THE BARBIE mm MONDAY 83 WWW max mm While there are more WM than single women in W1 incr the prowllion Ier is highcst in Brim Cm bin Alberta and the Yukon there are two ricd men for every singlo lSoftball Standings Raycraff the Tonic Barrie District John Laclrze of Barrie Generals appears to be in for great diamond season lit followed up twohit 9136111112 Chore Angus ilrgi againithEvEf much he lost with neat onehitter Fri canada 075 shilling day if as Ell mules clobbered Cookstown 112 in South CUE Simcoe hasmnil game at Cookstown Tenlers Tonghl Sheri5109 Livld own way They scampercd three Bur CM mymoru Rd 31 Mr ic in the runs home in the firs inning ad Terrie m3 AWN RCA fifth wliiczi dLZy for did another pair in me fourth mm Pun W31 in Po ll IBig Bill Raycraft couldn have put on more onemth ICrlllcn Inmi Simone singled in snow at he find piaytd lic game alone The powerful righti lm guml bl Will ilfullolg pin and threat wasi llllilldcl pitched and buticd Canadian General Electric outrmdI rcumnw mm of slump Friday lllglll spectacular 30 victory over in and Cur in thel lzLLdiord Cclcry King in 502lLOI softball fixtmrc at Queens mm which it lms limtzamni minimal mhmdimmhuohu rim of now micnl lldycrufl formal Bradfords salcilcs flu didnt wuik anifunm mmmmxg Li man 374 019nm mind at South Slmroc Cookszu dNrthSimoe baseball should It III Iglaiiloggtgv Eff Bum Hm gt IheDryswill show two new Am mm gjukfxnm 203 MW faces to the fans out of whom summed ill blllml the hell he 84 and in wii 11 Ami Cooks unmich gm gm picked Off up 13 Surf Rod Black of Show fRural Da Fifi illildzllSi LUCYill llilmlly allfled CGE me 00H bum wean um Ck who is expected to help out 1p 111M 311 81111firl1l 030 10 00 if sa on mos 5th cm i1 llvt piL 11+ thou JR hes swung opportunmm at catching and in the Luflcld lLGE 030 Mid x3 121 1m Generals sump Manuel Gil Robertson will ay 65 3y cm 1ii My mnmg mmMm would Jmfm by 53145 dill Grimt inlbchf rSAtLlnllifl Im send Pu HM we campyu mw rune his off the LlrllllTJled pltrl mound iiinst Ult Terriers lizzil llllllJ school chId 43 pi in mid kn is MUH of zziwfozd and Ear it 00k and mm man man the same clubIIhc defcnlcd 76 xiiIdv way tllltx doi hm CkaIIIWI 411de mm INK his penance Wm power in Us Norm bum dml MD Iilifi lllt ii law uni mud In tru lilrd me p13 ildi ldtli rt lliittlii Lkwi Mill Cam Ciipps lived VI III havean II II chd pnfgd our hks Wyn Chris The lio lunizslup ti prxiicuI error out blurry tuno to Im 53 ml RB II dwoublc IiIrIi ch IIiIilIlllI and Chuck Iie and wmd BM had IWOI 1th mm mm mm max mi Inn my mm mugs mmw 0le Mm dilholud lo the IIfils 5K and Ken RUherUy muswwd gdziy VerllltS at No lflil 531mm Wm lti SLICtlllil catigri Flatt ocfurc lic inInIingz JoliInI lIchElIIcItilrxcchmi we Immm Cmm buck IIintess pact BARRIE EdIIVIIIIIdS MI Cram IIII EMA GAIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIId mth IIIIIII TIM Coumm wimds II VIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II Ruthie Robcrison 3b Synnolt rf Leo Labinc lmed Famous 31491 ill attract kl jraham Christie 2E Rawn ff with two hits Friday night as Barnv Siiuclic Bob and in muwm GE pl Dunn Fijig Jul ie Lemon cailurcd 71 victory lord lcrrv cncl collllllllllxil out if 0mm My ll ii10 on KSTOWN all ll 13931 if Fennclls Park and moved infochion lll lliil ll iIIrb IlIliIIIAIIII IIIll pix IiIuImIIIl Mic OulI C0115 lb DPHHOU if WWi firstplace tic wrtli Angus in tlicllicnuclls 001 1130 lll 43 nplll 5W1 gli lo lcfi chb 3b Drape lb lluglttw iarrie district softball standings wd WWW midWJOll Crawford Gilruv Both ns mm were guiuc Vli tthlifntly pll full orkcd from tin mound GRADUATES AT LENNOXVUALE Ill Tlicrc awn iicliiulll guns on liv ourntd lic iii inninv bv rcI Emile 300 22 lt 3m Bldffxlclillildbllrlflylig Riv and Mrs Cmin of iii Siitt Imil 111 Pliciicrs always ier liil inm builds on 00ksoun 000 00 um mm 5L mi Stride Us SQIISUII IIIIIIIImId II my 1ququ mm rctumwi itll Lixipfwiitrii in control Slfllullf migli He icgistcrud 51x in lic from lllltltl tint rtiitsror iiifll lirincv obtained liv hit on Cmd 9111 dub llixlllL QllLlJtC llLf 14 lane Ht tcniiid tho annual Convocation it tiiiiu had it not bum for tiff Riiycrnfl in the 1ird but intro 310 NHL mum bdgi mm Hui Hm 11 Dubm Ted Hmde was the bamng star gt its ye me game paced chlm shyBiology Honan llvqrcc ili miu lurcv btil out an lti promptly to out of cm with threerun homer in 1er I1 iISIIdl mmml SIMS 5M for III11II Wm played peoplemarried or sm fourth and double Iceman Hm Bum of SCUM IIIIIII IINIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII II Golicruls supported SGiriumLi iiilon Hf lick Inmbizll lcu off inc fourth Ialllll single out Simom rvtircriI rillt ncxt tlmw bumr Wildlich 13bth Lilgtny Wm HmrI son lflllllll gruduulud with ChumV lliv inj ther lptllld ciil cu ONOUR PAYROLL Look IsleI The loan is tted to your While Constable IILgliltFCdI 10 land on Juno 26 and vzll bu ituli on to lllllfl which was knocked inledual CirsumstnncIts No Strikeouts he 35 mckwl for elslil cd lo the NATO forces for the Mm but Iliil nunmi in time ml nkable mm equm cm mg WWW WW Wm WM 11 wiili mum on fourth when Lviion added gfljfgmd 30 margin withkbthrcc rurisLHis $531123 fffHERJSE 5ii1x 231111i hem trol was poor in the early fut Biigtl rld b1 Ind everything Will be ready TOWGHT Mmeme at Bradford con in lll1l on frames especially in the first when you Ve mm TUESDAE GE at lcnnclls Bond III II 33 33 as Gelmow payroll when off work from Sak me why Head at Legion up Md If mlk xx SOFTBALL mm or Accident Our polities pay YOU monthly thousands of people say Its to be surel EXAMPLES OF LOANS 3cm no um auto You cm 52959 75656 $53 $12 $23 $40 Alien payment to noqihingl fun hiyanu for inblvno amount on in pmioo CoJ loans $50 to $1200 on Signature furniture or Auto FINANCE ICMPANT 2nd Fl Public Utilities Bldg 15 BAYFIELD STREET Phone 5931 Barrio Donald FishYES MANager hnonnl Finance Company of Canada WEDNESDAY RCAF at Legion Ladies TONIGHT Barrie at Stayncr Ncwninrkct Int Elnivalc Oro Mens TONIGHT Guthrie at East Oro Mitchell Square at Wonder Val lcy BASEBALL South Simcoe North Division TONIGHT lvy at Stroud New Lowell at Cooksiown TUESDAY Thornton at Everett WEDNESDAY Churchill at Bdr rie Ag Park South Division TONIGHT Newmarkct at Aur ora Bccton at Palgraye WEDNESDAY Palgravc at Allis ton North Simcoe TONIGHT Orillia at Barrie Ag Park TUESDAY Barrie at Crecmore DPEN DIAILY To 5SATURDAY TO l2 WEDNESDAY Shallow Lake at loam made to midanl of all surrounding fmu Orillia LACROSSE TUESDAY Bradford at Maiilands fulcrum5 ew onsoilnr Labinc and tlicn procccdcd to walk three in row before retiring the side on strikes Legion salvaged one run out of the rst inning and added two more in the second on Hurdacrcs double Hardacrc engineered the threerun outburst in the fourth too with his circuit smash and the Legion wound up the scoring in the fifth with singleton Fcnnclls lonc run came in the fourth when Ross NEilly led off with double Two inilcld outs FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson RO OPTOM ETRI ST at sism $200 $300 SEND FOR FREE INFORMATION STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRISTS FOR APPOINTMENT DUNLOP STREET allowed him to scampcr home Herb Thompson with two singles PHONE 3338 BARBIE ONTARIO mmmxxxxxxxxmux and made exclusively by the CASH bmtli when diiubled How much month will you need to pay the billiT Phone PHILLIPS 4457 MUTUAL BENEFIT mm AND accmnu Assoc PO BOX 65 BARRIE NAME ADDRESS BENEFITS PAID ETD $475000000 Head Olco ov Canada Toronto MONARCH FOURDOOR SEDAN Automch Trqunyisuan Write iiitilt inftnInllI burnt frndrr rbrls optional at xlrIa or when available Propf 1110 Myron1 IM711ng kimonurch It was Frank Wayland salesmanager met last winter whopuf mc onto Monarch Hc lllCS one liinisclfnnd likcs it so well hes always talking Monarch to his friends He persuaded me to ask my dealer for demonstration and now that Im driving my own Monarch appreciate what big favour he did me This is the kind of cor Ive always wanted to drive suppose its only natural to fuel kind of pride in owning smoothing as luxuriouslooking as Monarchbut theres DION to it than Ithat If you havent driven aVS before its quite an cxpcricnce to feel this kind of power Its so smooth you dont really know itIs Micrountil you want it in aI hurry Then tlicresIno doubt about it Must remember to drop line to Frank Wayland andtell him how right he was about Monarch salesmanager sold me but the car itself is keeping me sold You could have Iris cxpcricnrc no ask your Monarch dealer fofiz demonstration today NOWNEW POWER STEERING Todaysconcepf of ngertip driving ease Monarchs new power steering gives the driven tipOftlie finger control at cvcrv speed on every kind of road makes parking an easy effortless manoeuvre Hydraulic power steering is combined iith mechanical linkage for maxi mum safety and efciency Optional at extra cos NOW New rowan BRAKING forsofesmoolh stops of touch of tool ft With Monarclis new power braking your engine does half the links worldA tchlf of the toe on the brake pedal brings you to smooth sure stop Vacuunrbraking plus mcclmnical linkage mean reatcr dining safetywith less cbrt gt condomintqurg manhunt uni5mm or nub cu cunsMRNsmr SlG 0F VlUE it guy Your Ford Monarch Beale mam sum lOOK F0 llif CANADlAN if COMPANIES LIMITED SIP