HOUSE or HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE THUR$DAY FINAL DAYs EVENING SHOWS AT 650 pm theiploiesl greatest tour and their first in Technicolot top gmolll PLUS TH ESE TREATS IINS ANIMAL KINGDOM AND ON THE sun MOIqu COLOR CARTOON POPEYES PAPPY SHOWING FRIDAY CONTINUOUS snows ON SAT 230 pm EVE SHOWS 550 pm TicHNIcomR PLUS CARTOON Fox NEWS Judy lAWRANiE tale ROBBINS inlhny MINImm mu THE PICTURE THAT WON THE ACADEMY AWARD FOR SHIRLEY BOOTH STARTS MONDAY JUNE 8th INIIIIII RUNS mint NIHUNY DEXIER Tho girl in his house she spelled trouble 112 arrir Examiner WEDNESDAY JUNE 1953 Bob Hunter and his Band Vchls by Bing Mayor Every P111 SAT LINEH MOUNTAIN BUYS NIGHT RADIOSTAGE AND RECCREiiC STAR BlilllllE llIIENll 845 pm BOAT LEAVING Darrin srncrzr DOCK EVERY 20 MINUTES ALT DANCE NIGHTS RESERVATIONS PHONE 4702 SQUARE DANCING AFTER SHOW TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 in Lni BusAl in 1m 31 Ct SPORTCOATS $2750 $3450 SPORT SHIRTS FINE SHIRTS $495 $595 $395 $450 $495 SUMMER HATS STRAWS $195 $295 $350 $300 $350 to $595 SEE US FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT iII Mens and Boyl Wear 55 Dunlop St Barrie DANCING RECITAL By The Pupils 0f ALLANDALE DANCING SCHOOL WED JUNE available from pupils oral the door Ilurric Collegiate Auditorium pm FRIDAY JUNE SOLD OUT SHIRLEYRestore BOOIIII f121 GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT LAST SHOWING TONGHT WEDNESDAY WLORETTA YOUNGG JEFF CHANDLER in BECAUSE OF YOU THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUPER WEEKEND PROGRAMl CONTINUOUS snows SAT 230 pm Eva snows 85 840pm BIG Those riotous Eamon Characters ruebuckoni the strata 51 Sicmng ii iii 10 Itlll mm Milli BLANCHIIIIITQ PLUSLAIEST WARNER NEWS REEL Ht For mAgni1= in CKBB Afternoon at 540 MA Barnum VAutomobile Accidents are costing the Aqubmobile Insuranc Companies of Canada $12500 ll Minute Drive Carefully Insure Wisely Mnlcomsons Insurance Agency 1933 St Dial 3135 Coronation Mission Band Hold Annual ETea COHier United lxwltvltxi Lililrltttl test 11 ill wl wont2111i tliilLl liillt ULILUII lmy IiiL COL huziu All IVIIQHII it LII maximum 1H uf junior gin210 wt iLIwiiul Qllllltl Donna luliuszun Forster Lilitlv the tllti Minx iv vtfternmm Aural5 Lirul Alis ii Forster former Sillltd Htcndvnts of the Mission Band III cnnrzw of the Itd table eiriangcE were Mrs Charles Newton and Mrs Bruce Johnston very iLIlt kitchen committee lllitlttl by Mrs flmrlcs KtillSty and Mrs lluslvtt kept ten milk urd sugar Howl to the tables Llllli the pantry committee lltiltltd by Mrs Qumn kept it Ntuiuiy supply of sundv1ches and cookies czidy for the little hostess cs innliy ZlSSlSiillliS were Mrs Miller Mrs Knox and Mrs Snow good jobwas done by the iiShwushinu connnittce which was composed of CGll girls work ing in shifts Mrs Keith Marshall and Mrs Ron Coxuil ixsistcd wrtli feeding Clllltlllll before the ten Beautint floral arrangements graced the central tea table and mantel and each small table held dainty floral centrepiece The flowers liltl Corsages were looked after by the committee head Mrs McKenzie with Mrs Archie Ross 15 her assistant Mrs Cameron actcwl as treasurer for the tea assisting Miss Carol Brunddu treasurer of the Mission Band Amisting the leaders of the Mis sion Band in the receiving lines were Mrs Allen 1st vice prcsidcnt of the Afternoon WMS who is in charge of cryoperation with younger groups Miss Mar garet Smith deaconcss of the church and the president and lst vicepresident of the Mission Band Miss Loreen Brandon and Miss Sheila Forster The only usher for the tea was GUI1CFIICIC of the Cubs who did splendid job of conducting the ladies to the tables The teams well attended and the lendersiwere pleased to have Mrs Gordon Brothel secretary of Mission Bands for Simcoc Presby tciial travel from Tottenham with three other ladlesto attend BINGO Loyal True Blue Ball High St Friday 815 pm 15 GamesESc OP EARRIEARENACOMMISSION IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIoIIIIIIs KNNNE Well 5c ALLERIDEs 5c MERPYGOROUND rams WHEELv FLYING SCOOTERS iTILT AWHIRL THE SENSATIONAL CATERPILLAR AUTOSV bAV JET BOMBERS THE ARIZONA RIDING PONIES POP THE KIDDIIEs CLIFTON WEBB Section 2Poges to GINGER ROGERS DREAMBOAT DALE ROBERTSON ANNE FRANCIS LYDIA BAILEY TEL IINICOLOR DONT MISS THIS BIG DOUBLE BILL LAST TIME TONIGHT DAV ID FARRAR Poll TIIIISE 1N PEllll WITH RALPH MICHAEL ROBERT WYNDHAM ALSO nu EAST SIDE KIDS LEO GORCEY IIUNTZ IIALL FOR LAUGHS ACTION THRILLSI yr arch IMPERIAL Trout Fingerlings In Record Growth MEDICINE HAT ALTA JUNE CPI Cavun Lake Small land locked irrigation rcscrvoir 15 miles east of this southern Alberta city has produced record growth of rainbow trout from an experiment al planting 11 months ago The colorful trout18000 of them were planted as fingeriingsof less thananinch in lengtlmn late May 1952 Today the lake is filled with fighting beauties six to 12 inches in length and weighing up to one pound In another six months the largest are expected to measure 16 to 18 inches and weigh two pounds or more Game Warden Henry Bertelson claims it is one of the ouTstnndi fisheries phenomena of Alberta Many fisheries officials had de clared at the outsei thatrthe scheme was doomed ti failure TEE lake is fed by spring runoff waters frOmr the Cypress Hills but for 11 months of the year is virtually stagnant DIAL 4427 090 temptCl except for irrigation withdrawals Bertelson attributed the rich f00d gathered by spring supply waters coursing over the open prairies as responsible for the record growth of the game fish during the winter He estimates more than onehalf of last years planting surviiecl and that the lake is capable of gt4 carrying up to 50000 mature trout The ngeriings were obtained from the Calgary fish hatcheries Application is being made for an other stock this year gantelmsaxsawe awn establistied just ve years aorwiu have to be stocked every year The trout will not propagate in Cavan Lake with no spawning grounds available Application will be made for an open season this year at the lake President Bill Clark of the Hull0 neatEIshahdGamaAssa says it could become mecca for anglers from all over Alberta Owners of the irrigatibn lake cooperative water users associa tion have indicated fullest cower ation with the fish and game asso ciation in dcvelcplngthe area for resort and fishing purposes CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING rPHONE 8J5 pm vEVERYfTHURSDAY MARKET BLDG MULCASTEB 51 AR AND INGO Locatdljust Barrie on concession 14 between highway 11 new four loner IIIIIIIIIIWI LVA lEanjflet It IIirYou thl SUSAN HAYWARD ANNE rsLOPPY tom If WEEKT331100