Wu an 18 com Ron Itc One Kr and Mrs Elsie Homing and family IAIN and Mr and Mrs nod John Kennett Bar mm Km Jim MM ml children Port Credit visitedover the weekend Kr and Mrs Tom lnkley went at Flrrungo with friends at my um Witcheou and Mary of Homeland Mr and Mrs Johnny Collins and sons Toronto were re cent visitors with Mrs Camp bell Mrs Dickey Toronto is spending few days at PlnccrcstI At Mlle Foothill Several from this vicinity al tcnded the school music festival in Barrie last Worklch night and enjoyed it vcry much School Number Repeated The two numbers plat on by our school were The Irish Dance With Donna and Junc Colc Golc Miller and Linda Slump Cottage 2dr and Mrs Ililtlige and son and Thc Scotch Dance with Patsyi Miller and Ronnie Simpson They were well done and so applaudch they gavc them over again Mrs Mclcallc deserves much credit in the training of the children WA Meets WA held thcir lilollthly Jacksons IIEPllllTMlillTlll STORES lhc mccting in the church school room lwith about 24 in attendance The Jr is General Manager of thc 0151er seditious 1Dvrli31 part was taken by Mrs Tent am Awnmg Compml 34 Quebec NUllh Shore and Labradorgum Fred Richardson Mrs Scott was Baleld Street has announced the Railway SEW WALKERS OR Abll MONI mnwnm or the program and chose tIrIrmIleItIloiI of he commain IE to have Mrs Magullc gth Um umb hf 1Vr5341010R EXPERT IlIIlNI mm and demonsmtm the willopcil on Irlday at 38 Bayllcld DIGBYI NS CF Novas hlldrcns rec $325 vuluc of honey and its many uscIS 51091 II SIcoItiuborn itlLISICTitHV hating in llli the which provcd most interesting This uSlllCSS wt run as In nltc States len ac utt ovciyoni and so did her line sam scpziratc company from Barrie Boston has had an article on wut bndetobel woqld 0th hcw lies with which she trcatcd the Tom and Awning and will pro ClltCOIOI technique published in tho than uxurious EHWOO Md9 indie vidc complete line of home fur magazine American Artist Mr 49c Mowers Service nishings apart lrom appliances MacNutt son of Mrs Gordon Muc DELUXE 91 The church scriicc on Sunday At thc present time the new prcm Nutt of Digby has won acclaim in BUILT IN RADIO OF THE SEASONE NEWEST Childrens unproivc with tho pus tses which were purchased rccont the commercial and line arts elds EXCELLENT TIRES in in the us wsr AME 1N UPTOTHE MINUTE FABRICS Choose your Kcnwood at Walker tor giving line sermon also ly arc being solo by Moyra Knupp My Mothers Prayer fine reading by Shir lcv Pricst on Mothers Ways and aliothcr lovely number by live girls were appreciated Christening Ccremony lhcre was also christening ccromony for the little daughter of Mr and Mrs Ken Campbell Most Men Face Two Possibilities SHORT PANTS 49c Mens Broadcloth rcg to 495 DRESS SHIRTS 149 I7p lo 60 uidlh Plastic Remnants yd 19c Mens Icrloralcd reg 395 SPORT SHIRTS 149 llundrcds to choose lrom labllshcd to Barrie Tent on November Clark came with his wile reg 60c McCalls Patterns 25c Many men will outlive their Mens Satin rclz 1195 earning power Others will die JACKETS 495 at an early age and leave de no in mm pendants behind The one sure way of providing the contin 20 tJOCkcsI 595 uing income needed lll either omens re 15 case is Life Insurance SKIRTS 115 May help you to plan your Life Insurance to provide in come both for your family in case you die too soon and your retirement so that you cannot live too long Womens all sizes NIGHTGOWNS 198 First Quality NYLONS Rog 395 SLACK TOPS 98 Mens Womcns in leather pr 75c George Livingston CLU holstercr he Saskatoon inn tor llolling and all outdoor oclivities Lutsolr srnurrns Dressy scampers moccasin and plain Atoe styling Bays slzssno 51 545 ii 595 Select your pair to day has been srzrs 695 ll 7511 wialkwel shoe Store early ln on Post one Phone my 9L9NG coins oIsnonriEsl SUITS Your opportunityto buy cool at way be flow its reolyalumd Isthc wonderfulwvalues we are otterlug on sate Store Opning BILL CLARK owner of Barrio paratiou for Fridays opening The new slorc it has been point ed out by Mr mcct the increasing demand tltc original company has received for these goods tolrdgiilsd Year class were McKinnon broth 23 Sam nylon Sheers 1198 yd crisp LL Cheerful Cotton prints 55c yd of his war service in the Navy gt70A Dunlap Street Barrie FOOD STORE FOOD STORE IPOIlOld Sun 31055 Phone 5594 DON STONEMAN who crgnes hangers from Saskatoon and who has con Zi pm dugt II 59 DUNLOP ST Representing employed by Barrie Tent and Awn CGHIBI Of Mary Dunlop SIIGBI WOSII mg CIMI PHONE 434 mg for 935 ll mmhstw FOR GIRLS ing ltlll be the manager new sore Cash Your Baby Bonus MANUFACTURERS He has been in the furniture 310 Our store IS being enlarged and remodelled for 915 19 efgtfgcggi buy II Checks At Jacksona msuuuc couch for 18 years can Mitt l7 95 for 1195 After serving his time as an up our shopping convenience IF er 102 worked tor six years PRICED with Broadbcnts Furniture Store years he operated business of his own in Winnipeg During the war Don spent ve years with the RCAF and during that time he was able to carry on his trade Before coming to Barrie he spent on hand at all times to adviseI customers and to answer any furn ishing problems they mayhave Decided Change in ma Ms of blends youll findI this muchin Wsy Beehive Baby Wool48 Beehive lgImam milled PIRSIUC 01 Pmle Fingering 48c Km unsnrmk Etch lira51 Ill able 45c at Popular for baSISin Norl west Wm consisting 450 811 Nylon yarn in many colors cites Ilor the new baby The weather since Friday last high of 85 on Sunday MonI day and Tuesday were also warm but this morning brought decided change to cooler with some rain slncei last nlIght strong north west breeze brings reminder that we are stlll Temperatures were 43 CURTAINS LAM R0 Muy ll 85 54 II May 11 84 48 BARItILh LEADING SHOE STORE May 12 13 44 May 13 am 47 CALL IIIEJEXAMINEII FOR PRINTING PHONE 2416 Greatleuriny 511 Slllllltl cons fund suns If you need coat or sun be sure to sell II ITS WALKERS IN IARRIE FOI ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Robert Smith wish to announce the engagement or their youngest daughter Ther esa Marlon Terry to Hugh Mac Leod son or Mr and Mrs MacLeod Barrie the marriage to take place on June in St Marys Church 56 Miss llelcn Sinclair Winnipeg visited her cousins Mrs Moorci Mr 89d Mn DIVa Terry VIII and Mrs Wile New to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Isabelle Jean Mr and Mrs Charles Hurtlbesci it gown ngegfggcmg were in Hanover at the funeral of Mrs Kncchtcl sister or Mull Shanty Bay tbs mamae take Hurtubisc Iplace in Collier Street United iChurch Barrie on May 30 at Mr and Mrs John Little Jrprn I53 who have been enjoying vacaot lion of two weeks in Bermuda spent Saturday and Sunday withl Mr and Mrs II McKenzieIandg With John Little Sr Wellington Street West They returned on Monday to Toronto by motor with Mrs McKenzie and William Little to make connections for the re turn to Quebec where John Little EXTRA ounLlYYlExrRA VALUEL LOVELY KENwooo Kenneth Armstrong and family Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs George Wileg 199 Essa Road SPARKLING SUMMER moor nAvu mmmr in the time ol GeorchllIIcvery English printer was qbligcd by low to appcnd his name and address to everything that heprurtcd He was doomed responsible for statements 11leC and could be prosecuted for FOR ruoswno renovated pre Stores ill Barrie simply dial 5533 and place your order ro cairn urn llrllir FAMILY cusrontfrtl OLDS Alta Lil Seven mcn of the McKinnon family have grad uated from the School of Agricul ture here since it was opened in 1913 Two members of the first BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AI Dangereld Motors Battles Largest Dealer usco cu olvrsion ouu 4901 FruitottheIloom prints at 89c yd Bembcrg printed sheer rayons 169 yd Figured Clark is being cs and Awning opened alter the completion Those adorable blankets are feu tured in many beautiful colors in four price ranges Buy them for 1150 1350 1695 1995 All richly satin bound three wonderful broadcloth qualities 59c 89c I129 Cris kziy printed or plain at 98c 8a 129 Visit our dept today and see thesepretty new fabrics GARMENT STORAGE BAGS FEATURE BARGAIN our unrssrs Walkers arc clearing smarlr group dresmsdocghls ace to and What Dependable slums WHEN YOU suor AT 10 years Reg 298 for 199 and 325 or 217 Nice quality and II SHE Om the clearing price is such sav 35555 ing coats suits in one of those hcnvy plastic bags Holds 12 Armani III mm tnocrrrmil and 1995 10 13311 threeandahalf CLEARING For Iliul zastl 249 FREE DELIVERY Lloyd CdrriagesiGive You PASTEL COLORS II uilled rllsrlc fusion of colors and In great variety Iketeed 24114 11qu 4W Youll find the beautifuliyarns you love to use at Walkers great pro CARRIAGE at unusually warm with LiQ WWW May shrillrind rlirrrri High Low No otlier carriage oers so man features of comic safely nominee quality style and economy It all 14 special oyd features ind We feel sure you will agree that the Lloyd is the carriage toIbuy Two kinds of carriagesThe new Lloydlllo featllorwoisht modbk or Lloyd Steel Carriagesprover over the years The new Lloyd Sun Visor OBI The Lloyd Adjustavent Hood patented hot summer days Lloyd Safety Hood Spreadersr Noprohuding handle to but young toddlers Lloyd CIearVu Storm Apron patented Lloyd Truly SEIO Safely Stand IandBrakerntoutad Itwont Lloyd Supercondort coil springslot smooth vibiotionifm rldOr Lloyd fNylonTWIleel Bearings411w need olllnl 9IHaudlo INSTANTLY adjustable to tonhglgIlts 10Lloyd Superveusy compact folding All models told tho vinyl 11 INSTANTLXIIIconvertibIIe tom strollerf 12CLlonlde Englishleather ololhooyerlnzo Thoueit Imow of for bilby carriage unlice 13 The nest nishes we calm 10 metal partl Anodizing for aluminth nest chowplotluo bakedon motdllc more AImntldclortln Thrillers every one Hand pickod styles and marvellous nowcoolma Iterials Dashing New Stylcs sons 12 to 20 and larger half sizes too PrlccsIIWlll nilin your heart and mdk you budget strotch mogywmom 53 wmler Showci Curtains ii ringworm aw1vo oumoro ma IV window TIShirtSIShorls Cotton Skirts Cool om Curtainspg Blouses It Sults etc Visit the sv 995 Dlttvthislwepkndw lurllitur9v Stores 114 union 51 Iasi Pluto gas51 lit cram can ALL the nest Features NEWS courteous competent staff Will ho IIilI