noun swoon mwa from Re 22 to No 645 Shrubs Rose Bushes Gladiolus Bulbs etc 1111111011 SEEDSMEN SINCE 1871 Move in now Mr and Mrs Gowan To ronto moved Into Mm Ross home rectmtly William Iwrcncc Toronto spent Saturday in town Mr and Mrs Adair and son BiOCk spent Sunday visiting Mr Adairs parcnts at Bluvvallc Visits Alliston Mrs Aldcmrn Epcot days in Alliston this week Mr and Mrs Causidy Ethlttililull Alto and lat Sisk Ayiliitr wore visitors of Mr and Mrs 11 Norman on Sunday lust Visit Relatives Mr and fills Lu Harrison and dlluulltcr hllllll spoilt Sunday of iiiznvutr initlug Mr and Mrs Iltillllllloll WE SALUTE 776 SCfOOLBOXWFO 540 iN OUR ORCHARD THE DAMSELS ARE RIPENING SPLEN DIDLY IWIIS SINGS YOURARE CORDIALLV INVITED TO ATTEND THE OFFICIAL OPENlNG OF BARKIES ssurtssoksTOLONDWGTORSI ulnar nulls Muny IfOIQIWondleful Prize With Parents Johnny Conrad Toronto Spcnl Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs Goose and gmndmother Mrs Henry CouSc Weekend Visitors Weekend visitors with Mr llld Ml John liliughton liver Mr and Mls Arthur Shctivr daughters Jane and Susan Miss lzllrlcia llnilghtoll loronlo and John Houghton Jr Hamilton Home for tho Wlfktfldi John Liutiiuy Patricia Evans Violet Gielhaln McMillan Vclrnll Silli mum lllolluls Williams Kcunotll lzlwlold llll of Toronto lVllnScS Helen and Doris Mlipcs Barrio Mrs Delve Mthlstcr Toronto xiv ill tho ttlftlltl with lur inothcr Mrs 1i Hurling Mi zuld Mls Minwood Hurling Nlugluu bulls vlrc Sunday gut51 of Mr llulllllgs llltiilltl MIS ll lllllilig Visits Illltllli ero Audrey llmpbnlL lorolilo in wurkrnd visitor with hcr pur iim Mr and Mrs Nornuln liulp In El Sunday grunts of Mr and Mrs llltitt Mclwun were Mrs Jack Mc li lll llnlizlld NILLinn and Mr and MS loin Allllilltlllg all of To lllrllo iidd llnil Mrs KLlliltlll Kidd il llito 2111 gttlllllt few days ill town llurrlc Visitor Mrs Wilson Kcll Barrio tiiS Sunday gutst of hcr sou Albert Ktll and Mrs Kcli kw AGENTS volt printing URRYS 36 BAYFIELD Sl NTEE MORTGAGE RPAYMENT iN THE EVENT OF YOUR DEATH Certainly THE Thats Our Business ACIURERS IFE INSURANCE COMPANY in Mr and Mn 31pm Covenant Wilson in Ru choir and Mn Ecr son Neil Brantlerd were Sunday nun Carlyn plants guests of Mrs Henry Goose louse and Mrs Ccuse Sunday Visitors Sunday Visitors and callers ll Kidds were Mrs Keith Cows Miss Gladys Andrews Mr and Mrs Fraser Mr and Mrs Fletcher dauglltcr Susan Miss Fletchcl and Noni Fletcher all of Toronto Altemlcd Funeral Webb and Miss Marion Wcilb illitntltd thc funeral of Mr chbs lilphcw James Cockiin lit Stayncr 1131 Monday Miss Brrttm Comm atitndcd tilt lulumi of her nephew Everth Warringc llt Ayioli on Sunday At Niagara falls Mr luld Mrs GLUigi Batters 1o lonto accomlxulicd by Mrs Battlers nlulticr Sililil the wcckvnd at Nia gurl Fulb lrcsbytcrial Meeting luc following Coolcvtown ludics illltlltltl lhc WMS lrcsbytcrilli Auxiliuly zit Stxyncr Unich Church on lllvlzlv Mlx Willis Corrigun Mrs lohll Furis Mus Cousr Mls 11 Mcluddcn Mrs Wil trains Mrs llwilt Mrs Curr Mrs Fitlitll Mrs Sttuult oriiizuln Mrs liilllcl lA Mrs Gmrgi bulls and Mrs Arthur ooptrlt linus of Scrvicc lhc lltSlvILlliill lulrch ii imilstowu vlll start on Sunday Muy 17 to huvr llltll sliccs ill 1115 1111 and Sunday School to iiillow ill the close of thc sclvicc WA Mccting Iin lrcsbyilrluu WA llltl ill Mrs llitlliics with 20 numbcrs liliSWCrl log the roll coil and generous of fcrillg of $2250 was lCCcivcd lhc president was in tho chair and con ducted ihc devotional portion of thc luCciing with hymn prayer and scripturc reading The lnin lltcs vcro ltIltl and upprovcd and scvcrul thunk you cords were loud oni being from Belfast lrc land liilltllls from various coli vcucrs vcrc llcurd also the lltiISlt urcrs rcport Mrs Adllir who has bccn llCiiStllLi for the past four yttilS rcsigllcd and ex prcsxcd li31 rcgrct alt lcnv ing Cookstown Mrs Corbctt wus clcctcd to fill this position The June rllcoting will be held at Mrs Pattons with Mrs Moore and Mrs Ritchie assisting the hostess Mrs Armstrong took the chair for the program nSSislcd by Mrs Corbth and Mrs Maycs Follow ing the program Mrs Hughes brought the meeting to order and ill ll fcw wcll choscn wordscxprcsscd the fccling of all the nlcmbcrs of the WA in losing such faithful lncmbcrns Mrs Adair She then presented hcr with gift and hop cd she would be happy in her now home Mrs Adzlir tillallkod thc ladies and said how much she would miss the WA of the Presby terian Church in Cookstown The Mizpah bcncdiction brought the meeting to close The hos icss assistcd by MlSH Smith and Mrs Maycs served lunch and social hour was cnjoycd United Church WA There Were 25 members and two visitors present at the United Church WA meeting on Tuesday evening May at Mrs Tom Gra hams with the president Mrs Ira Ii The Mint opened with singing hymn 351 This was followed by the Lords Prayer The stimuli reading was given by Mrs 11 Vcectiakc and Mrs Albert Glimy gave the lesson thought and pray cr The minutes and wrrespondcoce were read and all business discu 35 cd also reports from the various committees There were 21 sick calls made and five cam send to the Sltlt Alliong thc discussions was the third annual meeting of the Wo mans Amwiation on Tucsrky My 12 at Midland lhe WA are cater ing to the Lions banquet on Morn day Juno at the Town Hall with the wool committee to make ar angmncnls Anniversary Sunday is May and any one who would care to do lxlic flowers please leave them at the church on Saturday so the com mittcc am decorate that evening Mrs John Furl read an address and gift was presented to Miss Gladys Cilziiitlcr who is leaving our midst shortly for her new home in the West Miss hnlltlcr made it suitable rcply Mrs llinlllc gave all inrm iivi talk on the schools and the wetting closcd with hymn and Mirpoh boncdiction Lunch was lhvu served by the committee Lunch and program committee ofr June 15 Mrs Glam Mrs It Illpclll15 Albcrt Gilloy and Mix 11 Colc Flower committcc for iJunc Miss Harman Mrs Wright and Mrs Williams Shower for Bridc socile cvcning was held on Monday cvcuiug May at Mr and Mrs William Rileys Mrs Clifford lSchrnlnl who were married on plll when around 25 of her lncigllbors and friends gathered to wish illcln happiness Miss Terry Elli on bkllall0l the community hump Appreciation and gratitude 11100111 liliuty lunch of sand lchcs rclishcs lllld wcdding cakcv was scrvcd by Mrs Riley Mrs ll Rilcy Mrs Hanson and Miss Torry Gill Weekend Visitors Miss Vcllnzl Cole Toronto spent the vcckcnd with her parents Mr and Mrs Cole Sunday coasts of Mr and Mrs Cole were Mr and Mrs Clarence 1001 Cole daughters Ann and kMndzllin Mr illld Mrs Louis Cole daughter Su and Mrs Ray Quancc and daughter Ann all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Dcl Cole daughters Brenda and Diane Barrio Callers at Coles on Friday were Mr and Mrs Robert Wilson and daughter Jean Barrio Miss Hill lsvisiting relatives ill Bond Hood foru few days Temperance Study Course At the ChristianFalnily Day scr vicc of the United Church tem pcrllncc certificate of merit and an awardwas vprcscntcd to each of the pupils who completed the national temperance study course of 1952 Mrs Hindle Supt ofthe Sun day Sdhool madc Uhc presentation remarks and MicR Caldwell prev scnlcd tlicawurds Certificates and prizes provided by Womans Christian Temperance Elnllllll EwEerENERAL Morons DEALER rind nn liddlcmnnd Mrs inflam sun Mrs Rilcy and Mrs Jcn null presented them with lovely tllblc cllbinct for Silver and table worn cxprcscd by the bride and sun sons Wayne and Glenn Mr Cookstown More Anniversary LAWNMOWER VALUES 1089 1595 1695 I995 00 2250 1795 Sale Value LONG HANDLE GRASS sumac sszs Saves that tiresome back bending REGULAR GRASS SHEARS ROTARY POWER Mownns $9500 Long orhort Rough or Smooth This mower adapts itself anytvhcrc 119 115 198 240 255 280 435 450 WEED SLASHERS $125 $145 $175 LAWN FENCE 42 GREEN 26 ft LAWN BORDER GREEN 12 Inch llc 18 inch ft GARDEN HOSE HOLDER $195 All Metal Painted Green FOLDING FLOWER BED FENCE 10 FOOT LENGTIIS GREEN FOR $l69 PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE Black in 50 foot length with couplings $398 CORN BROOM ISOVAC VACUUM BOTTLES Made in England SPECIALS SLIM $129 GLASS FISHING RODS REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE $598 Fifty foot length with couplings $240 $215 and up to $1895 REVERE STAINLESS UTENSILS At the old Low Prices SUPER HEALTH COOKWARE Someone said and we think truly that any of the four top teams in the Junior OHA could have won all the marbles given Hap Emms as Coach SALE OF DINNERWARE BONNIE DUNDEE SETS OF 66 PIECES REGULARLY $3750 ENGLANDS COUNTRYSIDE cursor 60 PIECES ONLY Sl550 REGULARLY PRICED AT $4750 JUST ARRIVED TODAY SOVEREIGN PRINCESS 20 PIECE SETS FOR $950 3550 EARNWAL AND JAMBOREE TWENTY PIECE SETS The Best Value in the Land ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS SAUCERS EVERY DAY curs SAUCERS 390 Pink Only $100 MORN GLO DINNEFRWARE TWENTY PIECE STARTER SETS REGULAR VALUE $575 VANDYKE DINNERWARE Red 8311 Boat Decoration PEACH LUSTRE CUPS SAUCERS 30c lion and RONALD llllilsrllonc Two STORES FOR YOUR so orpma coutnumnccw 98404 Dunlap St Phone 2801 6971 Duniop StuW Phbnc 4946 Union for this course were present cd by Mrs Carr president of WCTU and Mrs Adams Barrie county president at the county convention on April 29 Those who received prizes from CobkstownWCTU were Junior and under lst Billy Cooper 2nd Joan Caldwell Junior 1012 ISL Neil Erencb 2nd Roderick Coutts and Sidney 10th Intermediate lot Grail Morris 2nd Kenneth Lin dcy Senior Fraser Carr Others who received centificatcs pod awards wcr Karol Ann Coulis and under Barbara Caldwcll land Ronald Parker 10 ll 12 Fraser Carr also won second Eprize county and third prize in the province Remember tile Change of Daterr MONDAY MAY 18 Fireworks Day WEIIYMIIIITIIS puck STORE 30 humorist mi 4055 tliEAlEllS IN iroNrrlAc gliUlcx VAuxllALL EGMIQVIIRUCKS 11 sis eiiilsvniv me miss Dr Gerald Braden DDS Dies AtHomiIton WcSNativc of Barrie Hamilton Spectator highly respected dntal surgeon and prominent resident of this city Dr Gerald Horace Braden DDS died suddenly at his home 47 East bournc Avenue on Saturday aged 53 He had large practice in Hamilton East Dr Braden native of Barrie Ont graduated from the facility of dentistry University of Toronto Ill 1926 Since Illicit he had prac tised ill Hamilton where he had many friends His cheerful and en gaging disposition had endeared him lto many said Dr Easter of Dundas former classmate of Dr Bradcn Dr Robinson president of Hcmilton Dental Association mid the association would deeply miS Dr Braden and expremeddmcknt his sudden passing He said that mgmbarc would form procession at Sil Giles United Church on the occasion of the funeral service to morrow afternoon at oclock Active lnAChurch Dr Braden was an active mem ber of the church He was former president and former chairman of the Mens Association andc mem ber of the boardcf stewards He was member of the Hamil ton Kiwanis Club and helped un derprivileged children Dr Braden was 32 Mason Sunfish Rite member of Went worth Lodge No 166 AF and AM Stoney Creek Morton Lodge 31m tout to 911 1mg ovalyum Quality folio itthnuiliuy lentglutomuic 0n its the exact mum you loci In struml hid lilihvtllh lming blueno Milli my minnowtho pm mimic norm volition uu em or 32 PIECES SALE $935 Regularly $1195 THE LATE pit BRADEN Perfection Rose Croix and Moore Consistory He is survived by hiswidow the former Adele Cimels and two chil dren John and Miss Diane both at home There are thrccbrobhers Braden QC Hamilton Burden QC London Out and Braden Toronto The body is at the Robinson Fun eral Home until noon Tuesday Burial will be in Woodland Ceme tendTi HW MANY DESCENDANIS VERNER Ont CP Hormidas Provencher 82 who died aglo community left total of 184 des cendants They included four sons and four daughters 69 grandchild ren 106 greatgrandchildren and one greatgreatgrandchild GENERAL ELECTRIC