Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1953, p. 16

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Hillcrest Baptismol Service To Meet May 2l For l8 Children At Collier United For Vacations Take Up Residence at Trenton WCTU Convention lForOnlario in Barrie June 2325 iElect Officers Ll at anus red Shakenmm $5 HUI grime Girl Weds lMiss Hounsome Kostyshyn At Wycliffe Chapel Wycliffe College Chapel Toronto David Montgomery Wed at Wyebridge to the scene of pretty Spring Church Wycbridge was the scene on Friday evening May 13 $53 when Miss Dorothy Con slam Maison daughter of Mr and Mrs01ivcr Harmon Barrie will become the bride of Dr Walter Kristyth of Fort William son of Mr and Mrs John Kostyshyn Waldron Sask Rev dePencier Wright of Trinity Church Barrie will per form the doubleding ceremony by candlelight at oclock Miss Mary Mwaell Barrie Will play the wedding music and Miss Kathy McBain Toronto is to be the solo ist Given in marriage by hcr father the bride will wear gown of Chantilly lace over white satin with long train and ngertip vcil with matching juliet cap She will carry dunner book covered with tri IittlcMiss Joyce Hounsomc niccc lof the bride was the flower girl Mrs William Dale sister of thcf bride matron of honor will be inl ofth eva llcy lose taffeta while Mrs Richard Carson as bridesmaid will be in sea green taffeta Both gowns nrcl of lovely wedding on Saturday afternoon May 1953 when Kath Hounsome Wycbridgc was united Montgomery son of the late Mr and Mrs Montgomery Orillia Rev Dr Barr of Penctang officiated at the ccrcnlony held at 330 oclock The bride given in marriage by her father wore gown of white brocadcd satin with long train and orange blossoms and lilyofthc volley llcr bouquet was of rod groscs Attending the bride were her two sisters Miss Ilclcn lloiin some as maid of honor and Miss Norma Ilounsomc as bridesmaid and Master Douglas lloulmnnp the brides nephew was train bear er Tile maid of honor worc lilzic and carried yellow tczl roses while the bridesmaid was in Chartreuse lmllcrina lengthlhcir hladdrcsscslmltl CIHlitd Dink TOMS Both are of purple and pink lilacs and sweet peas and thv will irryl matching noscgnys Dr John Siren will attend the groom and thc ushers will be Dr Charles Zachar and Dr Peter Kowalchuk Following the ceremony or asststing the bridal party blue accessories and corsage of dccp pink roscs For motor trip to United States poinis the bride chose ii gold costume suit with black accessor ies The bride and groomwill risidc in Fort William CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 2414 THE lEllll lllSUllllllCE He said to keep lhesc on Ice until he colild see you MINSURANOEE Theres smart Home Owner thinks uboul INSURANCE first When YOU build Liabil ity Fire and other types of Insurance are needed to dive you full protection We can advise you Stevenson CO mu limo AND 01mm CASUALTY INSURANCE 95 DUNLOP ST EAST Phone 5201 gowns were made of nillc tziffclil and they wore bonncls and mittens to match The llowcr girl vorc mnizc tuffctzl and carried pink daisies Vcrn Bonnls of Grnvcnhurst was r9 10 Klotn Fun and the lishors vol ccptlon VIlI be held at the Windl gtol Arms where the brides mothz George Minitcr and Donald Molllv gomcry Toronto During the sign log of the register Mrs Hurdlc of rcccivmg the guests Will wear navy blue crepe dress with rcgall Pcnctnng played Promise Me Iollowmg the ceremony recep ltion was held at Parksidc Payilion lty illueccrvmg the guests were ithc brides mother and Mrs Don Midland Assisting the bridal poi Monlgomcry sisterinlmv of the groom Those who came from distance were from Buffalo Cold Walcr Olillia Collingwood Grav cnhurstm London Port Stanton Pcnctang and Toronto For the wedding trip throu gll Northern Ontario the bride wore powder blue travelling costume With navy accessories On their return they will make their lIllllIl 111 Toronto 13 Delores Twilley Weds Stimson Al Parsonage quiet wedding took place on Saturday afternoon April 18 1953 when Rev Bewcll united in marriage Miss Delores Tilley and Ronald Henry Stimson The bride isthc daug ter of Mu and Mrs 1fElpowsuu Barrio Rcv Rowe pcrfonmcd the ccrcmony Mrs Alex Tillcy Anne St Bar rie and the groom is son of Mr and Mrs John Stimson Victoria BC The ceremony took place at three oclock in Central United Church parsonage 54 Mary Street Barrie Given in marriage by her father the bride wore gown of white not over green taffeta and white not vcil with white orchids Her bou quot was of red roses Mrs Paul ine Dcsjardin Barrie who attend ed the bride was in yellow taffeta with white accessories Her boll quot was of mixed flowers Mr Gus Dcsjardin Barrie was the grooms attendant At the recoption at the home of the bridcSiparents the brides moth er wore novy withwhitc accessories teen Maude Hounsome eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Crawford Co list 1919 Mum St Andrews Presbyterian in marriage with David John fingertip veil with headdress of The regular monthly meeting of the WCIU was held May at the home of Mrs Itadford Blake St Mrs Vaughan had charge of thei is us Mrs Annie Lennox led in devotional part After all Singing What Friend We Have 1n Jes prayer Mrs Doidge led in the de mtional reading part of Matthew Among the good things spoken by Mrs Doidgc wus 1f we ask great things of God we may expect great things from God Mrs Duidge gave fine address helpful and uplifting Mrs Pctch also gave it short talk interesting nod good After the devotional exercises the reports of the County onvcn tion held in Cookstowu were givch and found most interesting Mrs Stranaghan was presented with ii life membership and pill Mrs Bishop wits appointed dele gato to the Provincial Conventioil to be held in Collier Strect United Church Julie 232425 Plans worl made for the convention to which everyone is invited to attend Prayer and social cup of ten brought good meeting to close BAXTER Molhcrs Day Mothers Day SlVlCCS were ob served in the church on Sunday at both Sunday School and church others of the Sunday School had charge of both services Brucc Edgar gave very interesting talk on How Are You Building for FtLrnity at the evchinc SJIVlCl MR AND MRS RONALD HENRY STIMSON who were and babies WM by Rev Geurgis Eileen McAfcc married at Central United Church parsonzlgcin Barrie ON daughter of Mr and Mrs Mc April 18 The bride is the former Delores Tilloy daughter MW DaVld Gordon of Mr and Mrs Alex Iillcy of Barrie They are residing at and mm Gordon Trenton and the grooms molllcr was in oily llowclid dress with Vllllt lic lcssolics llicsts from distinct were Mr llltl Mrs Lonny Dun 1inay and grandson Mr null Mrs Francis Lcniuy llll of Gllecll burst The biidcs travelling costumc was of llnvy lilllcta with white at ccssoiics lllty will make their home ill Trenton DawsonPaddisbn Ceremony at Sr Paulslnnisfil putty church wedding was so cmllizcd in St Pauls Anglican Church Innisfil on Saturday after noon May 1953 when Miss Meta lellzllcucilu lnddison daughter of Mr and Mrs Inddison Bur llO becamethc bride of Mr Rigin Gordon Dawson son of Mr and at three oclock Given in marriage by her father the bride wore white gown with fitted bodice of Chantilly lace and Queen Anne collar and skirt of nylon not over satin She wore mulching mittens Her fingertip veil was catight bya pClnl halo She Cflllld cascade of red roses and white stoplizlnolis and wore double strand of pearls gift from the groom The brides attendants were Miss Noreen Pnddison Barrie her sis ter as maid of llOlltllMlSSMillilll Dawson Barrie Sistcr of the groom as bridesmaid rind little miss Bon nie Boyd as flower girl Miss Pad dison in mauve and Miss Dawson in pink wore identical gowns oi blOCdCdJfIQlfI and nylon net with matching boleros and headdresses of nylon net and white daisies They carried noscgays of sweet peas and babys breath The flower girl wore longr grcon traffcita dress with net Smut Btulllo Photo MW Funeml number from here attcndwl the funeral of the late Council AndrewS Ill Alliston on Saturday Knocked Down NET About 81 Cauley and Gaulcy spent Sunday with thir brother Gau 1cy Weston and called on their sistcrdnlaw Mrs Gauloy who is patient in Weston hospital uf tcr helmknockcddownby motor cycle oli Saturday She is suffer ing from broken leg and bruises St Andrews omms Associa tion hold successful spring rum mugc sale in the church lecture room on Saturday May Doors opened at oclock and although Home Agaln lllS W01 I101 15 lllllllflOllS 215 III Mrs Boyer has returned home llIL ill91 llltbllhll ill 1319 19 after pcnding wcck with her Inzilioll being held for the Barric daughter Mrs walkom Elmf llycis the solo llilll lllolll $190 group rs CIllflmellnu Sin on Winn weekend Visiting Mr and Mrs Robson and Mr Tlltlxl Ill charge of tho tablcs and Mrs Mm and damth Ngs Ellen Toronto spent the wcckclul shoes Miss Ruth Campbell ladies With Ml and Mr Rlddmk dresses Mrs John lowcll mbns Mr and Mrs Murphy ml wear Miss Margaret Reid mist91 children and Mr and Mrs ElliI humus Mrs Suthcplqmy son visited in Toronto on Sunday Th we also near 30 03 Mr and Mrs Dllflin visited friends in Terra Nova on Sunday assisting with title sale Mrs Cameron and baby Dalllousic are spendingthis with her parents Mr and MISE Gauley Plan Cenlennlal Mr and Mrs Iiaugh spent the weekend in Toronto guests of Mr Night on June and Mrs Desjardine The regular monthly meeting of GOVERNMENT SPENDING the Senior WA of Central United 0m 1939 11 limlryfm Church was held at me home of federal government spending glli Mrs Rennick Clapperton Street creased from $5530ll0000 to anes on Thursday May with good malel 4623100300 attendance Mrs Jory the president was in the chair The meeting Prayer Mrs Bowel gave antalk on Christian Family Life in keeping with Mothers Dayand the value of religious faith Hymn 427 was read in unison Minotes were read and aliloved Continuous HERES STYLE to warm the tackles of any sports enthusiasts heart Checks are smart and add variety to this pclfcctly designed cardigan The sweater is knitted from only two colors of four ply wool To make it in size 238 with the long slccvcs as pictured here you will need 13 ounces in Illt main color llltl two ounccs ill the Contrasting LJlul 11 you would like to have ll leaflet with direc tions for making this sxveatcr in sizes 38 40 42 and 14 inches just send stamped sulftddlc$scd on yclopi to Ncclllcwoik Department of this llllt1ltqtltsllil VACATION MANS CAllDltlAN Leaflet No Wlfi IilMllllllGIEII IllIIISE Lilllbulglr cllccsc not its name from the fact that it first wos mar kctcrl lll liiiiburl illlitiluu and it originated in lllt provinci of Lot ticll ISLlsgiuni crsspos llllllS can he BllllISIIEll with 51151 Sun School Boards Institutions Householders WIIY BE WORRIED WITII SEPTIC TANK TROUBLES Susi San modern chemical product will eliminate offen slve odors liquifics in days Guarantcd to work Call Fred Watson Ph 6598 49 E553 Road Distributed by ROY TRACY 87 MAPLE AVPII 3482 was opened with the theme song followed by hymn and the Lords lt WITH our FLAT RATE HEATERS and notes were read thanking the N9 insmnatlon Charges except plumbvingkif necessary members for fruit andflowers Members of Hillcrcst Home amt School Association will hold their sum Mug my 15 next meeting lnursdziy May 21 officers Will take place Ladiesflsividon lift Action With PolLuck luncheon The ladies division of the Barrie Country Club started the seasons program rolling Tuesday afternoon with potluck lunchemi at the home of Mrs Corby 40 love peiton St following which nine holes of golf was played Twenty of the 27 members at the luncheon competed and Mrs John Ough came up with the lowest net at 37 Mrs Corby and George Dangerfield tied for second low not with 38 There were several new members present and they gqivi good oc count of tlltmselus on the CUIIISK llowuvcr thcrc was one lady who wishes to remain anonymous but cannot fulhom the tichnique of scoring less than 12 strokes per lltilt g815 pm at which the eleciion of the Mothers Day neg Street United Church minister Rev Lame unruly ing the folloWing child congregation were baptlzcu Margret daughter of Mrs Cortan Suziinni 1M daughter of Mr and Mrs Cumming Lloyd Gregory Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gufltcli is don Albert andJolinc Arr even of Mr and Mrs Hobbs Wendy Anne dun Mr and Mrs Maurice lluzcm mu 10 James Johnston son of Mi Mrs George Kennedy so mi Allan son of Mr and in Marshall Robert George sol 31 and Ms Donald McConk tine Elizabeth George Ric Fjldvllck Alan Children of ll atd Mrs William Noble Jain4 njj Ins son of Mr and Mrs 13 ugh Daniel Thomas son and Mrs 1203 Rodgers John Wl Garfield son of Mr and Mr liam Scott Reginald Edward of Mr and Mrs Scoil Philip James son of Mr and Mrs hm cron Stewart Cynthia Ann Willi Clilgltcr of Mr and Mrs llivul Wright Collier St United Church REV LEWIS MA Bl Minlster LLOYD TurroRD Organist and Cholrmaster SUNDAY MAY 17 1953 II IinMORNING SERVICE The Most Human Text In The Bible THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 amJunior Intermediate and Senior Departments ll amNursery Beginners and Primmy Departments 3pmThe Adult Bible Class pmIIVENING SERVICE The Adventure 0f Growing Older mm TRINITY CHURCH Rev menu WRIGIIT Rector Mrs Roberts Choir Director amn0LvcomwNmN 10 amSUNDAY sonoot awnMORNING PRAYER SERMON pmEVENSONG SERMON Preacher for the day the Rector ALL WARMLY WELCOME FIRST BAPTIST CHURCll REV LUCK BA no Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY Organist SUNDAY MAY717 1953 Sunday School 950 am It amMOIINING WORSHIP The other side of the Liquor question MILEVENING WORSHIP For those about to quit The FRIENDLY CHURCH St Andrews Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister MR ANGUS ROSS Organisr and Choirmuter SUNDAY MAY 17 1933 11 LinaMORNING WORSHIP plllEVENING WORSHIP The Minister at both services was glad when they said unto me let usqgo into the House of the Lord ll amIIIE CHURCH SCHOOL All Departmentsl The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER STREET gflhe Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR MILLS Commanding Officer LT NIOOD Assistant MAY 17 1953 LlNEss MEETING by Lt NGrccn lleville MEETING 13va WELCOME mix glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lo PS 1221 Central United Church Minister REV BEWELL BA Organist and Cholrmalter WARREN MRCLEAN SUNDAY MAY 17 1953 1100 limMOIINING WORSHIP Life by theGrace of God 1045 tumORGAN MUSIC JAILEVENING WORSHIP Beyond your Depth cannon scuool 945 amJr Int and Sr Depts ansBeginner uni Ptlmal Essa Road Come to Gods Holis on His Day mam rnz loamrro arocx Excnloion awornmnt Municipalnnd Corporation suurltlu The hostesses for the evening bl tziiiylesdbegsket were Mrs Rennick Ms McKay MrsRobinson and Mrs Harris 95 Wenn The glUoomsman was Mr Ray The next meeting will be held REV Mom BA 23 Grccn Barrie while the ushers Thursday evening June at the gt Minister were Russell Paddison Barrie and home of Mrs Handy 25 park MR FRANK BUTCHER William MCFaddion Phelpston M159 side Drive and will take the form Organist Enid Pontridge Barrie playcdhthe of centennial Nigm REV EUGENE BEECH BA wedding music and Mrs John Stur SUNDAY gcss Barrie uglsrtlie soloist amPuURCHASEhZfs Minister fMR HAROLD DEMPSEY Organist 11 aimNURSERY GoooillsAlrstw ASSES SUNDAY MAY 17 1953 oessories and the grooms mother gt Ill am0rdinatlonServlce for Al 945 rumSUNDAY SCHOOL in ziVnylitwiilh pink maggotres Elderliemct Ml Daltonrlhite ms4Tb Meanln of Pentecost ll amBEQINNnRs DEPT II amMGINING WORSHIP Guests from distance Word from Subject Dundus Toronto Phelpston13mrie gt Stri ow Ininswick aud Angus Church of Enghm VB Fnter by the Nari ALLANDALE Door RECTOR I10 Sundaytschool pm Rev NewtonSmith Holly church Service shinm gt levalt the Lord our God and wor 800 ImEIIOLY coMnmmoN ship at his holyhill for the Lord mggobg Godis Holy Now availablefor the rst timeglauto the DAY80mm lml coco aewoarsmo aatan tire You inging will 31511911 Toronto P1108811 entirejyfnewtype oftreadfrubber that increases tire milepgdbyyqs much 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Wino TRY AN EXAMINERHVANT All Following the ceremony rccep PHONE 24 lion was held ill the Sunday school mm room of the church Assisting the bridal party in receiving thegumts were the brides motherin mauve crepedress and hat with navy ac For the honeyinrion through Southern Ontario and United States points the bride donned grey pic pic suit With red and while accessolicsurid cursory of red roses On their lctuln the bridal couple will reside at Mincts Point which costs little more mg Topic 1DIS as 00 hum aud I7305PREACHITNG flohoosewyjm minim AIINYION CORD If rosin minimali marlin TentedOslo AssembliesofACianocla Slll11tllllllrll11llll 230 no on 1nscOai tilihlrix $1595 rst lions Church lieu aming to mm CORNER woRSLliy CLAPRERTON STREET JFliEEMETHODIST SENDAYMA22173953 faiths M33 390 Pr fmlln unlined gt1 Bangle WW GUEST SPEAKER REV Galrrm Pastor Danforthp Gospel Temple Toronto SPEclAL MUSIC SINGING nu WELCOME PASroRlmrcmNsou Rwie Mlmhvi jW hi33m it sch Qdwmlmalmmhi Huntsville Braccbrldge opllllalurry80und will he repres by enledmiusuoximly Motive halvebeen tom the use of First MicaM Ammhlleo at cm iUNDAYrMAYlhlflsa ll CLAPPEWSI PHONE 43135 PASM Bliptlst IIall for thls occaslon 20 MULCASTER ST BARRxE vowleleGopvosoilva Gohli scallion miller mum MAXWELIJ wnm It emails arisen monument We volcano

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