Gannon nssvs president of 34 ft heBarrie Art Club is Seen here standing beside thep0rtrait study which was done by DorothyStevens noted Toron club last October Using Mrs Stevens completed this work time she gave an instructive what she was doing to artist when she visited the Rolling as her model Miss in two hours during which talk to the members on just PRESIDENT ONTARIO SOCIETY OF ARTISTS IMPRESSED BY WORK or BARRIEtART CLUB The annual exhibition bythe members of theBarrie Art Club held on Thursday and Fglday May 28 and 29 Was one of the most successful in the history of the club and general comment by art lovers was 11 round development shown ove For opening night banquet was held in Trinity Parish Hall when Sydney Watson RCA President of the Ontario Society of Artists gave highly interesting talk upon art and particularly upon the develop gtment of individual ideas with the student or experienced artist To illustrate the points in his talk he made use of number of colored slides from the Societys show this year and also some made in con nection with the regular work of students In one case the subject of sketch was chair of Mennon ite design chosen as study and uwiith the wide privilege of adding to the design in any way or of us iiig it in following up any line of thought The result was indeed sur prising with many variations on the theme and one student made it an almost endless parade of chairs stretching on into the distance Admires Wort On viewingthe loca or Mr Watson after thorough check of all exhibits expressed his admir zition of the work showa and stat cd that in his opinion some of the pictures displayed would be wor thy of place in shows held in fig larger centres such as Toronto or Montreal He was articularly impressed withiii smalstudy of spring flow ers in natural setting by local resident Mrs Wolferideii who had started painting only one year ago To the average art student or holo byist the almost amazing variety of rsuibject and successful treatment was an unusual feature Although all members did not make entries about 75 pictures were on display made up by not more lionthree fromeach and some en tered onlyone or twoJn one case shine the choice wasrzuicellent arine study striking portrait noteworthy landscape all by one artistlreatment and choice subject have no doubtbeen in through the past few years he ideas of different instructors or visiting artists Wide Rondo Mrs Harvie who had three ex ceilent examples of her work on display has been instructiong her students for some time udendagcame cit ideas direct from Europe and islhere for short time Charles Dime had refreshing effects in land W= Mitchell noticeable impression upon the work ed the club and also through pen the improvement and all previous exhibits camehorth in slavery days through West Vrginia to freeCanada and settled Oro Township The church recently reconditioned and reliki pioneer days The pit ture is franieid most suitably with frame mad from weatherbeatcn fence board Past president Llew Beaver show ed winter scene and also another rather unusual sketch of large burned and tweathcuworn stump brightened with twarnr tints and with the caption 18531953 in line withcentenniaI year Dancing every Friday night Bee ton Community Hall pm to am 58th Dance at Baxter Friday June 12 to the music of Paxtons CKBB Hayloft Party Dancing from 930 to 130 81th Lino Tobin Streets Coronation Parade Continued from one Lord our God who upholdest and governed all things by the word of thy power Reecive our humble prayers for our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth set over us by thy grace and providence to be our Queen and together with her bless we beseech thee Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother hilip Duke of Edinburgh Charles iDuke of Cornwall and alltthe lituyal Family that they ever trusting in thy goodness prdtecb ed by thy power and crowned with thy gracmus abd endless fa vor may long continue before thee in peace and safety joy and honor and after death may obtain ever lasting life and glory by the mer its and meditation of Christ Jesus our Saviour who with thee and the Holy Ghost livcth and reign ieth one God world without end Amen Coronation Address In his address the Rev Muir Essa Road Presbyterian Church said that few hours ago most of us because of the marvel of modem radio were able to hear and up to point at least join in the thrilling yet solemn act of anointing and crowning lier Ma jesiy Queen Elizabeth II By that act slieiwas full accepted and set apart to be iizaeth II by the Grace of God of the United King dom Canada and her othcrrRealins and Territories Queen Head of the Commonwealth Defender of the Faith Mr Muir went on The exeitw ment and expectation leading up to it and the event Itself resplen dent iii its color pageantry and liturgy the meticulous preparations must surely impress us that it is an event of tremendous importance It must surely cause any thought ful person whether young or old to askvWhat does it really menu As we think about this alittle bit three answers begin to emerge from the mass of lesser things associated with the Coronation Mr Muir went on to say that the Coronation signified that the people of the Commonwealth had found the constitutional monarchy to be the greatest and most desir able form of government in the world And this he added despite the Egyptian dictator who has re cently said that The monarchy does not it our time or the Ameri can writer who advises that Bri taln sell her jewels and palaces to pay her debts and put her mon arch if she must still have one in tenroom house and stop the nonsense of crowns and courts One needs only to eXamine what someone has called the shabby re publics that have been spawning all over Europe to see the glaring contrast with the dignity and genlt our loyalty to our Guest and to pledge ourselves anew to God Bina self Our best service to Queen and country and to demise can only be given by living first of all lives devoted to the service and will of God In her message to the Empire Last Christmas said Mr Muir the Queen made thlz appeal to us con erning this day of Coronationu want you all to pray for me onl that daytu pray that God may give me wisdom and strength to ary out the solemn promises Is hall be making and that may faithfully serve Him and you all hc days or my life Sacred Music Sacred music during the service was sung by choir composed ofi teachers members of the choirs of Collier Street United Church Bur ton Avenuc United Church and $531 Road Presbyterian Church cnool choir representative of iuznbcr of schools also took part They were conducted by Lloyd WW IAt ProCoronation JLdfurd who accompanied them at the piano The service closed with the Na tioiiai Anthem but prior to this Eric Adams grade seven pupill from Hillcrcst School trumpet solo May Peace and Love Be Near Her Throne The lightsl were extinguished in the arena andl the young boy accompanied by the childrens choir stood on the floor of the arena with spotlight trained on him AS the last notes of the music were being played the ailentioii of those in the arena turned to the south end of the building where 2i model of part of Westminster Abbey was shown and ending in front of this was an other model that of the newly crwned Queen the work of Miss Jeni Cnrthers member of the teaching staff at Prince of Wales School The effective lighting of the Abbey model was done by Bill Lambert while the replica itself was made at Prince of Wales School Later in the evening as part of national token of respect for the great occasion Boy Scouts and Cubs lighted bonfire on Littles Hill Throughout Canada from coast to coast similar bonfires were lighted at 930 pm local time The beacon here was lighted by District Commissioner Ian Wels man Ceremony is Held At Camp Borden Continued from page one many of the public took advantage of the opportunity to inspect big display of vehicles and aircraft sta tioned around the perimeter for the occasion This included the new Centurion tanks the new Field Mouse scout car flame thrower carriers ma chine gun carriers mortar carriers medium breakdown and recovery ulne Splendor 0i lhe EOVOFHmCHtSivehicles flame throwing fuel mix of the Commonwealth and Em pire Even though wemay honor and respect and even love our Ameri can nl hot share 12 gm 3n uliiasm for their politicalk institutions Note the motley crew ofdlctators and presidents at the headof so many nations and then 100k to the gra cious young woman who is the Queen and head of our nation Faith In God The Coronation signied con fesaion that ultimately all power and authority belongsrto God and that the security of the Throne andthe strengthand health of the Commonwealth depends upon faith in the God of the Bible and upon obedience to His laws It recog nized that Jesus Christ alone was Old tyme and modern dancing every Wednesday Friday and Sat urday at Club 79 Ladies 50c Gentlemen 75c 54tf Dance at Thornton Orange Hall Friday June from 9130 am Beattys Orchestra Admission 500 Lunch counter Sponsored by LOL No 16 64 Mixed dancing eVery Fridayand Saturday night at Pine Crest Ad mission 50c Music by Mac Jones andrlhis Heptones 41Wth Decoration Day Service will be held in the Angus Community Cemetery on Sunday June at pm Rev Luck of First Bap tist Church Barriehas been in vited to preach the sermon for this special occasion 6264 the rightful King and Ruler of this World and that all thrones rulers and governments could only reach their fullness of purpose and coveted strength in submission to His sovereign willand purpose The emphasis placed upon jus tice righteousness and mercy show ed plainly that nations in orderio be 77 great must be morally sound and spiritually alive The empha sis upon the profession ii scarcely ing unit ambulances fire pumper Lancaster fourengine aircraft Har vaid training aircraft and various other typss Crews Were on hand to answer questions Groups of Provost were on hand for traffic control Another large detachment fronHihe Pct were sent garrison parade the same day clones of the true of gospelarid the historic Christian italtli indiciited an acknowledgement that moral soundness and true spiritual life could only come from living faith and communion with God as came to usiii Jesus Christ ItoAffirm oprLoyiuy Finally the Coronation signies call and opportunity ito reafflrm These will keep your Home gt III iscoiitacts with artists youn and in the vocational night asses BBC The exhibited one ne ptralt although his flair Is for edsare yo Toronto and hung and manyof his out din pictures may be found all such asBarrfe oat Office in Winter presented thetoWnof Barrie by the Bank inthe Council Chbniber in the Municipal Build Mattie branch of art caused swing to liportiaiture when noted Toronto art llinle in portraits vigited rising two hour match tall trimmed rmly lg Knoll coma and aran of Canadian linger cuiiiwnsoNcOFrl by means in em senator Dorrie 6484 ll2H JUNobiy swsi WW Filter Queen offels youths finest In Vacuum Cleaners Youowe It to yourself to see and try this hairless dustless cleaner All connections are air coasted on motor 13 sound proofed Coll RoyiTrocfy 3l32u 720 to Toronto to assist in the big Sunny Pleasant Warmer Today Growing Weather mum In but mu grand Sunday Monday and Tuesday were two of kind sunny and with very close to even temperature Coronation day here win of the type which England tapped for pleasantly sunny bit not to and today has any indication of repeat Temperatures were High Low May 31 61 39 June my 68 43 June 68 44 June am early 39 Hillcrest dlupils Church Service Trinity church was the scene of Played aim impressive ProCoronation ser vice Friday afternoon last Some 300 pupils from grades lo parad ed with their teachers to the church sang specially prepared hymns as Socintcd with the occasion and heard an address by the rector Rev dePencier Wrighton the Coronation ceremony the regolla and the abbey setting The service was planned by Mr Wright and Principal Bell to broaden the pupils understand ing and appreciation of the Corona tion and its implications Mrs Roberts Trinity choir director presided at the organ Mr Wrights text was of partic ular significance in that it is in scribed abovc the altar of West minster Abbey The kingdoms of this world are become the king doms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forewi and ever Roll 1115 Saskatchewan Men learn Prospecting LAC LA RONGE SASK JUNE tCl The lure of uranium and other toppriority metals brought 25 students toSaskatcliewans pros pecting school which recently con cluded its first session here The bustling settlement of La Rouge about175 miles north of Prince Albert on the southern brink of the highlymineralized precambrian shield is becoming more important every day Many discoveries of new uranium and mineral deposits in the northern part of the province have been reported Dr Budding principal ge ologist of the newlyformed Sas katchewan department of mineral resources was in charge of the school Students notonly werepresented With the idea of prospecting but gained practical knowledge as well They were all Saskatchewan men from great variety of trades but ECiiizens Band Has gConcert in Aid of BURNS WALES of Everett Reeve of Iossorontio Township who has been elected director of the Ontario FlueCured Tobacco Marketing Board for District No which includes the counties of Sliiicce Dufferiii Ontario Diirv iani Zillll oi1hiriiherliiii Mr and Mrs anrenm Kirk Miss Evelyn llzixel Miss Mary Elizabeth and Master John Fred crick Kirk 123 Ilcmy St gtllllll an enjoyable weekend trip to Niagara Falls and Hamilton Mr and Mrs Laking and laughter Joan left May iii In visEt Mr and Mrs liniold hiking Win nipeg for few days and then on to Ileginn to visit their Still Jim who ii iii training with the RCMP almost till with some bush exper ieiicc They ranged in age from 18 to 52 and included some treaty In dians and Mctis Only 25 were picked from 80 applicants from as far away as British Columbia Oi egcii Ontario and New York The first phase of the school in chided general introductioil to ncrals and geological structure and techniques of prospecting Students learned how to read maps to make use of aerial photography iio stake and record claims and safety regulations The second phase was practical The gloupuwas taken into the rough country surrounding Ln Rongc where they learned to lo cate contact and fault zones and to trench blast make camp and handle canoe The department now is placinc the graduates with mining and ex ploration companies in Saskatche wan LARGEST TANKER Largest British tanker afloat is ITIIC 32000ton British Sailor built at Clydebank in 1952 This is your opnortunltyglo save Purchase your full 1th coat or shortie at 20 1134 count Shop nowwhlle leng there is stilla large selection of new styles and new fabrics many imported materials Choose ybur StillsAfton lithan 250 of this seasons eststyles Gabardlnes on flannels checks shadow plaids English wor Lstdsfiferrlflbuys at on count ill mm DISGDDIIT mop new ray5 sdlss gt ISMf suor TODAY AT STRANSMANS LADIES WEAR torches ilivc audiciice lecied by Jew911 hichrzliie lwho gave few pics Were rendered by Bliss Mar Moulton swarm oran Ages Past Come All Hess Shall Reign Nearer gt iiolhee JuriasiAm looks Up to Thee lie Lea i3 lg EMT in the Stvee Byt and Tn marches by Sou Dc Fl Ihev BUTTEGSCDTCH SUNDAE 1I ioultoti of Illl Cliiliiflhtitlcl ipiiigiilaie titlitil supiano Nortiu rn inarks liui Jtllll Knapp of the Sulvntmn Army TUIOfil Iiii iilia with Sr Itiajoo prov in LCliltllilzliilllzlll Eon ii Liteui on collection was takiii on behalf of the lied Shield LUNCH AT Onward iCli leisila 120 iiime crczted in 1490 DUlwl STREET WEST ciiisscs tho Iliver Avon it Strat ilulilullAWII birthplace of Shakes PHO 62 OUTSTANDING VALUE IIEINZ PURE SPECIAL IDMIITD IIETGIIIIP 24c REAL SAV DIG IIEINZ IN TOMATO SAUCE OOKED Special ASPIIGIIETII 15 29 TERRIFIC VALUE IIEINZ FANCY SPECIAL IDIVIIITD JllIGE 251 IIEINi CONDENSED KIIAM OF SPECIAL TDIVIIITD SDIIP Zw 25c IIEINZ IN TOMATO SAUCE WITHOUT MEAT SPECIAL DIIEII DDIIED BEANS 2w ozeis31c Gold Seal Fancy Sockcye Powdered Fruit Crystals sumo 159391 lIIDSTADE ALDS BONELESS GIIIGIIEII tin 49c NIP NTUCK SIVEET llElJSll in its BISCUIT FEATURE BARKERS IIPPIE Bl0550M5 MAGIC SCOURING 505 Pads hands 14 Heinz Procooked Infant canan 23 SPECIAL 24 bis package Cut Weatio SHORT PRIME DID IIDIIST BONELESS POT ROAST PIilITE BIlISIIEI SWIFTS PREMIUM VElll uneasy GRADE noasruvo on ravine GIIIGIIEIIS nemesis CHOICE LEGS on BREASTS GIIIGIIEII GDTS HEINZ runs semirviiiiztiiii HEINZ SANDWICHFILLER SIIIIDWIGHTIIIEDD nuva granny FULLFLAVOURED ciiiti saucef can Cu prmuge Cools FLORIDA nan men AND swam WATEIIMEIDII sitsI snitch GREEN rascar Ploridd Size 48s siolks FIRM ooLnnnriinLow Ruins in SPEllISII Dillonscatalogiaitzsc nCW1NESAP SWEETEAE1NG APPLES Filtered 45f vaiue couturerhiirsasyrriday ind Saturday June unoniioso acts wanna We pay highs mirht orient for Ungraded E9 Sub manager Tor dual R09 Grading Station 029 53 33c 45c 55c 89 wmm aspak 12 7oz in lb Bl onionlo