Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1953, p. 12

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l9 weed how do the careseand frus trations and sins of my soul fare Gardening is Godly hobby for dose will embrace the whole earth Front it brings us face to face Willi the The Easter bodng 1d Dortdeasler small beginnings great results very Being of existence Perhaps gage Perhaps in our gardens this year itcon also be parable OI LIIE and The frogs are the we might meditate on the Kingdom Lleg me mmam blows The plk adebbodee the pikker any my 15 1953 Edwin 40 were We of 32313 3111 mi rem Internonal Life and Living Continued from page nine friendship here on Salinity Mr and Mrs Mallow Barrie were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs clam me Mule nd riot citizens ga Hill Mr and Mrs Noah Conan Star mlerhmmon to John Alexander err omit and bricklayer who by very suddenly foam heart condition while listen ing to hockey broadcaa on May the family residence Mr Kerr was born March 12 183 at Fer luonvale and was educated at Van Vlack In January 1904 his marriage to Victoria Ansley was solemnlzed at Wyevole and be Spent all his life in the district In relig ion Presbyterian and supporter of the Comeneouve party he tools great interest in his home and fam ily also hockey and ball games Moms of owers spoko eloquently of his wide friendship circle In cluded were those from Wycliffe Anglican and Presbyterian church es Copaco Brewus Retail Store District Coop Allandzlle Immed iate relatives surviving are his wife two daughters Mrs R095 Miller Olive Ibronto and Mrs Harry Rowley Jamil one son Lloyd of Elrnvale sister Mrs Colonel Bell and brother Robert of Hangman Corners The funeral service was held from the family residence Rev Bell Dun troon nephew conducted on im presive service Six nephews act ed as pallbearers Ross Ritchie Al Ian Ritchie John Kerr Charles Ansley Noah Cotton and Harry Bell Interment was at Elmvnlo Cemetery Friends coming from distance were from Orillizi Cold water Toronto Stayner Brothour Allandole and Duntroon Village Council Meets Minutes of village council meet ing held with all members present Minutes were read and adopted large number of accounts were passed for payment RowlcyW McFadden That Vollicks tender for garbage collection at $1200 per annum be accepted ll RowleyW McFadden That the petition re garding building on East Queen St be filed WebsterW McFadden Ilhat Dr Harvie and Tipping be requested to organize Coronation celebration for Elmvole and distrIct and it is recommended that they request two members from Flos Towd1lpcouncil one member from the Legion one member from the Lions Club and one member from the Board of Trade to act with them WebsterR Cooper That the council endorse the resolutions as set out in the communication from the clerk of Collingwood re garding county road grants and properly tax sales Attended YPS at Huntsville Misses Margaret Graham and Marion Drysdnlc were delegates to the Presbyterian annual YPS rally at Huntsville The theme speaker was Professor Allan Ferris of Knox College Toronto Willing Workers Meet Tuesday evening the Willing Workers entertained the Lodics Aid and WMS members in the Sun day School room of St Andrews Presbnerian Church Mrs Patdxcll presided Mrs Hill read the Scripture which was fol lowed by prayer by Mm Ross Rit chie Mm Murray Gmbam read very timely poem Will There be Corner in Heaven for Mothers If there wasnz corner in Heaven where they could mend sew and worry about their families wel fare they just wouldnt be happy since that constitutes such large part of their earthly life Mrs Jones acconmanlcd by Mrs Jock Ritchie sung two beautiful solos Mrs Horvie speaker of the ner are spending me time wbh Mr and Mrs Wilson Rowat Mr and Mrs Alex Andrew Whitby spent the weekend with friends here RitchieStevenson St Georges United Church To ronto on April 25 l953 was the setting for the marriage of Norma Margaret Terila only daughter of Mrs Stevenson and the late Harry Stevenson of Toronto to Ronald James Ritchie son of Mrs Ritchie and the late Thomas Ritchie of Elm vale Rev George Wood officiated The bride given in marriage by er twin brother Don Stevenson wore street length powder blue taffeta dress with white straw hat Evening was introduced by Mrs and navy accessories and corsage McAuley Mrs Harvic gave very interesting truvelog of her tour of California in March It is wonderful to be able to travel but more wonderful to be able to re turp and share the experiences pleasures and knowledge with those at home by the vivid picture which Mrs Hurvlo painful in words Mrs McGuire conducted couple of mirthprovoking contests The committee served dainty refresh manlt Mrs Currie and Mrs Robert Graham thanked the Will ing Workers on behalf of the WMS and Ladle5 Aid lCSpCCllVCl Mrs Currie commended the young wo mens group very highly for their work Family Day of St Johns Sunday morning St Johns Unit ed Church was filled for the Fum ily Day service conducted by Rev Dr Reynolds assisted by Isabelle Wnplcs Donna Dickinson John Bell and Don Forbcs At the front of the church were two vases of red roscs and box of spring flowers placed by Lorne Graham in memory of his mother Mrs Wil liam Gmhom Sacrament of Holy Baptism was observed for Peter son of Mr and Mrs Webb Archer Daniel Roland son of Mr and Mrs Roland McLean Dr Reyonlds gave wonderful message taking small wheel and explaining how necessary each part plays and so It is with life Fire Brigade Responds Saturday cvcning Elmvalc bri gade was called to fire at the back of McAulcys poolroom Rog Springs car had short circuit causing few anxious minutes Fractures an Arm Many friends will be sorry to hear Mrs Wilson Rowal fell at her home and fractuer one arm Mr and Mrs Earl Draper Wash ago spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Herb Fleming Mrs Hort Toronto spent the weekend with relatich here Miss Doreen Pearson Toronto and Mnand Mrs Keith Bertram Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pearson Mnand Mrs George Garrow and Terry Barrie spent the Weekend with Mrs WIerry Mr and Mrs Smith Cameron and JUNIOR LISTENINI Pusr News of Interest to Junior Farmers By JAMES HANCOCK Break It Gently Dovvn at the zoo the other day poppa gnu was more than slightly startled when momma gnu strolled outfof her pen and announced Ivegot guns for you Crop Prospects Good 11 have been over most of North Simcoe and during the Weekendlvlslted in Durham Coun 1y Everywhere the prospects for crops of hay and fall wheat age excellent We cannot recall 3i yenrwhen these crops were tur tlterradvancedat this date Most or nitrejoicetto see good crop amingven though it may lead ore marketing headaches farm Boys Camp Being Planned This tsbig news for all farm boys born during the middle years of World War Two comp is being heldvfor them this summer at Bass Lake Cooperative Pa from July 2410 July 313 weal long camp especiallyplanned to Interest farm boys It is being re stricted to 10 11 andlZyearsolds because experience has shown that the older boys have difficulty per suading Dad that camping ls more bpportant than farm work Three agentleagume Itooperating to ke this camp possible The Barrie Llano Club ls giving nancial book The Club has agreed to meetlithe coatofatgffing newwelltakecar ofrthe rental of theLoampllte meomauo Department of Lands Inna Forest to supplylogdeots and camping equipment The zone for wlllalgo asst bytaklngthe on hikes mhlng them to from out demonstrating reamfor the farm Wood lot OntarlqueuelrtmenhofMn tomrgmfulng thecomp and petalinfraction Compet aml blosupervlsori will be in hll lblh Illth being Camp every effort toward the develop tugs signied by 11 day evening May President Ross Rowat opened the meeting by asking for minutes of last meet ing which were read and adopted Roll call was taken with nine mem bers present The meeting was turned over to James Hancock who introduced Brucc Brown from the Barrie Farm Supply His talk was the highlight of the evening Speaking on Management of Brood Sows he gave some very interesting facts and gures taken from records of thePurlna Experimental Farm in the States and the United States Department of Agriculture He alsoshowed film strip named Litter Alley Amazing an experiment run by the farm which proved what mongrel undernour ished Ozark Mountain sows could do under good feeding and man agcment Undentheir natural con ditions these sows usually raised three or four pigs per litter Und er proper conditions ten of them weaned 94 pigs Mr Brown point ed out that the most important factor of management was the man Brian Jones very IEppidpatel thanked the speaker President Ross Bowat turned the meeting back to Mr Hancock who rcvrewed judging points taken from the manual The June meet lng will be ajudgingclass short discussion on tattooing and the registering of pigs followed 4H swine Club Formed In On By NORMAN CLARK meeting ygaoheld in GuthrleV School on Tuesdayevenlng May to organizefn 4H Swine Club Elevenmembers attended Toopcn the meeting Mr Hon cockv showed motion picture called Magic In Agriculture It showed theylmportant uses of many farm products in industry Then rHancock had the members elect the following officers Presl den Ivan Clark VlcePrealdent Don Climpbell Secretary Norman Clark Allistalr Crawfordls to be club cadet The members decided the club would be called the TwinO 4H SWlne Club Barrie Rotary Club has getter oualy ltered to be th organlzation sponsoring The meetln film canen ufpglgacvizatrlas color FREE STORAGE YOUR Iteration axon low row of pink roses lily of the valley and babys breath Her maid of honor Miss Betty Charter wore naVy taffeta dress with whitebat and corsagc of gurdenias and red rosep Douglas Crawford was groomsman The reception was held at the home of the bride 293 Fairlawn Avenue Toronto where the brides mother received wearing navy suit and pink acccsmries and corsage of pink roses The grooms mother misled wearing navy suit with matching hat and corsagc of red roses For going nway the bride changed to grey suit with navy accessories Following the wedding trip to Nin gara Falls and Buffalo Mr and Mrs Ritchie will reside in Toronto George In Jam The community hall was filled on Monday night to see the play on titled Gcorgc In Jam present ed by St Marks Guild of Midland under the auspices of St Andrews Presbyterian choir Rev Mr Bur gess read the names of the cast and if hearty applause means anything the auidcnccthougbt it good play and well presented Allan Beard sail with his guitar rendered several numbers between acts which were much enjoyed Inducted Rector On Thursday evening May Rev Howard Maison was instituted and inducted us rector of the parish of Wycliffe Anglican Church in cluding St Johns Waverley and the Church of the Good Shepherd Wycbridgc The Right Rev Beverley Bishop of Toronto of ficiated at the service assisted by Rev Ralph Adye Collingwood Rural Dean of West Simcoc Rev Gerald Grogson of Wycliffe Col lege Tdionto preached Ilte sermon Ovher clergy pxescnt otthe service included Rev John Kerr Cree more Rev ISItubbs Elmvole Rev Symons Scbomberg Oonon McDonald RevD Luck and Rev Vanlstrom Toronto Dr Albbott Schombcrg Rev Burgess Elmvale Presbyter ian Church Dr Reynolds St Johns United Church Elmvale reception was held afterwards in the Parish Hall at which the ladies of the three congregations provided refreshments Short ad dresses were wheard from Bishop Bevercly Rev Ralph Adyc Rev Mr Stubbs and Canon Mc Donald Friends were present from Toronto Barrie Penotang and Schomberg Mrs Herbert Columbus With profound regret the people of Elmvale and surrounding com munity learned of the passing of Mrs Herbert Columbus at her home on April 29 She was about do leave for church service when she was suddenly seized and passed away from cerebral henunorvhageu Mrs Columbus one former Jo honna Bridget Welsh was born on Nov 14 1883 on concession 10 F103 Township the daughter of the late Bridget Gallagher and James Welsh After her marriage she lived in Pcnetang returning do live on the ninth line of FIOSLWIhEIe she gain ed the respect and love of the neighborhood She was kind and efficient mother and her hospitality knew no bounds She was very devout member of the Catholic Church large number of beautiful flora al tokens of sympathy surrounded the casket from friends and Can ada Customs staff Brewers Ware house BritishAmerican Oil C0 Elmvale Fire Dept Elmvale senior Soltlball Club Palace Hotel Board of Trade Elmvale Besides her husband she is sur vived by her dour daughters Mrs James BrunningMargetet Chip pcwn Mrs James Stone Molly Phelpston Mrs Ignatius OHallarn Monica and Mrs Lloyd Ritchie Palsy Elmvalc and five leans Ambrose of Niagara Falls Joules Charles Richard Gerrard all of Elmvale AJdaughter Eileen pre deceased her 17 years and son Donny one year ago The lengthy funeral cortege pro ceeded Friday May from the family residence to St Patricks Church fhelpoton where Requiem Mass was sung by Father Morri son Interment took place in Plhelpston Cemetery where Father Morrison also officiated the lol lowing acting as casketcomers her four sons Ambrose Charlie thlmrd and Gerrard and No bro thers Jack and James Welsh Friends were present from Detroit Toronto Nlagara Falls Barrie Chippewu Penetang Midlandand Port Credit cannon cums The Ilky above the broad prairie la according torBryants beautiful poem ainealer vault and of tendererblue than that Which bendg obove the eastern hills But more beautiful still to bur mind is the depth of color In the Western twilight Brooks Alta Bulletin High Sm GERMANY Treaties to bring Germany Into the European Army in return for Incaindependence may be jeopar dized by court test which Wst Germanys Social Democrats are seeking At recent rally preparing for next falls election the Socialist Party which opposes Chancellor Konrad Adenauer voted to take Its case to the Constitutional Court at Karlsruhe Should the Court decide to rule the treaties unconstitutional they will need twothirds majority in the Bundestag lower house which Dr Adenauers Christian Democratic Party lacks The Social Democrats insist that all possible efforts must be made to make pact with Russia to unite East and West Germany Erich Ollenbaucr who leads the party told the delegates that even if all llnity talks fail the Social Demo cmts if they come to power will insist on clause in the European Anny treaty freeing any alLGer man government of any obligations undertaken by West Germany SPAIN According to reports from Madrld it seems that Spain has set bil xllondollar price taglon permISSmn for the United States to operate bases on Spanish soil Spain wants 5850000000 worth of economic aid annually for the next three years before giving America goahcad on the latest of our God take good care to SODDET on SPRIG put the carrot seed in the right sig the joys of soft ad suddy sprig place Have planted any King sig them through the dose dom seeds lately water the welcob warb tulips and pasturtlums do irri We tedder to her spilig verdal gate thefields of right living charb sprigs 0d the breeze od the wig tings The blossobs their cobbigglcd scet exhale Upod the air ad everythig here guardtd freeze KOREA The yug sprig labkld id the beaduw All warb the allwooi labkidil byriad gerbs of idfluedza float hoe the lambs quarters and pig She deeds the warpthp the whim Ad by the stove id Witter fladdel ped this soddet cre by figgeis ROSALIE FLOYD In Lilo In Korea United Nations armis tice negotiations are busy at the present time trying to locate and plug loopholes in the broad Com munist proposal of May concern ing dispoition of Korean war pris oners Onemajor gap in the new pro posal is what would happen to prisoners who refused repatriation and then were turned over to tho neutral conunission for four month interval If despite rcnsSuralnce from ropresentatlves of their home coun try these prisoners still refuse to go home what then The Communists say they should be turned over to the highlevel political peace conference schcdul cd to follow an armistice ssss Wilson Building BARBIE ONT Phone 4734 But the UN doggedly seeks to my EXCEIISIDB lIlSIIHIlCIll IllCOMPANY learn what would happen if the political conference also failed to arrive at solution for the bulky prisoners boses plans according to sources here Officials here had no comment on press reportsalready denied in Washingtonthat agreement has been reached in the bases negotia tion The impression here is that the United States is considering what economic and military aid if can give Spain in return for the uso of the bases This money would be separate from the funds that would be spent here on improv ing the installations Spain insists that the bases would not be leased to the United Statesthey would remain under the Spanish Flag and have Spanish commanders But United States forces would be allowed to control the parts allocated to them on an operational basis It is expected that United Sbatcs servicemen in Spain would not ex ceed 1000 under the arrangements envisioned Three air bases in cluding Barajas Airport near Ma drid and the big Cadiz Naval Base are mentioned as subject to nego tiation The main difficulty in the talks centres on Spains request for eco nomic aid The United States Con gress last year allotted $125000000 to Spaina sum not yet drawn on It has been suggested that fur ther $75000000 may be added to this from this years distribution of Americanaid funds not intended for North Atlantic Pact nations EGYPT It nowseems that the promise menu Word inlelrigerators ll ewword inrelrigeralion of General Mohammed Naguib to hove the British troops evacuated from Suez is the one channel cur rently available to him to obtain dramatic results at time when such results are badly needed by his revolutionary regime Despite evidence to the contrary many observers seem convinced that General Naguib is under com pelling internal pressure to come to terms with Britain over the future of the strategic Suez Canal zone This pressure is believed to stem primarily from the Egyptian Pre miers need to present his people with some concrete achievement in order to restore momentum to his regime and to counteract to some extent growing restiveness over Egypts serious economic con dition Observers believe thesArab press in general and the Egyptian press in particular are doing General Naguib disservice in arousing emotion over the current suspen sioniof AngloEgyptian talks and in muttering darkly about lack of Arab cooperalion With the West should the negotiationsrfail The lactis that neither General Naguib nor his chief aide LtCol Gamal Abdel Nasser is showing anyWreal desire to gllow the sitp This anest most wdnderful of allLGenVeral Electric Refrigeratorskeeps atlon to deteriorate Kw Ag military leaders General Nagulb and Colonel Nasser are believed to understand that military operations against the British alg most certinly would be futile and would provide General Naguibs polllioalopponentswlth an excel lent opportunity to capitalize on what would be termed the Pre mlers exposed weakness Thus observers are inclined to regard the current deadlock in AngloEgyptian negotiations as temporary suspension over technicality which however serious it may be the logic of the situation would demand tobevsolved In effect Egyptians are demand ing Brltlsh acknowledgment not unconditional evacuatlonlS before detbfls can be discussed while the Brltlsh are requiring somedlocus slon ofterms ofevacuagon before committing themselves course which might leave Ithe foods fresh longerthanks to the magic of ROTCCOLD All your stored foodsqomatter Where they Vare placed rpm top to bottom4am kept fully refrigerated fully protected at all times No need to defrost ever Jo employ drip trays Frost isneverallowed to build up More space than ever before new beautyof design bigfullwidth freezer momyRollafDrowet Leninall obouthsE ROTOCOLDLtodayat your Dealers Other newGTlllnodels pricedosVlovyg31900 bllcly vllol Suez base temporarily nun our IRON No Phonic 5046 Agent foul bud Oiylltoed 0003th ORNAMENIAL POIIQCH RAILS YOUR GENERAL cucrchoEALERSIN BARVIlIEM HEREsVuow norocom wonxs MOMcold dir Is circulated In4 side the refrigerator Vsectlonij to assure proper humidin and constant temperature through Out the ebbinet Fresh +0083 ore kept fresh anduppellilnb even Uncovered mu Iron sue man Ellens metric Simcoelioon 30mm I39 wow

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