Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1953, p. 1

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no maximum would MONDAYW murmur Rahalcm Sowing TEE TOWN OF BARRIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE Since 1364 1831119 Examinpr Miami on as MR Irmmomm Wt 0h l4 PugesLleo Jo Witness Coronation Parade In 9v IV gt mum cm mm OfWNO 64 jUNE l9 or Wm gt Ti BARR Hi IE CITIZ Legionorganized parade in fitting demonstration of loyalty lto the newlycrowned Queen Although the afternoon parade was the highlight of local Corona lion fcsrivitios the real excitement of the occasion began in the very early hours of Tuesday morning when in many homes throughout Barrie families gathered around their radios to hear the BBC re layed program of what was hap poning in London England Weather Perfch Fortunately the weather licrc Ewas absolutely perfect with brill lianl sunshine and trace of slight breeze The town was gaily decoratcd with the Union Jack sllying from many locations in the business centre and with these Imingled what has now become an other wellknown flag here in Bar rie the perpendicular striped red wliitc and blue centennial flag Although 11ch with the task of arranging all the participating or ganizations into one united whole the local branch of the Canadian Legion coped with the situation admirably Full credit is due to those veterans for the immense amount of work they put into see ing that fitting observance of the Coronation was arranged The brunt of the work in connection with the actual arranging of the was supplied by two fine parade fell on SgtMajor James Ross parade marshal and Thomas Burton assistant parade marshal By the time the rst groups to take part in the parade arrived at Queens Park the ground had been marked off showing the loca tion of the different contingenla which were taking part Lead Parade The Barrie Citizens Band smart as ever under the direction of Bandmaster Joe McNeillie led the procession as it moved off from the Park and up Parkside Drive large contingent of Canadian Legion members veterans of both world wars followed next with the different hues of some of the berets lending colorful touch to the paradc They were followed by the SimeoeDistrict veterans Also in this section of the parade were representatives of the Barrie Fire Department With the re truck accompanying them Local fraternal and service Or ganizations followed representing the Knights of Columbus Allan dale True Blue Lodge and Barrie and Allandale Orange Lodges The womens auxiliaries came next Sea Cadets of gtRCSCC Barrie were next in the parade followed Several hours after Queen Elizabeth II was crowned yester day in Westmiuistcr Abbey thousands of Barrie citizens spir itually spanned the thousands of miles which separated them from what had become the focal point of attention for the entire world and turned out to line the route of the Canadian by mobile Army unit and con tingent of Barrie and Allandale Boy Scout lroops Girl Guides were next in line The reserve army was followed by the Infantry Bond recently returned from Ger many and then an army contin gent from Camp Bordon The RCAF were the next service rep rescntalives in the parade followed by caricls of 102 Moose Squadron The BDCl band resplendent in their white and red drum was foll owbd by students from the Colle giate St Josephs High School the Barrie public and separate schools and children from rural schools in the district representing Oro 8553 Sunnidale Vespra and Innisill Also taking part in the the day then thanked all those who had taken part In the parade and went on to Introduce the members of he plalform party During the time in the arena scl odious were played by the Citi vice Mayor Hart gave brief address in which he referred to the imI parlance of the occasion George Johnston MPP for Simcoe Cen Ire also spoke briefly on all that was represented by the Coronation and the effect it had on the lives of everyone The service was con ductod by the Rev chencicr Wright Trinin Anglican Church and padre of the local branch of the Legion Prayer For Quecu The padre then led the prayer for the Queen on the occasion of her Coronation God who hast set forth in thy Holy Scripfures the only Rulo by which Christians may live and Princes reign Grant that our Queen Elizabeth being devoutly mindful parade and being on duty at the same time were SI John Ambul ance members float was used to convey Boer War veterans and disabled servicemen Crowds Gather Crowds had gathered at the park to see the parade begin and the roule along Ross and Collier Streets was also flanked by spec tators The parade turned in front of the Municipal Building gaily decorated for the occasion and down Mulcaster Street turning west along Dunlop Street The crowds were even larger in this section of town all the way along to the Arena His Worship Mayor James Hart took the salule on special reviewing stand which was erected near the Ceno taph norm Office Squares He was attended by Sea Cadet Air Cadet BDCI Cadet and Boy Scout Marching to the strains of the martial music playedgby the different bands the contingentzir rived at the Arena where large crowd had gathered to witness the arrival of the differen sections of the parade and lat to take part in the Divine vice which was conducted Service Ii Arena special platform gaily be decked in red white and blue had been placed on the oor on the east side 6fthe building Directly behind is sat the spectators while the presentatives who took part in parade were seated across atthe other side of the arena Boy Scouts acted as ushers and handed out the programs containing the order of the service Alderman Bibby chairman of the Canadian Legion committee which made the arrangements for of thy Law and Gospel may ever find therein revealed true wisdom the royal Law and the lively Ora cles of God through Jesus Christ thine only Son our Lord who with thee and the Holy Spirit liver laud reigneth ever one God world without end Amen Lord and heavenly Fat the exalter of Ibo humble the strength of ill Chosen by anointing with oil didst of make and consecrate kings rests and prophets to teach an govern thy people lsrael BlesS and sanctity thy chosen servant Elizabeth at this time to beinoinied with oil and consecrated Queen strengthen her Lordwith the Holy Ghost the Comforter confirm and stablisn her with thy free and princely Spirit the Spirit of wisdom and government theSpin of molar and might the Spirit of know lodge and true godliness and fill lier Lord with the Spirit of flu holy fear now and for even through Jesus Christ our Lordw Amen Thou who art the Way the Truth and the Life Look merciI fully upon thy servant Elizabeth whom thou hast set to be Queen over this Realm and Common wealth provide her with all she may need for her ministry among us strengthenv her to meet every demand whichlier high office may make upon her bless her in her home and farrlily and grant that being obedient to thine examplel Fairientive to thy word and re spBive to thy grace she may enjoy true happiness here on earth and in the world to come the vision of thy glory who fyvith theratherv and the Holy Spirit livest andl reignest one God world without end Amen Turn to page two please Impressive Coronation Ceremonl In honor of the Coronation of Ker Majesty Queen Elizabeth II an impressive joint Canadian Armypand Royal Canadian Air Force parade was arranged yesterday at Camp Bordenby Colonel Clark DSO CD Commander Camp Borden and Group Captain Syme MBE Commanding Officer RCAESIation About 5000 residents of Camp Borden and the neighme ing communities witnessed the colorful parade of about 7000 soldiers airmen and airwomen at the RCAF tarmac along vfith iCamp Borden Cadets Girl Guidesaud Brownies Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs The Salute was taken by Air 90m modore Brown CD fromRCAf Training Command Headquarlzcrs Trenton Two Fin Bands bands the lat Canadian Infantry Battalion Band of Camp Borden recently formed thereunder the direction of Capt James Gayfer andth RGAF Station Borden Bond consisting oi drums Vtrurnpets glooliensvpiels and the newly added bagpipc gction Ihis is volum ieer bandmf station personnel Ai 1030 Air Commodore Bmwn arrived accompanied by Colonel Clarkanxl Group Captain Syme and obey tool places on we salut Tinn base The General Salute was pfayed by the RCAF Band and giv enby all troops on parade with spectabors standing The joiniguard oflmnor of Army and Air Force was inspected by the Air Corrmmdore after which the Royal Sliandard was unfurled in honor of lier Majority and the slow moving jeep Royal Salute was given by all troops on parade The Infantry Band then played God Save the Queen and the Royal Standard was slowly lowered the Union Jack raiSed in place of the Royal Standard The honor parity moved on to die salurtingplwtflgrm and the parade ranks were inspected by the Air Coxmiiodgre by meansof Air Conunodore Brown was ac companied by Colonel Clark Gnoup Gawain Syme and also the parade commander Colonel Cam eronltDSO ED officer command ing the Royal Canadian School of huunnry at Camp Borden wasplnyed by the Band and the Infantry Band alIternately the lattergivinga very oppressive ren dition odliarrdotlMe and Glory Address by Air Commodore Air Gmnnmdore Brown As ArmyROAF Pay Queenllomage who received hiswings in 1926 at Camp Bordri gave an address suilable to the occasion HE topic wusthe Coronation and its signi ficance He plaid tribute to Her Majesty in fitting manner on behalf of the Canadian Army and Royal Canadian Air Force Immbdiafcly after the address BF100 jet aircraft fmim mirth Bay RCAF station made two passes over the field at terrific speed and there was an impressive display by lOHarvumh from theCenIralia Station The first pom had nine of them inntight formation of threes Ihefloihraircrat joined chem to the north undone group returned in marvellous formation past of the entire parade which took ammuwugne sal ute taken by Air Commodore Brown Pamde order was as followsy filoinl Guard of Honor Royal Can adian Animuredboms Royal cam adian School of infantry Rnyol Canadian army Service Corps school Royal Canadian Army Medical mrpsSchool lip as warm Omnmny Royal canadianEnginI ears lsi Carnelian Signal ashlight No 54 Transport Cmnpany ounce and adlan Air mime Armor Cam can Gumerwnieo Wait cubs and Boy Scouto Followlm the much Millie paradeugio own lines ip Camp Borden put Tom tom wormn zens Band prior to the actual serl tshelloyal Oan bosva armour In Honor of NewlyCrowned Queen This was followed by the march

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