Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1953, p. 6

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CROSSLAND Potts of Kenmore New BALLAt the Royal Victoria Hos mama PLANTS FLOWERS sew mo PLANTS PLANTS Pianist Tonia SEED BUCKWHIIAI for sale Ivan rs Zin Harvey RR Stayher Phone MV vac FOR SALE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 1953 Burton Avc am WANTED WANIm Mixed Slovewood SALES REPRESENTATIVE Canadian Sales Organization has an opening for Sales Representative with these qualifications Single Age 2029 neat appearance good dresser car essential Sales ex perience out suctial Must supply three references as to character and ability Good opportunity for ad vancement for successful applicant For appointment ihone 2424 Wed nesday and Thurs ay June 34 930 to 1130 am and 130 to 430 pm MR GRADLEY QUEENS HOTEL BARBIE 16364 MALE OR FEMALE for modern snack bar Phone 5043 or 64 BARBER guaranteed over $50 per week Apply Reids Barber Shop Barrie 10163 WOMAN Wanted to clean office once week Apply Box 60 Bar rie Examiner 16364 WAITRESS Wanted Apply in per son McCamts Coffee Bar 15 Essa Road Open except Wednesday 10465 GENERAL COOK female wanted for small restaurant also cooks assistant to start immediately Phone 82114 16265 EXPERIENCED Moulders steady employment for satisfactory men Apply Toronto Foundry Co Ltd 45 Wellington St East Alliston 15961 HOUSEKEEPER Wanted for full time or part time Live in adults and small girl Wriie stating wages to Box 53 Barrie Exainin er 16261 GRADUATE undergraduate or experienced practical nurses for eiicral diiiv Florence Bieakwcll nniswood LUdgL phone Barrie 4265 16965 TEACHER Wanted for SS No 19 On and 16 Vespra mile from Barrie oil heated Apply Sccy Treasurer Gordon Dunsmorc Bar rie RR 16466 MAN WITH some experience around Service Station and truck driving Steady employment Ap ply Cities Senior Oil Co Ltd 16460 WAITRESSES must be experienc ed good starting salary hospital ization extra pay for holidays and Sundays Apply United Cigar Store Barrie 155tf AUTO SALESMAN local connec tions and experience desirable Good portunity with long estab lished ealcr Generous commission Special High Price Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Price Paid SCRAP IRON hides raw fur horsehair feathers LEVIIS TRADING 33 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 32311 Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS 1N SCRAP IRON METALS FURS LIIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest prices paid Special prices paid delivered Phone Barrie Stayner 2983 820r31 08J2 9813 MAX PUSH KOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 156 Tlffin St 33280 HIGHEST PRICES FOR Scrap iron Metal Batteries METAL Dunlap St West Ferndnle Phone 811r31 or 6487 340tf FEATHERS AND Feather Beds of all descriptions Highest prices paid Write Queen City Feather Company Baldwin St Toronto 35665 CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATCHERY Canadian Approved Chicks Two hatches weekly Tuesday and Friday Hatching New Hampshire Barred Rock Cross and Barred Rocks These chicks are bred for high quality eggs and meat pro iuction Phone 2320 Barrie 240ti LAST CALL FOR Chicks Order now for June delivery Barred Rocks Hamp Rock and three way cross Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud phone 5315 245669 BOOK THOSE late June Chicks avoid disappointment Summer and fall broiler bookings still avail able Gilmores Poultry Breeding Farm 60 Penctang St hone 2735 2461tf ORSl INDUSTRIAL IRON $500 per single card DELIVERED PHONE 807111 BARRIE 7501f GRAVEL FILL TOP SOIL Loaded at Davis Gravel Pit Mine sing Monday Tuesday Wed nesday of each week DELIVERY Anrwum DENNIS MORAN Phone 2907 Barrie 7401f CABIN TRAILER for sale or rcni 130 Maple Ave 704 Dililli Bill1 ply 40 long 11 ioiy Kit Harrie 76465 Titans BICYCLES good condi tion reasonable Apply 195 Owen St 76204 Table double bed felt mattress lligii chair Phone 4525 76365 1C1 BOX 100 to 150 lbs capacity ideal for summer cottage $15 Phone 6454 754tf EMPIRE Cook Stove in good con dition white and black enamel $75 Phone 5614 761 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto 81 phone 4824 7136 HOUSEHOLD Choirs tables buf fet antique setter hall ruck Apart ment SIZL lcctric refrigerator Phone 22307 76465 lIAMOND Ring engagement and vicilifizig band hall price For in tor itioii phone 3407 during in or 5131 after 1lll IliIBI IUUS uruadlooni Save up ti 10 New rugs from old rugs voolleiis and discarded clothing lewes shades Phone Barrie 2706 745ti PIGSWe will supply your feed requirements IOllllliCt age No interest charge regular retail price Phone Craig Hunter Stroud 75675 IOit SALES Service Master Feeds Frost Fence Fertilizer Dckalb Corn and Graham Plows call Hunters Poultry Farm 5315 Stroud 75675 PRIVATE SALE of household eff ects and antiques from the estate of the late Mrs Weldon 310 Cod rington St will be held at the above address from 15 and 710 Snapclragon etc Iour assortment at the greenhouse alas Asters Alyssuin nri olds Come an see Henry Kaois and Sons Con Plus mile 3151 of 27 Highway Mimic Elmvalc 57r14 276467 501r22 Stayner 1064 ROOM AND BOARD in good home for two men Abstaincrs 81 Innisfil FARM EQUIPMENT runnow Tractor Plow $125 plowed about 200 acres Apply Gab anBurns Egbert 3964 WATERLOO Garden Tractor Pow er Lawn Mower Wilsons Garage Minesing phone 103 395964 ALLIS cuncmans Baler on new Apply Lot 14 Con 11 Tecum setli Nixon Rutledge 396264 MANURE Spreader in good condi tion new apron $75 Apply iiubbcri RR Barrie 396465 JOHN DEERE Threshing Machine 28x50 complete with drive belt new thrower and new shredder Ready for use Apply Leslie Bray RH No Tottenham 396467 MISCELLANEOUS Dont Buy Sewing Machine Unless You Get The Right One We carry the most complete line of new and used sewing machines anywhere All machines guaran teed Easy Terms PHONE 3285 5401 HOUSE REPAIR SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Repairs and alterations to houses stores etc Roofing carpentry cabinet work Anything in build BUDGET TERMS No down payment on most jobs Fast efficient guaranteed service Phone Collect Stroud 47r13 56098 YORKES DECORATING SERVICE Interior and Exterior Painting Paperhanglng Expert workmanship prompt service 35 Donald St Barrie Phone 2941 52664 Sewing Machines Repaired Adjusted pm June and Terms cash St Phone 6796 1264415 wooo FOR SALE HARDWOOD FREE OWith every ordei for 54 cord hardwood Dennis Moran offers the chance of another 54 cord FREE OPhone your order now and ask for ticket entitling you to participate in this special draw First draw May Second draw June DENNIS MORAN 149 Worsley St Barrie PHONE 2907 64011 Accommodaon Wanted UNFURNISHED House at least bedrooms wanted Have children ages 12 11 Supervisor Canadian General Electric Apply Box 58 Barrie Examiner 116365 HOUSE unfurnished bedrooms or more wanted preferably near school Two schoolage girls Clean respectable tenants Permanent Best references Apply Box 03 Bar rie Examiner Iil67 EXEARRIEITE middleaged lady and her veyearold daughter would like to hear from an elderly couple who would share their home With us We are accustomed to owning our own home and will not abuse your home We would need this new home about July 10 but must have arrangements made soon Write full particulars to Box 52 Barrie Examiner 116264 PERSONAL DAI NES ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehill Drive Barrie Body conditioning arthritic treat ment remedial exercises scientific reducing Free Arthrltlc Consultation 10 am till 10 pm daily Private appointment only Phone 814rll 8046tf START REDUCING No Dieting No Exercise No Discomfort No Disroblng Lose pound treatment Special treatments $500 unuls maraschino lEFIOVER CAKE AND BREAD Hello Homemakers Now that the housecleaning is completed we in tend to check on leftovers after every meal in fact weve made list of the various ways to use dry bread and cake which seem to be problem of many readers 01 course we intend to try and keep bread and cake as fresh flavored as possible by storing in separate clean coveer containers These baked goods can be the basis for successful desserts especially for hungry people For instance we prepare wonderful Orange Russo using leftover cake cream and orange sections Last week we served pastry shell made of dry bread crumbs lled with lemon cream to guests who said it wa delicious Try these and file our suggestions TAKE TIP Uses of Leftover Cake Snow Caps Cut leftover cake into circular pieces Spread with paste of chopped figs and pre served gingcr syrup Placea marsh mallow in the centre of each and bake in electric oven of 375 degs until marshmallow softens about 10 mins Lemon Cake Pudding Crum ble cake into crumbs and combine with leftover fruits Serve with lemon sauce Marmalade Trifle Arrange squares of sponge cake spread with thin layer of marmalade Pour soft custard over the pieces and chill for hour Sprinkle with toasted almonds if desired Uncooked Fruit Dessert Com bine broken pieces of chocolate or angel food cake with marshmallow pieces cubes of pineapple chopped cherries and whipped cream Chill for hour 15 Chocolate Refrigerator Cake Melt sqiiares of semisweet chocolate and add cups evapor ated milk stirring until thick Add cup water Meantime line cake pan with wax paper and plaCe in it layer of leftover cake cut in inch squares Pour half the sauce on this layer then add another layer of cake and top with remaining sauce Chill over York spent part of last week with his mother and sister Mrs Potts and rs Sum Allen Mr and Mrs Preston Dean and Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and family spent Sunday with friends in skstown Mr and Mrs Don McDonald Eicnvule spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Joseph Stmtlis Mrs JOStplgtCk Wasaga Beach spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs William Bell and Mrs Potts Mr and Mrs Melbourne and fam ily Stayner and Miss Alice Barnes were at Mr and Mrs Barriss Mr and Mrs William Ferguson and Aubrey Port Law were with Mrs P0115 and Mrs Allen New F105 WI New Flos Womens Institute met at Mrs Alex Finleys on Friday May 29 instead of June Meeting opened with the Institute Ode fol lowed by repeating of the Lords Prayer Miss Gladys Viney read the Mary Stewart Collect It was mov ed and adopted that the WI have July and August meetings in the evenings Final arrangements were made for anniversary also to ask for short course in canning of On tario foods to be held in Novem ber Mrs Logan thanked for bak ing sent in at time of Mr Laverys death Singing of God Save the Queen closed the meeting Nuns of Dominica On Rural Welfare TORONTO JUNE CPI Two nuns from the island of Dominica 8W1 are here on United Na tions fellowship tostudy rural or ganizations social welfare and edu cational services of interest to their work Rev Mother Mary Adele and Rev Mother Mary Alicia mission tly sisters and social workers are members of the Missionary Canon csscs of St Augustine Native of Belgium they were educated in Brussels and in the United States In Canada for five months they like everything they have seen especially the Canadian people they are so friendly The nuns have completed short course at St Francis Xavier Uni versity at Antigonish NS on the coopcraiive movement and credit unions in the Maritimes They also attended conference of the Federated Wo nens Institutes of Ontario at Guelph where they met many of the 1000 delegates Otheh tours are planned for them Mother Mary Adele said We pital Barrie on June 2953 to Mr and Mrs Perry Ball 59 Toronto SL Barrie son COOPERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on June 1953 to SSgt and Mrs COOIJCI RCAML School Camp Borden son iRoger Mathew FAGHIFFAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie OIIVJLIZIC 1953 to Sgt and Mrs Fagrift 31 ACW Sqn Edgar son HOBERGAl the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on May 29 1153 to Mr and Mrs Stanley Hoherg 40 Worsley St Barrie 511 Barry Stephen KiRKBYAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on May 30 1933 to lpr and Mrs Wesley Kirkby Angus daughter Katherizm Elizabeth KINGAt the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on June 19511 to tpl and Mrs King Box 119 Camp Borden daughter Helene Anne McCULLIGHAt the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on May 31 1953 to Mr and Mrs Lealand McCulligh Angus son David John METCALIEAl the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on June 1953 to Mr and Mrs Melvin Meicalfo Bl Essa Road Barrie daughter PRIESTAt the Royal Vioioria Hospital Barrie on June 1953 to Mr and Mrs Clair Priest Minesing son SYKESAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on May 30 1953 to Mr and Mrs Murray Sykes Baldwin Lane Barrie daugh er STEWARTAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on June 1933 to Mr and Mrs Art Stewart 38 Wellington St Barrio son THOMASAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on May 30 1953 to Mr and Mrs Thomas 157 Shanty Bay Road Barrie son Richard Scaton YOUNGAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on May 31 1953 to Mr and Mrs Bert Young 45 Perry 51 Barrie daughter Frances Elizzabetli are about 100 years behind tiic times on the island There just is no comparison between here and there AUCTIONSALE Discontinued until further notice Elmvale Community Sales Arena Phone Whitton 102 Elm valc IBIIW GREEN LIMITED ENACTED on the 10111 day of April AD 1953 as follows That the location of the Head Officeof the Company be and the same is hereby changed from the Cityof Toronto in the County of Converted To Electric eggys RedUCInQ 500 bers ciation 10 ed with York to the Town of Barrie in ARNOTTSuddcnly on Monday the County of Simcoe in the pm June 1953 Robert Henry Ar Vince of Ontarjo notl beloved son El 15353311 and Doris Arnoit ier St Barrie and dear brother of GREEN Secretary Bill in his 9th year Resting at By Mulock Milliken Clark heJu1nctLFtiiieral Home Ser 7647971 Redman 76465 177 uckwonh 5L Barrie night in electric refrigerator 1111 Appointment phone 3992 mold and serve HOG PRODUCERS Feed Master complete feed Pay for it when SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 3030 eel whipped cream you sell your pigs No interest or OR MONEY REFUNDED uses 0f Dry Bread cabins and bungalow on nighway ml chggsfsbaylnglxgesnrgg Ignite cravings Gambling cu rca rum on PhoneThorntonFeedStoreIvy Barrie $159911 llr5 or Stroud 14121 75275 arrangements other benefits see Mr Hill 55 ouniop St 16264 PROPERTY FORNSALE rosmorts WANTEE ROOM LODGE their tion dent AUTOMOBILES cl GREEN President MLDDLEAGEQL91 desires but 11 Will takebest cash offer Sitting in evening Phone 3233 204 YOUNG Dutch family want farm work Experienced with milk cows tractorsand machines Sep arate house if possible Burgs ma RR No Stayner 264 DOGS PEI srocx HDACHSHUND Puppies males $30 females 52 Liitiewood Farm RR Shanty Bay 386465 LOST FOUND LOSTPlaid shopping bag part of baby stroller vicinity Duiilop St shopping district Phone 4446 1764 mm Business Opportunities VHAVE YOUTHOUGHT OFVENDING ASABUSINESS We will start you in business of your own on parttime basis with new vending machine This Is Not Nut GamerFond Dispenser If you desire good steady in come have initiative reIEienccs and minimum capital of $1100 investigate this sound business 0p partumty ExClusive franchisd nvailab For intervrew in your town elude phorie number in application Box Barrie Examiner 296204 To RENTBarber Sho with or Vidthout living quarter central established low rent Also garment Short order shop on main streetltu11y equipped Gold mitlirIteal Estate Broker Wasaga Beach phone 33 296264 Nikita wordminimiim 15 33M 20 ii ROOM COTTAGE with lodge garage one acre of land on Highway 11 Will take best cash offer or small down pay ment on balance of first mortgage APPLY TO FRANK PAYCE Owner Franklin Inn Phone 1116 Mono Mills 1641 FOR SALE to one person 15 lots to close Libdivision bargain at $300 per ot Phone 5650 166405 NEW BUNGALOW NHA nanced rooms piece bath nice lot immediate possession Phone 4807 160204 ROOM HOUSE in Lefroy $4500 $2000 down payment easy terms Apply to Elwood Brenme Eagle House Weston 166165 BEAUTIFUL Lots on Codrington St overlooking the bay also sev eral on Vancouver St Priced to sell Phone 5050 106465 BUILDING Lots 66x165 on Queen and St Vincent Sts Sewer and water Close to Codrington School and general store also busroute Apply 227 St Vincent St or phone 4031 166275 TOWN LOT in Alliston 06 ft front age includes cement foundation With sub floor Runningwatcr and temporary service building materials Very reason able Leaving town 51 Albert St West Alliston phone 461166264 ATTRACTIVE Cottage rooms and piece bath pressure sylitem on stove heated with hot water tank Newly decorated and in cludes screens and storms Poss esswn vacant July Price $3000 and will accept good down pay ment balance as rent Property on Symes Angus PHONE but Consecutive Insertions 2c word Minimum wordMinimum 50c amdtiyclnsertions like ward minimum 85o savanna runwizrii canon humans or thrustdirected to this office no extra 4n word nilnimum 0100 claim Insertions 31 word minimum 751 woodman IN annotation Quantity of WINDMILL 40n tower new Beatiy head $75 Case Hay Loader slat bottom good condition $40 Lawn Mower 16inch cut good running order $5 New adult com mode complete from Eatons $6 Watson RR Brampton PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED Bedroom single Very central Phone 4719 1504 LIGHT Housekeeping room furn ished 60 Maple Ave Barrie LARGE Light Housekeeping TilDDT suitable for couple or 2girls Phone 2320 1556tf FURNISHED baitstiling rooms light housekeeping Central Adults only Phone 6483 156406 UNFURNISHED BedSitting room and kitchenette Adults and ab stainers Phone 6454 1554tf COMFORTABLE furnished room suitable for Twin beds Central Phone 4022 after pm 1564 NICELY Furnished front bedroom suitable for one or twopersons Very central location Phone 3990 156364 LARGE Bright rooms furnished light housekeeping ground floor overlooking bay Phone 4350 156 65 LOWER Duplex rooms and bath quiet pleasant surroundings goggldren welcome $75 Phone ROOMED Unfurnished Apart ment selfcontainedprivate en trance Adults Apply 52 SophiaSt East 1564 DWELLING rooms rumished alsovrsmnll room furnished cat E550 Rd 156465 NOW OP EN TO SERVE YOU AI TAXI Your business will be appreciated PHONE 5991 Allondole 54472 FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own floors Its easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander does excellent work Low rates Complete line of floor nishing materials paints varnishes shell acs fillers brushes etc We sell everything needed to make new floors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 Clapperton St Phone 5206 5910 ROOFING AND Remodelling E811 eral repairs Free estimates one 2164 56264 EAVESTROUGHING and rna ces Estimates free Phone and 24123 56365 SIGNS Truck Lettering gold leaf window lettering Land sled phone 6482 55870MW MIMEOGRAPHING and Public Stenography Barrie Busine College 60 Toronto 81 ame Phone 4824 srssgt Margaret St Angus Ont 0w er Evans Ancoster Ont Aggnt III6264 Phone 3275 for small bedroom Veranahrlmme tagc miles fromBarrie Phone CONTEACT WOISK Cement Bldg 2283 1564 walks laying sod building houses OR UNFURNISHED Light gara es Aetc Phone Phillip Amero housekeeping rooms central loca MS 1217 564 or me him1 mm Lbiaw155r4 LAWN mowans sharened Jim Little 258 Dunlop St Barrie SELFCONTAINED apartmen piece bath heavy elttra Phone 4735 54084 wiring Vob cotton to child DEAD STOCK removed fromyour Pkge 3999 1544 farm1 pmptiy Igor sanittiry BEDROOM suit gentleman nicely p052 one on ec arre equipped possession June Must GONG YPUDE mittd Haw bo abstainer $8 weekly ply 1113 KIRKLAND Kabins Housekeep Dunmp SIIweSI 5432 64 log or with meals accommodate LARGE pumished mam use of 20 Conveniences Central Write washing and sewing machines 0170110118 11 Gillies 739830388011 electric range and kitchen utensils 576365 and bedding if needed Apply 59 1W TER WellDrillin Eor gen Mary St 390 eriitlons Our onlya Sadness FURNISHED Rodms suitable for Wri lit and Son amenition sz Couple and child can arrange light C911 RWQOd Ont Phone 318M incusekeeping Immediate possess ionMiners Point Write Post on FURNACE AND Chimney clean ioe Box 146 Harris 15 53 InsreneWed and repaired Gail 145 Clapperton St onronmSnao Flat rooms Lou Valr plce bath heated separate en $0116 3595 01 391 Dimme tianoe heavy duty wiring use hall ImViilei Phone 10715 Momq ANTIQUE Walnut Rosewood and dim pass95910 Phone 4825 64 Maho an furniture repaired and MkW rennlgiediby French polishing Ex Bum will pariedced craftsman desires to 10 The summer season begins as We mamye augment tumgs monotony when the mm enters showngln this advertisementpnox catsuit Canaanaboutlune 21 litigantlelixamimrp 563 roamed For pickup and retur service 50c 50175 FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 13109 1940 CHEV good running Condi tion Phone 6502 136304 MODEL Ford 1930 Coach Ap ply llI Penetang St 136465 1930 MODEL Ford Sedan clean inside and out 39 Campbell Ave after pm 1364 1941 uOLDSMOBILEy 1940 siston Ford $200 Apply Robertson across mfg112m Bills Store Angus 136364 1950 HILLMAN Minx 4door23 000 miles good operating con tion radio heater Phone 5889 136465 1949 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan low mileage original paint and tires Priced to sell Terms if necessary Percy Ford phone 808r3 136264 1950 FARGO libTon Panel ex cellent condition abused Original mileage 33000 Tires very good Phone 4740 136460 LIVESTOCK roa SALE WEANLING PiGs Fed out to market on our finance plan Save your grain fornseed and if you havent tried our simple NoExtriiChargeToYou Finance Plan drop in and talk It over w1th us phone 2982 for an ap porntment You pay for your feed after your hogs have gone to mar ket We have an identical finance plan for poultry BARRIET FARM SUPPLY Market Square Barrie 10 noon CHUNKS Phone Barrie Phone asana 964 WEANLING pigs bod thrifty stockA ply George Archer phone 142142 heipst 964 15 WEANLINGIPIGSL Apply Gus De Kleyne Cali east of High wale InnisfilStroud 904 CIgEIARVIEW Yorkshires Bears re dy for service bredand open sows sired by halfEnglish boar TheSe pigs were inspected for Yorkshire sale which has been can celled Carscadden phone 324 Stroud 96469 IMPORTANT Announcement The complete of the 100 straight En lish Yorkshire herd will be her nationally Juliet at pm Eastern Do 11 ht Saving Jltme st Re acct miles northeast Milton Ontario and not at Hays ales Arena at ominously advertised 964 ADI THE EXAMINER FOR 34 PRINTING about am never been 93270 arms 314 mil CASH$$$CASH an baking apples Bake hour in electric oven of 350 degs Blueberry Betty Place slices of French toast in quart rectan gular pan and spread with cups drained blueberries Sprinkle with tsp icing sugar and 14 tsp nut meg then heat for 15 minutes at 425 degs Brown Bread Pudding Scald 11 cups milk and 13 cup cream 11 tbsps butter and 14 tsp salt Soak cups of brokenbrown bread Steamed Fruit PuddingSift in the milk then simmer until all the milk has been absorbed Serve with canned chocolate sauce Steamed Fruit Pudding Soft cup flourLIIrs tsps baking powder and tsp salt together Cut in IA cup shortening and add 11 cup dry bread crumbs and V2 cup sugar Add beaten egg and 23 cup milk in cups drained canned rasoberries Pour into greased mold cover with aluminum foil and steam hours Serve wi thickened raspberry juice Spiced Pudding Use the in gredients for spiced cup cake reipc substituting dry bread crumbs to the our in reliable recipe Substitute fine bread crumbs in Fritter recipe for the pastry our Top stoned fstcwedK fruits prunes or apricots with mixture of 32 cup bread crumbs and 34 cup hard butter and If tsp cinnamon 8Brownies Beat 2egg whites and told cup brown sugar ls tsp maple avoring cup broken nuts and cup fine bread crumbs Shape into small balls 3nd place on greased cookie sheet Bake in electric oven of 325 degs for about 20 minutes spicy Bread Shell cups ne bread crumbs cup brown sugar 10 cup butter or margarine lisp cinnamon Mix ingredients thoroughly Pat mixture firmly against bottom and sides of inch pie plate Bake at 375 degs for 10 minutes Lemon CroamfFilling Soak tbsp gelatin in 13 cupcold water add is cup sugar and 13 cup boil ing water When gelatin isdlssolved add 1cup orange juice as cup lemon juice and lisp lemon rind Chill until partially rm Beat un til frothy Meantime ehill can vice Thursday June at pm Interment Barrie Union Ceme tery SHA UGHNESSYAt her home 110 Alcina Ave Toronto on Monday June 1953 Annie eldest daughter of the late William and Mary Shaughhessy dear sister of Margaret Edith Katherine and the late Joseph Shaughnessy Resting at the above address Funeral Thursday to Holy Rosary Church forrequiemmass at arm Interment St Marys Ceme tery Barrie Member of the Third Order of St Francis IN MEMORIAM LADUEIn loving memory of Frank Ladue who passed away June 1947 Just when your life was brightest Just when your years were best You were called from this world of sorrow To home of eternal rest Ever remembered by mother and family 64 McLEODIn loving memory of dear mother Mrs Olive McLeod who passed away June 1952 And while she lies 111peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep Ever remembered by Betty Jim Welly Vera Cord and Pat MeLEODln loving memory of Mrs Qiive McLeod who passed away June 1952 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for thedormer things are passed away Sadly missed by her friends Mr and Mrs John Wharram 64 MARKET PRICES JUNE 1953 HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY DOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Cooperative Packers of Ontario Barrie Sows $2300 Hogs $3375 EGGS All HA HA Bl uc CHICKEN Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade Bl Grade to lbs Special Grade 47 Grade 39 Grade Cj 20 tarsus 20 over the above prices FOWL Grade Over lbs 38 35 20 to lbs 37 34 18 LODG PLEASANTSOCIAL members the Machinists ationCominittee nesday Auxiliary had ren CNR was to Locomotive who General Josegli Presrdent of Foreman Locomotive Gravenhurst man while presentation and membersz McCausland Allandaie General behalf sent inald were Date Centennial NamesComrnltteo elollio Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Gentlemen wish to inform your that Name sweetened condensed milk and then beat well Combine with jelly base and pour intofbreadshell orangojltusse Chocolate cake Whipped cream Grange sectidns Slice chocolate cake in limb slices and out It inches long Line refrigerator my with wax paper arrange layer cake gong this spread with whipped cream and orange sections Chill in electric refrigerator until serving11mg Note Answers to dueries will be found in foregoing motorist Street Address City Prov or State nun1 uunuu in former resident of Barrie dilllmowwohld be pleased to receive an invitation to attend OLD HOME WEEK Senderlleo Adam multimillion tial mane vqulltnulllOD tion 15year gor theoperation over treat

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