Crown and Commonwealth lnthe New Elizabethan Age Our Queen is crowned We have now entered the new Elizabethan age an age in which the Royal Crown encircles not only the ancient glories of particular people but the hope and promise of broadening life for hundreds of millions of others In Westminster Abbey yesterday the Queen became Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen Head of the Commonwealth Defender of the Faith Speaking to bill changing the Royal Style and titles as above for use in Canada Prime Minister Louis St Laurent said at the meet ing of prime ministers of the Commonwealth In January 1951 that the Commonwealth was an effective instrument for the good of free mankind throughout the whole world Just what is the relationship between the Crown and the Commonwealth In relation to the Crown we are mystics Our Queen is not person exalted above us by Divine Right nor person of our own choosing We haven part in her dignity but she does llotachieve that dignity at our will Queen Elizabeth is the unimpeachable figure of all that is good in government and her crown is symbol which stands above crccdsand parties Today in materi alistic age when the world is threatened by dangers never before known the British Monarchy endures in noble strength In essence it is the exaltatlon of dutiful exam ple as opposed to the hazards of ruling by the mailed fist and the fleeting greatness of dictatorship There are people we realize who deride the idea of the coronation rites as being out dated This hammer is actually virtue How could the stability and continuity of the national history be more impressively shown Our Queen was crowned with the same ritual as that with which her predecessors have been crowned for more than thousand years It is theoldest state ceremonial in Britdllllind perhaps the oldest in the W0rld Ilet us remember one thing The forms are ancient but the spirit embodied in them neggr grows old from the pages of history there has come forgthe Commonwealth countries the philg osophy of responsible government not rep resentative government only but that sort ofijcsponsible government whichjsgiven by an executive accountable to parliamentary majority bound to heed the advice it re cables from parliament As headlof such government the Queen has three rights the right to be consulted the right to en courage and the right to warn The acts wishes and example of the sovereign are real power in government WE Gladstone who was four times Prime Minister of Britain wrote in his Gleauings of Past Years Thereis nota doubt that the aggregate of direct influence normally exercised by the sovereign upon the coun sels and proceedings of her ministers is considerable in amount tends to permanence and solidity of action and confers must benefit on the country without in the small est degree relieving the advisers of the Growth from their individual responsibility Peoplcgwho are casual readers of history may think that the sovereignty of the Crown has been whittled down to the vanish ing point but apparent encroachments upon the Crown have added to its true dignity The formal powers of theCrown under Queen Elizabeth II are virtually the same as those which belonged to it under Edward VIrThe Queen is still the supreme executive authority the Queen in Parliament is still the fountain of mum and the fountain of justice The Queen is still commander of Gathermilltary forces of the realm The Crown insufficiently strong to erfsure the peace and order of society and yet not sufficiently strong to disregard the wishes and happiness of the community The function of the Crown astherountalni head of justice is oneyof its greatest virtues No matter how elaboratcthe machinery of logislatiuh and administration Inight be the life or the individual citizen could be rendered miserable by any defect or delay in the administration Lof justice The Queu 951 Bmirixamirr cannot at her pleasure alter the laws of the land but in her coronation vow she sets the standard for all those who are charged with making and maintaining the law The charge given her is Be so merciful that you be not too remiss so execute justice that you forget not mercy Punish the wick ed protect and cherish the just and lead your people in the way wherein they should go Tile British system of government has roots which go so deep into the past that scarcely feature of its proceedings and powers can be made intelligible without re ference to history The Crown has acquired overwhelming sig nificance as the core and symbol of Com monwealth unity The formal centralizing institutions of the Empire have disappeared one by one as Empire developed into Com monwealth but the status of the Crown had been progressively exalted Last year saw variety introduced into the Queens titles but the Crowns unique unifying influence remains The parliamentary institutions of the Commonwealth countries are the guar antee of democratic strength and it is tremendous stabilizing influence to have at the head of these institutions monarch who is independent of and outside politics It was under the Crown that Britains free institutions were born and brought up To day the Commonwealth is an association of people as wall as of countries There are spiritual psychological and intellectual forces drawing them together despite their differences of race religion language liter ature law and economic influences The broadening of the Commonwealth by inclusion of republics for example does not diminish but rather enhances the importance of the symbolism which indicates its sense of unity and common purpose The Com monwealth has no spidcrweb of contractual relations It is held in no parchmont bonds or hard steel shackles The unique relation of the Crown to all the selfgoverning na tions the republics the territories and the colonies makes possible their equality of status and enables them to advance in self government without violent constitutional changesn No matter what its present condition is politicaliyiin every country of the Common wealth there haveibeen planted seeds of freedomcivilization and culture To every countryuhderthe Crown have been carried freelrgutiohs andthe rule of law It is manifest that strong national feeling is not incompatible withfree association under the Crown This was nowhere more clearly shown than in the case of India About to become republic that countrypositively expressed desire remain afull member of the Commonwealth The OommonWealth over which the Queen reigns is far from perfect but ityis being constantly improvedbecause of criticism by its own people through their legislatures their press and their institutions Through out all its affairs blows the cleansing windof democracy based on freedom of speech of the press and of aspociatlon Having dedicated herself to maintenance of these freedoms the Queen received the Crown She received it as it wasgiven in spirit free from ancient grudges as the sym bol of her unity with her people and as an emblemof the unity of her people Long Live The Queenl Editorial Notes There would be less dying for ones coun try if there were moreling for ones countrL Walt Brian Therels nothing wrong with the idea of television people should learn where theswitch is thinks The Financial Post Af ter all the congenial hostdoesnt expect to whistle sing play solitaire listen to his radio spend the evening talkinggon the telephone or reading the newspaper and still think hes entertaining hisguests Yet the same person will pull the drapes douse the lighturn 0n the television set demand silence utter and complete exceptdurlng commer clals for the next two hours and think hes entertaining you We wish our hosts would realize that no mechanical device can relieve them of their social obligations in entertainment What mail thinks of himself that it is which determines or rather indicates his fate Henry David Thoreau Class Newspaper liiblislled Monday intrbcrwmggga Yicifrelldent nesday Friddy in Canada by RIVITI secretoryeuurr of not oimmww Ma inc319m mutton Division emu mm of ourom to or cameo draw an yellow Show Iir1mnmmmm Simcoe Cooniy Review Sincoo County Recrealitln 1952 AciiviliesShown al BDCI Gym For the review of the activities supervised by the Simcoe County Recreation Service Committee here during the past year the new gymnasium of did not have sufficient seating accommodation on Monday night May 25 for the attendance of representative crowd both urban and rural rousing singsong led by Mrs Gordon Todd with Mrs Stewart Page at tile piano covered range from Waltzing Matilda to This Canada of Ours new song by Pchy Philip with music of Robert Donnell Chairman Manford Horne Depu ty Rccve of Orillia Township and County representative on the Rc creation Board extended hearty welcome to all Miss Louise Collcy Recreation Director then announced over speaker demonstration offolk dancing by three groups from Bee ton Duntroon and Barrie The numbers were Simcoe County Barn Dance Red River Valley and Maitclltza The groups had been instructed sepplntely and yet had no uliiicullylin presenting ei ther group or ensemble dancing Deputy Reeve George Lisk of Te cumseth in presenting the annual financial statement called attention to the decided increase in the an tiviiies and in the area covered by the director and staff and pointed out that the county grant was the same as in 1952 notwithstanding the increased obligations The Service has been upheld and with small staff and other willing helpers who have been untiring in their effortgxand is filling place in community life of town and country which would be difficult to fill should that service be with drawn Chairman Horne also ad vised those interested to contact County representatives regarding support for the Recreation Services Present Financial Statement Receipts from all sources were $826838 which was County Coun cil $7000 from swimming classes day camps and play schools $65444 contributions from grOups both in and beyond the county $38199 registration for Leadership Schools $13630 and from recreation mater ials said $0565 However deficit from the previous year of $54059 leic only working total of $7 72779 Expenditures were Salaries for the regular staff and additional of fice assistance $4286 summer and special leadership $105970 travel ling expenses mileage only $97921 conference andtraining $50 books for sale $8778 affiliation with oths er groups $2766 programexpensesl $30961office expenses of supplies publicity postage telephone etc $133226 total $813222 This again leaves start the year of $40443 and the grant from Simcoe County was again $7000 only The County Council received however grant of $205210 from the Community Programs Branch oftthei Depart ment of Education which was based upon expenditures of the local ser vice the previous year leaving the actual amountlcontributcd by coun ty taxpayers this year at $594790 or approximately 05c per capita Calls 0n DirectorStaff To illustrate just what calls there are upon the director and staff puppet show was cleverly and ham orously presented by Mrs Todd and Miss Dorothy Lukes of Midland as sisted by Miss Rhoda Young The script was written by the pro ducersrwho abopnrade the puppets and put the idea over perfectlyr pile of the highlights was charming Irish dance by three littlg coleensin green and White with black bodicea tofthc lilt for the Irish WashWoman who iyere heartily cncorcd They were Lint daSirlipson Donna and Julie Cole of Anton Mills who were taught by Mrs Malachite To the importance bl swimming and instructions such as given by the organizatidn thre short skits Were presented First of thesorigin of swimmin shown by two Indians Jim Metoa fe fath er and Tony Fehreubach the son who as they proceede iutheir bile diinehsiorl canoe across the floorwgis advised by his father to navigate in the water like lull His response naturally was How ll bandit lie ed 10 tgrfather iii GM 63H thesecond skit year later was fail improved deficit to t0 the Barrie District Collegiate of two gay ninety swimmers Mrs Dwight Nelson and Ray Loughecd in laughable suits who touched the blue paper water with toes only and then sought wraps for fear of chill The third in the evolution was modern group of bathing beauties Mrs Taylor and Misses Phyllis Bauldry Joyce Gilpin and Kay Ves Demonstration in Camping An excellent dem nstration of recreation day campin was shown by two groups of young folks dir ccted by Group Leaders Misses Marie Burke Catherine Gasman and Joan Sarjeant giving idea of how games and studies are oom bined away from dusty towns and in woodland scenes The final skit was in MN parts shotving the uncertainfactions of group invited to shower for populor couple The scond part hives an idea of metamorphosis when the guests have taken So clal Recreation course This skit largely in pantomime was directed by Miss Rhoda Young with number of BDCI members English Dance 77 AnEnglish dance graceful and with swing was by BDCI girls lwith two variations Gathering Peascods and Merry Milkmaids demonstration of square danc ing was the concluding number to Texas Star Strip the Willow and Chasee Across Harman Leigh of Forest Home was violinist This number was for all join in Refreshments were served in the cafeteria after 1030 Miss Colley who announced the various members over the speaker interspersed many facts regarding the activities of the small group of Director and helpers with Mrs Burdette the efficient officesecre fury and of the many calls coming in steadily under the heading of Progress Report As more and morcpeople hear of the program more wand more calls come in from the largebrea served Advisory service is given as to the use of the facilities close at hand and to link up with the resourCes available on the county Province and Dominion level 380moDlticOutiined some of the duties are Corres poildence on many things regular newecasts to teachers bulletins members of Arts and Crafts As sociation loaning books and other ProvidsslSwimming Lessons and ma um cm wmlvwomw MISS FLORA PEACOCK instructs group of children from sis ThorntonCookstown district in swimming class at Imlisfil Park 1952 sponsored by Simcoe County Recreation Service These classes are conducted each summer in various parts of the county under direction of Miss Louise Colley SPICY DISIIES GUELPIl Ont tCP Among new industries here is one started by group of immigrants from Hungary who obtained provincial charter to establish food pro cessing plant canning specialty foods Their products are such Hungarian dishes as goulash and paprika chicken GUARD FORESTS MONTREAL CP MaiGen Howard Kennedy noted forest en gineer in statement issued by the Canadian Forestry Association here called for severe punishment of those who start bonfires in Can adzls forests He said vast forest areas are destroyed by relativc 1y small group of irresponsibles materials and acting as centre for distribution attending meetings and assisting groups in many ac tivities last year 144 such planning meetings were held and assistance also given on at least 35 County wide evcnts includingf The annual Quilt and Rug Fair Countywide Art Exhibit Inpicnics Arts and Crafts Weekends Community Life Conferences sponsoredby the Fed erationof Agriculture It Squib evident that large part the work is to combine with other organizations or to supply skilled leadership where needed In the past year these included Community Recreation Eveningsp Speaking engagements and discus sion leadership Arts and Crafts classesrswimming classes and Day Campslat 11 different rural centres swimming classes for adults at Bar dia Pool vvhcre 125 registercdfor instruction windjup life saving Desire Swimming Instruction The desire for the important swimming instruction has grown rapidly and there have been about 13 requests already for swimming instruction Then there is the pro blem of organizing day camps Leadership training is one of the most important jobsond during the past oyear they have had Social Recreation Courses at Cookstown Duntroon Beeton Elmvale Cold water and Barrie District Collegiate Institute cooperated with the Red Cross Society are Red Cross Instructors Course County Day Camp Leaders Course Tmining Coursefqr CGIT LaTlers and the Rug MakingWork shop Outside the Clergy Millbrook Ontario Athletic Training Camp Macdonald College Christmas iShort Course There are great benefits in lead ership training courses personally and for the community Theymul tiply effectivenessr County was Rural CRAIGHURST Attend Synod Rev William Newmannnd Slnton were in Toronto last week attending Synod mccting Baby Boy Born in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie son to Mr and Mrs Ar tllur Dunn on May 27 Best wishes Miss Mary Craig Barrie is vis iting Mr and Mrs Craig for couple of weeks Attend Wedding Mr and Mrs Roy McCrackcn attended the HutchinsonTerry wedding in Barrie on Saturday Mrs Sinton spent few days in Toronto last week Coronation Service Tile Coronation seIVIce in St Johns Church on Sunday was beautiful with music prayers and sermon fitting the occasion Miss Jean Richardson and Corliss Toronto spent the week end with Mrs Hodgson Mr and Mrs Harvey Baldwin and Miss Norlcen Dalston visited Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin on Sunday gt BUSYBEES CALGAR1ltCP Church work bees aremeiug held in restoration program for the Morley church weatherbeaten landmark on the CalgaryBanff highway since 1875 Rev John McDougall pioneer Pro testant churchman of the Alberta plains was instrumental in its on icinaLcoasfulctiou lCelebraiions For Coronatlon Take Place at Goldwater Diztrlct Cocoa held here Tuesday ve urn provldili miles from nizdriignt gram included paradi of schcol children Scouts and iilll =rll groups and floats cd by 314 land Bugle Band With pause for iservice at the Cenotaph llere ii Zaddress was given by Rev ECraven Falrvalley ASSiSZlIlg won chv Charles Carter who admin listrcd mass oath of alltglnllu lifty ll Dick Roy Climllilzi land llcv ngby Fflfil Browl fuss parade marshal At the Community Contlc grounds there was compelliin singing by schools Sports and lliI Icc crialn for thi children The fair grounds were the 5cm in the evening of ii Scout prngrmu followed by human fire dance in Mannings Hall the evening rounded out the pilll oiic obscrvanccs 7L CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 2414 All my mail if bulu Need MONEY for bills Get NIAGARA FRIENDLY LOAN ghethcr you need $100 or or moreyoull nd Niagara loan can be quick convenientand you chooscl the payment plunl 011 loans to $1000 you get protective lifeinsurance nt no extra costl YOU PAY 555 FOR MANY FRIENDLY LOANS No of Payment IAGARA FINANCE COMlIANY LID mm mum WIN What In The Wilson Building eoswrncc subunitme Crawfords Est 1919 MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Government Municipal and Corporation Securitii Dunlap Sireeij Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Win levitate Have TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Accepi our friendly challenge Initial JP Youlldrivc longer or less with new Reliance cardiac NewReliance Is the Weve ever marketed Not ust Infill mil collarsbut lin itllmgarolhg Make the romantics test you be convinced new Reliance Ives vane Sim STARTSuNcw rigid controlled mean easier cold engine starts greater freedom from vapor ll ACCEIIIAHONa iCWWVWQ of your Nowumlioo soar wavumumgl volatility factors IEIIIItEoIsouIE IIWAvs BETTER cnglne When you need his yours with new Reliance gasoline suicm fWAIinLursh thoroughlywarmcdtup engine In far less time reater econoiil and less risk of Engine strain touoili museum in vol further for less withgnm Reliabce Start proving3 that how Tank up with new Reliance 10day with EISIIz page Coke MQx Authorizedwa oi cumin gm PENETANG BOTTLING co LIMITED constancy Ontario 51W 1mm mm thorium Si