Wm BLOKDtE By Chick Young Tm would cmumunmwxmt PORTAGZ LA PRAIRIE Man EEC Andrew Roulette had his mm dew in underground wolfl gdm in mm to drag wt me cubs when me mam man mm m3 gm hand Tm New awe managed wmmLx it we 3mm and mature xix mm Mr and Mrs Clllill 29cm that weekend Rvrtr Mr and Mrs Smltll zrtlt =rl attrrllmn with trllnds ln Creme who ha been its lllt Royal tVlctorla Hospztul with gllctttlllilild i5 tblt to ix zlomr again PAtimx In capitol mp Mm Mr 3nd Mrs Fry wtttll an gm Mr and Ml lergv Fry ulotorc to St Cut tlzlru during the tumk clttl lo wr Mr vllltfllcll who conned 1o luntiltnl Ulric Sgt WrSlnll nil May WW4 gamut Jodi Satin varizluzg Mr 3an Mt Raymond ELAJlUll all ikutE lull Newlyweds Leave dr and lftx tlIJrlm Frv lrfl Jul lur on Sllfiflny for Mli Frys home at gt in 12 Klrklum Luke lllc llewlywcm alliji raw lJKlll no remitim in North Ll call was cxllmlcll ow trurellcr for ll ltldlllll Belmnre tn um kw ft grl ibtCIllllL Guitar of lrmzty Ulltld llllli pltltluu tnurcll lzlllrs to commence July gt Rm Mr Multan is from Brucc Prcshvtlrv lll culrrx verv lllnhlv gt Ttxllllllltlllllll rlni ult Womans Association lllc May llittlillg ul lllnit hurcil WA was lltltl Ill Mrs Vlltlllgt wllh Mrs Lun Inox plthltllflg lll McClltcheon in the ahsulcc of tllc lteclclzlry look the llirultcs of the llltcllltl and road lime of lost month The lMJilllllll Mun thoughts ttlc theme uf which was Witnessing wcrc rmtl by Mrs llllghcs Llflrl lllt Blblt reading wox taken by Mitt Fred Grow 1er mtcrcsllllg piano Combined Sandro 1rlzutj Frittcd lzuzch Jud Sun lllv School lzchl collllizltetl scr lvzcv Sunday l1rltll lllth choir rmllpwvrl tlttlrly of llllllllllti The Sclipturv lcssolls wclc tzlktll by Paul Ltsulox and Mozy ulwcll story was told rby one ufthe lllllltl5 lllll the pastor liltJtlllfl ll llrlcl but very ager of Palmer Oil Co Limited This comlizlny is out important operator in Southern Saskatchewan and in Tcles through its subsidiary Palmer Oll as Company inc All offerlllgf 1000000 of 5W Convertible My My ntures of Palmer Oil Developl ment Co Limited is bclnlz mudc by the investment rm of Mac till lThe Wilbon Building Pm amte Sq BARR Phone 55311 Namesdz Colllpzluy Limited lpploprluto scrulozl Thrcc bablcs were bilplllttl Molly Moreno lltfl laughter of Mr and Mrs Hugh solo wctc given by Juan Wcistru Ouc of tnc flllllfl items of blmness wus the planning for thc Corona tion ltternoou lezl and ulc of bak llenry Richard lltllly Altman son of Mr and Mrs Altman and fClrcgury Rous Enuus of Mt burl MW Russ Erupts Bllllltf got enough tickets on our Lucky Draw The more tickgfs thc morc chances you have of winning log on May 22 Plans were made for tllc cutertlliuillg of Egbert WA gut lhc Jutlc mccting at Mrs Orvul lCurrs Illc quilting of three WI Hung lotiills was dlSCllSStd It was dc Thc womens Immum Wm mew clded to lczlvc those in charge of Omnw Thursdav tlowcrs for thc Sunday Church scr vices lost your to be responsible evening May 21 with Mrs Al MCQUM as hustc Tm pmgmmlfol this gain for the summer will be in charge of thc honlclmmtls ymr seven bazaar leconomics couvcucl Roll Cilllvdon05 were displayed Reports How sham douglrywTheW of work done were given Thcrc lwill bc Iltllltllhllrllltlf by the 15 Show of baby gins 5mg SUM Machine Co The which was handed over to Mrs lrlemonstmtion will Slilfl at 830 pm Hughes be Elwmd rmly Shim of the community Delegates to the WA convention this week all Midland were appointed mo tion to cater at Frank Lcnnoxs sale was put through the books and details ditcusscd but latcr was withdrawn very lengthy meeting was closed by prayer by Mrs Hughes after which lunch was scrvcd by Mrs Wilson assisted by some of the mcmbcls color tinnitus KNOWN FOR FINE CLEANING llllllT man ITS EASY to beautify DELAY 2385 llliouse Olll llOOrs Will CLARKE H00 Slllllll EQUIPMENT By Walt Kelly wand Avilch usumpur THlNF lf ILLEGAL090 WONT commesz to me ocrruoueucv OF MlNOYOH 055 53 1mm 461LL 613 Emcee 11415 MALAlzm FELLA ABACKWDODE rams Home wml TlE mass All For cw OfFNEMALE You Bl TANKEZG 15 TAKIN OW wouour CLlMBlN INTO THE RING JESCAuae THAT ma MAWlt57 SOTA 9on sum J7 GONBACKu 100 6m timber 1080mm You can do profusion rcflnlsbing job with our complete euytouse Clarke Rental EquipmentLSave time and money md give your floors new beauty and lustre we furnllsh all equlp ment materials md complete instructions men name as norm serous magnum MWY Walt 00 NAPOLEONC Pam WE EVEN 9389A 16 SET FLA OF PART THAN Weekend Visitors mw Weckend visitors included Mr ilntl Mrs Lungdon of Clifford ut Mrs McKczlzics Mr llld Mrs Armstrong Toronto at Mrs Armstomps or WA AN LOO up one swung lung on of Ilusplml Glld to report that Mrs Mission Band Trinity Mission Band will meet til the basement of the church on Imam much Thursday ftl Lt 230 Whg 118 VLL Ill mm experience 35 lodaycouklwmc amulmembel gunmalarltey should Visits lDauglIter Mrs Scytllcs has returned from months visit with her lo Ollllomll AVE daughter Mrs Harold Lllwrcncc Malton Sympathy Extended Sympathy is extended to Mrs James Lcnnox in the sudden Simple wantng tulle an interesting less YORONTO Centennial Namos Committee co The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontnrlo passing of her sister Mrs Isaac Spccrs on April 27 at Muniwaki Quebec Mrs Spccrs resided in the village here for 26 years Bunion SI Ens Phone 2556 Egbert Visitors Mr and Mrs Norman Scott Eg bert were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs George Holt Mr and Mrs Peter Switzer with their children Peter Donald and Susan of Alliston were guests at Vernon Jennctts recently Bobbie Dick and Dorothy Gil mour Toronto spent weekend recently at Tommy McAllistcrs Mothqrs Day Visitors Mr and Mrs Walter Macfadyen New Toronto and Mr and Mrs William Cormes Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Ireton were with Mr and Mrs William Sharpe for Mothers Day Mr and Mrs Warren Ellis Tor onto spent the weekend at Wilsons Jim Poacocl was home on Sun day Miss Mary Boake Toronto spent the weekend With Mr and Mrs Boakc LATEST BRITISH AIRCRAFT The Society 0L British Aircraft Constructoxs 1953Flying Display and Exhibition will be held at Falnborough from Sept to 13 Latest products of the British air craft industry and new develop ments in aviation equipment will be on display Last ycaiulver 38 000 people attended the display on the first three private days Some Gentlemen llvwish to inform you that cENrRAL Dial 5555 Collier Street Comfortable Cabs Name Address MEAN IVE BRCUGHT JUNK ALONG rum Hm ARouND THERES NOT CHANCE THE mm OF MY oxEREATiNGJ rle be you hrEAN recur TAKEN memories DCNT WORRYI ONT OVEREAT IE TAKEN PRECAUTlONS AGAINST THAT to NDNT WELL SEE THAT YOU CUMT EAT TOO 3ch MUCH FOOD AT NW SUFFOSE VOJRE MUCH lSNT GOOD FOR you WG10 mush Ar RoAsr NTHE Wlty Prov or State is former resldent of Barrie and know would be pleased to receive an invitation to attend OLD HOME WEEK who ms MM Scllders Name Address SEE THE NEW HILLMAN AT rouuIDEALERS 300W visited rainbowh CLOSE lSLANDS Trinidad most southerly 0f the Westlndies lies only seven miles from Venezuela GUESS cu MbHT CALL 1T cAraEMENT CF THE EYES 504001 PLEASEIELL TEACHER WONT BE mono3 vELL caucus DIAoNQSEc AlLMENTAS CASE OF EYES BEING BIGGER THAN l$lopACHll LAST NEHT AT THE DNNER TAELE WAS so HUMGR TOOK RNTHING BUT WHAT HAS WAT TO DO WITH CUR L4l YOUR ErE LOOK ALL RlHT TOME Emu HE prMINim comm mom 2414 4531953 lulth MINX QQNVVERTIBVLE The wldcbenclityp fmnt sell is only one of the many features that makethis the smoothestVsmartest yet the most gconomi cal in its class Youll gOfor the pricetool MITED BARRIE 5515 so 00 WE COOKE OARTQEE AND sTORA gall THE WORLD MOVES ELSWORTH P01904199 AWDOLL9 rurwsailuumluumxscum 21 earsand billion mlles have rfecte this ryfor youl Here are the owing es of bi gndexceptiolul along with light careconomy se of handling RonniMOTORS animalr lllllllEll VANCOUVER roaomo mourned alum wan or YOUR mum alum SllllllAllTALIOT comm Kmun lovhl AND linotnovtll mums DEALER FOR 77 AltRSitsnllgis ORANGE Phone