Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1953, p. 7

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nomnr roll mu AmmoIns com fENGAQEMENTS rmxwm azoxoou Centnl 43 new mun uid drive alr Phone 648 lmlcmdum at Mgr ex GOUGIIWA the flu33 Vtculrm 51 and Mrs Sydney Cult HAY 15V 1953 Helm mum Cow um mi Huspltal Baffle May 14 l953 Alllctl mu wast announce the PLgNISIIED Bedroom Gentlemeniwm mud every my 30 3g Mrand Mrs Bcv Guugil 36V eilgggczlmtl their aaughmrm 015 CATTLE EGGS PYP FY96 1009 443 Barrie Examiner 134 Ru Slttrl taught Kam Edith ZciLlld IL wtlmm Ichcrickf POULTRY FURNISHED Room Central Suit A5331 fg3 fin emu vi and mammal Plume 23m IMI WANTED MFVVVHVRVU Mfg Esme VViz 005V 3me EGGS thgVyy dean Vylgfgv WANTED orutorc roamed house ugfigikluiu liq 351 014 PM we mglmmw cm l3rtiff Mm3321mlflfiii A5 onlytpm 6m me mm 51 FRIENDLY GREETING and au MEMORIAM am name EXAMINER mmllr lull 35 1953 lililliWELLln Wing mimury bf ALBERTA WAFER SYBTIMS vi 463 EDIff Mrs Bfite Albertas water systems flow into Evil Li out passed in kay l7 195 MARKET PRICES $3S inch that ultimately reach Arcnc Occzln thr Gulf of HrXicul and Hudson Bay ZJllt Thornton Auclzuu sale of tluuse KAYELlCliAt Lll Rom Vic midi Lzllllluzw wsmc Dld furniture and citccts lcrtlls ROOM selfcontsined unlurnishi tum litviglillii Bu if Vilav lgti1ft nit are 51 SkSSOn td apartment Phone 5220 1957i VEST ANTEBi lam MVV TVHV TN vV 53ng 556$ FRONT Pumuhed Bedroom WES 50 VEALNG P90 villftfbwifi will Wmle 5mm Mk3 cemra mcammV PM 3990 vlswVStmud HIL 4V3357V Mbklsipguul VVVVVVVVVVVV lglblvlt ll lulu all limit ltiulltl VVVV i2 and UV mm Tuwmhlp MW liltll atllrlt ml ours to waitn Horn located between ighways 25 WELL Furnished Amnmemga CALVES Wunted for Veahng Hnplu an slit mu mm um 27 Auction sale of mm slack Heifers fresh or due to freshen in Mr and Mn Paul will lhuraday May 21 at 1pm Allv Om Kallull llitl=llt 133 UP iiiMN 15gt gum We tllln sale of 37 head of Grade Hul pm JUNE I953 L055 IiLm 2IiltIliillllt of lnm VV AM WU Wm VA sicills FLllnt Machinery and Equip 11n tm Ur the following mtvzl ttclcume impltmtnls some household Hm Jerry Coughlin Auctioneer intuitl months Phone Gm 309 UNE URNISIIED roumed base5 m5 mm hyViVVVVclVVVmU CV WVV mm Uf Elwde HV Mme NUVVVVV 3w Luck meeting phone amt Mr It Murrij VV WV AV mum myiw 57 753 5mm Wyn le ing and 1le effects lcrzs cash Sale at llU Iain Med lemwm willows Wham umv it mm Mm UNFURNISEED roamed apartMmF H01 STEIN UWV and VsVV yr mu lVl VVVVHVVVVA VVHVVVVVLVVW Ath hmml tilltthS wk my urn lDle Scott Clerk comm Wm be Vde M5 menL Central Phune 4753 Irv58 uniil JILL Mm all hr undersigned um mem apartment Hume 93 4154575 MUTVVrfunV LAVMVW WV GARAGE AT 32 WOFSIEY Si Tli UNC mm hkm llulf hit 24 Con ll Tecumseth liltgt ill ll lltst Fan Model lllii As north Of Wltill Robinson ull mum 19 5657 819 mi back daily 730 lb 74 Ill till could be converted 50V VVVM V11 VVV VV 1mm 54071 um PVlrne +4 llVCARD VV VV Bl lL in la Ll cx lillnl Lin ROOM will give board if dtSiIQIl 3ng TUNA Saturday my 23 MrsV Herbcn VVV out FVVVVVKEVVV walkm refrig DOBSUNwllls imm our NM mm gm lkurs lute my 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BLWhV VULMV VI VV 21 lm pd WVmum FUN Mi mum1 WV 155857 Rev Kendall Rlv RWLVJ mec 31 mi nuzllbcr of sash with guild qunx 73 over the above riccs xiii ll llll mi UH LU LUlmivll TtlmS KNI Buvcll Mt Billion AV VV lllVV rum $1 FURNISHED Bah00m Grimm phone your order now and 35k BRUBHJELLwIli luring llltllllllv of FOWL ll lrlchVbtgFnt iiulillhthf Du LV Dr hymn The um qullpmcmtm the alealirci Phone 5283 or 106 Bay for tticket cgititling yogi log TENDERS Um mum Mm murmur lining 11 ourLgnmghsw Im wae VllVonuVtm Atglnluctuating ash tici ae in is ecia raw llllt on xfsl fraw May Sspecond draw guggztdki fVlLd ML 4U 31 Sadly nibjtd by sun Jack Mary tluKLlwy Superintendent le APARTMENT heated Iuruishcd June ETENDERS erL be win by 39 35 13VtSiUlllillllill Sclo 57 VV 860 Onwrm 10 cl day Ulllt mull way central Adult and abstainers 11gt It IESICd can lender 01 Phone 5013 15475 DENNIS MORAN l232lilfliffl3iii humanistl memoryiForm Stock Implements 12 qul luwcst Of my tender nm The undersigned has ltPththlI lltCrSSulii lcccptcd llillsdalc School Fainting to con Still lowd Still illisscli Lllll tll Effects LARGE LKh Housekeeping room worsky St Barrie 31ml than one and llilrtr mllghum Mil plgtcll lwzly Mayi ouse suitable for couple or girISV PHONE 2907 sm of mm Mm dum 41er Hon any tend not Intcesmy uCCLNVmgm JUSCDMM and POM pluycd an nlunuluctllrillg lilt pll5 ligiiivtzngShitI instructions from JOHN EOLEMAN LARGE Room suitable for NOV ed Arthur Dlllllllp Sccrctzlry LOld Kuyllcs grundchildxlll Plitl llris Ii iUXUlc HMHSU 15 the lil TILLISUYLI 01 blmCDt County phone 6331 $4867 L051 FOUND WW wm Aw WV NVVVVVLVViIIIVIltIVVVVVV aVVVVVVVV Lot con Hos 1pr Vm 1951 5768 Sadly VVVVVVM bVV VVVVVVVVVVVOVV 3mm 3de mm FURNISHED Room cupboards FOUNDOn private beach on TOWN OF BARRlE ghwm and Phone 2948 358 dOCk 0WDEI apply to BOX 14 Bar VUESTI St Phone 2365 56 May l3 1949 THE FOLLOWING 57 do reddlsh bmwn part Chow and El ph no 9T mt rave away ms OldV mm in June pcrch Me mostewhlomimle It er cou es et ewar one Vs 1V name mrnlelgshtt 7mg gplgs 0m 5315 175657 V331thlggosluqhihslgulp FEIATEEIE ll CUWV 5V HeVVeVV VV WV UVVV mnhV ROVmV Sealed Tel or lllcl SISILIS and brother 57 13 nndlltchenette Adults and ab SUMMER COTTAGES Ider w1ll bL received by the lllldtlalglltd until Monday May both lt pm day my mm 01 La rm Rom SUMIVAER COTTAGE for salcVor dam Hudson uva wuan Rule CHHV weekS 01d Yearling ROOMED Selfcontained apart rent Hydro good water macs 1mm ubwm 0W cur CANADIAN ANUFWURHG of our low lllulllcr Jcslc Lun Ill ll tm alatcly V9 Ll it lt holidays Lowest or 473155th and Illlllbtl lvi WNW canldims 11 WNW 0H phone 23 56 Nd mm llt VVUVVSVVV Light housekeeping in Allandule water Ont 264657 ta Blclldu and Lcdu 57 smaiv vulnhuvr 1m hm Cum Huuse Barrie continuous hot water Adults only Kempenfeu Bax 513391 oating LIIJ dlld Ruth 57 Mile West of Scam more loving mcmnrv of To cll by Public Auction on rie Examiner 175658 dcur sun and brother Wilircd FURNISHED Bedroom central AY 20 Gentlemen preferred 107 Bayeld LOSTID Hawkestone urea ma Lhmm GULgtL ho pa5ti away Spits answering to Brownin mm on mugms do wander HORSES pvrchom Mam 3V VV FURNISHED Rooms suitable ALUVllltLV lcmcmbclcdubv lllOi wars ld dug June 15 Herero NFURNISHED BedSitting room slainers Phone 6454 1554tf light saving time for the supply of the following cqulplllcllt IElGllTONIn lovingwmcmory of Cow venrs 01d due by date of LuigmonV passed away May Hclciurd llciicr Yearling HOISICIIIV mam Adults only Qmet dmrict 1mm game phone 2137 eo qulpmen VV 19523 Heifer near bus stop Phone 4340 1957 Vau han RR No Barrie Tollcn lie was ii tlowcr too sweet for earth PIGS PIE9 months 91d dal oad 2857 Item No Description IMPLEMENTS McD raclor V3 UNFURNVISHED VRoons bright full masked 11m when GHQ gave 1020 3furrow McD Ilactm audacheery No objection to one SUMMER COTTAGE Woodlalnd 500 Mechanical bill screen cleaner and grit remover mm bth plow newi Fw Hindu ML cut hllu East and of town Phone Beach replace furnished lnSldc 501 Electricau driven Sewq ye 1m And wok him with smileV Set of Hem Dmg HarrowsV 5964 4818 1557 phlmblng screened porch Must be LE Di FWV mmmnbcmd bv hiV rand mm SmVVVT00m Cummer SN sold Owner moved away Apply Sewage Nieter moule Leiuhmn 57 Vof VIIH Dirge 31 Side Dohvcrle 213301353 pquvtlebges 150 Clapperton St or phone 4276 504 In make Fw Mower MCD Seed ear ay zit54523 llma let all llllmcr LEIGHTONIn luvln mcmmv ot Drill l3 disc Hay Rake lIHt curl handy for summer months VVh 154769 SIX ROOM Furnished CouageV 505 Ewenmany dnven Sludge pump llllilVertVOVV0ll TOFIJIICL Wayne guilt Sxioeq$ndqulnzleili LOWER Duplex rooms tiled Eihtffdfegmfy faggelwghgo 506 Digester flouting cover thlulng czan cchVtallc zlway VSBCIlftller algorie Collars Wonderl and bathroom sunroom good selection for sale at varl 507 Supernatant selector and Sampler Ld my mpg allL 69 nwnFeie landscaped garden$75 Vacant BOX ous prices andsome for rent Sce R0 119 dal Pf 393102 AubuVmmlllt Eff 20 Barrie Examiner 1557 Henry and Elrick Realtors Barrie 508 Sewage gas fired heat exchanger and appurtenances mm mm Um epa UP 2857 Fondlymembemd by Mothe new Emension VdderV Scythe ROOMED Insul Buck houseV Plans and specmcations may be seen atVVthis office or at me omeesf Graham Reid and 07 Garden TODVSV GRAIN 250 bus Beaver Oats oertifyih1 Tm gala 300 Sum 0ge Assoclates Ltd 264 Avenue Road Toronto or 67 McDonald Street Barrie Ontario and TROTTIn mempry or our Dad 250 bus Mixed Grain PPY bcdrooms piece bath electric gt Frank Trott who passed away FURNITURE Intention Kitchen gerton at Crown Hui 1557 refrgeigton Mining atgrb gas CODISS may be ob ained free of charge by honlmde manufacturers of equipment May 15 1949 Table Knew Chair Szdbmrd mrw coo ve leSsou rav es 119 essar UNFURNISHED Rooms or burst Klueys BayV Kahshe LakeV IYVtL 181 Ct CV lly IL cept Of and oitoul thought do Illldel Stu Bed yatne and spunbt Ill VV small children welcome Woman Wur Oak Treasure Space Heater wining 100k am them if 10 8023 girdng 13l5veiromelleltend BARRAND VEYIhfrfOlliievlTl 35 liftiivmd Mm mes memus men lon ther works Fm 6577 15 57 2357 ClerkTreasurer Lovinglv remembered dauah Evervthinv offered for ltale will MALL Selfcontained apartment tcls Emma Ellen and Jessie son denitelv be sold at My Dick ha ntral Suitable for two adults May 13 1953 Barne Onta 10 Ed 57 sold hixilrm llld movinn awn 1y possession Soon Tuck WW Dundonald St Barrie 155657 Ll TWi Tun 35hsalewatmlapmrirTEMPLEmrWAAWA gt DST KELLY Scott Clerk Jerry Cough WILL RENT mmShed bedrooms lin Auctioneer phone 498i 571 to suitable lady tenants some kt es dramatic chen prmleges Only abstamers Canadian Approved Chicks ineed apply Apply Box 13 Heme an Examiner 1H67 ttila chinggklgewmingshug ROOM Apartment wuhbath Barred Roll Cross and Barred tcmc istoveV continuous war ks re vaten furnished or unfurnishegi hiogclisquiallwgecgg angriligatdpfgf thild accepted Apply 55 Mary duction PhoneVV2320 Barrie la Apt pm 15 57 2Hu house ara ge haltzmile to Th d1 Barr or now for June ew 1y fioUsE5 moms hydro water in LASTVVCALL FOR Chiclm oraef Item Immediate ossession and th VV Whitfgrd Gill pphone Ivy 333 gmimliun e1cPoultry Farfl ur and Monda nl 5669 Stloudlphone r5 24 300ml Ustm hie mm llidro bathlioom $835332 hcollanill 323 qnlli girapce Galtrdenf supplied Located Order for in delivery now JOBBERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Jul es limit Camp Burden on momsPoultry Breedin ram 60 Sltnnldale Road Tunogecs New Pohglixcisfi Pew gt385 M2 27356 murmur MAIVNTENANCE PRODUCTS Creemore 46121 1557 BRAYPULL rs pa old or start edHptcheryEc igejimmediate EED dyglger iyAikmi V9gh6$tiggla$ Vi comicsor Canso FAS order now also Agent ee tpes Gareld Coulson Copeland=BR Beeton Phone one 1H7 VVV FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE INSIMCOE CTY wgtvVARmTY Ontario pom LOOKPOuItrykeepbrsv atthse gyie1ders blight and scab of rieesmHiside Hatchery Dull 25 Ave MIDLAND WM 330 tant price 31 per bag Ronald ts prompt shipment dayold exezi Amston hon 124133 51990 weeks 5530 weeks 710 W59 $3390 30 older pmletsrrmxed IllustratedStudebrchuubinniuplkloonodm Whitnaidelullnmdchrome whleumoullunualwnmu ATAHDIN AND Early Calms Po mill Whillligelliiible noes grown from Princemward Mine RR phon 80522 sland seed perbag 2457 Order yours right away It excitingly different 95219 Phillie 124133 Alliston 10254 RDP SIREDV Barred Plymouth 3934333 Agproved New Effrlwglwm square XaoctTChwks for sale my inf well izligimili ammo nwfiliiohlg 21 Hay at $8 per ton Miller Farmnallt stock since 1936 0088 3TmnmPhe um ACmt3kegne REL out lWM Rhonemo 1015 Towu PLANNING BOARD VV VV VV VV See anddrlve thesensationall953$iudebakerl To PROPER mums Yearsaheadm Down toearm mPnce TheVBame Tm Planmgmam haverecewed Meg CV ition reQuestllng theilame bf $tretbe clllngd onhc Cmdmcmirt andandlinngg Ollglnal count Of difficulty in bouncing the name correctly the Cur thats truly new flight into 15 the Spelling its 10 Dump SIE dwyrmdd from time to time thtlml htbe hall on get Sleek smart 1953 Studebaker either as atlorlto councilmanme mm new seq VInl other special uoluay mm as superbly powered Commander V8 ORANGE CAKE DUTCurASTRWSFo Ylgm Hgmltthi VV VV long to 16 ome Ill There have been severalpine strct names mentioned future far out ahead 11 style olltsnleQlMnS HowVV VV monozoos NEW Semnmofglw Youll saveplentyof gasoline too You can igigflgrewghsighsmmdieikm gt vig WEEKiNb SPECIAB 437 he mm ct V0 gm Tomato Julue Cake 40 on tum amicame Champlon In the low pnce or ceived conciderutio will beg nu odls Slums nl ll lawlessm Ira in oler VV Va Vr onlch rm 4ng miclands re ad VchV on GARAGEG SHOWROOM we 354 VV PIES UTs 36 MARY ST 130 was aIllustripevi soon DRIVERS DRIV

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