Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1953, p. 20

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V$erf80nol Tastes Nowhere in the house is individ moo and wrsonal taste morc evi dent than in living room furnish inz decoration and arrangement It is this room that usually mach the most forceful and lating tlll mission on your guests and the one that has the nth profound effect on your home lifc cum to the point of dcflnitcly zinccling the personalities of thc various members of your family The trend tollay is toward tiring rooms that arc to DU loci lit and the decoration iilllijclticlt and selection of furniturc should ll undertaken with maximum llva bility as thcii primary purpmc The frills and llllpllllllh of thc old fashioned parlor ltc lclinltcl to be avoidcd and Slitllllllli and comfort should bc wright to the ftillcst cxtcllt posblc calllmcnsun ate with thc area of thc room Your frcllucnt llllllli will also have bcaring on your living room furnishing and arrantzcnlcnt If you frcqllcntly lntcrtain at cards convcnicncc Llll diclutc thc lllt essity of having standing card table and chairs If you cnjoy fiicplzlcc and are inclincd to usc it at awry suitablc opportunity lhc furnittlrc grouping and the actual selection of tilcsidc flittliturc should bc in accordance With IlliS telldcncy If your living room has morc than one view its dccoration and arrangement should bc choscn to takc advantage of the bcttcr view It is posdblc through carcful selection of furniture and color NEW HOME illIll BRISTIIW Plumbing Heating WARM AIR FURNACES FORCEDAIR WINTER AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS OIL IIIIRNERS 84 Dunlop St Ill 3770 SOFT WATER SERVICE Water Filters Water Chlorinators Safe water for priv ate systems Home owned Witter Softeners Commer cial Industrial Wat er Conditioning Duran You WY memampatcnted sclfotorin combination ironicN van HAVE STORM BASE THE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 15 1953 Expressed SCllclliL to create almost any cffrct you desire crtuin color schcmls lizt lstful and otrlcts arc inclined to simulate In an articlc ill illlS Building Pogo scilion on April 17 last Vt dcalt With some of thc all tllTlilgtr obtainable through the proper usc of color in intcrzlal dc lOtilllUll and thc living room is by no moans the lcast illlporlant lcn making your choiCc of color sclltlncs Recreational Pursuitsteed Consideration liu plcaulrc you will dcrivc from your ticu llolnc will dcpcud larlgcly on how much it is adapch to your habits and activitics so ill planning your individual homc hc slllt to considcr carefully the Work and icclczltlonul pursuits of your cntirc family You will bc gtllltllltl at how casily this can lt accomplishcd Thc liltlill Wtlllll propcrly planned and arranucd will bc constant sourcc of satisfaction and NIHll DESIGNOFTHEMONTH more soon lill lll cr from Central Mortgage and llousi cubic feet Working drawings for this house known all Design 402aro available is South Amsrlczln llllvr branch of the rodent family Few aniiiuls are on the market at presclai and will probably not be made available as prcstxlctivc fur coats unil about three vcars parsed and their numbch have suitcicllily incrusco that lllllt about $40000 vzll got milady shillnncrmg Ftlkv blurgrey wrap About 40 Manilot illlx lizm paid the $1200 to $1300 for ll puir of lllt Zuounc lnlllluls to ut blccdiltg ROME OWNERS HERES lows If you own your home you may borrow from $100 to $2000 with no down payment for the purpose at making any improvements to which protccts against dcprrcialion or adds to the Tiny Chinchilla Stages Comeback WINNIPBG May CPDA tiny ititrotratic rodent worth its wcigl in gold is staging come lk ill the lushiou World The chinchilla is bcilig slowly brill tick from nlr extinction to nsumc its place among the finest fur bearing animals lhc chinchilla is not rabbit oi liou Urn contuscd with tlic illil brLcd of tllc FLtlllt numc it THE your horm ccmforl convcnicncc and beauty Delicate For Small and srplilrcldfactd hardly larger than nizll hand tltc cillu chilla has dcnsc lur which sprouti ll V0 10 delight to the mall members of about ill hairs to thc follicle lhc your family and its usefulness and individual hair is so delicate ill csscntlality arc beyond question human hand cannot fuel it It is Choch light chccrful part of the about It tinlcs fillcr than spidcrs bacmcnt or garzlgc and plan its web and gocs to make thc Vllllllt construction with an cyc towards tttl ycl olcovcrrtL CUlll9 mwss and safely Chillthillits llSLItllllU rabbits ill Thc first essential is good lhclr vcgctnrian dict but are lnouo strong work bench and plenty of canons by ualllrc and moro lilth cabinets and shclvcs for the stor cult to brccd lhc avcrag ltllt is age of tools It will soon pn tor two or thrcc tirlCu ycar and ti itsclf throuin the many useful onc lnatc dics tllc ot lcr IS hard to lllllltS that will be produced in it rematch lhc Mini is liltgct and l7 The mm mflllicdlilllblliiiinililIiihlcdl illllusivc EVEPYlHtNGlNLUMBER crcr bcforc in our history and NEu BARmE lltvll nom mo many pcoplc have found tha gur Omy P915 gt culls or dead animals lllcrc arc dcnmu provtdcs enjoyment not CllOllh cls in lltt til only ill the sprlng and summer only bout but all vczlr round The basement Hm1d fllw 200 Walling dow enclosed in glass and by Hcdy Lulnzltl ulld Lil Ions lcaving thc window open sufficient heat and oil circulation will be plovidcd cxtrcmcly low carrying chargcs gonadamok on EAT uv urnIx hurt Mwt Ritchie MILL lTD Heating Equipment Farmers and Builders Supplies Coal and Wood Plaster Stucco And Installations Flu leng IMPERIAL ESSO on BURNERS SALES and SERVICE Wullwill Electric Shop at 54 Sophia East Res 14 Perry St PHONE 3230 61150 it Great Nollie Ill Furnaces Refrigerators Sewer Pipe Asphalt Shingles Slate Gravel BP ASPHALT TILE Felt FLOORING THE SilllJEllNl co LIMITED Mary Street Barrie TIIIS ATTRACTIVE QUARRIED STONE BUNGNLOW FACING KEMPENFELT BAY roll Sllu all countnull Bertram Bros Phone 2461 Phone 5100 Unprecentious but with an air of dignity that ensures its salt ability for construction in any location here is lgstorey house which will appeal to many families intending to build this year Architect Dixon of 0t tawa has designed the house along simplefimbroken lines for con struction economy while modem treatment of the front windows and door is the highlight of the pleasing exterior appearance The interior layout is planned to the last detail for living convenience Note especially the generoussup ply of closets on both floors the andy dining area oh the kitchen for case in serving meals and the distinct separation of the sleeping section from the remainder ofwtho house An open replace spells the difference between house and home for many families The exterior finish of the house is horizontal wood siding with vertical wood siding on the gable ends of the roof Dimensions of the house are 301feet by 24 feet four inches the harmonic 1130 square feet and the cubicmeasure is 16426 Washers llllitges Ask about the Guarantee on Gilson Products Balie lies 12 Barnum stirrupr cPHONEBOtlb ng Corporation at minimum cost lions mm lwmmx Murmur 15 do runny cilia Copacity McCIary ll iulorl This new front lust compelediscpalt of extensivie renovations now being CAM ll WWI 95 ablisllment by Haraldjcrrislord contractor Buildings from Petitions commercillltiiillilltSitlcittiuli llcittilitiliolls nationals fi IELQMPIN9 lNGI all ELECTRICALWORKEOR tumour RENOVATION Earrid out by ll Plunhittofllclltillo all Electrical courllAcmRg Phonellsllll Res 841334 Visit outliuioiv Stimulant Al 20 Oweant ore happyrtoihave beenassociated with Harold Berlislord incarrying out theexten sive alterations and renovations lathe local establishmsent pililuredobove More Beauty Features Value with Memory Beautifulglamorlzed interior of Staring green with brilllzlntcoldcn trim new typbuttmcdndltloner with sevenfdegrees olitemperature new adjustable door shelving nw beauty new color new brilliance ANoj MAM NEW FEATURES lit ltlttrlicleiipactty Refrigerator Pusu burrow ncruosrluo WWW ol9l 77 liftVllliotiitg Calamity iltlltilietlllotlt uun pf Iliadgilt fIlnls available llilliloill gllclllllsrollli llcllse Repair lattice Petites Wistsaunntwdrl Phone ELECT Slllllllll r13

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