annual recital by piano and who c4 Miss Jessie Bryx hon presented in the Home Collegiate Auditorium on Tuesday evening May 11 to lsrgel and appreciativ audience Rte delightful and varied proi gram reected the thoroughnch ul the training given by the teacher During the program Miss Bryson was presented with litlltlllltll bos ket oi American Beouty roses and nLvo lovely basin of Shasta tsisics and snapd articipalcd LTllbt Jean Lamont Jo Anne Hook and lVlLl Synnott played pLano quartet Jomenti Musical by Scliutwri In the advanud work there were two brilliant piano duos Miss ens and Ellis Brysou March Militziire ziiid llgtlt 131 wt playul Surf Cunningham Kathleen Ow played The Scnubsz lnr and John Dust by Chml would be dztticul special liltll1ti ing part lence of cvcr in th piano Solis Alloson Shirley Rial Mann ric ltl letia Milligan to Illet The local branch of The Bank of Toronto has udvbcd that Royal Assent has been given to change in the Farm Improvement Loans Act whereby the limit loans has been increased to $4000 The top limit farmer could borrow under the act previously was $3000 The other provisions of the min which was originally passed int 19 to aid Canadian farmers both owners and tenants remain un changed Funds provided on loant through chartered banks under the Farm Improvement Loans Act can he used for practically any lmi provement to arm property and to purchase of electrical equip ment trucks tractors combines and long list of farm implelt ments Household equipment such as relrigerators washing machines etc which case the work in the am home can be purchased too Luxury items such as radios tele vision sets ctc do not qualify Under most classications of this act iarmers provide onethird of the articles purchase price in cashz the balance is provided by Farmi Improvement Loan The bank points out that among the advant ly tages of this provision is ing charges on nanced equipment 561 BPbtleCk the lowf interest rate which obviates carryl car sideswiped OllEdlVE In the vocal work two delightful toms ware Barcomllcf from the T3395 ct Hoffman by Misses Sylvia and Edith Kell and You are Free from the opercis Apple Blossoms by Betsy Boyes and Keith Smith Miss Jean Langmuir sang the charm ing Tales from Vienna Woods Tornn Surriento in Italian was pleasing taint by Keith The pupils taking part in the iro cm were as follows Clair Edmonton Judi Liimont Douglas Logan Joyce Morrow Jon FLll JoAnn Fodder Winston Jcan Graham Nettie Joyce Gregory Gary liitt JoAnne lloolt Carl linin ilton Karen Short Junrt Andrew Wavnc llughcs Sandro McMann Dori Foil Dorothy Fort Dennis Bum Sylvza Syrinott Ruth Prcs Mae Primer Kiichcnsr Foil Mavzs szns Eien Slessor Allen Cowan Mary Colbert Dennis Thompson Sheila lltive J1th Cunningham Yvonne Edith Kell Sylvia Kell stn Kr pp Jack Groves Mrs war Lorna Cumming latsv Boycs Kayo Parnell Audrey Millimn Joan Langmuir Kathleen gt7 lltllIlL Saunders Fran liny Parnell Keith 0tillt Yolerm Dexter Shirley Kell Mr and Mrs Put ODonell Tor onto spth the weekend with Mr und Mrs Peacock Mr and Mrs Pearson spent the veekendiwith Mr and Mrs Edwin Pearson and family Newmurket Home From Toronto Mrs Joseph Gordon has returned home from Toronto alter spending few days with her soninlaw and daughter in Toronto Mrs Aibertv Gibbs Toronto spent few days at her parental home here Mr and Mrs William Moore To ronto spent the weekend at their home here in Everett Mrs Florence Kelly spent the weekend at her here Mr and Mrs Delmar Thompson Toronto spent low days with Mr and Mrs James Peacock Conned To Bed Sorry to report that Wilkin son is conned to bed with chest cold and we all wish him speedy recovery Accident 011 Hill There was at accident on the hill on the 3rd line near yan Lorees northwest of Lisle recent Henry Choquette and family 2had narrow escape when their by Stan No one was Toronto home Ioneporouski of Lisle IN TWO WEEKEND AUTO ACCIDENTS In two motor accidents in Cold water district on the holiday week end all participants escaped with shaking up although both mis haps coultichave proVed serious it not fatal car driven by Morris Barron of Clarens Ave Toronto rolled over ot curve on the road mile south of Severn Falls on Saturday ought Also in the auto were Miss Nancy Kinnear 0t Matchednsh township and Charles McLean of Toronto Damage of $400 or more was caused to the car William Fisher 36 of Leamlng ton drove into bridge near Honey Harbour Thecther occu pant of his car was William Hebert of Kitchener About $200 damage was done to the bridge and ap proximately $300 damage to the auto Provincial Constable Jock Sltep herd of Victoria llarbour detach ment investigated both accidents injured but both cars were dam aged to some extent lolice from Alliston investigated New HomeThree Weeks Den Boer is moving this week to his new home built in less than three weeks The home consists of live rooms completely plastered inside with bath and pressure water system which can be built for approximately $3500 This is the tlrsthutch home to be built in Everett and Mr Boer is to be congratulated on his achieve mcnt Have Coke Cole is ugitlerod Iladaimark mm mun ComCola and 0mm ui muCol ua Penetang Bottling Co LIMITED Penetang Phone440 96 cu mpdciW lot Deeptreezelmtrlgerdtm ind brin It Will delightyon the prim willylouo you REFRIGERATOR and RANGE Aim index or SMA ark aboutnur Special deal on Wide lection oi Min Radius LAPPLIANCES After Hounv Phone 84164 BACTORS submitted his Graham who came here from Jar ever saw son ratt three years ago has acceptcdl position with the Orillia Publicluck School Board Resignation of Miss Iris Board from the local staff had Prlncipal Realms Last week Lorne Graham prinion record cipal Goldwater Public SChOGlitl the web Mrzng day ot the good catches still Ella and Glrdm gallows 0b LE to Godlome llav brtdvc got lllS ldllicd their quota of trout llllElfg shing in the Goldwater River out Whtmmc the weekend near Clarence Waik om resignation been received previously Entries For Musical Festival total 143 entries was rcl ccivcd tor the Goldwater and disf triet public school music festival Church when the local vies augurated there were Speclal Mission Service on May 27 lest influx of shermen and visitors Gtfgt weekend Fishingpv zit last trout shermen ers farm Anglican Church evening tival was inltor conrmation of candidate of clzugn ll2 cntrieslollowitig the service there will ibc reception in the parish hall those Ioi the Bishop and Rev Craven Fairvalleyconrmpd Sunday cceded to the parish hall whereimymg 15 hostess Rev llowson Canada missionary or many years gave an illustrated talk Tea was Auxiliary Largest Inux of Anglers cottagers agreed that or the 24th holiday Port Severn had its largiM Fordomalic Drive Overdrlve and whitesidewall tires optional at extra cost com Awaitmin ort titanium mu Moroainu aJgtmwmm western snry lliltr of Victoria ole was not good Open3119 pickerel season how are 11 Bishop Here May On May ill Rt Rev Ell Wilki inson Condjutor Bishop oI Toronto to be held in Coldwoter United will be Coldwaters St Matthiag ban con Last year qs peak iternoon Mayi 9r 5999 mlssun the BMW will be in Waubu to vlgigr servxce at St Matthias Anglican 511 when he mu be mmrmauy arifrgglui Ra dllllggiilllfidgsls Church last Sunday evening AXtCrIicceived at the home of Capt Brucogc Ff he SQFVICQ congregation prOEA xiuhons Nth In llllllla till llll ldllLLb 0V Church Services On May 24 Rev Rom Coinmingrncnr Suted at the close by the Woman EM Comwmcr Wm preach at Port $13de tMcNicoll United Church anniver Occupying the load United Resort operators and long time Church pulpit will be Rev Roberti hold in no church Lu1 follow Harbour On mg th eo ony try 17 the United Church here marked Rural Life Sundayt 133$ 3635s Ellants Sheet showed gln the absence oi Mrs Lloyd LethlAUdrls la book value 341350 was erby the organist was Mrs Epi 3533 by 7359 mwuifh an addition to the butzdtngs and equip lettJ merit making total bark mine couan 51279359 Aer giving fume toads on these improvements is staicd an estimated in Equip COW GI 51mm aumgzs 391 men for the home was understomt port for the year ending to be Obmimd BuitJLngs and equipment 19 the home are insured for swim bylaw was approved Nov Continue Search Search continued this week for than 75 trad CPR who appeared at For McNicoll on 1952 came the pres at tneC water News his week The auditors imam the Warden and members of County Council that nominal value of $13500019qntor renovations to the older ascribed some years ago to the land buxlcmgs of the home at cost of and buildings of the court house 5510009 Th 001105 Share registry office and jail remains on the cost wpuid be likely to changed For insurance purposes be levied or in l933 these buildings and equipment have New road fqtlfpnfut costing 514 been valued by county ofcials at 000 and $9824 In for additional to forcstatton pftptffllcti wyre provul $l97000cm increase of SIOSAOtluver the amount imured at Dec 31 ed tor in the currem years levy 1951 The Home for the Aged which inMnym FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson RD OPTOMETRIST at Some uts Phone Wire having Saturday noun fisherman at line lanyrd in overhead and cutoff phone llorbor until Bli Telzplmne liznrnan separatch wiles Birth of Daughter Ltzti rclatttes and girth have ltzLling Mr and Mrs on the birth itjduli3 lioyol Victoia llupl il on May 13 1033 TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD servictg lonl Roi new Berryloverlng The marriage was pertonned in NCh011ttiirig Ctuglir of Mr and Mrs lFiank Lovering Barrie to Bruce llllllltl Bil1y oi Surniq son of Mrs Berry and the lute Elmer James of Hanover Principal t1t znzm Snyder of Hanover and llifti lttlll Kantom tfl of Sudbury tCttZltgtll was and OPTOMETRISTS DUNLOP STREET BARR ONTARIO STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS FOR APPOINTMENT room 3338 WmmVW Mr and Mrs sciVice Berry will reside in iSnrnia CRESTLINE VICTORIA tJ The best way to measure Fords dollarforddlar value to compare it featureforfeature with other cars that cost as mach or more We think youll be surprised at what youll nd For example youll discover that Fords StrataStar llOHp V8 engine is the kind of engine youve always associated with the most eitpensive cars that it delivers the kind of power and smoothness you never hoped to fn car thats priced as low aerollgnyou try out Fords relaxing Wonder Ride youll immediately sense that big car feeling thats so satisfying to driver When you take into aocount Fords choice of Fordomatic Overdrive or SynchroSilept transmission no other car at any price can offer moreand realize how many attractive extra features Ford includes like Full Circle Visibility CentreFill ucling KeyTurn Starting and foam rubber seats well then youll understand why more and more motorists are making Ford their new rst choice llYourVFord iMonarch Dealer It gt