FolLPrinrtnlleedsColl The DanaelExalIner HOUSE OF HITS Eiim WITH THE BEST IN DAiiIIIE LAST TWO DAYS FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm URT NCASTERWW he leads of love with that Sean Gem braid of excitmt lezendwmkzmdhm lutyspcctadcottbeindi nitillllltlleuummm PLUS NEWS CARTOON OTHER TREATS SIlllllS DlIEll SilNDliY MIDNIGHT l205 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY MATINEE MONDAY WEDNESDAY Z30pm EVENING snows 650 WW Youll lAUGH Youll CRY Youll GRIN Youll CHUCKLEI Youll IOVE pm Nightclub emu III II has wwwtxxwwsweastxix onmvhm Imlil IIII Inn in this AI Burlesque Comedian There is something to be said in favor of some form of taxation as opposed to others But such disl cumulus mil never reduce the taxi burden The only way that can be done by prcieming the eire peridimres that make high taxesi TAX BURDEN necessary vElrnwood Man Herald FRIDAY MAY l5 FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm 2T Stephen MchitLY Coleen GRAY attiml PARKER MIDI SititlDSmmmm PLUS 2ND IIIT SUNNYSIDE OF THE STREET FRANKIE LAINE BILLY DANIELS ALSO WARNER NEWSREEI MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Matinee Monday 230 pm BIG HOLIDAY PROGRAM omit ROBERT tumours SMART FEATURES ll lM lilNSlillNE Television Ctownl doing his famous TopsyTurvy number PLUS OTHER SHORTS If 1051 warm or OKERNOKEE IIIDNII IDDIY III GEORGIAS ANOTHER OUTSTANDING OUTDOOR PICIURE STARTS IiIIs lIll IIIIY zz III IIHYS MAKEADATE El wiLmIYIIIIIIIiII SEETHISONE TOM TULLY Rmxmn IIEttWIlIIEIIIIESS mean ROBERTLWS IEcHNICOIoe We hm MI new wait III For Movie MerryGwRoun Tune In CKBB Eocli Afternom at 540 pan nonsncowins Grey thoiougbbreds are very rare on modern racetracks where the majority of horses are bayor lchestnut ODDEELiows TE PLE MOnday May 18Ilpm wum Band DANCE Mile West of Elmvale on mm room sonoOLs EESTIVALCONCERT 690 Voice Chorus songs and Dances Ior the Centen nial and the coronation assisted by Collegiate CDncert HEIDI Friday Itnrlz 1W Plus This anl IIETIIIN EEIITIIIIE EVE SHOWS 845 pm PLUS CARTOON IIIIII EDI DAY AT THE Jolly lDrmer Highway 92 every SATURDAY beginning MAY 16 pm hlactharas orchestra Herb Moreno Caller ADMISSION soc vReserve Your Table Early moxsrmnm 1514 mWWWM MWNWW rm 4Mr NilW ie IO rooms iIIIIIIIIIiInI SALE Salado my 15 ODDFELLOWS HALL Comer Street Doors Open at adn Sponsored by the ladies of Stw Marys Church 1953 ARTHUR RANKazurle CLAUDETTE CDlBEB JACK HAWKINS ALSO STARRIIIG ilii STARTS SUNDAY AFTER MIDNITE Si IIIIIEIE ms menu iiIIiI mm rampaging the worlds hot spot are Todays BIG Advonltin Story IMPERIAL SHOWING 0N stun moment TRAVEL ROYAL Travel royally through the clouds in dBOAC airliner and vbit the old country See The Derby London Trooping the Color the Highland Games at Balmorai Wales and its singers all the magic of the British Isles in superb Technicolor ALL NEW FIRST BARRIE SHOWINGS SPECIAL MATINEE MONDAY AT 230 PRICES 15c and 39c NIGHT SHOWS AT E43 900 11m PRICES ADULTS 40C the hostess Next meeting at Mrs Lloyd Harris GRENFEI Lmted WA Christian Famin Day The WA met at Mrs Van wlendid congregation was Dorans May with 11 present Presem Sunday morning When Mrs Harris the president pre the Sunday 5011001 lomed With the sided 103th program was we congregation for the Christian Fam pared by Mrs EverardHarris aerial Day service Mrs Scan topic was Spiritual Houseclean isupcnmendenl 35 in Charge 83 Eng Mrs rcmer gave the iszsred by Mrs McMaster and 12111 Chap in the study book and al He FTBSBT Mrs DEERE so report of theannual Presbyter read story Reuben and Rachei ial meeting ofihe WMS 31 Stayner W311 09896 3150 read story Mrs Degeer read numbers of D3in Finds Home The choir thank vou letters and cards from rendered two lovely anthems My the sick Meeting Crosed with the Mothers Bible andMotbersPray benediction Lunch was served by ers Have Followed Me Mr and Mrs Atton SOB Bob uniEr and his Band Vecals by Billr M330 Every Stillmon Night RESERVATIONS Pam 02 between highway 11 HOLIDAY DANCE sIIIIiIiIY Murmur 1201 me Resemtioln miy DITcHING DEMN$TWINg in USING DYNAMITE the form DI Frd Apperly CQQIKSIOWII 9013 313 jets many May 2i arose Come and nd out about ditching wet swampy land whiehwould bog down heavy machinery SNDW pfm ONTARIO DEPARTMIDII an honour sour ixmmixmjr CHILDREN 15 1nd Tax John and Mr and Mrs Emerson Scott and familyfAizrora Sunday with Mr and Mrs Scott Mr and Mrs Dobson spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs iNixon in Toromo Born at Wold Born to and Mrs Ken Din5 more son IEdmard Kenneth Sunday May 10 1953 at Brantiford Congratulations STORE BUSINESS Independent stores did threep quarters of all retail business in Canada in 1951 chain stores ac counted for 163 per cent and do paronnt stores for sniper cent Located just south of Barrie on Concession and new four Inner SPECLu COLOR Ann Blythe Howard our NEWShjWACKY WIGWA it