Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1953, p. 1

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They Were assessed for these cot AN INDKIKNDXNI NEWS Serving THE TOWN OF BARBIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE Since 854 89th Yea rNo 56 vs SPLENOIOLATTNEAE SCHOOL CHILDRENS FESTIVAL MUSIC IN BDCI The annual Iiural Music Festival this year was arranged for three nights presentation in the auditor ium of the Barrie District Collegi ate Institute and brought splen did attendance on all three even Tags The annual concerts are spon sored by the Rotary Club of Bar rie and are held under the super vision of school Music Specialist Miss Eva Rumble ARCT and were performed by the chi dren of the Innisfil public schools together with four Vclipra public schools Be cause of the increased number of pupils participating it was found necessary to give three perform ances on May 16 and Coronation Theme This year the theme of the festi val was All Hail the Queen bas ed on the song by Healey Willan and sung by the inaSsed choir ofl 330 This was to commemorate the Coronation year and to honor our Queen and was the opening number Seating was arranged for such large groups Iby making use of both the platform andfront sec tion of the auditorium The children of grades one and two sang Know Three Little Sisters from Our Flag and The Sleep Fairy by Quarles Grades three and four sang group of three Flow Gently Sweet Afton Spilnian Early One Morninv bk =the old English air and My Ovin Canadian Home McLaughlin These little children with their lovely voices and beautiful appear ance on the stage were credit to the schools which they represent ed The Rhythm Band Grade one in blue capes and wearing golden crownsnnade hit with their songs Over ihc Waves and Hickory Dickory Dock The conductors for each separate night were also lit tle girls of grade one who gave grand and perfect performance They were Susanne Starley Innis fil No 10 Elaine Rolfe Innisfil No 12 and Elizabeth Jamieson Innisfil No 13A Commonwealth Pageant Then came the pageant with mus ic songs and dances of our Com monwealth The children repre senting the different countries car ried flag of that country and told what each contributed to the econ omic life of the Commonwealth They wcreSouth Africa Wayne BARRIEiIAWYER REQUESTS RETAINER FOR oxwutufxm mu BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY MAY 13 I953 SCHOOL CHILDREN TAKE PART IN COLORFUL MUSIC FESTIVAL AUDITORIUM Martin lnnisfil No 15 Thor Craw ford Innisfil No 12 Arne Wullin lnnisfil No 14 Australia Bill Davis Innisfil No II Patsy Hunger Ves pra No 10 Ann Webster Innisfil No Scotland Glen Smith Innis fil No 10 Roderick Coutts In nisfil No Bill Henderson Innis fil No New Zealand Aim Noon Innisfil No Maire Hope Innis fil No Glen Allan Innisfil No Wales Joanne Switzer Innisfil No 11 Glen Ottaway Vespra No 11 Grace Forbes Innisfil No North ern Ireland Joslin Guest Innisfil No Sylvia Chapeau Vespra No 15 Shirley Knicely lnnisl No 13A England iiegina Kleinvcld In nisfil No Margaret Srigley Ves pra No Edna Blakeman In nisl No Canada Marie Jennett Innisfil No 17 Ada MOrris Ves pm No 15 Doreen ODonnell In 10 nisfil No ion The ten provinces were also rc presented and came on with Miss Canada also the two territories eachvdrcsscd to represent the spe cial industry of that part of the Dominion Dancesand Drills The dances and drills interspers ed were very well done showing knowledge of perfect They were the Welsh Scottish and Irish dances Maypole and Duke of York Drills were Flag Drill and Maple Leaf also well done and all made more attractive by pretty and colorful costumes which entailed great deal of work Flag drills were by Innisfil No 15 Innisfill No and Maple Leaf drill bywmhisfll No The various dances through the pageant were by Innisfil No it Vespra No 11 In nisfil No Innisfil No 17 bills fil No Innisfil No 13 Vespra N0 9and Innisfil No Senior Choir The senior choir supported the performers with songs of the var ious countries The Voice of South Africa de Villiersl Ad vance Australia Fair IAmicusl Ye Banks and Bracs God De fend New Zealand Woods All Through the Night The Irish Lullaby Shannon John Peel the old English hunting song The massed choir joined in Can ada Queens Chosen For each Concert queen had been chosen was attired in regal costume with crown and on the first REPRESENTING RATEPAYERS EROMINNISEIL By Rois Reeve Lockhart assured the writ er that the words attributed to him in the ariCle in the May issue of The Barrie Examiner were not his responsibility He stated that he had not made such remarks in his assurance to the township soli citor as to the hiringjof Stew art QC to represent the ratepayers Requires Retained Iii letter written in long hand Stewart wrote the townshipli councilthat before he couldaccept the representation of the ratepayers he would require retainer of 33250 in advance The reason zfor demandin this he ed do VS CliffCarscadden askedCOuncil but want to be involvedin any Question of the propriety of the Townships action At special meeting councilde cided to advancethe sum requested and this amount appeared on the financial sheet passed at the reg ular meeting Anxllcan Church Camp committee headed by the Rev Muirhead and accompanied by Rev George Banks and Rev If Sliced came to interview coun oil in an endeavor to get their assessment or taxes adjusted in what they believed fairimanner tags when the assessment was changed Previously they had been considered as church property The land which the cottages are onis ownedfby the Playtr Estate and is not assessed The cottages are built and used by clergy mostly those who cannot afford to take holiday otherwise The commit tee were in agreement with the suggestionthat thy pay for the essential Services such as garbage pOlieingroads and fire protection and asked that rebate be given for any additional charges made This Offer was suggested by the council and was left for further consideration The committee re quested that whatever plan was adopted theyInceive copy of the action taken so that they could be iguided accordingly No final deci sion was reached ing during the meet Astrid 12 tsct time whenth3it0ltld look over fence damaged bythe gar bage dumping and which allowed his pasture to berunprotected meeting was arranged for Wednes clay evening Some discussion was given the warble fly spraying Cattlebelng put on pasture were taking more time to get Over the second time The work was north to the fifth line he reported guewiti Ditch Mel Cook was present toiiriquire when action on the cleaning of this ditch which affected his pro iperty was golngto receive atten tion Road supervisor Stewart was em powered by motion of council to amae the culvert on the 8th li so it would be deep enough to take the water Turn to page three please rhythm 3n night was attended by members of the Air Cadets and on the third night by Girl Guides The three queens were MargaretCampbell Innisfil No Churchill Judy Wil lis Innisfii No 12 Holly and Eliz abeth Reid lnnisfil No Belle Ewart and were very beautiful After giving speech to the Com monwealth the senior girls sang two part chorus Elizabeth of Eng land by Haydn Wood The massed choir sang The King of Love My Shepherd is and God Save the Queen The children enjoyed preparing and presenting these concerts of singing dances drillsand pageant and audiences certainly showed ap preciation of the work done by the music supervisor teachers and pu pils Remarkable Feature remarkable feature of the pres entations is that the children of all the schools represented sang to gether so well in unity and hur mony without even one mass re hearsal owing to the distances be tween schools and speaks volumes for the leadership of Miss Rumble who was also accompanist and con Iductor for all of the singing Receives Bouquet She was the recipient of beau tiful bouquet of golden daffodils on behalf of the Rotary Club and ex pressed her gratitude to the Club the teachers school boards inspect or Scott andlall who helped to make the festivals possible The three Rotarians who acted as master of ceremonies one each night were Ronald Stewart Dick Steele and Harold Forester Tlic importan work of stage lighting was well handled by Don laid McKinnon and added greatly to the beauty of the productions TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Antween $750 and $1000 Informs Board Of Free Work Done layDoctors Sonic idea of the local doctors carry out in Barrie for which they receive no reim bursement was given by Dr Neil Laurie at last nights meeting of the Royal Victoria Hospital Board in reply to suggestion at the last meeting of the boardby Itceve Roy Hickling Vespra that the doc tors could contribute something to the paving of the ground around the hospital Addressing the board Dr Laurie said he did not know whether Reeve Hickling had been serious or not when he made the suggestion but he went on to say that he felt that some comments should be made on what the local doctors act ually didcontributc to the welfare of the community He told the board that as soon as an indigent patient came into the work which hospital the doctor who was treaty ing that person did not receive one nickel for his work Worked out on normal rates this meant that in the course of year local doctors had contributed services which Would normally be valued at any thing up to $5000 or $6000 Whngthesenpatientowhadttrb treated surgically and for fractures still with no reimbursement to the doctor it could be seen how this figure might mount We also give free lectures to the nurses in the hospital and pro vide the entire staff with free medical care he added In addition to that Itihink it will be found that when donations were being asked for the work on the Royal Victoria Hospital local doctors donated individually be ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL TO JOIN REGIONAL GROUP IN NEW PROVINCIAL SETUP The Royal Victoria Hospital is ups to become part of new provincewide setup whereby hospitals are to be set up fthe train the Gowan Street siding into regional groups so that there will be more chance of them being able to study mutual problems in an easier way than has existed in the past Decision that the RVH will now become one ofthe units in Hospital Region No It was taken at last nights meeting of the hospital board on motiOn of Warren Wil gar seconded by Harold Rule Rccent Meeting Cameron secretary to the board said that meeting had been held recently in Barrie which was attended by representatives of the hospitals in the different geo graphical locations which would come under the group for this area The Ontario Hospital Association he said wanted these regional hos pital groups to start functioning under regular constitution The groups would meet throughout the province to diseuss the problems NO Examiner Issue NxtjM53slav 909159 Helllay ic Nextuonmyhy 18 is totin my Jhe Queens Birthday by proclamaonol the federal governmth and no all tion 4i TheBarrio Examiner that be published it sanctum tory holiday through Canada Areasaxe the momma pro claimed tint be In i953 Victoria my which had aloritys been the 24th of May would be Observed on the Mom day preceding MSyZST Tltls your that happens to be May 18 Office andth or The Bar rie Examiner will Tic uosed Monday May 13 as wiltstores andmuat business places on the holldoy For sporting attrac tions there tumultuous off list dorky In Danie harness horse races at Wm Beach motorcycle races at laconic Airport uftboll tournament at resinous And of mom got omlawn barriers and tennis enthusiastswill plentyol mum if the weather to favor which came up in the different hos pitals Mr Cameron emphasized that the new setup was purely Of con sultative nature No action of this new council was binding on any Of the hospitals It was purely con the problems applying to all hos pitalsi and to make recommenda tions to them Thesa problems in this way could be discussdat level wbiCh was impossible at the large hospital convention which was held once ayear in Toronto Foctmutte In County They had been very fortunate in this area Mr Cameron added in that they had had the Simcoe County Hospital Association func tioning for the last four years 77 It had worked very successfully from every point of view representing the six hospitals in Simcoe County The meeting which was held to Turn to page three please Mitulous Escape When TruckxGoels Out of controlf Mrs Shirley Young Shanty Bay her four year old sun andifour months old baby Diane had miraculous escapewhen the panel night and rolledjover twice before ending up in ditch The Vehiclie was being driven west alongcounty rOad 10 Or0 Township when it went onto the shoulder of the road went out of control and continued for about 25 feet before turning ovcr Youngs babywas thrown out of the truck when it rolled over and she landed in the ditch Victoria Hospital for examination but Mrs Young and her son were poly sufferhig from shock The baby reeeived bruises and abrav aloha to the face and forehead Sultative body working to discuss truck which Mrs Young was driv ing went out of control on Monday Mrs MAN IS KILLED INSTANTLY AS TRAIN HITS CAR Noah Payne 63 put time carpenter of Orilllz RR was killed instantly arty Tues day morning when his was struck by the Torontmbm couver train at the CPR cross inr It the old Redoubt Station His daughter Ellen who was travelling in the cur with him escaped Injury In the accident which occurred at 145 21 PC Jock Shepherd OPI in vestigated and it Is believed that Payne was attempting to cross the Intersection when his car stalled The car was carried for 500 yards and traffic on the main line was held up for two hours Paynes daughter apparently managed to get clear before the impact Dr George IIaIl Told wuter was called Coroner was Dr Jurdinc Orillia Hospital Trustees Back Resolution on Govt Rate Increase At their meeting in the nurses residence Ross Street last night the trustees of the Royal Victoria Hospital agreed to endorse reso lution of the Waterloo City Coun oil which asks the provincial gov ernment to increase the statutory rate for indigent patients more closely related to hospital ward costs copy of the resolution was for warded from St Thomas Memorial Hospital asking the RVH board to give the matter their consideration The resolution pointed out that the KitchenerWaterloo Hospital had deficit which was created by the loss on indigent patients Un der the provisions of the Public Hospital Act municipalities were obligated to pay only $350 per day for indigent patients in the Kiteh truerWaterloo hospital It went on to ask that the provincial govern ment be requested to increase the statutory rate to meet the ward costs in their municipality which was $650 The board finally agreed on the motion of Mayor James Hart to approve the resolution in the amended form that they recom mcnd that the statutory indigent rate comparable to public ward rates be increased but not to ex Ceed $650 It was sgredmar copies of the resolution be sent to the municipal ities in Simoce County to Simcoe County Council and to local mem bers of parliament for their con sideration and approval OLD HOME WEEK AUG TO As we told you before on Sat urday theres the centennial year dog Show at the Barrie Arena On Monday the centennial fish derby and the CNR museum train will be on display next Monday Tues day and Wednesday In preparation for the coming of is being levelled up and there will the ground at the entrance to the train and also at the exit Speaking about the ONE museum trainwe might mention the fact that the complete history of the Northern Railway of Canada is contained in most interesting and Toronto and released under the auspices of the Upper Canada Bail way Society Incorporated The booklet is entitled Four Whistles to Woodup and the rst copies are now comingcff the press In order that residents of Barrie this booklet the ladies of Collier Street Church WA have agreed tohandle the sale of them next Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and also during theentire centen nial year ures in the booklet is the special time table for the train which car ried His Royal Highness Albert Edward PrincewotWales latex King Edward VII from Toronto trousers Allandale Statibn prepared to give out with song IIbwever the town took solong reading their addresses nt have time to do any singing This is only one ofthe many in teresting events of theearlyrail madlng days contained in the book let Four Whistles to Woodup QUEENS GRADUATES In the list of those receiving de grees from Queens University Kingston in the May ConVOcation are the following from Simoce County Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Pass Course Harold Francis Burris Miller Camp Borden Catharine Alene Reid Elmvale Bachelor of Commercc James Robert Wright Collingwood the informative booklet which has been written by Frank Walker of and district may procure cupies of One of the most interesting feat toCollingwood inSept 10 1880 The booklet also records thefact that His Royal Highness wore white hat blue coat and grey When the Royal train arrived at hundreds of school childreanere onliand all dignitaries that the poor school children did Peter Thomson Sun The were all taken to R0Y3Ljeant Drillia IBachelorf of Arts 0119 Ilium Examiner iClosing Hour Change for Stores MONDAY mm single copy l6 Pages Two on FRIDAY Iriday9pmllnd Saturday Bum If Bylaws Approved Subject to the necessary approval being given to the appro priate bylaws the change in local shop closing hourswt pm on Friday and ti pill on Saturday instead of the existing pm closing on Friday and to come into effect in the near future probably around the beginning of June Bylaw Rewinded At Monday nights meeting of town conned it was agreed that present closuighours bylaw be rescmdcd and new bylaiWs be prepared to make the change ef tective The bylaws may be in troduced the next meeting of counml on Monday May 25 for the necessary readings That there Is more than one bylaw is due to the fact that the different cate gorics of merchants had to submit petition governing their particu lar type of business Each group requires its own bylaw Mcrchants Dcputation Present at the meeting were George Caldwdl elrairman of the merchants committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Geoff Glenn representing the merchants The petitions for change in hours were presented to council at its last meeting but decision on the ac tion to be taken was deferred at that time Addressing council Mr Caldwell reviewed the events leading up to the presentation of the petitions About two months ago there was agitation in town about Friday op ening in the evening and closing on Saturday night Word reached the Chamber of Commerce andhe as chairman of the merchants coin mittee was asked to do something public meeting was called of all business mcn on the main mch and other parts of town Describing how he had chaired that meeting Mr Caldwell said It was just like sitting on top of volcano At that time he added no one had any idea if anyone was in favor of the idea or not but the meeting came to very satisfactory con clusion Only one grocer one hard ware business and one housefur nishingbusiness were not in favor Majority In Favor There were at least 80 people at that meeting and the vast major ity was in favor Mr Caldwell pointed out There was only one thing we could do and that was to follow out the resolution gthe meeting to draw up petitioniiand go down to all the people on the main street and elsewhere in town where there were businesses Mr Caldwll said that visits were also paid to the three persons al ready mentioned evn although it was known that they were not in favor The hardware representa tive when informedthat all the other storcswf this type in town Brought of lifetime be finelycrushed stone spread on picture byRed Emmistaff photographerifl isz auxin day pm on Saturday is likely BDCI 53rd Cadet Inspection Arena Thursday Night Tomorrow evening May 14 the 53rd annual Barrie District Collegiate cadet inspection will take place at Barrie Arena commencing at oclock sharp Inspecting officer will be Col onel Cameron OBIS ED of Camp Borden Included in the program will be the various cadet competi tions drills gymnastics and PT by the 800 buy and girl stud ents The Barrie Collegiate oncert Band will also take parL If weather permits the cadets and the girls of the school led by the band will parade at 715 from the Town Hall Square to the Arena had signed said that if it was the wish of the majority he would also Sign the petition Alderman Johnston Why should man who does not wish to close bc forced to close by law Mr Caldwell Ina democratic country the majority always rules No one can be dictator Alderman Johnston The minor ity also has to be protected Mr Caldwell went on to illus trate how the petitions had receiv ed strong support right along the main street and elsewhere to By Council ymooltioo TownCouncil Briefs LUIIO With His Worship Mayor James Hart presiding council had heavy agenda at its meeting on Monday night nishing shortly be fore midnight All members of council were present deputation was present from the Barrie Public School Board on the subject of obtaining pathway from Sunnidale Road to the rear of the school for the children liv ing in that area The board mom bcrs informed council they hid been advised that there was prof erty available for such purpose halfway up Sunnidale 108de meeting of council the baud town planning board and other in terestcd persons will be called to discuss means of securing path or roadway from Suflnidale Road to Toronto Street or to the rear of the school property Council referred request from The Barrie Examiner asking the town to purchase advertising in its centennial edition to the recep tion committee for consideration Permission was granted to Sandler to erect sign over his business premises at 16 Mulcaster Street subject to the supervision of the town engineer Request by the applicant to have second sign placed on property at the corner of Mulcaster and Dunlap Streets for which he had the pro perty owners permission was not granted It was felt that it was not correct to have signs hung on property indicating other business premises not located onthe main street which Alderman Johnston Crejoin ed In closing these people by law you are getting away from democ racy You are killing free enter prise It was pointed outby Mr Cald well however that the same posi tion had existed when the Wednes halfday closing bylaw was put through Alderman Paddison then commented understand the ob ject of this is to get the tourist business going through on Friday night wonder if the merchants have given consideration to fann erswho might live between Bar rie and other large towns in the county who vould go elsewhere to do business if the stores were clos ed here on Saturday nights Replying to this question Mr Caldwell said that after they held the public meeting at whichvthis matter had been discussed nothing Turn tOpage five please Counciliagreeddo carry out the directions of the Ontario Munictpal Board regarding the annexation of part of the Township of Warm this is the triangular piece of land near Highway 400 which has been discussed at recent joint meetings of the two municipalities To carry out annexation council must vubmit an application sketch of the land in question and an appro priate bylaw This was indicated to council in letter from the board request from Don Neil to purchase lot 12 or 13 west side of Cumberland Street was referred to the nance committee Permission was granted to Mrs Jean Jackman RR Midhurst to Operate catering vehicle provid ed she did not sell on town pro perty that where she sold her goods she must have the permis sion of rtherproperty owner and that she must obtain pedlars license In letter to council the applicant stated her intention was to use her vehicle to serve food stuffs to workers on highway con struction coalyards lumber yards and other such places where there were no restaurant facilities for the workers It was intimated in letter from FireCltlef Irwin that there had been 26 re calls during AD ril and 54 inspections carried out He also praised the new re alarm system at the RVH which has now been booked up to the municipal alarm system recovery 01164 lenses hammers and priedopen request by Phillip Love for the removal Of parking meter in front of the laneway at his prerriises on Owen Street was re ferrd to the trafficconunittee It was agreed that Alderman Williams chairman of the trot tie eommittee attend the annual Ontario Traffic conference to be held at Kingston June 10 It and 12 Robert Campbell town engineer Turn to page two please IteWardhOlfrecl ft For Information On leitz AJsubstantial reward has beet offered by the Ernst Lei ada Ltd plant Midland In formation which will lead the bodies and ve 63139158 Will were stolen from the plant theweekend Thereward offer was In Hotter Kluck assistant plant augerT The compamts Retail walueoi the snicker beenestimated at close to They represent month The mascot completely tested ed angler in spare time and when on duty is monochrome for the First Coaoperativevlocketsf and his home is 18 Boys St

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