WOOD FOR SALE my EXAMINER MONDAY min 22 1953 FOR SALE WOOD FOR SALE l5 llltll mixed $10 cord William Schcll New up WANTED Mixed Siovewood Low E72 nous LATILE EGGS $500 per single cord POULTRY WANTED LIVE POULTRY DFLWFRED Accommodation Wanted Town of Bome County 0f 511 vs CA mm II IWd II SI prIceS PaId mm am ormfifieiligorle Zunwlon by our own truck PHONE 807r11 BARRIE 11Ui1IcIlIIItftI1IILIlIlIIigIluIInvIgtgIIErbzpachl WWWQWW POULTRY 5951 al Prlggtafggugeaiwffiimdp 50 lclll Phone 4316 ll12 TALL WHEAT STALKS II Mr Cm hotgf Idiigi 110115 and Sow Market unsettled home Mn Ernie Barker of Stayuer aswzis uninjur avou man piggoioiigagwiiimm 11mm 931 Alum LINCOLN ARC RESPLCmBillisl Alrrlklgrcea slim some strong evidence that the long hitting another car and skidded All quoted by First Cooperntlw kl ilk story 10 British Koitwcar Phone AlllSlm 77w iiillsuinll house wot spring hasnt stuntcEl the on the wet pavement Damage to Packers of Ontario Baffle lulled Slmcoe Ontario l9l3l 367108 11 is Examiner growth of all fall wheat in the car totalled $800 IEchyllllg SlllPle Apply BOX Jr llloll ilFOJ He had several stalks of fall HURT ACCIDENT EGGS II II In Id he SIXJOUF Iarge SALES HIGHEST PRlChS FOR 11 Andrade Sons suite or aarl YlHt pl Mrs James CrozlergZl Mattawa Medium ROOM Purnl 1e 51x mark and was well headed Scrap Iron Mcml STROUD PHONE 1011 mellt wanted with trig or ice box tavner Sun suffered face laCcratlons and pos Small tout WI Dung or BmkkeepIngI Bauee 770108 in tenual Burma fan gigmsht siblc back injuries Wednesday up econ II Ce gory crlli $3000 TOELMVALE LEGION vh husband car went out experience must possess lutrI irrlrcnct from er model car CEICKENS Required soon as possible Phone The accumulated surplus of al over In he Imch COVERINGS Wm Pertainan responsxble posrllonl Queens Hotel 2421 Room 38 most $3000 from the plos Town 3r Barrie with enem remuneration Llilohymtlic Sgilgmellllbolllilgm 72 ship War Services has been turned 0121 DECRF OF BA 3v t13 lbs run ecta 3ng glimiifm Barrie Ex Dunlap St West Femdale pie Be sure to see the selection FARM EQUIPMENT r103 132 dcis inrimisvai Mr and Mrs Jack Date of Bee Ggade 3mm mung lull Particulars in Phone Burn or 8481 340113 prfvmo plaque for the hall on on have 09le 19 BAIdegEee Grade St hm 13 Clarks Home Furnismngs which the names of Elmvale and mm are Working 01 Ulllvelsny Grade Special High Pl0ch PM Hayeld Si Damp RECONDITIONED 05 sellmeme Who mttheir on warm work lthAihe Elli 510 lbs LIVE PO TRY 70875 no in two world wars will be partment ofhllvlldI Ll Lr $232 SPECIHI Sm HltlthlPrlceS Pld inscribed Park for sumni or ewe cry an SCRAP IRON 00 weekly Ap 81mm or The will return to universny In Grade In A11 makes available exception mo 33 IO mke the Dental IIIIIIISIII be Polceman Grade horse or en ply in own handunnng glvmg tildes raw fur BARRAND ClerkTremrer iner llllS to ammdam BOer Barrie IFXllm 33 ColllEr St Phone 2301 sing Monday Tuesday Wed see these art ject of an address by Ralph 0111113 Packet llmeSl Grade Barrie MBtOI salvage mbe at en thou 11 it meant spending the ks These chicks are bred for final dinner uni ep FOWL Phone 2907 Baffle Roe HC3 COMBINATION Side Rake fed hsrfriends at an Atb MI 7173 Ontario Minister of Lands an ara lom at ROAF swamp Edgar UVE pOULTRY iional Employment Service and Phone Ban 53 Chevrolet in perfect condition months Price $200 Phone Stroud baled and loaded me vrsn smmownrm PARK Taking his Stance in the centre 107173 and bird and anlmal me there Clpal BUlldlngl COllier StrBEtr 30 1953 172 yard and Office 156 Tifffn St town 2710 3972 mlllgtl5 Whom hls umxpecud MOW wanted 130 Side Rake in 164072 on members plan to build pm mime With grand gesmre to 13 are lmed discuss uslal 742 also used Ferguson Ht side mow 89 Essa Rd Mr Theme Orillia Ijall Slobodian was con June 1933 dusky with headcffices sltua In work Comm help with ch SAILBOAT Nniud may be seen at Rake like new Graves Bros Fcr smlh med Insurance always wanted to be DOllce values 10M muker nus me Bteo world Glade reference age experience and edu lll Al condition and new parts In Jal II um Loaded at Davis Gravel Pit Mlne replaced when needed You must SPEAKER 0N ADVERTISING But I0 IbSI 170tf lieslay of each week them SI dim of HIM Close II II Collect phone calls accepted WHERE Canadian Approved Chicks blielgmvc owner of Borne raIlo aros av Grade IMO 32311 DELIVERY ANY Two hatches weeklyI Tuesday and StilllOHOdCKBBIllL thIanlIyIiInllsmdig gitfrhgl0ngrilfll EiUIIIILIIrIonszdLa Grade 20 Dlipartlllel gqailsona Market Square Phone 2982 Friday Hatching New Hampshire net ay lairm citrus 2c over the above prim DEALERS IN VI in Red munii Hausa Next weeks balance of the night in the local 4011 lROST AND Iwoo ouC high quality eggs an mea pr 0n IY ra SCRAP IRON METALS FURS sunbln 114 mllts olsgeyIthrIlI duction Phone 2320 BartleZHII meeting is at SpriIngwaItIer ParIlci will dIIII III III puny III II Over lbs M33 35 20 Sea ri in BIDES RAGS BATrEmES Mmonwwhs Harley Dwd Rebumm MW wnh mt farmers to lbs 37 34 18 and Tamer used one year Forests During July the Kiwani erley hotel About midnight his ICE BOX 100 to 150 lbs capamly Tcdder Lorne Handy phom ans will eat at Guthrie Stroud repressed ambition finally got the 2400 Our trucks will call Highest ideal for summer cottage $15 OR SALE Th and at 11 or hand 1nd he wandered out SALARY $2040 prices paid Special prices paid Phone 6454 7640 HA Mldhum an om on on nonvemd 29 J3 Hay More than 200 pupils of Wilkin The First Instaument of 1953 lflggwm b50323 trifleliilrrliolii3iiSill my fvmthe CW seam commisilion OVEN controlled Rangette lie FlERGUSElIlGJtWSIildtiltMllwlr 01 June weather conditions are Springwmer PM Midhurs 13 0n the busy highway to the 0011 the Treasurers Office Munl of Canada 1200 Bay Street or nctv $4850 Phone 5528 Can cuss con lion or faVOIIIIbleI Phone 806er Tuesday to see tree conserva AND COMPANY first hand lifuslou Barrie 011 or before Thursday load condition $35 Phsmce llCl co 33280 Still lCook Stove $10 HAY TEDDER in good condition PROPERTY FOR SALE PLAN PROCESSING PLANT When Provmcral Police arrived June 25th 1953 USED FORD OR International Phone 5239 21 Grove St West Stifftooth Horse Cultivator also Toronto MIIk producers AssocIa In the cruiser SIObOdIIm Stopped Minesing 31172 Phone 6508 good condition phone 5894 372 IOUS Salve relieves CRESS Ill Drunist sells Cress SEE OUR new 7ft rear hydraulic HOUSE MODERN Interior brick Wilson Ave and the Barrie High back seat of the cruiser few qmcmy Tu from Tremon has been in the we end 01 Town dye cumming phune 74 ElllallililEOdllllllllrls Elllllleuw iigifinslFEiiriEglpiiriiiZnisioo1333312 SggigEofllgzlllzlrlolsrlocgee Zghointed industrial commissioner man he smd NEHUM th worthwhile careerIis of ere to 1a all at Fred Cooks farm the Town of Collin wood and The xecu or esae guhgrmn With mm to move to 72 73 lFACTSSppfFS fB th my of LOVELY ornamental Pom Rau Driveln Theatre 7144 spent several days at the Interna am 33 my LW own aIrriem 011 is recogmmd and reward me we wiping all lawch ecitlcolions 19 governmentowned radio sta Suncoe Widow deceased who Apply Box 32 Baum Examzligli lllgadafmyge Ylgglimgtes phone BUILDING LOlS 6665 Queen anal Trade Fa lmuvuwmg lions and 139 privatelyowned ra died on or about the 4th day of Ch bringing new mum mime com deceased mule em ft oppa$ar nowr3game WOULD lLHE omlclewoglldmg EANGETTE good working order TENQTEOLEMANSCTMSCOTS Vllllegegelggf StlOTEPdElllSnOgtgSSrOlftg munity thesitsitiiad Sterelo after July 81h mince summer It arrle ave 72 74 cme Member Gllford Beach at 59 Sangro Loop Camp Borden If 4031 166275 Lime Jimmie Gwen fourIyeaP then properly tiled with the under 76974 orrle ent wnmg Phone Lefroy 20142 27074 COWAN IICOWANI GRADUATE and Undergraduate II III 568m7 Imonthly choice of thoI veIIroom Sniff If ClreIistmoreksuferredIa EJIIlIilIlemlIgt $95136 53 gOmIer Sreteni logs ties condition white ellamc ms iomcs possessron osu1 pure aser to en eg as wee len iIe II hIII arneI nar OI Florence Breakwell 4200 Home Job cuttlhg colflwood ft camelty Phone 4224 Several others that requwe Three was Stepped on by horse In ms ReId SIIeetI III dug III lam74 05 With mm Fwy expellenc Lu 7172 HOUSE REPAIR SERVICE Thouund down The rent KENNEDYAt the Royal Victoria You pay fathers stable The boy and his ed Apply to Albert Bluhn cm QUEBEC Home memum Size lenls g00d home Contact t0MI and MrsNeil Kennedy grlglzglglsnllull 21541118 0m 72 bums coal wool Excenenl l0 Repoirs and alterations to houses Henry and Elrick Realtors 1672 behind the horse WhCh suldenly an3mg 50m TOWN OF BARBIE 17211 rson McConnsCoffee Bar 15 RoadI Open except Wednes YOUNG MAN between 20 and 30 years of age for office work Good salary to right party Apply R0bln HOUSEKEEPER Wanted to look afterinvaltd and do lightIhouse keeping For particulars write Box HOUSEKEEPER wanted by faIm lly of three Excellent working conditions good wages Live in 14244 WAITRESSES must be experienc ed good starting salary hospital uAdvemsmg wm be me wb spemal ill ht 3948107 Barred ROCK cross and Bum Harm Tm mu be lifelong wmbmon 5m By FEHTIm dan became sep suns 74 complete rabum Phone or wm bL Hm wmand Gemmen smug mp Highway No WOODS ElCLlllC Gllllll Grinder Central United Church in August of the hotel to busy tors in Na 1d 11 motor used 18 of Red Clover 12 Full particulars on p05 CUSTOM CAR Radio for 1901 air cooc large quantity onto NOT LATER THAN JUNE seen at 95 Druly Lane 772 guson and Ford $200 Phone Cooks sternntion and anger of passing 772 Land ROlltr Apply Fred Pain 54 FOOT LOT 124 Puget Street cessing plant near the corner of let the police car pass In the ted at Barrie this 22nd day of Gradualmg guidems grade 12 and Corn Salvo for sure rclief too mower and Side delivery rake veneer Excellent common Apply wayI North TomnmI minutes later as It sped toward the rt nlties in nationwlde ln er completely overhauled Home 1641274 INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER Iented mIm led HIGH SCHOOL Gir see sum direct across from Huron md his dutic last week He the late Catherine Wilson of the the mp With corporation Where WOULD LIKE Dime work In assu If you are interested in this type 1311113103392 74176 for rent and St Vincent SIS Sewer and dusmahsts for the pulpose 0f dio stations May 1953 will dlSlIlbUle the 35 of Box The Barrie Examiner years high school Apply Miss Lu burner 110 volts Can be seen PORTABLE REFRIG RATORS Apply 227 StI Vincent SII or phone HORSE BR BOYS LEG IQSIII avmg regard only I0 CIaImS phone 4314 34 Hayeld TWO THOUSAND Down balance 011150 Mr and Mrs Murray Huron33111 the Royal victorla Sgnfm Nurse for general duties Phone MARRIED MAN age 311 wants ICE REFRIGERATOR excellent Solicitors to the ExItIaIguItIpr 201953 NEWSPAPER Carrier Boy wanted Carroll CooperWursaw PO RH GENERAL CONTRACTOR rm many cases will pay the my mom were mung on bench HosmtdlI Bmle June WAITRESS WANTED Apply ln day 17072 iron Hardware 17172 22 Barrie Examiner lfI7072 Apply Box 34 Barrie Examiner haunts extra pay for 1101 Store sinner Apply over Shift work Bkorrlmwmrro 03205811 or Maximise T2 Earlyywm Paud season on andclose to the Jake as on one 433772 11101116 rooms Must bee idayr Bud Sundays Apply United ICisgsag MAN FOR Part time officeIclgon 111g in momin Would suitIpen aretager ltdfulfcipol ilding between 1an or Sign 46091 after pm 14173 WW WANTED BY Se fember depend able woman desir ng good home to care for children and do light housework while mother teaches For particulars phone 5614 l7ltf Wm WAITRESS Female Dishwash er Must 18 ears of age or Kril an em Restaurant phone 133 II17072 LARGE Nationally Advertised concern requires and men to sin for managerial Iposltlon 1n Barrie Write immedmtel to Granger 350 St Roch St ontreal l7275M FRUIT VEGETABLES STRAWBERRIES in any quantity Come and gettllem Phone 4510 207173 MONEY Tc LOAN $2500 AS LOAN on Second Mort gagc wanted on new 9room home Box 21 Barrie Examiner 347072 PROPERTY FOR RENT ROOMED Furnished Apartment with grill Phone 5763 157172 BEDSITTING Room and kitchen for girls Further information at 8212 157172 ROOMS with bath unfurnished also unfurnished rooms with both Phone 5400 157273 UNFURNISHED BedSitting room and kitchenette Adults and ab stainers Phone 6454 I1554tt 0123 FURNISHED Rooms Ab stainers adults only Phone 4367 or apply 46 Park St 157072 APARTMENTS one furnished unfurnished at $40 to $45 Phone 4224 157172 ACCOMMODATION for men Large comfortable room near Lob 11st new ibtore Phone 5209 157244 SMALL Furnished Apartment with private entrance for summer months Phone 5437 alter lung ROOMED House miles from Barrie electricity soft water ill kitchen Large lot garden garage Yearly lease to dependable tenant Box 33 Barrie Examiner 1572 bELFCONTAINED room apartw ment immediatepossession few summer cottages available for the See Henry andvElrick Realtors 1542 summer cottage 110 PalkSldO Drive stores etc Roofing carpentry Phone 3559 77172 cabinet work Anything in build mg BUDGET TERMS ADDING Machineis and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Slmcoe Business Machines 00 Toronto St No down payment on most jobsI phone 4824 71361 Fast efficient guaranteed service BARNI 37wa in good shape am Phone Collect Stroud 47r13 International Corn Harvester prac 58098 sliilierlelihimlo Blllifli FLOOR CQVERlNG PlGSWe will supply your feed Linoleums requirements to market age No Rubber and Asphalt Tile interest charge regular retail price Phone Craig Hunter Stroud Plastic Wall Tue 75375 Materials Supplied and Installed BUGS Broadlnom Save up to Flee Etlmates 50 New rugs from Old runs woollens and discarded clgtllIrolg deli Phone Barri Newvt 745 70 Maple ioAve Phat126 551252 MARVELO Bleach good for wash ing on wash day Saferfor colored fabrics Phone2088 or apply Cecil Webb 111 Dundonald gt65BIlIiglrle GLASS FOR SALES Service Master Feedsio Frbst EIIeneh Fergiizer Phone Barrie 6646 Dem All types of Building Glass Elihufclimte Poultry Wag OGLASS TABLE TOPS ALNUT ng mom OGLASS SHELVING plece ml suite genuine Malcolm nomar REsiLIIIEIgggS nish Must sell to make room for store expansion Gowans Child 57075 rens wear Box378 Creemore NOW OPEN HOG PRODlICERSIleed Muster To SERVE You complete feed Pay for it when Arl TAXI you sell your pigs No interest or extra charges Includes free de llgeryr Tgou tpav Fonldv glggevrlg Your business will one am on ee 11r5 or Stroud 14r21 75275 b9 appreciated SUMMER COTTAGES PHONE 5991 30 Barrie Examiner Pry 287172 laurel 31 85521 FLOOR SANDERS AUTOMOBILES CASH CASH FOR YOURCAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Gross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 131021 48 PLYMOUTH Sedan Phone 833r32 37 DODGE body fair motor and tires very good also 31 Plymouth in goodcondition Phone 2512 after pm DOGS PET STOCK BOUND PUPS from rst class deer hounds Apply Wilbur Dob son Barrie phone 815r2 3872 PURE DOBERMAN Plnscher pup pies months old Reasonable Seeney 25 Fletcher Alllston $750 77134972 1372 77 Owen St Crescent 387173 BABY HAMSTERS Ideal childrens ets Easy to keep house and feed each Can be seen at 99 St Phone 0358 PUREBRED Beagle Hound well marked tongue and proven runner Priced reasonable Phone Creemore 39W3 Robert Coates ransom DAINES MASSAGE COTTAGEFOR Rent mouth of ill ESSO Rd Allandale ROCK STEAM BATH Jilly lit Brock Beach on lake Ap II 54472 Don 3H months excellent 3842 Edgehlll erye Barrie Body Conditioning Arthritis Treatment remedial exercises Sclentic reducing Licensed Graduate M3539 10 um tilllIOpm daily backed up stepping on the little lads leg The injured limb is now in cast Crecmore Stair ANDERSONAt the Archer Nurs ing Home Wednesday June 17 1953 Thomas Anderson be loved husband of the late Isabel Long dear father of Helen Mrs Middaugh Beatrice Ont Agnes Mrs Geddes John and George in Scotland Harry and Thomas Toronto and Louise Mrs John Poole Barrie in his 83rd year Interment Knox Cemtcry0ro June 20 Drinking Water Sewage are County Sanitary Problems Thequality of drinking water and the satisfactory disposal Of sewage is still the chief problem of the sanitarians working with the Simcoe County Health Unit It appears that the local authorities who are responsible for proper maintenance of public water Sup plies are reluctant to carry out re commendatlons oftheheblth unit With the result that poor grades are obtained Several municipal water systems supply drinking water to their cus tomers which test lower than grade which could be serious com ments therunlt director Dr Scott In most cases these poor grades were obtained from systems which have unprotected sources such as open springs coffer dam and reservoirs and are exposed to contamination by man beast or bird 1n orderItlIiat this water be made Safe for drinking Tpurposes itvis necessary to treat the water with adequate doses Io chlorine at all LENNOXAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie June 21 1950 to Mr and Mrs Jack Lennox Palnswick as son Donald John MAYNARDAt the Royal Victoria Hospltl1larrie June 19 1953 to Mr and MrsJWilliam May nard nee Jean Browning son Barry William PEACOCKAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie June 21 1953 to Mr and Mrs Allan Peacock 50 Mary Street son SRIGLEYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie June 21 1953 to Mr and MrsvDouald Sriglt ley 182IEssa Road son CARD or THANKS JAMIESONWe wish to express sincere thanks and Iappreclatlon to our many friends and neighbors who were so kind to us during ourrccent bereavement and also to thank them for the beautiful floral offerings A1berta Jamie son Reta and Tom Markwicln 72 AUCTION SALES Every Thursday at 130 pm Elmvale Community Sales Arena Phone Whitton 102 Elm vale 5911M Saturday June 27 Mrs Mary Banting 103 Worsley St Barrie AuctionSale of household furni ture and effects cash Sale at pm Slessor AuctlorIigeIr niililliilzilr Tenders for General Contract Salvage Disposal Plant Extension Sealed Tenders Will be received by the undersigned up to oclock pm eastern daylight saying time Monday July lilth for the General Contract for an extensibn to the Sewage Disposal Plant in the Town of Barrie The work will comprise Piling reinforced concrete and prestre$ed concrete tanks as Iwell as certain masonry structures together with the installation of equipment Plans and Specications may be seen at this office or at the offices of Graham Reid Associates Ltd Consulting Engineers 264 Avenue Road Toronto Ontario and cop ies may be obtainedrfrom thean sulting Engineer51 on payment of $2000 to cover the cost of printing which will be nonrefundable The lowest or any tender not necessarily be accepted Dated at Barrie this 22nd daon June 1903 BARRAND 7274 ClerkTreasurer unions WHEEL 30 wooded properly private beach no your own goon ItsIeIasy times All municipal water plants fire lace electricity Com may IPrlvate Appointmnls Only are re 13 II ins ted the large Within miles or new mg speed PiIione mun lete priVDCY does excellent work Low rates sanitary engirleering division or Ialrie Phone 3371 2872 Compee lilieI of ongI nialllllillz le the provincial department of materas pansvumserrse in II 1I WASAGA BEACH Cottage for acsIrmlehI Mus II at We sen TAKENOTICE that on and after 931 Wale 3099193 sole 4roam furnished cbtlagesi um needed to make new this date will not beTIESPDHSlble are notI properly protected rewm total price for any debts contracted to emyxzruendatlons are made to thelocal plenum Illa large 1t Tm dw floors from old $2100 Coud lieu winterized Will name without my written consent buthoritlesas to necessary changes II gt II mop unitary sell separately 27mlles from Camp BOYD5r George William Macmnnon to be madeto ensure safe supply OFFICE 1S Borden Fltzzmktb RR 130$ cg PAINT rand 307072 to the consumers nun Nth Stoyner one aaaga ea Allmunlci isystemsaresam human 15 27075 19 Clapperlon all Phone 5203 bled and tests every month Stav ma all rttonuouwordrmlnlmum 500 591tf rier Colsan Goldwater andreeton EEKOLD PlGS to Iiiavaltdrmllmm SIGNS Truck hollering gold gorilla Williams managerial gala SyIumctgzymggl Iggillagf EXCELLENT II ll gall WW mgrarwmm famous Wanted A611 to 18 seal Wlndow letter on Lund hurstrrr 972 942 can we Imd by the sank QUALITY II II 1le gt YORKSHIRE Saws to furrow July 18mm Rollsomnm n00 AND BOARD for workln MIMEOGRAPHINO dud bits Roy Newaon Shanty Bay Phone regional conference for sam onCleancom10rtliblebeds oo Bteuolraphy Battle all Oro 40 my aIIICoIIImoodIdwmg MIMI OUNG CALF also Hay Loder wI glide No mm II II 287 124173 Phone on II if hub and mm Cram 3er Smilax ageing I4 mum on dnunmu WQTEB WellDrilling For Ken Separator hone 8431 97142 also sprig 931 nrama Im mil 320ng is renewed undercooked Call continue vaccinated lm rive Jolpr 90 wI II to glnpuertonmg Iggy Otis um ween MW ulcast St Phoneszts 127172 sled phone 0481 Hill 91012 terrorismArea HopiImus held in PRICE food pentral Reasonable one Calla 00 Toronto 1131 10m on InmI FI the ol ow n2 be ecte mer immediatetomorron buck yvuuocu AND hlmny chum HQLSTEIN notes yearsI II