run 3112an aner rather are is Australia Retains Brnish Character SYDNEL May tCErMigra has rut tnungld the Australianl The Britida 303 character and is not likely tol Windsor is in direct change il atd William Barrie popl Egbert king of WW1 10 mirt at Alwulias No in AD 839 Initial Ullct iii an address acre lie fitid that in spite of Auszml gt rlstugxelrltnlltc Hui huropmm my gar lrtt Eu not librethan emit pe the popuuunny Igjligbglirsmggg Ctxnmi aged nnIIL not tumor per cm lclfOPUJ lUn Id mmrmn 133an go we lau people almost 100 per cent Butch he sud In fact how zlrrm0nal ncremlhus all IZiIX m2 imgu yr Ufmutlamn gmivm plitllnosllof our people have by mmmna Tmmv EA 11 of us on AXLAIJlu but Only Two Days Left ONE YEARS FREE LEFT TO RIGHT Mrs Austin Rutledge Harmon 0111 BACK ROW left to right Ted Farrow Murray Lloyd Rus BACK ROW left to right Ewart McKee Ed Bates Aubrey CARRYING CHARGES 47 DESOTO SEDAN laugher Austin Rutledge captain Elton Armstrong Mrs sell Murphy Front row Lois Greer Elmer Beeton captain Cook Front row William Gallaugher Ernest Gilmore cup EXCELLENT conumox Dawson Gallaugher Missing from picture LeonardHodglns Alvin Greer tam Jimmy Wales nor now Buy With Confidence At Surveyor Finishes ESignals Provide Mr Fierce insists that cuttinglpA gt7 Dangereld Motors Barrics Largest Dealer the territorial boundary line bc Truck into Barrie to oasist in the Therefore we feel it is not zunisss tween the electoral districts of= civic welcome to the Barrie Flyers at this time to give Lt liockin W023 PEjIERBORo May tCPlJohn Thunder Bay and Comm ms the Barrie Celebration Pierce Ontario land surveyor USE CAR DIVISION 233 Bradford SL Dial 981 DELUXE With the Works Widener again last Saturday when ity whether it be Bingo Fire Flood two members of Signals Coy Li or come what may the RA Truck libckin and Pie Grison gave lends its valuable aid day or night up may afternoon to take the so that one and all mny be inform base line for aerial mapping this 5Ulh Lllllllll 300M 305 BAYFIELD ST Few peaple in his Camp realize the Tournay and their entire stuff it hardest job of his carcerhardcr sincere vote of thanks throuuh this has many ours over lmt put in cmpmm one Of the Smut even than the completion of lite Jobs of MS career Nevertheless he individual members of this Coy tolpaper for their splcnle CUlptlzl ManitobaOntario provincial boun job NEW DEALERS Andrade Sons of Stmud an lFrom Thu cum Bordon Citinm The community spirit between North Barns our Motorlnsorunro no nounce their appointment as farm welding dealers for the Lincoln Electric Company of Canada Noel Andrade and son Noel have just re turned from Toronto after complet ing five weeks basic and advanc ed course on wclding mid arc weld ing taken at the Lincoln Electric plant 179 Wicksted Avenue VM and Mrs Coulter and son Stephen Trenton RCAF Sta tion spent the weekend with Mrs Coulters mother Mrs Spear Mr and Mrs Arthur Ellis and FL Harry Ellis Calgary are vis iting Mr and Mrs Cameron Mr and Mrs George Poucher and children Willowdale Mr and Mrs Holman of Walton and Poucher Toronto spent few days at the home of Mr and Mrs Poucher Burton Ave FEARED RESULTS Early opponents of vaccination argued that persons vaccinated in childhood might take on charac tlristics of the animals from Which the vaccine was taken LOW BRITISH GUIANA ECoastune of British Guiana in mutt America like that of H01 is below sealevel and inter sjectad by canals ATTENTION OUTBOARD Mr Pierce considers it the toughest Mr Pierces task which stoned in midJanuary and took seven weeks to complete was to cut an 804mb territorial boundary line between the electoral districts of Thunder Bay and Coehmne Cutting the boundary difficult job at any time was made more difficult by overcast skies and great deal of snow Overcast skies held up the start of the operation from Crony Like because the sur veyors were not able to take astral readings for days Thetliick snow caused two motor toboggans and two pack tractors supplied by the department of lands and crests to bog down and the weight of the snow on the small landing lakes made constant slush ice conditions for Beaver aircraft Jimmy Kirk of Sault Ste Marie pilot of the aircraft serviced the crew for 30 miles until he ran out of lake landing areas helicopter was brought into service and pilot Jerry Turner of Oshawa had difficulty warming up the machine for morning takeoffs Its 500pound payload was too small It took ying hours to move 14 men five miles but the machine stayed on the job until it was finished at the terminal point on the Albany River near Martins Falls Other obstaclegc one ered by included blowing out of the base radio transmitter having to replace ll of the original Iiiman ax crew and the resigna tion of the cook The land survey ortook these in stride The line that has just been com pleted will serve as shooting Tinnitus ProtoctYoursolf Agoinsf 035 Thiststhe reason when thousandsof Ceilidhme tke steps to guard egainst losses Tutought about byaudden expensivedamn go to their outboard motors and motor bOat as Well as possible costly damage to other boattFor negligible sum the Canadian mtbomdenerEairioW have complete Security with the Rodential of EnglandfOutbord PtotectionFolicy nowavailablog Obtain further informationNOWt Get in touch with Prudential agent occur hoodoloo covers motor boothmotor andgorz supernatant loose damage and tion atoms cannula agtoothaboats amneiixmmedthmugh zoomlint spinner comm Qumran INGLAND HEAD ounce For chum Monroe Barrie orapertoil st on 0us INSURANCE AGENCY 5fi0wen St Phonemic lies 2311 it JSLESSOR monomermount Barrie Phone 257T sriersgoNtoco Fire AutoeandsotbercigsualtyImiurancc onto St Eot Barrie use inclement133mm dary in 1948 manic and Camp Borden was render scrvtce to our owu COITlInllnllIOn Ill llll Ithpttl and for Piece Modern Bedroom Suite With large Mr and Mrs Dresser big roomy Chest of Drawers and Book case Bed Finished in the popular wheat shade Stylish new drawer pulls giv this suite most attractive appearance real good buy ML 12850 in Kramer rursrrnnnn sour Lovely Popular Colors High rade populorlrieze an tile yqlues N9199999l2lwinsli 6W CO gnarl ml Authentic New Styling nes Ilse those outstonding Kroct the fashirmablo fobrics the rut lorsvngting new comfortlonclluxuryto your liviiigroom now These popular utility are being usedrnore and more ltecuuso theyrequirepsmoll space yol oro good looking and vottroctiveilorge rouge Lof fabrics andycolors neuronal smut BPrderless RexoleumI jl iilorollylosihgns CityV