The advent of springtime warmth sends the backyard gardener outsto start his sea sons tasks Likely as not the gardening man approaches his long session of toll and lays with mingled feelings First off he can make up his mind to en dure aching muscles and stiffened joints for week or more after his initial bout with the soil Warm sunshine the perfume of bursting buds and the general sense of well being at the grrivnl of spring combine to lull him loo false feeling of unlimited capacity for hard Work The satisfaction of turning over the rich black earth makes him stay with the task for longer than he should The next day he pays the price in aches and pains and blisters But by that time hes out buying plants and seeds his en thusiasm for gardening still on the rise Sunburn is his next hazard Its hard to realise the suns rays can sear as painfully in early spring as in late July but the throb of lobsterrcd skin around the neck and forehead after long afternoons planting will attest to it Once the planting is completed the gar dener says hes going to sit back and Watch the garden grow and perhaps take Satur day off for fishing Trouble is when the seedlings shoot up so do the weeds That means the gardening man must do plenty of booing and weeding with fresh batch of physical discomfort Then comes midsummer glorious season of growth and fulfilment Its also the time when the gardener has to spray and dust to fight insect pests attacking his growing crops Finally in the long slow cycle of the sea sons harvest time comes It brings the work of gathering in the fruits of the months of toll It also has its accompanying satis factions That is when the gardener tenderly picks up the potatoes and carrots from his own vegetable plotnnd handles them admiringly Try to tell him he might just as well buy them at the store and save himself lot of trouble and his reaction will be one of min gled pity and scorn Probably he couldnft put it into words this feeling about his garden But he counts as one of his yearly satisfactions the sowing the cultivation and the reaping the partner ship with the good earth in spite of its physical hardships Good Health Importanl Speaking before the annual convention of the Ontario Homeand School Federation in Toronto Dr Zeigler of the University of Western Ontario took as his text the fact that in two world wars onethird of the male population or Canada had to be rejected for military service before they were totally unfit This he said indicated that preSent health education methods in Ontarioare not adequate to meet presentday needs Dr Zeigler is member of the department of physical health and recreation at the Unlversityof Western Ontario He revealed the fact that the Department of Educatiou had prepared and outlined thorough course on health but it had to be held in abeyance because teachers were not qualified to teach it The London Free Press has this to say The artment of Education has certainly outlined athorough course and if this is not adequately absorbed by the children it may enoughitimeiscgiuentoii Qan ada is welfareconscious these days Being healtbeconsciouscould be something else Health159 complex problem and health itself vital concern to the nation Parents and teachers and most of us have to be convincedof its essential nature Health is everybody8 business In spite of these comments and Dr Zeig lcrs address we believe that great advances are beingmadc in the direction of increas mg public awnrness of measures to promote good health The Health League of Canada and organizations metros those interested poilomylltis have done much in to arouse the publicmmd as to accessity of health conservationso we wsonssnrv III 1853 nod and treatment of tuberculosis Shakespearean Festival Stratford Ontario is determined in an artistic scilcc to become Canadian counter part of its namesake city in England Plans are under way to make it the centre for Shakespearean productions in this country and towards that end Shakespearean Fes tival Theatre is being built there The cere mony of turning the first sod of that edifice was held recently and it was the forerun ner of pcrioc of intense activity to have it ready for lhe start of rehearsals for the opening presentation on June This Festival Theatre will be no unusual type of structure It will be tent theatre with complete stage and other equipment essential for its operation The stage is bc ing built in Slratford workshop and was specially designed to serve the needs Oi Shakespearean productions In this tent theatre it is planned to carry on summer season of Shakespeares plays The venture is the result of the interest and hard work of group of Strutlord cit izens who are anxious to develop in this country the traditions which surround Strat fordonAvon in England the birthplace of the great playWrigiIt They have shown con siderable enterprise andnot little courage in undertaking such venture in country in which stage productionsVhavc to very large degree been subordinated to the popu larity of the motion picture theatre How ever as cultural movement designed to recapture for the people of Canada all the beauty and glory of the Shakespearean the atre it is highly commendable enterprise and one which deserves the full measure of support necessary to make it success In due course if it is given that support the time may come when our Stratford will be able to erect permanent theatre akin to the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in the town from which it takes its numg Editorial Notes We agree with The Carlyle Observer that the hardest thing about making money last is making it first Canadas biggest industry looks to another year of plenty early reports from across the nation indicate In general agriculture is off to good start Seed houses report de mand brisk But dont look for bannel farm year says The Financial Post Carry overs are large domestic prices are dipping some with eggs among the exceptions overseas markets remain tight US has cut off dry concentrated dairy product imports Seeding got off to particularly early start in Ontario and 30 but was delayed on the Prairies Where grain acreage is reported down slightly this year and in the Mari times as the result of cold wet spring 0INIONS or OTHERS Canadian Talent Off Air St Thomas TimesJournal Patriotic Canadians will be surprised to read that the cost of putting on Canadian talent on teleI vision is prohibitive They had expected that TV would mean more opportunities for Canadian enter tainers It means that all the programs seen in Canada will be broadcasts from American stations lf television ultimately ousls nonvisiondry pro grams Canadian talent will be put off the air al together Cream Puffs in POliiics Fort Erie LetterReview Cream puffs in polllics are proving headache for the COF in Ontario Recent party convention in Toronto found farmer delegates willing to support rcSolution favoring sale of margarine but demand ing public inquiry into competitive problem of chle oils versus daily products Monkey was thrown into works by Fred Dowling Canadian directors of ClOCCL United Packinghouse Workers who demanded rigid labelling law When consum crs buy cream puffs thundered Mr Bowling they are liable to get edible oil and not cream at all If CCF planners were lo have their wayfarmers would eat only margarine and trade union members only butler Second County Paper Closes Creemore Star The Cookstownr Advocate which has served the Soth Simcoe village for 56 years has ceasedwpubli cation The publisher Mr Mel cFadden who has operated the paper since 192 has been In bad health for several weeks and evidently nds it im possible tocither sell or carry on This is the second weekly paperjn Simcoe Coun ty to passoui of existence within the past year The 446 And in closing the report on lost Wednesdays rummage sale the conunllhr wishes in exprm lfs deepest regret Inrr lllt inmllcrlcnl will REHABILITATION CEMNTRESVJ of lrs Spencers lull SALVATION ARMY WORK Alcoholism is still 80 per cent responsible for the downnlidouters gelling that way and the only cure is regeneration through new born self rcspccl according to The Salvation Army In Salvation Army rehabilitation centres like love and inch and Iilnicr Loch the battle gocs on to save men from their own weakness and families from the despair brought on by povcriym Nor docs the Army pick and IIoosc the people it wants to help 0f the men who make up the family at these clean Wellkept centres many are from the jails and courthouses where the Army maintains doybyday vigil and from the glitter where the alco who eventually winds up But apparently hopeless criminal nun and lush who often havc Icvcr known rcul friendship be gin IllW life at the centre The Army rcloinsls faith in lhc knowledge that there is some good and ambition lch in union 10 matter how for he may havo lropped It takes over from there EDENVALE Mothers Day Not to Mothers Day and baptismal service was held Church here on Sunday morning The order of service prepared by the Ontario Council of Christian Education was followed Rev Veals was in charge of the pro gram Two stories were read They stopped their quarreling by Margaret Goodfellow and Da vid finds home is bestby Ken neth McNabb Mrs Bowman and Dorothy McNabb sang duct My Mothers Prayer Mr Veals gave the address basing his re marks on Timothy Chapter verse am reminded of your sincere faith of faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and bowl am sure dwells in you We are re minded said the speaker of the obligations of parents and child ren We have ethples of brave mothers both in the Old and New Testament The mother of Moses hid her son to keep him from death The mother of Samuelgave him to Gods service and Mary gave up herjson Jesus In Lois Eunice and Timothy we see three generations showing the result of consistent home life We must show kindness and courtesy in our homes and we must be mind ful of those who have gone before and left us heritage of Christian character ls Godliness the main issue in our generation anddo we emphasize appreciation over criti He concluded with story of North American philanthropist and South American statesman who asked the philanthropist why had North America advanced more than South America He replied The settlers of South America sought trade and gold but the set Umted lhaSnf cent in his pocket Results The Army rehabilitation put new sull ina man and coil him reformed but to put If new man in the suit and realize ii Iegcflelalionf New members of the family no Luidlng to the Army are saved be cause they have it in lhcln to rise lo their environment The environment is good food vcll kept quarters association with other men at work and ill recreation All are provided willi in the same building The rehabilitation centre has several workshops where the men put in an ordinary working day They rcupholster furniture repair clothing and llouschuld equipment and shoes bale paper serve as helpers on the fleet of trucks the Army uses with professional drivers at the whch to conduct the salvage work provided by thousands of friends Mcn admitch to the family arc spared from any thought that they are charity or pity cases They are given an allowance of $1500 week of which $10 is taken to cover their accommodation in dormitory and their food in the spickandSpan cafeteria The other $500 is spending money Says one of the officers in change You cant talk morals to man whOSe slomnchis empty nor give much confidence to man who centre its dormitories chapel reading and recreation looms has been made attractive by the willing efforts of family mem bers wielding carpentry equipment and paint brushes The workshops are humming with activity Be cause of their environment the men reacquire confidence good conduct and personal habits and what the Army values more than men Some 200 men pass in and out of one of these families annually Race and creed are inquired about for the record only The Armys success in rehabili tation About 60 per cent of the mom make good continue new lives and go on to success The others fall by the wayside once more and the Salvation Army with itshope and faith constant stands by willing to try again By WILLIAM WARDWELL tiers of North America sought re ligious liberty So many churches so many creeds So many paths that wind and wind When the only thing this old world needs Is just tho art of being kind During the service four babies were baptized Brenda Elizabeth daughter of Mr and Mrs Bert MawKenneth James son of Mr and Mrs Don McDonald James Douglas son of Mr and Mrs Doug las Giffen and Glenn Elwood son of Mr and Mrs Russell Sage anything faith in God and fellow 350959910 ethos giruoCOke And no wonderits so Wholesome so delicious and pure as sunlight Canadians Need Outdoor Exercise lvkigehiil Drive Barrie May um To the liililur Ilhc Barric Examiner floor Sir The editorial appearing in The Barrie Exaimner May if Is one that evry purem should rind very mrcfnliy ln Hon Donlop Minister of Education is facing increasing costs In exgondillg an educational nylun The liucllcrs all want more money with which heartily ugrec Larger gynuasiums are wIIItcd where our children ill given lhc lpwrlunily to develop llltll indies Which is the ROS important large simmlwalrd gylllllhlllflis or variablytrain Id efficient personnel in load and guide our youth along lll paths of liliSltJl culture um II proud fnthor of three chil Iln II and say gIVc im l1orougll ly qunlllitd tluchcr one that can make use of Gods grsst outdoors as gymnasium and one that is in py lll his or her work and will guide and lead the child along the pubs of physical fitness England plays soccer all winter and in mzmy parts of England the weather is us tough as here in Bar rie Denmark Sweden Finland and Norway arc lilo halllhicsl nations in the world They excel in out door sports winter and summer Skating skiing hiking rowing booting climbing as matter Incl mm of their sport is outdoor ls Cunudu slipping physically How many young Canadian lads vcrc turned down as physically un lit for the last war ousands in LZILSczilldgtiIIavian coun ricsout door physical culture is taught from kindergarten through univer sily The result is healthy na tion The only reason am taking lhe lime to write this letter is to impress upon the parents of Sim coc County the great need for outr door physical recreation for their children Encourage them in all outdoor activities Every outdoor sport properly supervised is the best dol lar spent in your childs futurl neultn DAINES vo BELLE EWART Attend Wedding Mrs George Baxter and Mr and Mrs Norman Browning Toronto spent the weekend here and attend cddlie CurtisBrowning wedding Church Service Rev Luck Barrie was the speaker in the Baptist Church on Sunday Clubs Visit The Golden Circle Club of the FirstBaptist Church Barrie will visit Belle Ewart Baptist Church on Thursday night May 21 at 830 oclock Moving pictures devotion al and social time Children must be accompanied by parents Weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ruffett Ste vcn and Karen Wiarton and Mr and Mrs Jack Ruffctt Toronto were weekend visitors with their parents Mr and Mrs Moore and Mrs Moore spent Sunday in Coll ingwood Home From Korea Sgt Ernest Baxter returned from Korea last week and his parents Mr and Mrs and Mrs George Baxter and his brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Cundall drove to Ottawa to meet him He will have two monthsleave Back From Yukon Jack Whan has returned from the YukonI having spent the winter there LISlE Mr and Mm Henry Brown Mal lorydtrwn are visiting thezr sonIn law and daughter Mr and Mrs Alex Bees and fanniy Mr and Mrs Misknmmnx and family Toronto Visited over the Weekend can Mr and Mrs Her bert Sawyer and Jill John Herbert and the Moses Herme Toronto days last week with Mr and Mrs William Ehldilli Mr and Mrs Nimegmn and boys Visited Iyct illv Wttltcflil Willi rekiuvrs in Toromo Farm House Burned We are sorry to rcpozl the large farm house owned by Delbert Fails refllcd lo Mrand Mrs Kerr and family was burned to in ground early Enforcing morning Fire tru from inip liollieI Vtrlc culled ul like fire this too far gone in do lliucil good Very little furniture was wired and Mr and Mrs Kerrs land lln coililrczih clothing was all llllllll Sunday visitors with Mr uui Mrs Ed lollinger urrv Mr Illd Mrs Bill ovo aIl family Dominik IMF and Mrs llzlrvcy Leslie Judy lulni Dougius IIilin Mr and Mrs John Leslie llli spending work or So III rillui with Mr and Mrs Ilznvcy Leslie and fzumly Mr and Mrs JI IIII Guides IIIII ftuully also Irvin lxddcs ill of Gall visited OIVti the weekend with Mr and lllla Anson Gerbils Sr Posted to akvillc Licut Julill Wilson who has been statiorud at Shilo liluliiioba for the past nine IIIoIIZhS arrived home Sunday morning He has been posted to Oukville On Monday lit attended his fathers funcrul in To ronto Mrs Jones visited day om so with Mrs linking lo Airlie for Service The United Church at Airlic in vitod the Lisle Sunday School CGlT Explorers BoyScjnpts and Cubs to the Mothers service FIIIIGIEIDED on Maddy Quite number were in attendance Gift of My Daughter Congratulations to and Mrs Joseph Drmay Hire 36 Goddesi Golf on arrival of baby thrush to on May In zin llrsihi To Detroit for Wedding Mr and Mrs Albert Barnes Gait Genera left his lltlfuil to attend liiv Ml Beryl Hunt of llrIlauIx gills was established In GIRLS SCHOOL Christs Hospital at iicriforii leading schools lo 21 SIJNNY Sectors Hour DRYING Wonv WHITE SCARIEE c0 Diho For positive protection to all wood against the attacks of dry or wet rot mildew fungi decay clc ASK YOUR PAINT DEALER FOR FREE FOLDER lllS censs Sign a1 wedding of their gr9lllthinlgllcr one fl Theres Srmles nish or every surface Cranord Co Est 1919 MEMBERS Til TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Government Municipal and Corporation Securities 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Wires Picture News from IL FIGURES ohhmual Reports make fascinating reading whorl they come fromthe chemical Industry An interesting item from the record $2612 million CLI spent on new construction last year is its new Copperclifr Plant Here is control panel of this push button plant where waste gases are turned into the liquid sulphur dioxide essential to pulp mills in themanufacture of paper feelgthat definite progress isbeing made in direction other one wasthe Tottenham Sentinel which was absorbed by thAlliston Herald Sundervmlors Mr and Mrs John Belfry and childranBradford visited on Sun day with Mr and Mrs Harry Git It is sad to note ibedecline of the number of smallItown weekly papem They have filled vital r01 mdthiI cgntres in which they were publihed an on on to ly their passing willgbe nhard blow TOWe to the villages they served Anylfiatlllo wiurioorjmtoms heart and on tly Write what he sees there wiil find fen plenty or renders MrsJIralick andGeorgeyspent II Sunday with Mrs Frolicks sister Mrs Ashton at Uxbridge lt Mr andIMrs MBates and farm fly Sunnldalef prsryislted Mr and Mrs DGiffen onSundayg podium LJgStraih Cruso land spenf sunday withMr and Mrs McDonald Mr and Mrs Everett Lougheed and Kenneth Sunnidale Corners visited Mr and MrsBert Maw on Sunday Mr and Mrs Garnet Walt and family Midhurstspent Sunday with Mrs Walts parents Mr and Mrs Dobsofi Mr and Mrs Orville Dobsoh and Mr and Mrs Elmer DobsonCntrel Vespra visited Mr and Mrs Rus sellMowion Subdoy BRISK moms LONDON om err scoldding was brisk as 45head were sold In at the first springisale of the West couonrunluous to Donald Garrard ThisycarsGrsnd Award Winner on the popular nationwide rsdio progiam GIL Singing Stars of Tomorroyv receiveshis award from internarlrmallyknown musical gure Dr Edward Johnson Over $4000 in musical awards wereIrecentlyIawarded to eight talented young Canadian singers who lopped the 44 contestants heard throughoucfrhe pastsedsoowwiv ohCILSinging StarsofTomorrow Fabrics of l00 fOrlon will hold Class VA Newspaper PlgSmaMondoiI Wednesday Friday 1be or Post Office Squar THE prison sxnmnrla Lllilrsgm canada that LI flTlICK VicePfesident RIVETT SecretaryATreasurer of 01m Newspapers 1nd cousdiau Weekly Mumps Auoclotlon Bullion owns Audit Bureau of Clrculollons Bubrorlber to or Service MIcircuiIuon WIIEIWAUJ nouns Ill it CHIWCKI enles mom ll RIVIII OfficeMaxus communion um win it ammoon Indoorloo mun HARRY Plantlolloulnlonmt plofsWell enough to Withstand countlesswashlngs and iho plealsrbn be sci and removed with your own bond Iron Dufonll Irodumork for if acrylic flbro IummIIIr ecucoi mm mm MW IANGIWTTLINGIZCO LIMITED shroud nominal Muiro Rhona 440 an mononulnwslrslri llMlnsMONTAL average price bodily gt SERVING CINIIIIIQ THROUGH CHEMISIRY