ANNUAL BIGBARGAIN EVENT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY An annual event Zellers famous May Sale is festival of Special Values for SmartbThrifly Shoppers Come early and have your pick Willi WLllt what rinlnoltiiz SIZES T0 ii risp cotton Ellil 39 ULESICS ill 1015 SUN suns SPECIAL 67c $1211 Soil ilvltl ltil pushl blue 1111zzrd up Hitlit out unsc sliuiz purs Mens tor um SMALL MEDIUM LARGE SIZES Summcrwcight cottomknit ShhLs in urncck SletVf lcsx style Shorts to match have full elastic VJis doublc pllfl front and elaslic inserts tor extra coni forl While liatllock sums SIZES 6X Boqutypi iilins of Sllll Texas Denim Littlu gillS iinti Litlo lioyx TOTS DENIM IIIIIIIs scrum 133 lti1fiii1iii ltiliJlltll ill tins low moneysaving price Lliunii l7llllllllv to gv Surnnitr supply THE ARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDA MAY curs ENGLISH BONE CHINA Graceful ziizipcs irid dainty colouring in great variety at Silitldi 2oiic10w price or liis bi solos uvonti Grand for your own 210nm Grand for vmvrmo 137ch CHILDRENS ANKLErs 15111361111 17c Pr SIZES Tl llayorpkcolton mixture with Iiialli ting luslcx tops Tlasstd as subs but practically low loss WllllL postol blue pink Inuio gtzLcn rod nuvy brown Worth buying by the hulldozen ill 115 priccl SllitTll 21 by 36 ins COL ton Limp lliiizs with rubberiz ctl iiziilts so theyll stay put Sillllll lnr lllL Summer col ooHnwezzr cottonknit underwear in fancy mil ibiry rib Shirt is uneck sleeveless style liutchin Shorts havelwocolour rustic at wrist ribth let openings Flintlock seams While tugs lilzirooii lCLl grey rose blue Slllllilll iiiirii lilliilZLS 37c 20 BY 30 lNS White with bright red or blue borders Stock up at lhis price gt SPECIAL SPEElill TERRY Towns IiiRY 28 limblcfnhsarhcm oiioiitcriy Towels in attractive solid shades including flamingo green blue gold rose Buy sup ply at this moneysaving Price SPECIAL SUMMER SHADES Full lush ioned drcsssheer and ankle fluttering with tailored heels dark scams Crisp straw braids Dainty lace Perl pidueirilillbox bonnet and sailor styles trimmed with velvet and veiling White wheat navy pink blue lilac Feature Value 298 CLEARANCE DRESSES lill lilTS TEENS wonderful saving for the warmer weather girls dress MOTHERS Why bother sewing when you can get bar es sizes to 6xlVdriOus styles in popularcottons and gains in childrens dresses like these PicolayCris crisltay with short sleeves and gay designs kay Chambray Sizes to 12 24m 299 STORE HOURS WEDNESDAY him am 12 NOON THURSDAY FRIDAY 910 SPECIAL AN FEATURE BUYS ALARMCLOCK inadc in England Reliable movement Goodlooking ivory enamel finish Special 49c curtain Feature Iv CUTLERY TRAY plastic Compartments for flattiiare of different sizes Red yellowsFeatuielz 393 WASTEPAPER BASKET metal with coloii ful lithogiaphed designs Sturdy goodlooking useful Special Goods SATISFACTORY or your Money returned SPECIAL mom 5125 I2 To 52 THE LOVELY FETAL CREPE DRESSES in popular ad hardtofind sizes including hallsizes May suepulled for the Smart aim Thrifty Styles as shown in attractive prints and colourings Come sec them Timely moneysavers iLASTIC SHOWER CllRTAIN SET 7259 72inch shower curtain and 22by54inchwindow SIZES 12 T0 20 ofsanf0rlzetl Texas denim Blue with orange stitching Double seams Slide laslener at side Specially low prlced for May Sale noun coIIIlIIE ions iiCUP TEAPOT brown earthenwarewitlinondrip spoutegc Canadian Madefhck on lid Feature SElAL SECAL SPECIAL DAINTY IIALFISLIP Rayoff IANTIEBRIEFS LBcehim PLgSiEf Corrou NlGllllES PLlSSEf COTTON EYJAMASg trlmiiied withnet nylon and ed pinkmalze withjpa LLadiesi showslnve twin colourful embroidered detail Ted Class and Ship tuned yoke Trimmed with Ilo wriiIesmaiimeaium1iigeEx me Chm braidand ribbon bow nm mum mam caption valuhnd mime from white rosew pastel bind men5311 Easy 10 human White pink pastel blue maize for your Summer needs maize Smallmedium large Small modium large Small medium large 3PC RANGE SET Vsaltpepper slidkeriiand large ered jarfor graseor leftovers Ivory glass williyiliiioltrlm Boxed Feature PICNIC BAgxiii rmtal inweave design lthylilbyl insUseful for food storage lioo Easy to clean Fgature SPECIAL 297 Pr RAYON pABQUISETm cur tain Panels 42 by ins Tailored style with neat hems at sides Eggshell peachbloom white rose mute pale neon pastel blue cIIIIrIIIIIIIII mmcn Cotton Magnum patterned in cheery kitchenlight colours amino Plastic with salttrilllbtlrder Pretty oral patterns tom vast variety of colours lure value 315 fSPECIALT2 ill0m ELI30mm 10me him slice Movu typo 01mins SUNGLASSES SPECIAL 57c Antiinfra lenses with al tractlvle twotone names At this low price youlL want more than one pair tor fsimiitt eyeprotection from the summer sun TbrssnoRTs 227 FEATURE MEI CASUALS not stur 1k trade name leather Sizesrz to Boxer Itle composition soles Style as iii summonan amped slit in sizes to White or patterned cottons made with elastlc waist andhandvPookets WISSES DIRNYDVLr SKIRTS lvilZIfS wnmosiiiiiroLrICQLQUESImas ass3rtme Feature Value PECIAL JEANS iBuiiorlstylcVsnforizdblue dn iiiiii swithproteenagers Prlced forsavinghs gt 7T made of coolifcrbumin Cotton ll mm mm Emma vaislFzglurzfl Willa LComfortAble gt LcI Iesa tics yimd fplexbns in lashlonablc Shadea and noveltygrajns Grand ZELLERS mn 360 DUNLOP ST BARRIE blue bqlge Wonderful value to only $227