Digby Township excluding concessions and Victoria County The counties of Renfrew and Balitburton and those parts of the counties of Petetborough Hast ings Lennox and Addington and Frontenac lying north of Highway and that part of LanarkCounty lying north and west of Highways and 15 Nov to Nov 17 the coun ties of Bruce Grey Huron Ox ford Perfh Waterloo Carlton Dundas Glengarryr Grenvxlle Leeds Prescott Russell andStor rmont lhosepartsof the counties of Peterborough Hastings Lennox and Addingtou and Frontenac ly ing south of Highway that part of Lanmk County lying south and rhwa land 15 the em Brighton in Northumberland Count Theymoose season is as flows nu um Oct to Oct 15 north of the nor thenmostdine of the Canadian Na tional Railways and south the hinterland in Patricia This perI iod is restricted to bulls and open to residents and nonrear dents Nov 28 to Dec 24 north of the northermost 0N8 lime and south hinterlde for any uttew limitation so ammo normalismwou Central Command AF Bands will mass at Camp Borden during the week of 2127 June 53 Massed Band Concert composed of the following will be presented on the RC3 of Parade Square at 1900 hrs Thursday 25 June 53 RCR BandLt Armstrong Director of Music RCS of SigsLt Lyons Dir ector of Music lst Cdn Inf Bn BandCapt Gayfer Director of Music Residents of Borden have heard these bands individually and lovers of band music are familiar with the fine type of music rendered Massed Band Concert represents great deal of effort on the part of the Directors and Bondsman and wtththe three anxious bands who will be performing on the night of moose and is restricted to resi dent hunters only Nov 26 to Dec 24 that portion of the Kenora District lying south of the northermost CNLR line Any moose may be taken but by resi dents only Nov 26 to Dec 24 that part ly ing east of the boundary between Algoma and Cochrane districts on the east and Thunder Bay Dis trict on the west Bulls only and restricted to resident hunterSJai Nov 20 to Dec 15 that part of Thunder Bay District lying south of the northermost CNR line and excluding that part of Thunder Bay District lying west of the Fort WilliamSuperior Junction CNR line Bulls only may be taken and restricted to resident hunters All dates mentioned are inclus 1V8 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS m1 momma r013ch ACCOUNTANT I1 Dunlap St East moons SERVICE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTIV Collier 812 Battle Yuan Bt Toronto IARRIE PARTNER ENLAREN 300M 0A meanest mourns LICENSED MUNICIPAL AUDIM Mun opLW BADGLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 38 Dunlap last Manon 4735 HERBERT HARRIS ll 00 WWSTONE CUIBIE 10 Certified Public Accountants ronto and Barrie Barrio Office Win00 annulus Post Office 8cm Telephone 3397 Resident Partner NIEDNAM CPA ARTHUR POWELL OHMTERED ACCOUNTANT 24 Dunlap st East larch function 523 SAMUEL 308 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT rm mm for mimuuwd armca up was Jami mmj MMJ Mgr usual humid mint aural Phone 4595 larristers ARMSTRONG MaoLARENO 00 NUMBER of ancient English churches are replacing their equally ancient roofs with alumi num One of these is the 55ng of St James in the village of Nether Warton Oxfordshire Its legatoor originally laid in 1665 brought 478 as scrap4enough to pay the whole cost of installing the new roof is neat example of how while most metals have been get ting more expensive through the ccnturies the cost of aluminum has been going down Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd Alcan LEGAL pots 311mm non Conveyancors Etc MOXEY LOAN out 13 Owen st Barrio Bunch Office Elmvale Ontario BOY ROWE LC cc COWAN COWAN larrllhn Solicitors ours 10 mm to Monday to Friday Ross Cowan CDWAM BUILDING Solicitors Notaries Fublic Salaam Notation Barrio 53 pan loss llock larrio mu st cam 03 MONEY To LOAN BarrioOnt Iarristor and Solicitor MONEY T0 to 91 Danton st East Barrio Phonc 317 DONALD FeroLAREN Dunstan Benetton Ito Money to Loan Home Tomplo Building larch 77 138118 snmn Successor to DUNCAN IccUAIO IanMu Ioliclturp IN Phono 211 IXHERINARY 471me mum and magic Phono 4545 mo 85 am Mas mummy Wilson mum mohlen 13 mimic WS 35 um Mail In rmrnolu mg gram Pundlabrcplred mu