Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1953, p. 9

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When we know our Russian neighbor better we shall understand great deal about the nonWestern world that we do The new proposal did meet with some undersmnd OW The historian Blikilll called for Big Foul meet Opposmon but generallyI the majority of Toynbee has reminded us ill his latest book GREAT BRITAIN ling on the Austrian independence wtllti be ti mzstoke to assume W001i 1U les the sincerity ltliul nothing can ie settled withiRUSSlS 90300 OEHSiVEI Sowev Russia unless or until evcry The basis of Britains position as inn settled Silld Sir Winston yontlined by the Prime Minister is Churchill in the House of Commons the thought that if Russian and when he opened the twoday debate Chinese Communist peace bids are itill foreign liltuirs at all sincere they should not be Calling for toplevel conference wumed andfhm wgswm leaders on EastWest affairs in the illllbhOUld be rell we nouncenients not to give Russmn YeorNOI IAAAY IDI Section although there are great similarities betweeni ==n Store OSIn OUFS our two countries Each hits its mountains and prairies and its wide range of climate With the new store closing hour issue lli In mm th Barrie now advanc lit the stage where an em urge par rc Town Council have agreed to have the world Looking beyond the international neCESSRIV bylaws prepared 11 seems to be tenlonb or he pteem think It tune la almost certain now that the new system agam premct thatone hundmd years from will be in oieratiori in the very near future now Russia Win be mere and Wm 51ml ingo====ouo====ouon===lo=o be strong It seems likely that the develop SIr WIIISmII Churchill nukes Strong plea for East west Although this quesuon has Duly come to ment or am north vinylNye proceecxedi hunks in the House of Commons twoday debate on 10138181 head com dratlvel recentl it has been in We communmmnimu be we IV that Ruslaq anlbagsadmS will fl traiuhi JIfnrb opelh Trtlues bring ermlny pea the minds of local merchants for some time bft Army may be jeopardized Spain is reported to have asked and has certainly been given gren d6 L13er Hi Dita lightEdd 01 vmi billiondollar price tag it SHOW America 130 establish b51553 CW 21 of thoughE by btcuonh of the Lommuryny on red 5pm Egypt may force Suez canal Issue 33 General Nam and by those people Who do their 5mqu seeks to restore momentum to his regime UN armistice wn ill IBflmt but Who 5de me to officials in Korea trying to plug loopholes in broad Commun lmlts list llisOlll0fWiif proposal the that from the Down or View Of Russm and our nlerthdntb WLH avor the Orient the Western nations have been enu th If aggMImbors rouE loutf modern hlstoryi Overp11 rag xnvaded overland by WEStern Mil be involved there is little doubt that armies 1610 1709111 1812111 1915 and the changeover from Closing on Endayg at 1941 In that perspective it IS DOSblble to llm and Saturdays at pm t0 pm apprehend some Of the reasons why the on Fridays and pm on Sunnidays ls sen RUbbmnb dbtrut the gOOd intentlonb Of thei Sible moveI West Indeed it would be surprlsmg if theyl did not continue to distrust us for some years According L0 George Caldwellchuirmali to come If the Russrans fail to welcome of the merchants committee of the Chamber Westerners With open arms their history of Commerce and Geoff Glenn when they does much to explain their pagination ncil 0n Monda niht appeare ore it seems to be quite Clear that the new move For the sake Of furlure generznmm we Will not cause any hardship to the farmers Win do we to try our be to UlldelStaUd upon whom the Town of Bafe depends RUSSlZl We should in the name Of Chris great deal for lot of its business It was tian decency go halfway in meeting every brought out at the meeting that the farmers OVerture 01 friendShip We must work out nowadays seemed to do 1051 Of the Shop medus Vlvendl WIm the sowet Unlon and Consequently our memhants have been any more than we won accept SUCh meta flndlng that there 15 little busxneSb belng non from her Russm has had centrallzed nledlute future and urging sympzh Illictlc and patient CUIlSltiClililOn for mum the feenng that way an the latest Communist proposals lliIbmngI Simmed Korea he said Settlement of two This 15 allleasemcnn 53 the illl three of our difficulties would BFitiSh While Ive mus be 3d nieon ii gain to every peaceloving accept U19 if they are 883mm iLmililiV we should tesi the peace bids and gwe should remain strong in came ReleirlngII specifically to Kortdime test proves the peace hopes I51 riffII 3199 Ivispchoqenise the anon declare 3LT UL lug una ln the background of Sir Win ilie lol the moment He went on 11 Ell declare he knew of no reasonfsmib In at mm 35 inhy the Communists latest truceia duw to give mink 0mm lproposal might not form the basis on Korean if CV man the for agreement provided always that untied staes hearfmhso $0 Iit is put forward by the Commun Done 18 Hm in 5mm 0f Sincemy tisiiuwsolrri The yBritish alte con Slr Winston said that although the United St tes had bori nine earned at the mOOd 0f conga conducted on Saturday evening hardly authoritarian government since the four which they believe perhaps ms teentweniietlls of the burden in enough to Justify them remaining open until teenth century AD it is scarcely reasonable blood and treasure in KoreaI was toilienly be somewhat 11611186 pm This situation has beenfurther in for us to expect any other kind of govern IV OFFTRUCKIBpIhllnS duty to eicpress Ia frank III cam for mmhvel can fluenced to considerable extent by the ment there in the near future In this area Iopinlon there ference Sir Winston said it should deCiSlon of the local banks to remain closed or our external affairs above all we should TI EIIII Barrie May 14 1903 To many observers this was the be conned to the smallest number or TI II key phrase iii the speech of powers and persons possiblI tho D221 Examllu Much middleroad opinion in Bri should meet informally and as pri ping on Thursdays and Fridays We Should 03 expec her to Conform to our Muck By ideas of how she should run her own affairs JOHN GRAY MORRIS at the latest and it is reasonable to aSsume that the stores remaining open on Friday night until pm will meet popular public demand One has also to consider two other factors which have influenced the merchants to support the change Most of the tourist trade in the summer passes through Barrie on Friday evening In the past our mer chants have been missing lot of this trade but by being open now on Friday evenings they are likely to pick up quite bit of bus iness that theyAhaverbeenwmisslng in the past The other point is that employers are now finding difficulty in retaining the services of the tyre of worker they require because of the fiveday week Many of these emV ployees in local stores are young people and Saturday night of all nights of the week is invariably the time when they like to go out with their old school acquaintances and friends Consequently there now seems to beva reluctance on the part of many of these young people to accept job where there is Saturday night working They know that by going elsewhere to some of the induStrial and other plants they will have the fiveday week By closing atrophy on Saturday nightsmerchants may go long way to solve this problem which they face Looking Into The Foiure Taking long Tookjnto the future Dr Sidney Smith predicts that Canadas two powerful neighbors the United States and the Soviet Union will still be in business and will still be strong century from new In an address before the Royal Empire Club in Montreal the University of Toronto pres mom said If we look ahead onghmidred years it is safe toIpredict thatthebnited States will begrthere Canadas neighbor over back fence that is four thousand miles in length She will still be world leader and our rela tions with herwill still be oneof th most important factors in our national life It has been suggested that the tide of Ameri canizationris too strong to be resisted and that as the years go on we in Canadawill become to all intents and purposes an ce onomic vandcultural satellite of the USA Whether that will be our fate or whether we will grow as strongIindependent neighbor depends on ourselves Personally Ithave no doubt about the answer tothat question Wehave another next9door neighbor to the northwest the Soviet Union We do not know this neighbor very Well although her Iterritorie are Very CIlgSe to ours and to learn the trade and for the same sinister purpose on Saturday morning Most employees are beware of taking aImyopic view now receiving theirwages on Friday night Editorial Notes man is hated sometimes forpride when it was an excess of humility gave the occa sion Wiiliam Shenstone One out of six Canadians tosses his hat into or leaves his tricycle in front of postwar home This year we are building new thIluses faster than ever before But theres still housing shortage And right now theres looming some increasing pres siireon mortgage funds because of the al most open winter Mortgage approvals this year are running skyhigh overlast year reports The Financial Post Lending institu tions arent deliberately cutting off mort gagesTheyhavenlfgot themeneyto iend Theyare close to the limits in mortgage in vestments How many houses do we needl Family formations and old homes wearing out put physical base to the housing needs of something around 90000 homes year But this is nolimitr We will keep on want ing more and better homes as long as we have expandingi tastes and as long as we have money to spend And if we want to buy new cars ftelevision sets push back frontier build factories and support de fence program at the same timeiwemjust wont have the money to build all the houses we may want Arid thats where we find ourselves Iright now Let usIlive in as small circle as we will we are either debtors or creditors before we have had time to look around JOhann Von Goethe OPINIONSOF OTHERS The Teaching Situation IAlmonte Gazette The Teachers Federation of Ontario views with alarm the new government regulations which will make it possible for those entering the professton to get certificates with less preparatory work They think it is going to lower the standards They admit that the scarcity of teachersris most serious but they ould rather keep up the stand ards as they call em than let the academic bar Iriers down littlen Leaking at sortie of the products these highly qualied teachers turn out and comparing them with students taught years ago by men and women who did not enjoy such high and mighty standards one is not impressed Desperate Situations need desperate remedies there are not enough teachers they making iLQBSler for peopleto join that vocation seems most rea sonable solution Wecan understand why the Fed cratipdwanfs the scarcityIniilintainedIfor the same reasonthat trade unions compel men totserve ap prenticeships three timeslong as it is necessary QUESTION OF SPORT asked about our kind of hockey During the remarks something likel the following was said said to him to player about to go on the ice Soandso is pretty good hockeyplayer on the oppos ing team dont you think you could do something about it couple of minutes later he hit himi on the ice and he wasnt much good for the rest of the game There were couple of other hints at the sam thing in the same speech Now we cant quote exactly for it did occur to us to write down what was being said We know the importance of checking in book ey And it could be that we were mistaken The intention to take the other man out of the game came through pretty clearly on the broadcast The question is is this sport If this is true picture of the attitude in some quarters weve had enough Victory at that price is not worthwhile nor is this the generally accepted concept of Sport Sport is skill not scheme friendly Contest not war test of athletic ability not trial of weight SEEDS AND SOILS What an engrossing experience it is preparing the soil for the sowing To see the good brown earth turn up after the cultivator rich moist fertile and just waiting to get hold of the seed To dribble the garden loam through Ithe fingers and envisage Ithe cucumbers arid beets To pounce upon each strand of twitch grass as upon devil in disguISe To dig and level to rake and smooth to plan and dream These are the moods of the times Then there is the seed Not many beet seeds ina package but they say eaclIIi one grows several plants Somebody said Split them Must have been gentle man And those special snap dragon seed in the tiny envelope within the larger envelope Watch the wind doesnt blow them for you What 2i business Just sow them by faith And the corn One pack age does not go very far However hope that it will produceIsweet cobIs ThereI is something very power Dowitvvard ITrend In Milk Grades says Health unitI With the advent of warmer wa titer during the monthgtthere was definite downward trend in milk grades during April reports tb Simcoe CountyHalth Unit in its report of veterinarian services car ried out duringtlie month During April total of 378 milk samples were taken consisting of fiil looking about Seed While listening to broadcast 715 it is it holds the secret of vast talk by popular coach the otheland wonderful transformations of day we gained the impression that the garden scene it was time question or two were hing Small perform is to bring American land Russian viewpoints closer to geihcr This The residents of Dunlop Street West are fed up with having their lawns boulevard and street littered cardboard boxes etc that blow off the gar bage truck on its way to the dump We have put up graceful mess for two years now Just speck of and it can become snap dragontwo feet tall Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God in such way It begins like mustard seed so tiny you can And it grows into vast enterprise which eventually Turn to page twelve please effort Britons recognize may rishoffcnding American opin But for that very reason it is said here Sir Winston can under take it better than almost anybody iclse for his loyalty to the Anglo When are they going to do somei American alliance is beyond ques thing about it DISGUSTED TAXPAYER with paper shavings Iiion with the dis scalcely see it tion Just before Sir Winston spoke toin evidently feels that the key vately as possible Beautifv the Town of Barrie ask the me rllniste has With rubbish off the garbage truck now It may well be that no hard and fast agreement would be reached but there mmt be general feeling among those gath cred together that they might do something better than tear the human race including themselves into bits he said only say that this might happen and dont see why any one should be frightened of having try for it Turn to page twelve please The mostconlplete keXhibit of its kind in the world on uranium i0 bII hug osscIAvlIewspoper 301raw33eugzsfgi33gni cf is on oy ednesdayIFriday 113m If mun it The WilsonBuildinz Post Office Square Barrie Ontario Canada by Duo 31 tfdttmwsg 11313 THEBARRIEWLIMITEII commenting Ion the landmines WALLS Presmem CHITTICK VicePr5ident AJF RIVETI SecretaryTreasurer Unmstatem With the Shippers MOnIkyg MOIYIIOVP hoped that this feature will keep Vii with pin Member of Blue Newspapers um Councilor Weekly Newsnmn Association the Bane mg exPectedjtoi bave OntarioQuebec DIVWEVNA Audit Bureau of circulltlons subscriber to GP Belvice electric coolers by may It ls we Average NelI Paid ABC Circulation so Months ending Sept 30 I195 5539 WALLS Manchm Editor curmcx Boles mm mvmiolco must mimic Tulips New Editor if nutrition Production mm HARRY 00le Plant Unmanned curler deliver in town 260 for weeks 3600 your months 0300 month 00 Authorised on second elm mail by the Post Office Department 0mm QUMIIPNQM PAVAILI IN ADVAHGI IV MAIL OUTS CARRIII 10y 9400 introduction InltMIil IIinontiu out 5V controlling copy $590 quality at the raw milk at Iran sonabhf high level during the warm summer months In this connection it might be noted that while the Health Unit in most cases is in favor of elecV trio cooling facilities on all brow ducers premises enforcement of this ruling is left strictly up to the dairies concerned the report em phasizes

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