THE HARRIS 13 153 family Tomato scent Sunday lszUi dilxl 51f Lillie Bell 311d Sand Visitor jam SIOfeS CIOSIng Sunday lailllyl min bl nu Vb mmpfawu an Emu Dag Em that Val titi Mr Douglas Hus Hour Change if paies Mr and Mrs WA our fw 515W ltcr Mr and Mrs Hamid Dd EJUhn and Mame Ml Mg lll Join and tarnmirei ltltiffitil the parent stir Bylaw Approved Gull Dinner Continued lrum page one Alice lSiam Fletcher and Terry Emcrwn Russ Omit dill their Iululllu Kirkpatrzcx rckcnd was done or two weeks This was Mr and Mr Sunday LliUij Ltii him um memhams Chance Jack Wilson Juan 5xl1illLI uh 5N E1331 talk ll Will Clummers Ross Visited 3h Lam Bill luii and sler friend It Could only be assumed that the Rughes puim SMir TutJilld vir Lilill iln Liberty must have ream wwyd not be The largest crowd in many yeoio Oscar Sumwmm we gum lizli lui llarize itr mti Mr attended the otlicial opening dln Chum LOO signed the petition be remembered that the Cryop was under about 90 per cent farmer con trol and they 105th on Saturdays at noun Mr Caldwell went on to say that catching the tourist trade was not the Their decisron had been inuenced lo large extent by the liveday neck type of stall they wanted they had to close on Saturday nights employees found that they had to work on this night they were li able to go and obtain work where there was Li livewluy week in op oration work Deputy Reeve II that he had talked to number of merchants in the town and their view secured to be that they would be nights at pin because they did not do any business after that any way Reeve ileber Smith pointed out that one prising Toronto associations had put exactly the same system of closing late on Fri day and early on Saturday into op eration and it had been found that Friday was now the busiest tiay ol the week to of Ti Alderman Johnston against these fellows LlllSing when they want but why should we have body close Mr necessary so that people would not try to take an unfair advantage and remain open when the other stores closed On the subject of farmer cus tumors questioned number or them and according to the ceived most itlhe farmers did their shopping on Thursdays and Fridays coming in on Saturday night indi cated that they did not want to shop then So far as the tourists are con cerned he added the niajority mertravei on Friday night rle docs not get very much of the tourist trade open on Friday we will get it The motion that the old bylaw be rescinded and the new bylaWs prepared was introduced by Alder man Kinzie Gallagher says this steel city will build vocational school of its own if Cape Breton municipalities will not share the cost most towns in the industrial area however were behind the proposal much of problem when they also had to her and dance of the Barrie Gull and Country Club Held last Saturday evening more than 100 members enjoyed tur key dinner served by Commercial Caterers Limited of Toronto who have received the contract for catering tbs summer President John Ough welcomed the members and guests mention ing that the new executive plan ned to continue with policies of improvement to the clubhouse and course Mrs Harris ladies presid em Mrs John Ough ladics vice captain Jack Nixon house com mittee Brown greens com mittee Harry Reid membership committee Leighton Clark mens eocaptaln and Charles Kearscy professional spoke brielly con cerning the activities carried on by their respective departments Approximately 55 new members have been received into the club this year and those attending the banquet were introduced elmm Mr FiveDay Week main reason for the new times It stores wished to get the If with no Saturday night Greer so id as well closrng on turday BRITISH PRIVY COUNCIL The Privy Council ni Britain dccscnds from council instituted by King Alfred in 896 AD of the must enter retail merchants Why By Law am not do it by law and make every was Glenn said that this Mr Glenn said he had replies he re The amount of farmch them travelling during the sum Bar wide selection of those bountiful rings In exquis lIon modem styles mmdpmwh We feel by being ad II llvor Dhmond ring SCHOOL PLAN SYDNEY NS CP Mayor JEWELLERY He said Ph 2267 Essa Rd DRIVE BETTER WM choose FROM THIS no Linlfur 1952 CHRYSLER Snratoga Sedan 180 111 Motor Power Steering Power Brakes 4100 miles 1952 PLYMOUTH Cambridge Sedan 1952 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Club Coupe 1951 PLYMOUTH Business CoupeA 1950DODGE Deluxe Coupe 1950 DODGE Custom Sedan radio 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1950 MORRIS OXFORD Sedan 195thlIEVROLET Sedan 1949PLYMOUTH Special Sedan 1943 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan 1948 DODGE Special Coach 1948 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 194i PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan 71947 MONARCII Sedan 1947 DODGE Sedan 1947 MERCUDY Sedanf 1946 HUDSON Club Coupe radio LOWPRICED usro on i942 PLYMOUTII Clubppe 1933 roan Coupc nilEntertain 1940 ICK Sedan 193mm 19393310K Sedan 1936 FORD Coach hydraulic brakes DODGE seam 1933 erMOUrnjcoacii 1934 roan cotton 11952 Cradio ltl50liargo Express to ton I948 Ford Panel lzzton 1947 Fargo Express V2 ton 1948 Dodge School Bus 48 passenger capacity in oxeeilenl condition School Bus colors 1947 Fargo Express luton 1947 Ford Panel ton 1946 International K6 cab and chassis 1950 Royal Enfield Motorcycle onavsmn rLYMOUfrua FARGO SEQIBEEIVAIUES tuna in line condition very handy unit at North Bay Entries must he recclicu oy Sll1 Ntillfl liilurd on or before May to Thats what Moores One Coot Exterior White will do for youundiin addition it will give you the smartest lookingwhite paint job you have over seen It in mode to cover in one cool old painted surfaces of white or light tints which are in fair condition selfcleansing white not to be tinted MOORWHHE qualities For exterior use on new or old work under oil point Prevents many failures of due to poor priming May be tintedwith all colors $125 GALLON BEAUTY PLUS 100 PROTECTION done you wont it to stay good looking and you want the protection you worked for Aproduct of Beniomin Moore Co Limited $725 GALLON BEST FOR YOUR PORCH noons durable rugged point made to withstand heavy trafc and outdoor exposure It dries quickly to hard high gloss hishiiiliich is easily cleaned decks of boots and us heavy duty interior oor mumI TiLiLLIKE FLOORS ENAMEL recommended for all Floors Stoirggnd protects Porches of wood or concrete It is easy to apply and dries quickly to smooth uniform gloss nishing touch that cdmpleles the well decorated The Home mjaro for Best Deserves III Best diam 777$590 Gol gloss nislihWith extreme woshobility Useit on front doors shutters garden furniture as well os on kitchen and bathroomwalls cupboards and Oldeld Toronto Tum Vmwrs day at the samr and Mrs Andrew Bell ltliZ iriil liliillt heroin iii Solthnll Tournament FENNELS BALL PARK Admission l3t Public ciiool liiltlrcii liltlill PRIZES $25 oifi Sill TOP VALU $785 GALLON $230 QUART priming coat of exceptional sealing and hiding point $210 QUART YOUR Painting house is hard work and when it is oil We Recommend Moores House Paint For Value Protection and Beauty $210 QUART Moores Porch and Deck Point is really tough Use it on wood or concrete porches and steps $115 Gol For Interior Floors or Concrete This Floor Enamel rich colorful easytocleon Floor is the $200 or UNEQUALLED INSIDE on OUT VHores on enamel whichwill give you real service mam Its Spring Time For 9qu citing Ilonseclming PM thn Father isnt fishing get him working in the garden cleon ing up the lawn fixing up around the houschind here the tools Vond theequipment hell need SPECIAL linden illicr 13 tooth garden ILIILC and iir blillil In itii bag H1 Imprintin ham Tone iliillii of garden Timon NT Door Mat Iilnc rut oiiuiibiim bills cirru lIIBIILS iltrn Ilirce sir Mr 39c F35 illlil 29 55c iilll liili ill Quinn 65 limit liizv Illlr li itiil ll View SPECIAL tStrvrnuu Viiiiimi 44 uii twiifiriv i1il LR Slurv itlllliiii Him llmnii anti Apphulte LASIS vaiiiiii llulgtirixzui Xiuii Wm Curd MN uziibilinlioii iiilnr gimme wuh at itliliitlllo length title 951 IIl lame li3gtllflillllil in our chomp your unin ltouiii lilix nl iliiiv no wailing and take it with you Ncn Low iriccs EZEIIANG Wallpaper Adhesive in inll ill unliumw wnwvl iillli LilliHANG lnliprtiiir limit and iiiiilunliiiiiti III ILJLIIANLT aulliirini Alllilbhl LIttl IUBBER STA IREAI iizz iitllilxii lili WOODEN STEP LADDERS BOTH FOR LY Strongly made reinforced step ladders for home and professional use illi Foot Size Prices 349 595 339 Foot 395 Foot 795 plot with more Beauty More Value ill nys pint pint Alma Plmeka 21 23c 35c ll ll 10 WASHER CARPET Sweeper 41 1356 Here is wonderful buy um ll llill for quick pickup on rugs runners etc 750 sou nurture 172 turn lltlSE Its new 49c ii 55c ll Miami its different IRONING Its here to stay uei yours tot Low Pniv it this Special Well mudc wooden boards in vniiciz of styles 395 595 495 619 Adjustable Clothesline Hoist Easy to install pull down to hone clothes pull up to dry Galvanized Cluthcsljne Wire 50 it 50 slriilicl 39 strainl yAirork liluniinum Clbthesiina Wire vrlll not rust Feet LAWN and GARDEN NEEDS Weve everything you need to keep that law mp Shape or garden II Viceroy MOWER Precision built English MOuer bluderil inch cut More Beauty Features Value wtthma MOOlaw Beautiful giamorizcd interior of Shuttle greenwith brilliant golden trim new type butter conditioner with seven degreesct temperature new adjustable door shelving new beauty new color new bklllianco Engliin Clipper BROOK HA VA blade British music lawn AND MANY NEW FEAIpIES in Mimic 0398 mower in sizes Welly Refrigerator Band Trollil cum 14 out if 16 cut vrllor an Flak isue RUNNER Push Button Defrosting com innon orce osmium mm CUBIC FOOT 00 bludc Caiiudiun In both oppeorgncebndweorThe white is non yellowing and lhOcOIOTs are permanentolhigh trim Youll bedeliglitod its periormcince IMP rave in $2475 Qt PAINT IIIIIIWWIILLPIIPEII The Home Of Wallpaper and Paint 19 amenco St III IIELIVERY Borna Phonetics specs WV Millie Mower 25 each Astrid Btlll inthrbefsizxesis madeamomr 14 cutlsnsi MICHIGAN FEAT i9sisszzso 2450 2035 FISHERMANS SPECIAL Puts new Tiltinto lower MARI2 LAWN CUTTING AJPLEASURIE PIeiiseljunlor orTDad withtbis oombinl beds rind potted plants ation Glasisodand Reel boih ideal for AiricnnVioiotf for only It If it potting Deck and Egg 41130 333 soc ii cdlnpllelteselnctton Oi magma yum was WW 355 Make Robinsoulhrdivaie Your Head 5m w= All Hardware Needs DELUXEWIIEELIISIIIIIIW VW steel mleiiubber wheel well made ideal slimy i150 Maxwell Whoelbaribwa styles steel or rubber wheel Toss 1550 GARDEN WIIEELABOUTS Handier than wheelbarrow ggmnimigmrden or around the