FRIDAY MAY 15 1953 Im BARRIE WEW Champions Away ceslo ow Holiday hllpen in 33 v283gzzatmart uy Ba Mayner at Sammie Jply litElmVale at ell Willi rum choral 8m season doesnt unfurl for few Senior Softball Bernies Greers Aces defending champions of the Barrie and district ladies Softball league dont officially open the Names Activity on the local diamond as Dorrie groups season but they follow Mondays celebrations with Drys work out under the whip cracked by manager Robertson The squad whomsde gallant showing last year before elyed by Colllngwood in the semifinals are currently out fill some vacant gaps and obtain some bench strength lnlnigs are pecking too Biggest in camp is the return of Bill lean the masterful rightbender he fired Barrie to one North Sim cbampiousbip in the 1960 sea Hogans return picks up the slack the mound staff caused by the nsfcr cl Doug Plunkctt last ars ace who will be pitching in Toronto circles The Drys Will also miss the hit ing and fielding of outfielder Ron mart and firstbaseman Don ewman Shown is expected to =ay at his home in Calgary while ewman was mensfcrrcd horn2 to May Return to Queens Park Mens softballis due for shot in the arm Earlier rumored that Barrie Legion were knocking at the enlranco door to the South Simcoe group most recent news is that the team will wail until after Tuesday nights meeting of softball moguls before making denite decision Senior suftball obliged with the iloodlight committee last season to play their games under the lights at the Fair Grounds Willing to help the community in any man ner they agreed but the commit toe gave them quick kick and nary thank you this spring their first startrluesday night at Queens Park They oppose one of two new en which isnt exactly team initiating for the rookie member Minesing Drub Grenfel 140 On OneHilier Undoubtedly the rst league lol embark upon the 1953 softball sea son in this district was theVes pra senior which got underway at Minesing and Midhurst Minesing always powerhouse in softball circles slashed Grenfel 140 Vednesdiiy night as Wen Dow tries to the league Edgar The league again consists of five teams but two of last years entries are missmg Midland Merchants an annual powerhouse and RCAF of Camp Borden are the absentees In their place are Edga the laiier finally successful on their zzztempls to compete Barrie Slayner round out competition The leagues opener is Victoria Day when Newmsrket visit Elmvale which will probably fit that towns celebrations Barrie mil one up in be sponsor ed by Greer Transportation All home games will Qireens Park on luesd ry nighs July lHewmarket at Stsyncr July longar at Newmarket July mEdgsr at Elrnvale July 2lttayncr at Burl July 23Elmvale at Newmarkol Barrie at Edgar July 30Barric at Stayner Nemnmkci at Edgar and Elmvale the group and Nuwmarkel J8 played at SATISFACTION mt Barrie and District CASH MONEY London However Robertson is not on lirely worricd over the situation There is alwaysu bright light ahead and he was hogmy lo 53 Bruce Kerr member of the last cham pionship squad back in Barrie for econdbase duly Kcrr will take over the position lcft vacant by Danny Poland who may have to undergo knee operation Mosto Just years team is back Currently practising Monday Wed nesday and Friday at Agricultural Park are catcher Larry Campeau lhirdbaseman Danny MacDonald outfielders Al Rutherford John Fellis and Paul Mcgcr and pitcher Carl Emms Three members of tho 1952Soulh imcoc baseball team infieldcrs Chuck Edwards and Don Coulson and outfielch Dave Frid have been at practice sessions and Roi Richardson New President my and Glen Bcilby combined on onehitter Downcy camc into his own last season and served notice that his offerings will be just as tough in the campaign ahead He was rob bed of ve innings of nohlt ball when Dobson of Grcnfel grabbed single in the third inning Four runners were left on and only one managed to 599 third base Beilby rcliovcd in the sixth and seventh frames Between them they fan ned l3 butters 10 credited to Dow ncy Meanwhile Parr of Grcnfel was met with iicious extrabase al lack which coupled with plague of wildness He issued nine walks and was tagged for two homers triple and double Thirdbasenmn Bill McCartney swung hchvy willow as he con tributed home run and three base knock while Wen Downcy slammed for the circuit and Glen Boilby nicked the double GRENFEL Walton if Dob son 2b McLean 3b Scott 55 Mc Mastcr 1b Parr Gollop rf Dobson Book cf MlNESlNG Burnford rfG Adams cf Adams 55 Adams lb Beilby 2b Win Downcy Lsdlcs Softball Schedule 1953 May 25Ncwmarkct at Elmyaile May 26Edgar at Barrie May 27Elmvulc at Stziyncr May illBarrie at Newmarkct May 28Slayncr at Edgar June lBarrie at Elmvnlc June 2Ncwmarkel at Barrie June 3Edgar at Sluyncr June 4Stayncr at Ncwmarkct Elmvalc at Edgar June 8Stayncr at Elmvnlc June 9ltElmvalc at Barrio June lONewmarkcl all Staynirr June llEdgar at Newmarket June lSEdgur at Elmvalc Barrie zit Newmarkct June lSSlayner at Barrie Junc l8Nowmarkct at Edgar June 22Barrle at Staynor Newmarkel at Elmvlilo Junc 25Elmvnle at Edgar Stayner at Ncwmorkct Juno 30Edgar at Barrie July 2Elmvale at Stayncr July 6Stayncr at Edgar Barrie at Elmvulc July 7Ncwmarkct at Barrie July BJEdvgar at Slaynor REFuNDED Velvet Remnants 59 Meng imprinted Battle Ontario POLO SHIRTS Ladies hard wearing Cotton Stockings pr 25c Mens elastic waist Spart Shirts Womens silk reg 29c Kerchiefs for 25c While They Last MENS TIES for 250 Regular 50c Stocking Stretchcrs pr 25 Hundreds of yards LACE yd 3c and up Gothic reg 750 L97 CORSETS Hundreds of pairs Pcrsonsfrying to keep the game alivc wcrc unhappy to say the least Now an emergent meeting has been called for the studios at radio station CKBB Tuesday at 730 to iron out this seasons possi bilities There is strong reflection that Barrio can have liveloam sen ior circuit operating at Queens Park President of the Barrie and district group Bill Garner will hold the whip hand but Minesing RCAF of Camp Borden Edgar and two local clubs are possible Denite persons to be at the meeting are Bill Garner Bill No ble secretary of the Barrie and district league Gord Brown Sieve llincs Bill and Harry Adams Don McMastcr Ted Hordacrc Cpl Howls of Camp Borden and Cpl Fodcn of Edgar Time for the dis cussion is 730 pm MURDY CAMPBELL of Rangers champions of group proudly cnrjjcsofj the coveted Dixie Corbett Memorial Tro phy and the SevenUp Trophy left for rolling the high average during the 195253 season of the Barrie Bowling League Campbell posted 226 average to pace the league for the first time The presentation took place at the an nual banquet Tuesday night GUTHRIE At Midland WA Meeting Mrs Ewen Caldwell Mrs Bessc Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Jamieson attended the WA Presbyterial at Midland There cilson claims thorn likely candi dates to win positions Big problem facing the Drys manager is the uncovering of on other moundsman rind first base nmn Bob Plait softball sensation is contemplating turning to baseball this season and being leftmandcd thrower Robertson has him in ne fion at the initial sack Plait claims hc cant play Wednesday or Thurs daysbut since the Drys play home games on Friday he will be free to take part in all contests at the local pork Efforts have bcemmadc to lure The Last Column Continued from page one However this business of home rule for Scotland is quite serious In Scotland lot of Canadian people have asked me about it asked everyone to dedicate their hands feet lipscycs etc to God to dowith as He saw deli cious luncheon was served by the Midland ladies SearchEbgszn BOATS MOTORS ngt4im may zvw wt Paul Emms the righthanded work horse of Stroud Rcdmen last season The Vespra Sofball League un folded their senior portion of the 1953 schedule Wednesday night with gGrenfel Mincsing Craighurst and Midhurst swinging into action The juniors hold up until Friday May 22 with six teams breaking from Ilhc wire The meeting for the election of officers uncovered Royce Richard son who handles publicity as well Zas the 1953 president Joe Maw was elected vicepresident and Jim EMcGuinnis secretarytreasurer Directors are Russel Maw Eden Ivale Leighton Adams Minesing George Kirlton Craiglhursl Pele WIpdalt Grenfel Lorne Scott An tenMllls Vespra Junior Schedule 1953 May22Anlen Mills at Edcnvalc Craighurst at Minesing Midvhurst at Grenfel WMHesing at Anton Mills Grenfel at Edenvale Midhurst at Craighurst June SEdenvalo at Anton Mills Minesing at Midhurst Grenfel at Craighurst 12Anlen Mills at Craighurst Grenfel at Midhurst Minesing at Edenvale 19Midhurst at Mineslng Edenvale at Grenfel Cnaighurst at Anten Mills 26Minesing at Grenfel Edenvsle at Cralghursl Anton Mills at Midhurst iJuly 3Craighurst at Edenvale Midhurstatr Anton Mills Grenfel at Minesing illCraighurst at Grenfei Edenvale at Midhurst Amen Mills at Minesing l7Anten Mills at Grenfel Edmvale at Minesing Craighurst at Midxhurst 24Midhurst at Edenvalc Minesing at Craighurst Grenfel at Anton Mills VespriiBenior Schdule 1953 May lsGrenfel art Minesing Craighurstat Midhurst 20Minesing at Cmighurst Mldhurst at Edenvale 25Craighurst at Minesing Edenvale at Grenfel 27Minesing arthdenvale Grenfel at Mldhurst June lGrenfel at Graighurst Edcnvale at Midhurst 34Minesing at Grenfel Midhurstst leghursl EZMidshurst at Minesing Craighurst at Edemale Craigburst at Grenfel lipGrendel atwlildenvole Minesing at Midburst lOEdenvale at Minesing to the mound for North Simcoc ac tion and if Emms gives the nod the team will be equipped with three capable hurlcrs Six teams constitute the North Simoce group double schedule will be played among Barrie Col lingwood Orillia Midland and Crccmorc with single schedule against Shallow Lake The latter entry always powerhouse in the Owen Sound area finally obtained admittanco but due to the vast travelling distance teams are only committed to single homeand home schedule Barrie Canada Drys arc operat ing independently of the floodlight committee this season They rent the park and take care of their own expenses which is all the more rea son why they should receive en lhusiastics support Qne sure bet is the team will be out to give their best possible showings LEGION MINOR BASEBALL NEWS The first meeting of the Barrie Legion Minor Baseball League was well attended by coaches and good program is under way for the local boys The following teams with coaches have been drawn up Juvenilelt and under as of May George Bouchez and Doug Coulson MidgetLH and underDel Kelly Bantam15 and under John Fel tis and Mike Baker Peewecsl3 andwunder Gerry Sutherland Win Law Don Coulson their Bruce Synnott Dick Downing Ken Zimmerman Directions the Boys Registration for peewees will take place at Prince of Wales School on Tuesday May if at 430 pm Bantams midgets andjuveniles will register Wednesday at 430 pm at Prince of Wales School As soon as boy registes and returns his certificiate signed by his parents then he will be entitled to try out for place on one of the teams Games will be played on Tuesday and Thursday nights after six oclock in the Agricultural Park Dont forgetTusday for peewee and Wednesday for bantam midget and juvenile Watch this column in The Barrie Examiner each week for additional information on minor ball Federal government spending this year Will be only per cent less than in the peak war year of lot of people thought when the Stone of Destiny or the Stone of Scone as some people call it was taken from Westminster Abbey that that marked the beginning of the Scottish agitation for independ nt government Bclieve me it had been going on for long time be fore that remember covering many political meetings when the big guns from the House of Com mons like John Slrachcy who was one of Dundecs MPs and also Bri tains Food Minister Sir Stafford Crfpps and Clement Mllee Bri tains Prime Minister were the speakers The meetings had not usually gone very far before some one got up and askedWhen is Scotland going to have home rule That usually assured reporters lively meeting The feeling was very strong in the universities and it was group of students from Glasgow University who planned thc theft of the Stone of Destiny That was not the slart of the agi tation but it certainly was rally ing point Meetings were held and people banded themselves into pro perlyorganized groups to support the Covenant or home rule for Scotland Now sce that the more radical element will not accept our new ruler as Queen Elizabeth II for the simple reason that they say they never had Queen Elizabeth It may seem pretty silly to some people outside of Scotland but that is the trouble thinkNew few people realize just how strong the Scottish feeling for independ ence really is In Edinburgh see that they blew up some letter box es because these carried the official was large gathering and the pro gram was full of inspiring thoughts and helps Mrs Rose Presi dent of Toronto Conference was the main speaker She took as her lexl Romans verse 13 Nei ther yield yc your members as in slrumcnts of unrightcousness unto sin But yield yourself unto God asthose that are alive from the dead and your members as in slruments of righteousness unto God Using as her theme Hymn 356 she asked the ladiesto make the WA as home with Mother making everyone much needed Being Godly women so our inu ence will be felt wherever we are Am shining for Christ and is there any danger of someone stumbling over Incl Then she royal crest referring to Queen Elizabeth being the second However without getting em broiled in all that was amused to read of the enter prise of one of my old countrymen You know of course that all kinds of Coronation souVenifs are being made you should $01 you cand turn for foam these days Well this Scot obviously one of the ex tremists started making souvnnirs also but he let the II outsof lhe inscription and just referred to Queen Elizabeth Funnill enough he became very rich man through that Hisunconventional work is being hostin grabbcd up as col lectors items and he is being bell sieged by requests for his Work from many parts of the world AS the old saying goes Its an ill wirid that blows nobody any good mount spills until kWhenthe former heavyweight flstle cham plon Jim unleashed Jeffrles died recently there was ood of reminiscences Half forgottenmmes from glamorous era of the ring campy bobbingto the sugface names like Gentleman Jim Corbett Bob Finslm mons Joe Choynski and others But one name and an important duo in its association with Jeffries was overlooked entirely And since the forgotten man is Canadian and the only Canadian who ever held the world heavyweight stic title Id like to devotes Calvert column to Tommy Burns the forgotten man Tommy Burns wasborri in 1881 in the little town of Ban must say over Ontario of German Canadian parents His real nsme was Noah Brosso And his association with the greatJeffrie de veloped this way Jeffrles retired in 1904vbutwagreed to re eree and donate hisAtitle to thewmner of mstch between Marvin Hart and Jack Root Hart won was named champion but less For Missing Man Al Pori McNicoII Nearly one hundred Boy Scouts senior students and citizens of Port McNicoll have joined policc inna search for George Greenham 75 retired CPR police officer who disappeared from his home two days ago The search was concentrated around the waterfront and steam ship slip yesterday Mr Greenham left home Tuesday night to go for walk It is feared by police that he might have suffered seizure my AN EXAM NEE WANT AD Wen Downey 2b McCartney 3b Luck lf OFFICIALS Jim Crawford plate Adams bases 52 CHEV SEDAN AIR CONDITIONING SLIP COVERS DIRECTIONAL sIGNAL LIGHTS METALLIC BLUE PAINT BUY WITH CONFIDENCE llnngerlield Motors Bairles Largest Dealer user on mvrsron 233 unnorono sr DIAL oUfrIiOAno REPAIRS an MARINE SUPPLIES SPORTHAVEN Knitting Needles pr 10c Plastic Remnants yd 15c Hundreds in stock reg lo 800 Zippers ea 25 Mens reg 98c pair Work Sox pair 100 59 DUNLOI STREET EAST or MARY s1 PHONE 4348 Cash your Baby Bonus Cheques at Jacksons Thom 3018 or 6137 97A Dunlop St Authorized OUTBOARD MARINE SERVICE SALES SERVICE SATISFACTION are pleased to announce the qualification of Simcoe islricl up Sellices As AUTHORIZED DEALERS Spatial intruduclory llller SnveS4llllll On Either ofThesej Super RCA ViclofleevisionSets Au theseieatmes that have made RCA Vic for the worlds mosc ipopular TiV Magic Monitor Golden Throat Toue 1943 than year later sin with Jeffries refereeing Burns defeated Lascode lunerr Hart and became ampion Jeffries refereed when Burns de feated Philadelphia Jack OBrien Though he weighed only 175 pounds Burns fesreifno ones There came from Australia urAmerlca In 1901 giantpr man Bill Squires fearsome lnlooks backed by an record Arnerlcsnheavywelghto sucrodrclear of Squires But not Bums He signed to risk his title against the seowllng stronfdawed flank Squires was made 31 favourite andfans of beday sitcomy for BurnsLbut they turnedout in great numbers at Gonna 031 brought along cushions tomoke themselves com Wablegfhoywtchedwhatwubllldaba45ronndvatgli 7V Ildidiit lastithbtlongl When thiclbllrang Burns moved INCLUDESZ swiftly out ofrliistcorner won right to the jaw of theAus lrallap Thatywas the end Squ cs was out mmgnmnuom 0130 Fuel Pumll ii0W Jr and Australia 11 times he won but in the 12th he wins knocked out Jack JOhnson who thus became champion Johnson who had od ed meeting with another Canadian heavyweightSam Mame TIMEONLYO Clean and Replace Oil in Langfor in order to get achance at the title wel bed 20 unds Carburetor Air Cleaner more than BurnsHo beat Tommy badly and rakell ribs Check 000mg symm but the Canadiankamester kept val ally at it until in the four ALL rkgrsrxriu Mom Jack Builtin Antenna Superb Cabinet 019m Splice Spitk Plugs Milan Distributor rim Model TOM regular prion 7wwm $33950 Can as now and full detail this splendid oner THlS SPECIAL OPFFEll Burmyas busy fighter In the twoygsrs he heldthe title he fought 12 times as champion in America England Ireland Model Ammonium ITS warmsso Check Cbuiprouion Fr in HM Illsor Fall ONLYSZWM teonthround the police steppedbin and stoppedthe ght Base Extra $1495 ii wu will really aihemoeomiuonas remi WWWJO had calmed his title fondliofore Futurb renew foronovthintufor no aimonm FREE CHANCE COMPLETE SPENT be held the room for defending in title squat PHONE 2429 my other heavyweight champion ml Mioniuuiuoiwmhm Wcm Mow431 rm om Foctory Trained Technilcidns 2Modern Service Equipmp 15 Artie WeISpeciqlize In smell 0ij Merchandisewe Innicl