HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN CARRIE BE SURE TO SEE IT ONLY MORE DAYS Wednesday Thursday heartwarming present your down of downs in his hit of hits story of tunster and youngster SE EVE SHOWS 650 AND pm iINE tREIR lIII nuiimi PLUS CARTOON OTHER TREATS CONTINUOUS SHOWS SAT 230 pm EVENING SHOWS 650 and pm BIG TECHNICOLOR THRILLER FILMED IN THE DANGER INFESTED WILDERNESS OF GEORGIAS OKEFENOKEE SWAMPLANDS first contact betWeen man lindfwomaii Be boundarievsvi disappgaid navel iBe zyund its IJOIIIIBISSOJEIII lived as site might have ftp be senagllai IIIREIIIIOER PLUS FOX NEWS COLOUR CARTOON IEIII PETERSiiirimiunirImmersion ENTERTAINMENT LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY ROBT CUMMINGS BARBARA HALE inTHE FIRST TIME aISO SUPER 1in FEATURE 2nd hit ALASKA PATROL THURSDAYAFRIDAYSATURDAY manhunt 11in IVESrs no COUNTRY gull SAW WEEKEND PROGRAM CONTINUOUS snows ON SATURDAY 230 pml EVETSHOWSTT S45 and9 Afloat ITHAT GANG STARTS THIS MONDAY IIANOIHER GRAND DOUBLE BILL 2ndHiI IAITHFUL CITY ilIOIIS PlAIEIS HIRE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT EVENINGHOWS M7 835 For MoVie MerryGo DAYS STARTING THIS FRIDAY lSwimming Classes lAt Bardia Pool Finish Tomorrow Elli Earrirjlix sponsored by hr Siziicuc Count WEDNESDAY MAY 20 l953 Emitter Section ZmPoges In I5 Tim ll3illillti angsts being tliccrcation Svrvzcc and the Barrie la spccial night of fun taziaurrow For tltc fint part of the Evening liliiill 730 pri wiii lbc fiii hillbillJtlllf fa tltosc Exvlio iii taking lilo Instruc limb or pitparing for the litd CrOSS swnniinng tcsis la p1hclLSt From 53 to 930 pin an iifuiizil SWiIIl lao Brutd of Directors of trio in iiziit Willi wants for iicgin cliiliiiens Azd ty of Summit nvrs and more advanced swimmers ifouizty incl for their ilikcuill take place monthly meeting Barrie Illlltcloi Rad iisick Flora Inhidzl 5l3 13 Mack and Dung KVML Wm Vlillvt cominittccs mot prccccing prisent It providp 21ll if in 11 Imam well SlitIClitilt and fun for all Human inunlnfm chairman John Any 5l11llllhllld About adults and low high 13m jub climmwtmn and school leltltlllS Illiitltttl luvelllshluiy scales in cuiiipaizsozi to lIVL llttll cnrollcd iii lllcsv swimt imp paid by Ugh mum lni 11114 tllt=fiigt llTMMLHHLII him iiiriiiticc in coiiiLincd Willi tho oven Lot ii ago of swmul mm Uf Stuff yumCy and tiring Tlli ladiis iii tlic bruiiincisl this means in ocmty 11 cl haw inadc great stratus and continuity and quality of erIcz their Instructor Vlitis Peacock islto clients and also cost of proud to lllllltlilllttdllill all of tlilil training new pcrsuiincl Vllil tlic largc gioup can now limit and tho 11ml dildfll allllill illitk majority can liloiiil llltlIlStIVUD iiillill11i 111k SlllliiiUll tinmph ma Wm Tizilf Tim commith rcportcri pro and hope to prcsciit tliczr iimiings after anotlicr mceting and ionfficucc with Im omini Ice Man IS Members of the Personnel Coin From Georgian Bay The body of John McKim 72 zillia Wright olliiigwood was rccovcrcd from Georgian Bay Mrs Hiscux Collingwood mile below the locks at Port Capt Bell Midland Severn Saturday noon Mr Mc Calvert of Port hlcNicoll Kim Toronto resident who owncd cottage on chcrn Lakc Port SCVOIH Aillll drowned when his outboard motor Service was airlinng for May 30 boat was carried over the dam at at 130 pm III the Ralph Day fun rural chapel Danfortli Avenue Tor soiito with interment to takc placc fill St Johns Cemetcry Norway lhnincdiaicly surviving is ll William MCKlm ofjioronto iw Airing Ul llll gross lvr Barric anp 1I Robert King Barrie Mrs Stewart Barrio Mrs Ruth iIISURANCE AGE may 39 Ducopsl it nulls 1205 DIAL 4427 toe1Rgm Loyal True Blue Hall High St Friday 8I5 pm 15 Games 259 gt Registration at St NIarys Registration for BEGINNDRS will be held at ST MARYS SCHOOL illiiiim zxmyibm FEATURE gTHEEASTSIDEKIDS CARTOON STEAW COTTON $300 $350 $395 $195 $295 $350 STETSDN PANAMA $595 WORK STRAWS 60c $125 CAPS 15ch0 $195 Mens andBoyI Wear 55 Dunlop SL Barrie DONT WORRY Use our low cost insurance pol icy to guard against disaster we have policy to fit your budget Come in today We will be glad to explain it to you Let us worry for you Miilcomsons Insurance Agency 41 Dunlop Locatedvjust south ofharricvon Ouncession 14y between highway 11 andfnew fourlmmr Sunday May 24 230 to 5pm fail FINANCE CHAIRMAN INFORMSI CHILDRENS AID SOCIETY EXPENDITURE UP OVER I952 Finance Initth arc Azijo Staynci Ciit Allistun son inonibcrs lltltliillxl cun Lzxa CV tarts illlctl iigtilar tunic to Thu book Diilqlltz mu 3155 Dortlia Jackson Managing Director in prewating her fitiii Lc pint tXlllhllltll this litIiviir iXpillv iiiiiri by saying that Il cliildrcn cl idmittcii in tlii pay care of Soc tillliilg January riiaiy ilarcii April llizs IT niorc tlllltlltJl pay cam than for the azizc period libl ycar Miss lllillllitl litLiiisc of parcnis tlzan licraiisc llltllltil ll pziictit or bucac iiii lttl parcni was unable to mount lul zicr cli thn asiiuii llll she incant by llfltlititllilc pamnts Miss Jackson id she meant parcntt who were lllllitiftl In capacity and worn lllti0 lorc iiniiiziturc or iiicapiiblc and also parvnls who through citlici lack of training for marriage and parenthood and tlicir lack of dcsiic to learn were failing to assumir tiic normal parciital rcsponsiblily of piovrdiiig adcquatc care and train ing and wcrc soinutimcs failing to give tlicir cliildrcii that sense of being loved and vaiitcd that is so ESSttllliIl to the Vcllbcliig and growth of any child Thai is why Miss Jackson said slic was so glad in see that board and thc spccial project llltt Iil coniniittce wore making study of thc scrvicc policics of the society It is our priscnt policy that cvcry ctfort must bu made to keep child ircn within their own homes and illlllllLS and to help parents dc Alliston vclop their own capacities and personalities that they will be able to build and maintain adequatc homes and family life foi thcii lcliildrcn The nch for family sol cial cast work has bccn steadily increasing and this past winter the staff has been taxed in nicct the demand The special project committee consists of Earl Richardson Bar rie Rev Lewis Barrie Mrs Moore Midland Lavigne Midland Rcv Fathcr OIIVCr Mal Oiicy Barrie Mrs Drcnnan Rcv Matthews Orillia Rev Muir Bar ric Chalmers Gorsline Coiling wood Latimcr Alliston and John Cowan Midland This committee is under the chairmanship of MrsD OSullivan Social Worker ofCOllingwood and on Tuesday last studied the prob 1cm of Alcoholism as it contrib uted to the situation in three homes which nally necessitated the lCl moval of the children from the home and care of the parents Next month the committee will do vote its attention to Inadequate Housing as contributing factor The committee hopes to bring in report to the board on the protection services and the usr made of community resources in demand for and adequacy of our treatment and the possible need Dial 3135 for new or increased resources EVERY THURSDAY MARKET BLDG MULCASTEH ST BOY SCO UT TOIIIIIIII EIiiiiii Mill ll 46550 IIII II MICKEY RODNEY ANNE JAME ITS THE FASHION Willl5 mam423 TIIQ Girl Who root The West Coloer YVONNE DECARLO CHARLES COBURN SALVAGE COLLECTION pitiiiiiiza IN THE AFTERNOON snows Nauru Jack NixonTops WHERE CIVILIZATION ENDS AND ADVENTURE BEGINS OUTPOSI in MllLIIYIl LAST SHOW SsSHOOH ING TONITE mm 7m Keep it between you and this wise old Stork Lets not give away what happened when Corporal Dolan took 3000 mile trip on weekend pass CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY AFTER 200 pm Rm ugw WESTERII TH 36 30V WmMbMW roam from MID DALE EVANS oil ESIEIIIA RODRIGUEZ PM MIDI and i0 WllLIItIi and THE RIDERS OF THE PURPIE SAGE STARTS THURSDAY NIGHT PRICESADULTS 40c Mns SWeepslakeg Holiday Weekend Barrie Country Club champion Jack Nixon showd brilliant form over the holiday weekend towin the mens sweepstake honors with low netOf 71 over 18wholesi Nixon blazed E74 gross IPEIIII REPUBLIC PRODUUIOII KMI tawn Din PM CHILDREN l5c Incr TAX SecondTo Nixon was Ken Balkf will while Paul Mcger andlibb Chihtickvtied for third low net over 18 holes Wilmer Rowell carded first low not over nine holes The Am major event is stated for Sunday MayOl whenthe an Dual county mens invitatlom tourn ament is staged at Oriliia HOwevcr the men are planHinge stag nine bolas for the local course this coming Saturday angers noon